"Well... You said they wouldn't want you around because of that right? Because it's all you're good at? If they want you to stay then that's not the reason right? I mean if they don't want you to stay because of that, but they still want you to stay, then they want you to stay for a different reason." Ethan sure hoped he'd said that right, it made perfect sense in his head. Cecil had effectively just contradicted himself after all so he was convinced at this point his friend was just trying to find any reason for them to leave him. It wouldn't be easy but he refused to let that happen, and Ethan was self-assured that even if it seemed hard now Cecil would be happier for staying later.
"There's only one way for them to learn more about you and that's by sticking around, right? If you think about it we've only known each other a few days, that's not much time to learn about someone," Ethan said with a smile as he walked towards the edge of the roof, taking it especially slow as he was liable to trip over himself. Peering over the edge he saw a family of three walk by, smiling as the child looked up and pointed his way, waving back with a goofy grin. "I'm certain they'll be honest with you, and I'm very certain Nymira will be honest if nothing else," the Magi continued with a chuckle, glancing back and motioning for Cecil to come over, "Hey uh... Mind helping me down? I really don't want to land on my face again..."
Were Nymira and Zander not on opposite ends of the table she'd have given the healer a good smack for such an idiotic question. Perform magic in the middle of a tavern, as if she'd do something so stupid; the smallest of flames would cause smoke, and even if people did not see the spell they would surely see the smoke, that was liable to raise some eyebrows. If the paper was indeed magicked too there was no way of knowing what might happen if it burned, it was too risky. At least Zander was wise enough to recognize his own absurd question and apologize for it. So long as he didn't go requesting that she burn anything else down today she might have to excuse his idiocy entirely.
"Geoffrey will return if Amuné does, and she'll only return should Ethan return. For a child so young she has far too much on her mind," Nymira commented with a frown, placing her utensils on her empty plate and glancing about, uncertain what to do with it now. "She's not unlike many Dimuran youths back home. I had my first taste of war at only 5 years, many have it even younger than that even if they can't understand it. She has that air about her, though I don't know what she's been through. I know this journey has not been kind to her yet either." Yet the child would be stronger for it, most were. It would be hard now while going through it yet given some time she'd become stronger for it, nothing made a person grow quite like adversity.
The sound of doors swinging open and disgruntled shouts pulled Nymira's attention towards the door, rolling her eyes seeing Ethan stumbling back inside and nearly knocking another patron over. To his credit however Cecil was at his back, not at all seeming like he wished to be here. Not expecting them to be back quite so soon she arched an eyebrow as the pair approached, sitting back in her chair with her arms folded across her chest. "Welcome back, I trust some fresh air helped you clear your heads?"
Ethan had to smile at Nymira, if only because he didn't want to potentially get her to snap and upset Cecil again. Even he had some limits and the fact she wasn't apologizing irked him just in the slightest. "Yeah, did a bit for me anyways. Heads still spinning a little," he admitted with a sheepish laugh, tapping the side of his head before pointing back to Cecil. "But there's someone here who might need a little helping hand clearing his. Nymira, when you said we weren't friends earlier did you mean it? We're only servants to you?"
"I did not say servants, I said retainers, there's a difference," Nymira pointed out with a frown, glancing past Ethan and at Cecil, noting his distraught appearance. Letting out a silent sigh she sat upright in her seat before rising to her feet, circling the table and standing before the Machina. "But yes, I said we are not friends, we've hardly known one another long enough to be friends," the Dimuran pointed out as she met Cecil's forlorn gaze, "That being said it's not impossible we become friends. Nor am I wholly opposed to it. I realize what I said earlier was unwarranted, and I realize how it could be taken the wrong way."
Ethan breathed a sigh of relief hearing that Nymira did in fact acknowledge her mistake. At least her pride wasn't getting in the way of anything, he had to give her credit for that. "So do you want him around then? You don't want him to leave right?"
Nymira nodded in confirmation, glancing briefly before looking again at Cecil. "I never wished you would leave us Cecil, and I apologize if I gave that impression. Combat prowess aside I can tell you're a good person, and I've met very few along my journey here who I would count an ally, and fewer still I think I could befriend. It would be a shame if we were to lose you."
"And Zander, you feel the same way too, don't you?" Ethan urged with a hopeful smile, wanting the healer's input as well. The more people who supported Cecil the better a chance he would stay, they only had to convince him. There were two people notably missing from the table as well he was now realizing, and one of them desperately needed to speak with Cecil. "Uh, hold that thought, I'll be right back!" Hurrying through the room Ethan rushed up the stairs to the bedrooms above, searching briefly until he found Geoffrey stood outside one of the rooms, appearing to be speaking to someone. Going over to join his guide he smiled and put a finger to his lips, rasping against the grain of the door with his knuckles. "Hey Amuné? You in there?"
He truly was a simpleton wasn't he? As if it would have been completely missed as to what Ethan was trying to accomplish here. Give Cecil a sense of belonging and prevent him from leaving, it was something that had to be done with troops now and again. Make their accomplishments and contributions feel bigger than they might be, give them a sense of worth. In some cases it was false to simply bolster morale, to get troops to continue to fight. Nymira supposed she had to commend the fool though for trying this, it was the best way to keep Cecil with them.
"And we will never give that buffoon liquor again," the Dimuran muttered aloud, having noticed Ethan nearly trip on the first step on his way up. Rolling her eyes again she looked back at Cecil, seeing his still uncertain appearance. "It's none of my business to ask what you two discussed, I'll let that remain between you and Ethan. I'd like to know this much though: Do you wish to stay with us? Even if we want you to stay we shouldn't force you to, that isn't right. People are led best when they want to follow, anything less and there's turmoil and dissent. So I would suggest letting us know now, honestly, if this is what you want."