Haku supposed that made sense, how would a spirit feel pain? So whatever T'charrl had done earlier had scared it then and maybe it wanted to be safe near him. But why him? That was the one thing both he and T'charrl still couldn't understand, why was this spirit following him? He'd done nothing other than sit down here and surely that hadn't triggered it. With luck there would be answers soon enough, his head was spinning trying to sort out this mess himself.
"Well... What if you didn't do this then? What if I did something?" Haku suggested, giving T'charrl what amounted to a nervous smile. He didn't know how he would have managed such a feat, he didn't have the sort of abilities that his friend had. Hell, there wasn't a single remarkable thing about him really. He was plain looking, average for a Saiyan, even weaker than someone like Yumi. He had no special training in anything and hadn't really ever accomplished much of note, so how would he have been able to do this? Were he not standing there that very moment, the ghost like dog at his feet, Haku would be hard pressed to believe anything was because of him, but what other explanation was there?
Smiling apologetically at his friend the Saiyan rubbed at his neck, glancing around the area before sitting down again. "I'm sorry, I'll be sure to be quiet this time, won't happen again," Haku muttered, figuring his friend could simply settle down again and try sitting. To his right the creature let out what sounded like a whine again, and as he glanced over it padded towards T'charrl, stopping at the Kaesstrian's feet. "H-Hey, what're you doing, uh..." He hadn't named it had he? This was worrisome though seeing it go over towards T'charrl, he hoped it wasn't going to harm his friend.
Glancing up at T'charrl with white opal-colored eyes the creature tilted its head curiously, smelling something unusual on the being before him. They smelled like two people, why was that? Moving closer to him the creature sniffed at his leg, then proceeded to rub against it once before emitting a yipping sound. It seemed to be eager to be around T'charrl in spite of being threatened earlier, getting up on its hind legs and placing its front paws on his leg, its two tails wagging excitably. Again it yipped, appearing like it wanted something from the Kaesstrian.
"You certainly did. And you came with those people, according to what my men saw. A decent act boy, but sorry to say it was over before you even started," the captain said as the sounds of fighting raged outside. He didn't seem much to mind it even as one of the walls was nearly broken through, courtesy of one of his men being slammed into it. There was only one way for this to end for Kiton and that was by fighting, and somehow emerging victorious for it. Posing that choice he smirked when the Frost Demon accepted it, letting out a short chuckle and nodding. "Not that you had much of a choice, we'd fight either way. How about we get started then?" None of that usual nonsense fighters seemed to had, blathering away and all that. Honor be damned, he wasn't some soldier living by a code. Once he'd pushed the desk aside the captain took one step forward and held his leg in the air for a split second, smashing it back down on the floor. The effects of his strike caused a fissure to appear in the rock below, the ground cracking and splitting as large stones jutted up, the fissure racing towards Kiton. Assuming he would dodge it the fissure burst right through the door, even partially blowing apart the wall to reveal the fighting on the other side.
"The captains in the fight! We've got this now!" one of the pirates cheered, promptly silenced as a fist connected with his jaw and sent him spiraling away.
"You haven't won shit, moron," Ricken growled, flexing his mechanical fist before glaring at Kiton, "Deal with him, we'll help as soon as we take care of these idiots!"
Watching his underlings be swatted like flies was humiliating, surely they could do better than this. "I'd appreciate you not calling my men idiots. Weaklings yes, but they're not idiots," the captain said with a shake of his head, sighing as he turned back to the desk again. Easily lifting it with one hand he turned back towards Kiton, taking a swing at the Frost Demon again and managing to smash it to splinters against the wall as it was avoided, extending a hand and firing off a Ki blast that blew apart the other wall, part of the ceiling crumbling along with it.
"I just figured a nap might help you, that's all. Regain a little energy," Yumi answered uncertainly, not knowing what more she might suggest. Food might help but she doubted Viral had an appetite, not after all he'd likely eaten the last few days. From the sounds of it he only needed to rest out in the sun and regain his strength that way, something that even she could help him with. Glancing at him curiously when she was questioned she only offered a shake of her head in return, hardly planning anything. She just wanted to get him somewhere he would be safe and be able to relax, that was all, there was no ulterior or anything to it.
"Viral! Oh thank goodness!"
A bit startled by the sudden shout Yumi glanced ahead, smiling seeing June barreling towards them, with Vegeta hot on her heels. Well this was nice, she was glad they had come out to see them. But how had they known? It was only then she noticed there was another energy nearby, blinking once and glancing towards the side of the road; stood against one of the trees, a knowing smile on his face was Aito. Of course he'd been around to watch over them, he'd done a magnificent job of hiding himself. Wait... He had been there the whole time, which meant...
June smiled broadly as she placed her arms around Viral, pulling him into a secure hug as tears welled in her eyes. "Oh Viral...! They said you would be okay, that you would calm down, but I was worried sick! You look exhausted honey..." She wanted so badly to bring him back home and let him lay down, make him something to eat and essentially baby him. Aito had warned her time and time again against doing such a thing however and she had to accept that both Viral and Vegeta weren't the little children she remembered. Still... A mother could worry couldn't she?
"Glad to see you're okay, being half-naked aside," Vegeta chimed in, standing just behind June as he watched the scene with a faintly amused smile, "And... Sorry it took so long. We wanted to wait, to make sure nothing happened, but we were looking after you the whole time."
"Vegeta did most of it really, he spent most of the time out there, just keeping an eye on where you were," Aito added as he approached the group, winking at Yumi teasingly before patting her on the back, "He really wanted to be sure you'd be okay, we're glad to see you back here in one piece. Welcome back Viral."
"Well... What if you didn't do this then? What if I did something?" Haku suggested, giving T'charrl what amounted to a nervous smile. He didn't know how he would have managed such a feat, he didn't have the sort of abilities that his friend had. Hell, there wasn't a single remarkable thing about him really. He was plain looking, average for a Saiyan, even weaker than someone like Yumi. He had no special training in anything and hadn't really ever accomplished much of note, so how would he have been able to do this? Were he not standing there that very moment, the ghost like dog at his feet, Haku would be hard pressed to believe anything was because of him, but what other explanation was there?
Smiling apologetically at his friend the Saiyan rubbed at his neck, glancing around the area before sitting down again. "I'm sorry, I'll be sure to be quiet this time, won't happen again," Haku muttered, figuring his friend could simply settle down again and try sitting. To his right the creature let out what sounded like a whine again, and as he glanced over it padded towards T'charrl, stopping at the Kaesstrian's feet. "H-Hey, what're you doing, uh..." He hadn't named it had he? This was worrisome though seeing it go over towards T'charrl, he hoped it wasn't going to harm his friend.
Glancing up at T'charrl with white opal-colored eyes the creature tilted its head curiously, smelling something unusual on the being before him. They smelled like two people, why was that? Moving closer to him the creature sniffed at his leg, then proceeded to rub against it once before emitting a yipping sound. It seemed to be eager to be around T'charrl in spite of being threatened earlier, getting up on its hind legs and placing its front paws on his leg, its two tails wagging excitably. Again it yipped, appearing like it wanted something from the Kaesstrian.
"You certainly did. And you came with those people, according to what my men saw. A decent act boy, but sorry to say it was over before you even started," the captain said as the sounds of fighting raged outside. He didn't seem much to mind it even as one of the walls was nearly broken through, courtesy of one of his men being slammed into it. There was only one way for this to end for Kiton and that was by fighting, and somehow emerging victorious for it. Posing that choice he smirked when the Frost Demon accepted it, letting out a short chuckle and nodding. "Not that you had much of a choice, we'd fight either way. How about we get started then?" None of that usual nonsense fighters seemed to had, blathering away and all that. Honor be damned, he wasn't some soldier living by a code. Once he'd pushed the desk aside the captain took one step forward and held his leg in the air for a split second, smashing it back down on the floor. The effects of his strike caused a fissure to appear in the rock below, the ground cracking and splitting as large stones jutted up, the fissure racing towards Kiton. Assuming he would dodge it the fissure burst right through the door, even partially blowing apart the wall to reveal the fighting on the other side.
"The captains in the fight! We've got this now!" one of the pirates cheered, promptly silenced as a fist connected with his jaw and sent him spiraling away.
"You haven't won shit, moron," Ricken growled, flexing his mechanical fist before glaring at Kiton, "Deal with him, we'll help as soon as we take care of these idiots!"
Watching his underlings be swatted like flies was humiliating, surely they could do better than this. "I'd appreciate you not calling my men idiots. Weaklings yes, but they're not idiots," the captain said with a shake of his head, sighing as he turned back to the desk again. Easily lifting it with one hand he turned back towards Kiton, taking a swing at the Frost Demon again and managing to smash it to splinters against the wall as it was avoided, extending a hand and firing off a Ki blast that blew apart the other wall, part of the ceiling crumbling along with it.
"I just figured a nap might help you, that's all. Regain a little energy," Yumi answered uncertainly, not knowing what more she might suggest. Food might help but she doubted Viral had an appetite, not after all he'd likely eaten the last few days. From the sounds of it he only needed to rest out in the sun and regain his strength that way, something that even she could help him with. Glancing at him curiously when she was questioned she only offered a shake of her head in return, hardly planning anything. She just wanted to get him somewhere he would be safe and be able to relax, that was all, there was no ulterior or anything to it.
"Viral! Oh thank goodness!"
A bit startled by the sudden shout Yumi glanced ahead, smiling seeing June barreling towards them, with Vegeta hot on her heels. Well this was nice, she was glad they had come out to see them. But how had they known? It was only then she noticed there was another energy nearby, blinking once and glancing towards the side of the road; stood against one of the trees, a knowing smile on his face was Aito. Of course he'd been around to watch over them, he'd done a magnificent job of hiding himself. Wait... He had been there the whole time, which meant...
June smiled broadly as she placed her arms around Viral, pulling him into a secure hug as tears welled in her eyes. "Oh Viral...! They said you would be okay, that you would calm down, but I was worried sick! You look exhausted honey..." She wanted so badly to bring him back home and let him lay down, make him something to eat and essentially baby him. Aito had warned her time and time again against doing such a thing however and she had to accept that both Viral and Vegeta weren't the little children she remembered. Still... A mother could worry couldn't she?
"Glad to see you're okay, being half-naked aside," Vegeta chimed in, standing just behind June as he watched the scene with a faintly amused smile, "And... Sorry it took so long. We wanted to wait, to make sure nothing happened, but we were looking after you the whole time."
"Vegeta did most of it really, he spent most of the time out there, just keeping an eye on where you were," Aito added as he approached the group, winking at Yumi teasingly before patting her on the back, "He really wanted to be sure you'd be okay, we're glad to see you back here in one piece. Welcome back Viral."