Haku sat in silence with the spirit for a few moments, having to occasionally pet it just to keep it quiet. Assuming T'charrl would be able to work as he had before he looked around when his friend had finished and wasn't exactly amazed by the results. "Uh... I mean... Did you do anything?" It didn't appear as though T'charrl had, everything looked more or less the same. When he crawled over to inspect a patch of grass he swore it did look a little bit longer, maybe, so something had been done. Smiling slightly Haku looked back at T'charrl and shrugged, plopping back onto his rear and letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry I messed you up before, this little guy scared me though..." he muttered abashed, watching as the aforementioned animal came over to his side once more. Giving its head a stroke he smiled thoughtfully and looked at T'charrl once more before suggesting, "Let it sit next to you? It's not going to hurt you, and its helped me calm down already. Maybe it can help you with that too?"
"I have my home boy, among my men! You could have a home too if you tried hard enough!" It didn't seem like the lesson was being put across, Kiton was only growing angrier by the second. The captain couldn't say he hadn't seen such a thing coming, and Korian had warned against provoking him too heavily. But blowing apart the building was just the kind of momentous attack they needed to really test the Frost Demon and so far results weren't promising. Expecting another blast in retaliation he watched in silent awe as Kiton's energy surged, his entire body being engulfed by his energy and glowing as bright as a star. This wasn't good, an attack like that was going to do serious damage. Glancing back at the buildings below the captain braced himself, spiking his own energy and trying to maintain where he was in the air. As the two bodies collided there was a loud explosion, Kiton managing to push him several meters down and nearly into the ground before the captain stopped him. Breathing raggedly from the impact he reached out to grab the Frost Demon and throw him away. "No regard for what else might be here, hm? What if you kill more people?"
"It was a little joke Viral, humor can be a wonderful thing in times of stress," Aito said as he smiled, "I'm sorry if it seems I made light of all that's happened, excuse me if that's the case." Reaching out he gave Viral's hair a slight ruffling, a little surprised he wasn't swatted at for touching his son. Viral must be really fatigued if he wasn't trying to resist that kind of contact. "Well... Maybe being proud of you for streaking isn't quite what I meant. But you've done plenty that I'm proud of, and you will continue to do plenty. And whatever you decide to work on, be it forms or anything else, you'll have all the support you need to accomplish your goals. I imagine Yumi in particular will be happy to help," Aito teased as he took a seat back on the table. "Joking aside, I noticed your vision seems to be unfocused, and you're a bit paler than usual. Sorry, doctors notice things," Aito said with a small smirk, "I'd suggest we go back outside and sit in the sun for a while, that should help a little. And before you worry about your appearance otherwise you've got on what I'd equate to shorts right now, so you are dressed... Technically. I can have Vegeta get you a change of clothes though if you'd like?"
"I have my home boy, among my men! You could have a home too if you tried hard enough!" It didn't seem like the lesson was being put across, Kiton was only growing angrier by the second. The captain couldn't say he hadn't seen such a thing coming, and Korian had warned against provoking him too heavily. But blowing apart the building was just the kind of momentous attack they needed to really test the Frost Demon and so far results weren't promising. Expecting another blast in retaliation he watched in silent awe as Kiton's energy surged, his entire body being engulfed by his energy and glowing as bright as a star. This wasn't good, an attack like that was going to do serious damage. Glancing back at the buildings below the captain braced himself, spiking his own energy and trying to maintain where he was in the air. As the two bodies collided there was a loud explosion, Kiton managing to push him several meters down and nearly into the ground before the captain stopped him. Breathing raggedly from the impact he reached out to grab the Frost Demon and throw him away. "No regard for what else might be here, hm? What if you kill more people?"
"It was a little joke Viral, humor can be a wonderful thing in times of stress," Aito said as he smiled, "I'm sorry if it seems I made light of all that's happened, excuse me if that's the case." Reaching out he gave Viral's hair a slight ruffling, a little surprised he wasn't swatted at for touching his son. Viral must be really fatigued if he wasn't trying to resist that kind of contact. "Well... Maybe being proud of you for streaking isn't quite what I meant. But you've done plenty that I'm proud of, and you will continue to do plenty. And whatever you decide to work on, be it forms or anything else, you'll have all the support you need to accomplish your goals. I imagine Yumi in particular will be happy to help," Aito teased as he took a seat back on the table. "Joking aside, I noticed your vision seems to be unfocused, and you're a bit paler than usual. Sorry, doctors notice things," Aito said with a small smirk, "I'd suggest we go back outside and sit in the sun for a while, that should help a little. And before you worry about your appearance otherwise you've got on what I'd equate to shorts right now, so you are dressed... Technically. I can have Vegeta get you a change of clothes though if you'd like?"