"S-Still though... You're the first of your kind! Who cares if other people did it? No one else on your world can s-say they did what you did," Haku argued, trying to help build T'charrl up a little bit. He sincerely did think it was cool, how many people could ever claim what his friend could? To someone like him, a Saiyan, it was normal to go to space, everyone did it. To them it was just as normal as people on Earth driving cars, or probably people on Uuonoe flying around in their little shuttles between cities. To them that was all normal but no one on T'charrl's world had ever gone to space, it was the first ever. Come to think of it he had never seen T'charrl's world for himself and now he sort of wanted to. From what he had been told it was a world with some cities both above and underground, the latter being nothing he had ever seen before, and massive trees everywhere. It sounded interesting if nothing else, maybe they could visit once this planet was taken care of.
The first thing Yumi did upon arrival was promptly rush to the building where Viral and Shu were, giving the former a hug and checking on him. Aside from some minor injuries he seemed largely okay and, unsurprisingly, he became flustered and tried moving her away when she hugged him. Already ahead of that she obliged by letting go and going to check on Shu instead, just as worried he may have been injured or something. When she got closer to him it finally occurred to her that he was quite smelly, her face wrinkling up in disgust before she had to pinch her nose with an apologetic smile. "Very smelly is an understatement. Sorry, this new nose makes it really hard to not notice things," she said, reaching with her free hand and giving Shu's head an affectionate pat, "And that's okay, food isn't that big of a problem. I'm just glad everyone is okay, that's what's important. Besides I think these people are going to give us food, isn't that great?" She did hope they weren't imposing or taking more than they had to offer, as goodness knows they could eat quite a lot, but these people seemed dead set on giving them a meal now.
"We have little choice there I suppose, I have no real tools with me. I'm glad you weren't seriously injured though, I was a bit concerned when Takeshi came back. Having to listen to him try and explain it one would think you'd lost a limb or something..." Far be it from Takeshi to accurately describe something, or be reliable in reporting for that matter. There were a lot of things the boy was, articulate or patient were not one of them. Knuckleheads aside there was some doubt as to the effectiveness of their naturalistic medicines here, particularly considering the differences in anatomy between them and the natives. Could they really even treat something as simple as some gashes? Viral didn't seem to be terribly injured nor in discomfort from their treatments and he even went as far to chastise Vegeta for questioning it. Smiling slightly he nodded once, rubbing the back of his head as he closed his eyes. "You're right, I shouldn't be so critical, not when they're doing us a favor. If you do need anything though let me know. I don't doubt they can help but they've also never treated someone like us I'd imagine, there may be things they miss."
After some time of being in the healer's shack a pair of locals finally came to fetch everyone: the food had been gathered and prepared by the central fire for them to enjoy. As the group moved back out and reached the fire they would find that indeed a veritable buffet had been prepared for them with plenty of different types of foods ready for them. Some of them were things most would likely not touch, clearly insectoid in nature and even fewer still were twitching as they lay on the platter. The majority of the foods appeared to be plant material, fruits and small slabs of some kinds of meats, all dark and still smoking from having been roasted over an open flame. It appeared there was too much food even for the lot of them until more of the village showed up, all apparently in attendance to celebrate the arrival of the travelers. They had slain a beast preventing them from hunting after all, and with that gone there was no longer the threat of a potential famine looming overhead, they no longer had to rely solely on crops.
"Family, friends, guests, please enjoy!" the Chieftain declared, raising his arms as a few of his people threw in some discolored logs into the flame, causing them to turn green, then blue and white with audible crackles before turning to its regular hue. "The chilopoda is slain, we are free to hunt! Free to trade, to roam, land is ours again! Tonight celebrate, enjoy freedom! Tomorrow Dark Ones fall as well and world becomes ours once more!" A chorus of clattering and scraping sounded off the celebration and then they began to dig in, signaling it was more than time for the others to do so as well. For his part the Chieftain took a seat on a seat fashioned from an old stump, having been brought a platter of food to enjoy. Grabbing a large slice of a fruit he raised it in a toast to the travelers and, if he could smile he would have, nodding before digging in.
The first thing Yumi did upon arrival was promptly rush to the building where Viral and Shu were, giving the former a hug and checking on him. Aside from some minor injuries he seemed largely okay and, unsurprisingly, he became flustered and tried moving her away when she hugged him. Already ahead of that she obliged by letting go and going to check on Shu instead, just as worried he may have been injured or something. When she got closer to him it finally occurred to her that he was quite smelly, her face wrinkling up in disgust before she had to pinch her nose with an apologetic smile. "Very smelly is an understatement. Sorry, this new nose makes it really hard to not notice things," she said, reaching with her free hand and giving Shu's head an affectionate pat, "And that's okay, food isn't that big of a problem. I'm just glad everyone is okay, that's what's important. Besides I think these people are going to give us food, isn't that great?" She did hope they weren't imposing or taking more than they had to offer, as goodness knows they could eat quite a lot, but these people seemed dead set on giving them a meal now.
"We have little choice there I suppose, I have no real tools with me. I'm glad you weren't seriously injured though, I was a bit concerned when Takeshi came back. Having to listen to him try and explain it one would think you'd lost a limb or something..." Far be it from Takeshi to accurately describe something, or be reliable in reporting for that matter. There were a lot of things the boy was, articulate or patient were not one of them. Knuckleheads aside there was some doubt as to the effectiveness of their naturalistic medicines here, particularly considering the differences in anatomy between them and the natives. Could they really even treat something as simple as some gashes? Viral didn't seem to be terribly injured nor in discomfort from their treatments and he even went as far to chastise Vegeta for questioning it. Smiling slightly he nodded once, rubbing the back of his head as he closed his eyes. "You're right, I shouldn't be so critical, not when they're doing us a favor. If you do need anything though let me know. I don't doubt they can help but they've also never treated someone like us I'd imagine, there may be things they miss."
After some time of being in the healer's shack a pair of locals finally came to fetch everyone: the food had been gathered and prepared by the central fire for them to enjoy. As the group moved back out and reached the fire they would find that indeed a veritable buffet had been prepared for them with plenty of different types of foods ready for them. Some of them were things most would likely not touch, clearly insectoid in nature and even fewer still were twitching as they lay on the platter. The majority of the foods appeared to be plant material, fruits and small slabs of some kinds of meats, all dark and still smoking from having been roasted over an open flame. It appeared there was too much food even for the lot of them until more of the village showed up, all apparently in attendance to celebrate the arrival of the travelers. They had slain a beast preventing them from hunting after all, and with that gone there was no longer the threat of a potential famine looming overhead, they no longer had to rely solely on crops.
"Family, friends, guests, please enjoy!" the Chieftain declared, raising his arms as a few of his people threw in some discolored logs into the flame, causing them to turn green, then blue and white with audible crackles before turning to its regular hue. "The chilopoda is slain, we are free to hunt! Free to trade, to roam, land is ours again! Tonight celebrate, enjoy freedom! Tomorrow Dark Ones fall as well and world becomes ours once more!" A chorus of clattering and scraping sounded off the celebration and then they began to dig in, signaling it was more than time for the others to do so as well. For his part the Chieftain took a seat on a seat fashioned from an old stump, having been brought a platter of food to enjoy. Grabbing a large slice of a fruit he raised it in a toast to the travelers and, if he could smile he would have, nodding before digging in.