Normally fading into silence like this would be unsettling for Haku. He was used to being made to rush everywhere, having people bark orders at them and people making fun of him. Was it better than silence? Of course not, but he wasn't accustomed to it. Silence always preceded trouble in his mind so relaxing was proving to be a nightmare for him. Fidgeting as he tried to take breaths to settle down he opened one eye and glanced at T'charrl, a bit jealous his friend had done it so easily. It was while looking at T'charrl too he noticed something amazing, bits of greenery seeming to appear out of nowhere along the landscape. At first he thought maybe he was seeing things, blinking a handful of times and rubbing at his eyes for good measure. Yet sure enough as he looked around he saw patches of grass coming in, saplings sprouting up and even flowers coming in. Along the ruined buildings were vines and other small plants, giving the brown, desolate landscape a bit of color. Was T'charrl able to do all of this himself?
This was... It was amazing. What he wouldn't give to be able to do something even remotely as impressive, to be of some use. He couldn't do anything right now though and he'd have to accept that, it was just how things were. Not wanting to disrupt T'charrl either he kept silent as he closed his eyes again, attempting to force himself to relax. Knitting his brow in concentration he found it even more difficult now, the very air around him sparking with energy as all the plants began to grow. It wasn't a bad sensation but certainly a distracting one. Frowning as he found it next to impossible he let out a sigh, wondering if he should maybe go for a walk instead and let his friend work. Turning his head to ask about it he jumped when something brushed against his arm, opening his eyes startled and glancing around at the nothingness before him. What was that? When he next felt something cool touching his cheek he yelped and scrambled back, startled as he tried to see whatever it might be. "W-Who's there? What's going on?!"
"Right... We'll be nearby in case you need help, I promise," Sasha reassured, smiling as she watched Kiton go off. He really didn't seem like a bad person despite what he was, just that he had a lousy hand in life. The number of people in their fold who were like him were innumerable, she couldn't fault someone for something they were handed. Glancing at her brother she gave a nod before running across the road, getting to the buildings opposite Ricken and starting to move along the backs. No pirates back here from the looks of it, meaning setting up their ambush should be a piece of cake. Reaching the end of her buildings she took to a crouch and peered around to get a view of the building, seeing the pirates there still chatting away without a care. On the far side she could just spot her brother doing the same, hiding again and preparing to leap into action at a moment's notice. Kiton should be okay though, maybe, so long as nothing unexpected happened.
"Can you believe the guy? 'Let us go and we'll give you all the money you want!' Idiot! Their money's no good off-world, why would we want money!" the pirate laughed, his own echoing with the sound of his companions.
"Higher market for some of their things though, they've got fancy tools here," another pirate added, grinning as he thumbed back towards the door, "Not to mention the ladies are easy on the eyes. Could probably drag a few with us for the ride home, pawn them off somewhere even. Probably a big market for some lookers like them!"
It was now the men found themselves taking notice of Kiton's approach, not sure what to make of him at first. None recognized immediately what or who he was, only that he didn't readily belong on the planet. He hardly seemed opposing, a bit colorful and frail looking to be honest. Not the sort to just start shooting at everything in sight they kept their places and just simply watched, waiting to see what the stranger might do. Once the Frost Demon set down they exchanged uncertain glances, muttering something among themselves before everyone burst out laughing.
"Look at this! Seems like a clown as come to entertain us!" one of them roared, pointing at Kiton in amusement, "All them bright colors, what's with that?"
"Poor lad's gone and painted himself, he's not right in the head! Where's he get off doing that anyways?"
One of the pirates smirked as he approached Kiton, parting his coat to show the blade underneath, the blaster clear on his wrist. "Look boy, this isn't any place to be coming around all willy nilly, understand? We're doing important business, so why don't you get on out of here?" Wait a moment... How did he get in here anyways? The whole town was under guard, he shouldn't have been able to make it this far. Knitting his brow in confusion for a moment the pirate took a second to look around, clearing his throat and stepping a bit closer.
"Look... I don't know how you got in here kid, but you'd best leave, now. This town's on a bit of a lockdown, and no one's supposed to be allowed in. Unless you want us flaying your hide for trespassing I suggest you get a move on, understand?"
"Well your blade was left back home, remember? We didn't think we were going to need it, and it's uh... Well it's not something you can really carry around town," Yumi explained, smiling sheepishly. There had been a handful of residents who had seen Viral with it before and gotten into a panic over it, and rightfully so. Seeing a big man like Viral lugging around a giant blade would probably put anyone on edge, she couldn't blame them even if she knew he wouldn't harm anyone. "You've never had to really rely on them before, and you won't have to later. If you're talking about your forms just your energy is enough for them, right? And your blade is sharp enough to hurt them too, your forms will be a last resort." Once he had them figured out and under his command too there would be no more accidentally changing, no more worries that he may transform on a moment's notice and hurt someone. She hoped so anyways.
To get moving faster Yumi opted to fly instead, letting Viral know before making a gradual build up and taking off. She knew he hated to fly but it was so much quicker, and they needed to get him back to be looked at. Smiling at his Ki comment she shrugged it off, not remotely bothered by it. Everyone knew Viral wasn't too terribly fond of some of their abilities and that was fine, no one had to like everything. You couldn't argue against its usefulness though, being able to fly and get around so quickly was of huge benefit to them.
Yumi felt guilty over earlier and that she somehow should have done more, making it clear she'd try making it up somehow. There had to be something she could offer to make things better and she would find out what, anything to help ease the trouble. Pulling her mouth into a hard line when Viral doubted her ability she growled at the notion of 'taking him down', tightening her grip on him before glancing at him. "You realize what you're asking right? You're asking someone who's been your friend your whole life to hurt you. You realize how impossible that is don't you?" Yumi posed, frowning as she looked ahead, "You need to realize how much just the idea of that hurts me Viral, and please stop suggesting I do it. I'll find a way to help without hurting you, just wait."