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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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D': Sorry to hear that! And you're right, it's obvious but certainly take your time, there's no reason to hurry.
Normally fading into silence like this would be unsettling for Haku. He was used to being made to rush everywhere, having people bark orders at them and people making fun of him. Was it better than silence? Of course not, but he wasn't accustomed to it. Silence always preceded trouble in his mind so relaxing was proving to be a nightmare for him. Fidgeting as he tried to take breaths to settle down he opened one eye and glanced at T'charrl, a bit jealous his friend had done it so easily. It was while looking at T'charrl too he noticed something amazing, bits of greenery seeming to appear out of nowhere along the landscape. At first he thought maybe he was seeing things, blinking a handful of times and rubbing at his eyes for good measure. Yet sure enough as he looked around he saw patches of grass coming in, saplings sprouting up and even flowers coming in. Along the ruined buildings were vines and other small plants, giving the brown, desolate landscape a bit of color. Was T'charrl able to do all of this himself?

This was... It was amazing. What he wouldn't give to be able to do something even remotely as impressive, to be of some use. He couldn't do anything right now though and he'd have to accept that, it was just how things were. Not wanting to disrupt T'charrl either he kept silent as he closed his eyes again, attempting to force himself to relax. Knitting his brow in concentration he found it even more difficult now, the very air around him sparking with energy as all the plants began to grow. It wasn't a bad sensation but certainly a distracting one. Frowning as he found it next to impossible he let out a sigh, wondering if he should maybe go for a walk instead and let his friend work. Turning his head to ask about it he jumped when something brushed against his arm, opening his eyes startled and glancing around at the nothingness before him. What was that? When he next felt something cool touching his cheek he yelped and scrambled back, startled as he tried to see whatever it might be. "W-Who's there? What's going on?!"


"Right... We'll be nearby in case you need help, I promise," Sasha reassured, smiling as she watched Kiton go off. He really didn't seem like a bad person despite what he was, just that he had a lousy hand in life. The number of people in their fold who were like him were innumerable, she couldn't fault someone for something they were handed. Glancing at her brother she gave a nod before running across the road, getting to the buildings opposite Ricken and starting to move along the backs. No pirates back here from the looks of it, meaning setting up their ambush should be a piece of cake. Reaching the end of her buildings she took to a crouch and peered around to get a view of the building, seeing the pirates there still chatting away without a care. On the far side she could just spot her brother doing the same, hiding again and preparing to leap into action at a moment's notice. Kiton should be okay though, maybe, so long as nothing unexpected happened.

"Can you believe the guy? 'Let us go and we'll give you all the money you want!' Idiot! Their money's no good off-world, why would we want money!" the pirate laughed, his own echoing with the sound of his companions.

"Higher market for some of their things though, they've got fancy tools here," another pirate added, grinning as he thumbed back towards the door, "Not to mention the ladies are easy on the eyes. Could probably drag a few with us for the ride home, pawn them off somewhere even. Probably a big market for some lookers like them!"

It was now the men found themselves taking notice of Kiton's approach, not sure what to make of him at first. None recognized immediately what or who he was, only that he didn't readily belong on the planet. He hardly seemed opposing, a bit colorful and frail looking to be honest. Not the sort to just start shooting at everything in sight they kept their places and just simply watched, waiting to see what the stranger might do. Once the Frost Demon set down they exchanged uncertain glances, muttering something among themselves before everyone burst out laughing.

"Look at this! Seems like a clown as come to entertain us!" one of them roared, pointing at Kiton in amusement, "All them bright colors, what's with that?"

"Poor lad's gone and painted himself, he's not right in the head! Where's he get off doing that anyways?"

One of the pirates smirked as he approached Kiton, parting his coat to show the blade underneath, the blaster clear on his wrist. "Look boy, this isn't any place to be coming around all willy nilly, understand? We're doing important business, so why don't you get on out of here?" Wait a moment... How did he get in here anyways? The whole town was under guard, he shouldn't have been able to make it this far. Knitting his brow in confusion for a moment the pirate took a second to look around, clearing his throat and stepping a bit closer.

"Look... I don't know how you got in here kid, but you'd best leave, now. This town's on a bit of a lockdown, and no one's supposed to be allowed in. Unless you want us flaying your hide for trespassing I suggest you get a move on, understand?"


"Well your blade was left back home, remember? We didn't think we were going to need it, and it's uh... Well it's not something you can really carry around town," Yumi explained, smiling sheepishly. There had been a handful of residents who had seen Viral with it before and gotten into a panic over it, and rightfully so. Seeing a big man like Viral lugging around a giant blade would probably put anyone on edge, she couldn't blame them even if she knew he wouldn't harm anyone. "You've never had to really rely on them before, and you won't have to later. If you're talking about your forms just your energy is enough for them, right? And your blade is sharp enough to hurt them too, your forms will be a last resort." Once he had them figured out and under his command too there would be no more accidentally changing, no more worries that he may transform on a moment's notice and hurt someone. She hoped so anyways.

To get moving faster Yumi opted to fly instead, letting Viral know before making a gradual build up and taking off. She knew he hated to fly but it was so much quicker, and they needed to get him back to be looked at. Smiling at his Ki comment she shrugged it off, not remotely bothered by it. Everyone knew Viral wasn't too terribly fond of some of their abilities and that was fine, no one had to like everything. You couldn't argue against its usefulness though, being able to fly and get around so quickly was of huge benefit to them.

Yumi felt guilty over earlier and that she somehow should have done more, making it clear she'd try making it up somehow. There had to be something she could offer to make things better and she would find out what, anything to help ease the trouble. Pulling her mouth into a hard line when Viral doubted her ability she growled at the notion of 'taking him down', tightening her grip on him before glancing at him. "You realize what you're asking right? You're asking someone who's been your friend your whole life to hurt you. You realize how impossible that is don't you?" Yumi posed, frowning as she looked ahead, "You need to realize how much just the idea of that hurts me Viral, and please stop suggesting I do it. I'll find a way to help without hurting you, just wait."
Alright then! Well we'll plug along but I'll try keeping it from going too quick. If you see an opening just let us know and we'll try waiting for you then :)
Nymira didn't understand why others were so offended when she only spoke the truth. Perhaps Ethan and Amuné were friends, and Ethan was probably friends with Cecil as well, but that was where the friendships ended. They still hardly knew one another and she couldn't understand how this brief time could allow anyone to truly be friends. Zander and Geoffrey were largely strangers and two people who were only with them because of circumstance: if two travelers banded together for better chances of survival did that make them friends? Or was it for convenience? For all the offense taken from her statements the Dimuran could only shrug off her criticisms, her mind unwavering and her stance remaining the same.

"Hey Amuné, we need to try being nice, right? We're traveling together, arguing doesn't help anything," Ethan chided gently, smiling as he reached over and pat the young Ydran on the back. Yes Zander could be... Difficult, but he wasn't a bad person, just as Nymira wasn't. They might need a bit of time but they would come around and everyone would get along eventually, he was certain of that.

No reinforcement on Ethan's part was going to stem this fire it seemed. Amuné had already made up her mind she disliked what was being said and with Cecil now leaving she was no doubt infuriated. Nymira simply sat and let the young girl get her thoughts out, finding the outburst to be both childish and unnecessary. Sighing as Cecil left the room she took another sip of her ale, directing her eyes to the young girl once more as she went on.

"If he cannot handle the truth then that's not my fault. It's more cruel to lie to him, don't you think? We should be upfront about things." Cecil had run off by now with Ethan hot on his heels, and now Amuné too was leaving to chase after that blundering fool. Nymira might consider checking on them had food not arrived, her hunger overriding her marginal concern for where they might be going. They would come back, she told herself, cutting into her food to examine it, they had to. Once they blew off a bit of steam and reflected on what was said they would realize the truth behind her words and accept them, even if they might not like them.

Biting into her steak the Dimuran found it to be a bit rough yet adequately seasoned, though not sure what it was seasoned with. Certainly better tasting than the hastily stripped and cooked meals she'd had as of late, she'd gladly eat this. Glancing up briefly at Zander she shrugged again, taking another sample and chasing it down with a drink of her ale. "I pray if I've killed for my meal, and I pray for special occasions. I don't pray for every single meal, that's ridiculous," Nymira answered plainly, "We've more important things to worry about than making sure we thank the Saints for every apple or nut we enjoy with our meal, don't you think?"

If Ethan could put one foot in front of him without stumbling he'd have easily caught Cecil by now. Unfortunately that single glass of ale was more than he generally drank in an entire month and it was having its effects on his empty stomach; managing to navigate to the door he hiccuped loudly when passing through, getting out just in time to see Cecil jump up to the rooftop. Groaning in realizing he now had to give chase in his state he put a hand on his stomach, turning when he heard the door open again behind him. Why had Amuné come after them? She disliked Cecil right now so that couldn't be it, so it had to be over what Nymira was saying.

"Hey Amuné... I need you to go back inside, okay? I uh..." Ethan began, taking a pause to cover his mouth as he belched, "Ugh... I need to talk to Cecil okay? And you should go eat, we might not have a chance to later." With how hectic their days had been as of late they really should take advantage of every period of reprieve they got. Saints only knew what was in store for them later. Seeing the girl still undeterred he knelt down, reaching out as she approached and giving her hair a gentle ruffling. "I know you're not getting along with them, but... Try, okay? I'm positive they're not bad people, they're just not used to this. Give them time, go inside and eat, I'll be back with Cecil soon."

If Amuné didn't want to return inside she had little choice, going with himself and Cecil was well out of the question. "Keep an eye on her, okay Wyth? Make sure your girl gets plenty of food," Ethan said before pushing himself to his feet, smiling as he gave the pair a wave. Turning back to where Cecil had gone he sized up the building, trying to get some idea of how high he had to vault to reach the roof. Between being famished and slightly intoxicated it was hardly the most logical thing he could be doing yet the Muran found no other means of chasing his friend. Tapping the ball of his foot against the dirt a few times he nodded to himself, thinking he had the idea down now.

Taking a few steps forward he slammed down his right foot, kicking out some magic in the process and propelling himself upward, angling for the rooftop where Cecil was hidden. He certainly went high enough, a little too high as he was now almost two meters over the top of it. Gasping and realizing his mistake, coupled with how badly that jump jostled his stomach's contents, Ethan flailed as he began his descent down. Were he in his right mind he'd use another burst of magic to cushion his fall, but instead he tumbled down, rolling to break the impact and ending up face planting against the tiles, groaning with his rear in the air in the process. Now he really felt like he wanted to hurl as he pushed himself up with his hands, sitting on his hindquarters and placing both over his stomach.

"Ts... Ow ow ow... H-Hey, Cecil..." Ethan managed weakly, burping and covering his mouth preemptively before settling down, "Where you going...? We need to talk, sit down please? I really... REALLY don't want to run right now..."
D: Still wanting to join yeah?
Ethan doesn't help everyone! He'd say no to Hitler...

Haku's face flushed a bit from embarrassment at that, feeling awkward as he rubbed at his neck. "Oh, I k-know... I mean you look like one, but I uh... I mean that doesn't make you one. We look like humans but we're not... Uh, sorry." Idiot, putting his foot in his mouth like that, he'd gone and upset his friend. What other reason would Takeshi be afraid though unless T'charrl looked like one? It was the prince's fault anyways for being such a baby about bugs to begin with. Trying to move on and help his friend Haku assumed the position to relax, sitting but not doing much. Unsure of how to proceed he looked to T’charrl for help, nodding once at his suggestion and closing his eyes again. “Right… Okay, I can get this.” Taking a deep breath, he settled down, trying not to think too much, to not move or not let himself be distracted. Listening to what was around him he could hear his own breath, T’charrl’s and the wind. Wasn’t doing much for him but he assumed this was right.


If there was an alternative to sending Kiton in on his own Sasha couldn’t think of it. The whole ordeal seemed dangerous as they still didn’t know exactly what or who they were up against. Those four pirates had been pushovers yet there was no guarantee the rest would be just as easy. “It’s not that I don’t trust you… You’ve stayed with us and you seem like a good person, that’s not it. It’s just kind of moot, trying to help you turn over a new leaf, if you end up dead doing it. We don’t know what risks there are here, we shouldn’t be so ready to just throw you to the fire.”

“But he’s willing, and it could be our only option. Look, I’m not your biggest fan if that hasn’t been made clear already, but I won’t let you die either. I’m not that heartless.” If Kiton was to be their newest ally then he needed to try and treat him as such. Easier said than done of course as he still had issues with the princes and their friends, but he’d give it an attempt. “If you’re willing to do it then go for it, we’ve got your back.”

Sasha could see regardless of her disapproval this was going to be their likely course of action. Fine, she’d just have to be absolutely sure not to let anything happen. “It’s my job to make sure you get back in one piece, so we’ll help if you need it,” she added, smiling slightly as they came to the end of the road. It looked like the building they were after was down at the end of the next, if the small crowd of pirates was any indication. Glancing around she considered their options, getting back around the corner and gesturing towards their target. “I think the best option is for Kiton to approach them while Ricken and I go down the side roads. If things take a turn we’ll be able to pincer them, there’s more than us but we’ll have surprise on our side.”


“You won’t have to, it’ll get better. This was just a little hiccup right?” Viral had come a long way, much too long to start relapsing and fall back again. He had those other forms down even if he didn’t believe so himself and he was far healthier than he was. Yumi refused to let him think he was going to fail, he’d spent too much time down to have to go through any of that again. Breaking free from the treeline she started down the road, keeping Viral in her grasp while they walked. “I guess not, sorry. Let’s just focus on getting you home for now, yeah? We can worry about all that later.”

Walking worked just fine but it would take too long, there was one alternative to that. “I’m going to fly us there to get us back quicker, just giving you a fair warning. I won’t go that fast though.” Doubtless Viral didn’t wish to fly but they needed to pick up the pace, and running with him in tow just wouldn’t cut it. Breaking into a slow jog Yumi jumped off of her back foot, taking up into the air and rising a few dozen meters from the ground, just high enough to clear any trees. Her hold on Viral was secure as could be now, tucking him against herself like a child as she began flying. “I’m sorry I didn’t help you before, I didn’t know what to do. But I’ll be sure to make it up to you now.”
"I wouldn't know, never really had friends. If getting a bit of a surprise means being your friend though then that's fine, it's worth it," Haku said with a smile, snickering then behind his hand, "Well I know Takeshi looks like he wants to piss himself. He acts so big but he's scared of bugs, and ones that are way smaller than you. Some big scary prince he is." To think he'd been so intimidated when he heard about the older prince at first. Sure he was strong but all it took to beat him was something crawly, some warrior. They could probably joke about Takeshi's irrational fear all afternoon but there were more important things to be doing: T'charrl needed to get more comfortable with his ability and Haku might just know what could help. Shame he couldn't remember what it was called for the life of him but it seemed like his friend figured it out. Mimicking what was done he sat down cross-legged as well, placing his hands in his lap with a smile. "Uh... Yeah, I can give it a try. I haven't gotten it to work yet but it's supposed to be good for you, so can't hurt." Closing his eyes he sat there unmoving, not totally sure what he was supposed to do at this point. It'd come to him... Maybe.


"Not the point. You could break someone's neck like that, and hard to get information from a dead man," Sasha pointed out before disappearing inside, returning with cord to restrain the men. Gathering that information had been easy enough, now they only needed to find the building and get the hostages. But how should they go about it? Again a direct attack just seemed like an awful idea, and they couldn't well break in and risk hurting anyone inside, so that was out of the question.

"You want to be bait? Is that it?" Ricken asked, a bit surprised to hear Kiton willing to do such a thing. Smirking he scoffed before folding his arms, shrugging and waving his hand. "Well go ahead if you want to, I don't care. Saves us a headache having to come up with an alternative."

Sasha frowned at her brother's callousness, shaking her head then and looking to Kiton. "There's other ways we can do this, that's too risky for you. You shouldn't have to put yourself in danger like that if we can help it. Maybe we can... I don't know, find another door, or a window or something. There has to be another way in."

"But none are as easy as this and you know it. Besides, it's not like we'd completely abandon him. He goes up to the building and tries getting in, if they get suspicious or attack him then he can handle them, or we'll move in and help. It's our easiest way inside sis," Ricken pointed out, looking to Kiton then with a frown, "Question is whether you can handle it or not. Pirates are usually pushovers, getting through them shouldn't be hard if you have to fight. But think you can not screw up and kill someone?"


"Whatever it is, I've seen that. This one wasn't anything I had seen before, that's what I'm saying." Losing control was okay if it was new, Viral was unfamiliar with it so it was fair he wouldn't know how to use it right. Given that Aito and Vegeta had helped with the other two it was only a matter of time until this one was taken care of as well. Smiling coyly at Viral she giggled, her smile wavering when he mentioned he couldn't see. "Are you... You're not blind are you?" she asked worriedly, glancing down and trying to get a peek at Viral's eyes, "I mean... It is still very early, and you were underground for a while. I'd have a hard time seeing too if I was in your position." Definitely something worth having looked at just to be safe it wasn't a real issue. Hopefully Viral's vision would improve once they finally broke out of the forest, something which only took a moment longer to get to. With the warm glow of the sun now the temperature picked up a little and they could see easier. "I bet you're probably hungry too. I'll make you something when we get back."
"Well yeah... I mean so maybe sometimes you surprise me, doesn't mean you're not my friend. Would be a pretty stupid reason not to consider you a friend," Haku answered back, wondering why he even had to explain it. There was also the small fact that T'charrl was likely his only friend, but he left that out, not wanting to make it sound bad in any way. "Hey, sometimes is better than never. And if you keep working on it then it will be all the time, right? You can do this." He had to, he didn't even want to think about what might happen if the powers weren't mastered. Surely no one would really hurt him right? He wouldn't let anyone hurt his friend, for whatever that was worth, an imposing fighter he was not. "What if you tried a sort of... Oh what's it called... That thing where you sit really still and think. Why don't you try that? I mean its not really sleeping, but maybe that would help? I've seen people around the base doing it and I've tried it, though I think I'm doing it wrong. That way you won't really be asleep though right?"


Their surprise attack had more than done the trick, three guards laid out in a matter of seconds by Sasha and Ricken. With Kiton handling the final one they had effectively rendered that guard obsolete, now they only had to question the remaining man. Perhaps Kiton wasn't terribly familiar with how interrogations worked but generally having the person conscious helped. "Uh, good job, but can you not choke him?" Sasha asked, smiling slightly as she gestured for the man to be set down. When he was he tried scrambling away, whimpering as Ricken grabbed him by the shirt and threw him back against the wall, a foot slamming next to his head to make sure he didn't go anywhere. Giving Kiton a grateful smile she walked over to the man, crouching down before him and rolling her eyes as he began to plead for his life.

"We're not going to kill you, relax please. We're only asking you a few questions," Sasha explained, reaching up and pushing Ricken's leg away to give the pirate some space, "We were told you have some hostages here, we're just looking to free them, that's all. No one has to die in this place, and we're going to try avoiding that at all costs. But we're going to need your help to do that, okay?" Watching the man nod frantically she smiled, relaxing a little as she stood up. "Good, now please, if you know where they are tell us, we won't hurt any of your friends either, at most they'll be knocked out. You're doing a good thing helping us here."

The pirate nodded again, stammering incoherently at first before clearing his throat and pointing down the road. "T-That way! They're back in some big s-stone building, about 500 meters from here. C-Can't miss it, should have some more men o-outside," he got out, frowning as he shook his head, "And these people a-aren't my friends, I'm just trying to make a q-quick haul, need money. C-Couldn't care less if you killed them to be honest."

Ricken scowled hearing that, reaching down and smacking the back of the man's neck to knock him out. "That's why I hate pirates, there's no loyalty there. Just after money without any regard for what happens to others," he mumbled, placing his hands on his hips, "But at least we know where the hostages are now. These four should be out for a bit, we can probably go take care of that and deal with rounding these guys up later. Kiton? Next time try not nearly breaking their neck, not exactly a safe way to restrain someone."

"He did fine Ricken, cut him some slack," Sasha quipped in annoyance, glancing at the four men thoughtfully before going into the building, returning moments later with a cord she'd found. Pulling them all together she managed to just get the cord around them, tying it securely to bind them, albeit temporarily. Should do well enough to keep them from running off until they returned at the very least. "Next step I suppose is go find that building, and figure out how we're getting those people out," she mused, looking at Kiton carefully for a moment before smiling, "Any ideas? I want to see how you'd handle this."


"You did... Well everything else anyways. I never saw you change into this before. It was like a shark only... Well on land. And in water, and underground," Yumi muttered as her brow knit together, trying to think of a better way to describe it, "Aito might know more, but it was new to me. I've seen your cat form, and I've seen the lizard form, but I've never seen this. It's not your fault if a new form came out, and honestly that new form probably saved your life." Having reassured Viral he wasn't going to change they began moving back out of the forest, towards their temporary home and no doubt into the waiting arms of June. Again Viral began to grow panicked, seeming like he was running from something despite safely being in her arms. Sighing when Viral asked to be put down she reinforced her hold on him, cradling him against her chest and giving her friend a stern smile. "I wish you stupid men would just let someone help you for once. No I'm not letting you go, I'm making sure you get back safely. And to do that I need to carry you, so clam up and enjoy the ride."
Haku couldn't offer any ideas, he had no idea why a spirit would hang around. It wasn't exactly something spoken about much back home, if you died then you died in the line of duty, you were honored and that was that. He'd since learned about things like Otherworld since joining this group yet he still had more questions than answers. Kind of creepy too now that he considered it, being surrounded by a bunch of spirits. Of course none were visible when he glanced around but he knew they were still there, it was creepy enough knowing some may be watching him.

"P-Put down? You mean as in killed?" Haku asked, frowning before shaking his head, "No way! They would never kill you, they're the good guys, right? And... And you can learn how to use it, I'm positive you can! I mean... You are already better than you were right? You didn't get this far to just stop now. And... Even if you didn't there's no way they would kill you, they're your friends, I'm your friend. I wouldn't let that happen." They had to find a way for T'charrl to be able to control his ability, but how? Truth be told he wasn't completely sure what the ability was and only knew it had something to do with spirits and plants. If he had some idea he could give an idea, if anyone had some clue they could help yet apparently no one knew. If they did they weren't talking and that infuriated him. "Well uh... You can talk to the spirits? Can you talk to the one you have? Maybe it can help?"


"I did say it wasn't easy. But it's about having the resolve to do the right thing. No matter who it is, if someone's harming others we need to be able to stop them," Sasha reiterated, "Sometimes its someone we might know, or even someone we used to fight with. It happens, we've been there, and it does suck. But that's what it takes to keep people safe sometimes." It's what it might take here, and while it wasn't a simple thing to ask Kiton to do he needed to be prepared to face these sort of challenges. If he didn't want to be viewed as a criminal anymore and turn over a new leaf he'd have to do difficult things regardless of the path he chose, it wasn't like just flipping a switch and expecting everything to work out. They were approaching the settlement now in earnest and there wasn't any backing out now, Sasha hoped Kiton could see this through, for his sake if nothing else.

"Doesn't matter, we'll take them out," Ricken whispered as he followed Sasha's lead, cutting across an alleyway to the back of an adjacent building, "Just have to keep an eye out and watch for any signs of a trap, so stay alert." When they were on the job he could quickly turn all business just as he had, his entire focus now on freeing these villagers. As they reached the rear of another house the siblings exchanged glances, and without a word Sasha ran across as Ricken disappeared, landing on the rooftop above Sasha and peering from around the wall on the top. From here he could spot about four pirates standing in front of a building, chatting away and drinking, having a good time of it all. Disgusting, criminals acting all happy and pleased with themselves. Reaching back he knocked against the roof four times, just loud enough for Sasha to hear.

"Four enemies ahead, meaning number wise we're pretty even," Sasha explained to Kiton, stopping at the corner and putting a finger to her lips. Taking a glance around the corner she saw the men Ricken had pointed out, taking a quick look around to see if anyone else was around. From here she could see into the front of the building too and no one stood out, it was likely just those four here. Giving the Frost Demon a hand signal she paused, smiling apologetically before whispering, "I'll lead, you follow my lead and Ricken will bring up the rear. We're going to take them out."

Rising up on the balls of her feet Sasha looked to be ready to break into a sprint as she eyed the men, trying to decide who to pick off first. Two had blasters visible, the other two appeared unarmed, she should try getting one of the first two then. Counting down to herself she raised her rear before taking off, dashing across the ground at a surprising speed and leaping into the air as soon as she was close enough. It would feel like a sudden gust to the men, and before they knew it Sasha had her legs around one of their necks, twirling herself around and him in turn before throwing him into the wall. Ricken was a split second behind, using his arm to catch one of the pirates in the neck, nearly flipping him over as he was knocked out and landed ass up on the ground. Sasha tripped a third man just as Ricken was getting his footing, and with a single quick strike to the side of the head he was out too. The fourth pirate was now fumbling for his blaster, trying to get a shot off on the siblings.


Okay maybe "home" wasn't the right word, but that's where they were heading. June had been worried sick and Yumi had promised to bring Viral home as soon as possible, she couldn't be sitting here forever with him; moving Viral right now seemed like a bad idea given how shaken up he was. It was so unusual, seeing a generally self assured Viral losing it like this. Watching as he grasped his scarf she gave him a tearful smile, finally getting to her feet and cradling her friend against herself for warmth. "I don't know how you changed, but you're okay now. Nothing bad happened, no one was hurt, everyone is safe," she said gently as she turned, heading back the way they had come to leave the forest, "And well... Aside from being half naked and wet? No, you don't look different. Please, just save your energy and rest, everything is going to be fine Viral." Aito could check on him once they got back, June would probably try to force loads of food into him and see he was made comfortable. For her own part Yumi intended to stay at her friend's side until he calmed down, and longer still if need be.
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