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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
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If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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"You are way too happy about that, you twerp..." Takeshi grumbled with a narrowed stare in Shu's direction. He was always the one that was on the receiving end of Yumi's smacks regardless of who was at fault, it always seemed to come back to him. Sticking out his tongue at Shu the older boy huffed before folding his arms again, a faint blush crossing his cheeks as he looked back towards the door indignantly. "I don't have to practice a stinkin' apology, you make it sound like I do this all the time!" Which maybe he did, he did something to earn those smacks he so frequently got. Shu made a turnaround then and brought up a fair point, they had to get back to the others and let them know what had happened. And show up with no food, which was really going to suck. It was a good idea to head back but Takeshi had one slight problem with it. "Why don't I just head back? You hang here, stay with Viral and... I don't know, maybe see if these guys got something to eat? I can fly faster than you and that gives Viral a chance to relax, you know?"

"Not regular, no. Live further away but migrate, when food becomes low they migrate. Dangerous beasts." If that wasn't obvious enough by what they had gone through to kill it. To think it was one of the larger ones too and they had still managed to defeat it largely unharmed, who would have thought someone like that was here? It was a little intimidating and yet the healer felt no reason to worry, figuring if they were to be attacked they would have been by now. These people were clearly travelers from elsewhere and weren't here to cause trouble. "Our scouts help, if we can. Know the land well and can fly quick, we'll help. Least we can do." When Viral mentioned they were chasing beasts the healer had to notify the guard, having a hunch that could very well work out well for both parties. Returning then to finish mending the man's wounds he nodded once the descriptions were given, the alien sighing before speaking unintelligibly in their own tongue for a brief moment. "Yes, the Dark Ones. They appear recently and usually stay away from our towns, but dangerous. Many warriors die already and we worry why they may be here. They sound like the ones you seek. Let us help you, if you help us. Rid us of these things and we provide all food you need, and shelter, whatever you ask of us."

Takeshi had overheard a bit of the conversation and came over, leaning in and poking Viral on the shoulder for his attention. "Hey... if we gotta tell the others I can get them? I mean, if we're going to be fighting these things, you know? May as well bring everyone back here. I can fly and I can get there and back with everyone fast enough, you and Shu can stay here and relax."

"Oh, so the timid one speaks! You speak of your friends, yes? If you help with Dark Ones we provide food, and we heal wounded. Understand it is not your home, do not need risk yourselves for our sake. But we do all we can to show gratitude if you help." the healer spoke, a bit oblivious to what Takeshi's growing red in the face meant. The sound of the doors parting again drew the healer's attention to the front of the building where two guards, and a far larger member of their tribe entered. He was about Viral's size and was quite clearly older, his skin harder and dull and several scars across his body. "Chieftain! These people, they seek the Dark Ones. Help if we provide food!"

The chieftain glanced between Viral, Takeshi and Shu silently as he tried to decide on their proposal. Or rather his healer's proposal, he wasn't aware anyone was making a deal to give away their food. What the scouts said was true however and the beast was dead, food shouldn't be an issue for very long now that animals would be returning. "Odd people... Never seen any like you before, not for many cycles," he muttered, reaching up and itching at a scar over his right eye, "But you slay the beast, and for that we are grateful. If you need food we will give food, but it is as you were told, the Dark Ones are a threat as well. If you seek them then let us help each other. I'll send scouts with you, then you rest, and tomorrow you slay Dark Ones. Do we have a deal?"
"Oh that's adorable. Whoever taught you that is very wise, young lady," Mae said sweetly, smiling before setting the container on the counter. The little one was far more agreeable than the one with the staff, and curiously he seemed to fancy himself a healer of sorts. The elderly woman huffed beneath her breath before getting on her stool behind the counter, making sure all of the contents they had asked after were there before adding up the costs in her head. "That'll be just 10 silvers dearies, I'll throw in a discount since the young lady is just too adorable," she added, watching as Ethan fished out the necessary funds. Accepting them graciously she placed them in a small container beneath the counter, proceeding to stack the boxes together to be bound with twine, for ease of carrying. Such a delightful group, though she did wonder where they might be heading and why they might need so much medicine. Seemed a bit young for travel, but that was none of her business.

Ethan nodded graciously as Mae bound their packages together for them, lifting them with relative ease once they were ready. "Thank you again Mae, we really appreciate the help. Sorry for asking for so much on such short notice!"

"Oh think nothing of it dear, I'm happy to be of help," Mae answered back, smiling as she waved her hand dismissively. Her wizened face sunk slightly when she looked at Zander, looking him over once before clearing her throat. "And young sir... It's not enough to claim to be a healer, one must have compassion and love. It's fine to laugh at an honest accident like a box falling but I get an air about you that you lack the heart for your job. I hope you're able to find it before long." She'd been doing this all her life and no matter how difficult the client she'd approached them with compassion, as any healer should. Her goods could sometimes save a life and she never forgot that, nor did she forget what difference a simple gesture like a smile could have. "But you're not here to listen to my speeches and I'm not here to tell you how to live. Best of luck with your travels children, be safe out there!"

Ethan parted with a small wave before leaving the shop, balancing the several containers awkwardly in his hands. The herb Zander had all but thrown into his face had done some good in relieving his headache though it would be some time yet until it was truly better or not. At this point he was getting fairly good at ignoring the dull throbbing sensation behind the eyes however and he found that he could drown out noise to relieve it even more. "Now we need to find the blacksmith, wherever that is..." the Magi muttered, glancing around as though they were going to somehow happen upon it so soon. He was fairly certain they had gone back this way to get here, meaning doubling back and heading past the inn was their best bet. Probably better off doing that than wandering and trying to find the others. "Er... So I know we head in this direction, sort of..." Ethan mumbled, glancing between Zander and Amuné with a sheepish smile, "Either of you two remember exactly where to go?"


A pair of men sat out front of a smaller tavern, their brows knit with worry as they each stared into their own mugs. Their latest client had asked for a very specific type of product, one which they had yet to find. Even after their latest haul of Ydrans there wasn't one among them who satisfied the man and he demanded his request be met or have their business brought into the attention of the guard. But where were they to find such a child? There were some younger Ydrans among the lot yet none that he liked, most of the young ones were male and the young females were "too old". Quite the pickle they were in, it wasn't as though Warren was teeming with selection. Taking a long drink from his ale the man scrunched his face in disgust at the bitter taste, slamming down his mug and wiping his mouth.

"Bunch o' shite, askin' after something like that," he grumbled, spitting out the ale on the ground, "How in the hells are we supposed to find something so quick? These aren't easy to come by!"

"Man's got his tastes and we're the sort who serve 'em, we just need to look more," his companion countered, drinking his ale greedily before belching, wiping foam from his beard. "People travel in and out of this place all the time, we'll get lucky one of these days, just be patient you lout."

"Patient? Man's got us by the balls, we're on a timer here you git. Don't have no luxury of time." Gritting his teeth when he was all but ignored he dumped the rest of his ale out on a nearby planter, sniffing before spitting again. Ridiculous, having to find a young girl at the drop of a hat. If the bastard was content with Murans then they'd have one before the night was over but no, had to be a stinkin' Ydran. Setting his empty mug aside he cast a glance out at the road absentmindedly, watching some of the people passing by. When a smaller figure caught his attention his unkempt brow rose in surprise, eyes locked on the girl traveling with her companions. He'd be damned... That wasn't what he thought it was, was it? "Oi, look o'er there..."

Setting down his mug the bearded man looked out across the road, a twinkle coming to his eye as he grinned toothlessly. "Would you look at that... Seems the Saints are blessing us today! Should be just what the man was looking for." But how should they grab her? It was broad daylight and she was traveling with two older men, not to mention that moorcat. It would doubtless be the only child they saw for some time too so passing it up wasn't an option.


"Yes, well... I apologize my expertise isn't machines. I'm sure I could learn but I haven't the luxury of time." Nor did she feel the need to, Machina were completely alien to her until arriving in the more proper regions of the kingdom. All she understood was they were made of metals and moving parts, and while they may seem alive they weren't... Except for Cecil. He was still a puzzle to the Dimuran and Norman's confusion did very little to help with that. With no use for her decorative blade she handed it back to the smith just in time for the apprentices to return with a small cart, a modest collection of rock and ores lining the bed with a few small timbers to use for handles. Reaching into her coin pouch to pay Nymira grabbed two gold coins without thinking and offered them over, frowning as her payment was refused.

"Look miss, I'm sure some less honest folk would take that, but it's too much," the smith said as he pushed Nymira's hand back, "50 silver is enough. Anyroad you promised to come back and show us some more of your work, and I'll hold you to that." Being able to boast and say he was one of very few smiths in the kingdom to have a Dimuran at his forge would be quite something, yet even greater still would be learning new techniques and crafts. Every smith did their own sort of work and Dimurans were no different, and he wondered just how they worked their forges back home. "Pleasure doing business with you miss, I'm sure you'll craft some real beauties with that ore."

Nymira gave another bow to the smith before grabbing hold of the cart, managing to pull it with some effort on her part. She didn't intend to haul it herself however as she brought it over to Cecil, stopping and releasing her grip on the handle. "Cecil, would you mind pulling this to the inn? I'd prefer not wearing myself down further, I still have things to forge today," the Dimuran said as she wiped at her brow again. She would need another bath before long too, she was filthy from sweat and soot coating most of her body. "Geoffrey, if you require a new bow as well I can fashion one for you. It will take longer than some arrowheads, but I feel like those aren't proper payment. I owe a debt for you acting as a guide and I intend to pay that debt."
"Nah we'll eat buddy, we'll find something. Just probably won't be what we were hoping for," Takeshi said as he waved his hand. Letting out a sigh then he relaxed against the wall of the shack, glancing up at the ceiling and folding his arms. "And don't worry, if Yumi gets mad at anyone it's gonna be me. Viral got hurt and you nearly became a snack, that's on me..." Because he'd been too much of a coward to stop the creature from trying those things earlier, and sure he sacked up, but he'd still been terrified even while fighting. So he'd screwed up here not anyone else, and all that after talking big an saying Shu would be the one unable to fight. If this wasn't a slap to the face then he didn't know what was. Pausing briefly to watch the medicine man work on Viral he let out a sigh, running a hand back through his hair before looking towards the door. "I wonder how we'll tell everyone what's going on. We didn't bring scouters or anything, guess we'd have to head back."

"Even so... Not a pleasant beast to fight, no. Many brave, capable warriors died by it, you are lucky not to have suffered the same fate," the healer reiterated, removing some of the pulp from Viral's wounds as it cleansed them. In fact the other two he had traveled with did not even appear injured, though the little one smelled decidedly foul. Placing a few leaves on the bigger wounds they were bound to Viral by bandages, with luck they would be enough to pull out any remaining impurities and help his wounds heal quicker. "If it is food you need we have plenty. We plan to celebrate you killing the monster, it is a big victory for us. You can not even begin to imagine," the healer explained with a shake of his head, finishing the last few bandages as he checked Viral once more, making sure nothing serious was missed. It would not do to make a mistake to mistreat the people who had just delivered them from the terror of that beast.

Frowning at the mention of more monsters the healer glanced at Viral curiously, his head tilting slightly before he set down his tools. "Wait, please. Be back soon." Shuffling past the group he left his shack to speak to one of the guards outside, sending them off to fetch the chieftain before returning inside. "Please, tell me. Monsters you seek, what are they like? Do you know? New creatures appear recently, large and ferocious. Our men not accustomed to fighting them, many die trying to slay just one. Thankfully they don't attack, no interest here it seems, but we worry. How long until that changes?"
Takeshi really would prefer not to be here right now, having to sit around all these people was proving to be awfully unpleasant. Thankfully they seemed to pick that up and, after checking for injuries, in large left him alone. Meanwhile Viral was being tended to with some minor wounds from the monster and Shu was fine, if a bit gross for being spewed on. There was a glaring issue with their being here as well and that was the fact they hadn't gotten any food for everyone yet, coming up just as empty handed as they had been upon setting out earlier. It would really suck if they had to return to the camp with nothing to show for all their effort. "I mean we gotta go back, you know? Whether we have food or not," Takeshi pointed out before frowning as his stomach growled in protest. It did indeed smell funny in the building, and it also agitated his already empty stomach. Some of the herbs smelled reminiscent of spices they might have back on Earth and that did little to relieve his hunger. Placing a hand on his stomach he followed the others into the doctor's home, glancing around curiously when he saw bottles and bottles of leaves, various bits of who knows what and a fair deal of cloth. Oh great, one of these kinds of doctors.

The elder was busy going about tending to Viral's wounds, using a herb to first cleanse it of any sickness that may have gotten in. The beast's claws weren't the cleanest, he had told them, and risked infection if not treated. Luckily they were accustomed to its attacks and knew how to deal with injuries sustained from its attacks. "Lucky, to survive. Many of our brave die trying to kill it," the elder explained, using a damp cloth to swab away some of the remaining pulp from the plants, "You've done our people great service, very great indeed. Can freely travel and work at night now without fear of attack." It had been too long since they could say that, several seasons in fact. With the wildlife having in large moved away because of the beast too they had to rely even more on farming than before but now that should change. Taking a leaf from a jar which smelled heavily of peppermint he applied it to Viral's more visible wounds, using strips of cloth to secure it over the injury. "Liquid from leaves help seal wounds, help to keep from itching. Keep on for day then take off, keep wounds covered best you can after."
Now that was a huge relief, they had actually managed to kill the damned thing. The decapitation wasn't terribly off-putting but when the corpse began to melt, its innards shown to everyone, Takeshi had a terrible time trying to keep it in. Losing his lunch over the sight he ended up splattering a bit on my shoes, groaning as he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. Seeing the splatter on his boots as well he tried wiping them down on the grass, growling when it did little good and giving up. "Not like I wanted to hurl, you know?" the older boy snapped, spitting out some leftover junk before grimacing. Seeing Viral now for the first time since this nonsense began he was certainly cut up, nothing serious but probably mighty unpleasant. "You alright? Got cut up pretty good there," Takeshi asked while stating the obvious, glancing over his friend. "Probably should head back, get you patched up and let them know what happened. If there's more of those things..."

A nearby patch of plants rustled slightly though there was no breeze, and a second later a stone flew from the brush, nailing Takeshi right in the side of the head. Growling angrily he spun around on his heel in the direction it had come from and glared at the plants, seeing the small frame of someone or something hidden in there. "Alright wise guy, come out before I kick your ass!" he shouted, storming over and reaching in to grab hold of whoever had thrown that. When he lifted the offender they were dressed in a cloak, obscuring most of their form from his view. What he did see however was their face, complete with two large black eyes and mandibles on their face, mandibles which clattered in a panicked nature from being held. Gasping he promptly dropped... Whatever it was and stepped back, putting his hands up as though expecting a fight.

"W-Wait! We... We not enemies," the creature said quickly, its language slightly obscured by the clatter of its jaws. Shuffling forward on its legs it watched Takeshi confused as he backed off, tilting its head before looking to Shu and Viral instead. "You kill the chilopada? Awful creatures, attack homes and eat family and friends, awful." Seeing as Takeshi was avoiding it the being went directly towards the others, turning briefly and making some clicking sounds, signaling the other scouts that had come out with it. 4 more of its kind rose up from surrounding crops, spears and blades in hand for defending themselves. Looking at Viral the being turned its head slightly, examining his wounds before clicking again as another came forward. "You're injured, yes? We help, healer back in village. Please, come with us. They will want to thank you."

The village itself was at the base of the plateau as expected, a large bonfire in the entrance designating the way. What they hadn't seen from a distance were the structures built up along the side of the rockwall as well, stairways connecting them to the ground. In large the land below was reserved for a few buildings and farmland while above seemed to be where most of their kind lived, some buildings high up on stilts, several meters away from anything that prowled below. Their stop would be one of the buildings on the ground, a small shack tucked up by a crevice in the plateau. Passing by the two incense burning at the door they were greeted by an elderly member of these people, long hairs grown on his face resembling a beard almost and a well worn, blue cloak covering his back. He had herbs and elixers to cure most ailments, they were told, and some wounds like Viral's should heal easily enough.

Getting Viral some medical attention was all fine and dandy but Takeshi had very little desire to be here. Everyone present were in effect bugs, or something like them. The way they skittered around, their faces, he'd even seen a few of them fly a bit. It was like being in a town of beetles just crawling around every which direction and he couldn't do a thing about it. Worse still was now that Viral was being seen to they were stuck for a bit, and so he found himself off in one of the corners of the shack, sat down with his knees pulled up as he tried to ignore the fact he was in a nest. Worst night in a long while, that was for sure.
Bloodied, missing limbs and growing weary the creature couldn't keep fighting like this. Now it was just a desperate race towards the village, to where it hoped it could find an easier meal in the villagers before fleeing from these three. With its side burning from the wounds it had sustained it tunneled through the ground as hastily as it could, hardly burrowing as deeply as before. Up above it could feel the vibrations of those strange creatures chasing it, drawing closer by the second despite how quickly it tried to flee. As the ground became denser, the more fertile land around the village coming up, it felt a curious sensation at its back. At first there was pressure followed by a gust of wind and then, in a split second, it was airborne, thrown skyward by a sizable blast. Screeching as it came slamming down back to earth it landed awkwardly, writhing about on its back as it tried to right itself. As it had only just been getting onto its feet again the glint of Viral's cleaver caught its eye, and it would be the last thing it ever saw as steel dug into its flesh, its head toppling from its body and falling into the selfsame crater it had been blown out of. Squirming with jarring motions its body moved about briefly before finally collapsing as well, motionless in the dirt.

It was a long shot having Shu blast away like that but Takeshi didn't have much other plan in mind. He knew they had to get it out from underground and sooner rather than later; it became increasingly apparent the further along they went that it was indeed a village up ahead, there was no way they could let this thing get there and attack the residents. Watching as his brother lobbed a shot ahead it had just the results he'd hoped for as the ground erupted from the attack, tossing the creature into the air and causing it to tumble back down to the ground. Not skipping a beat Viral was on it in a second, beheading the beast with one clean strike and putting it down for good. Waiting just to be sure it was dead he sighed heavily seeing it motionless, his posture slumping slightly as he relaxed. When a peculiar bubbling noise drew his attention back to the creature he paled seeing it melting away for some reason, leaving little more than a shell in its wake as its flesh vanished. Feeling his stomach churn Takeshi groaned before turning away and emptying what little food he had in there into the grass at his feet.

Unless there was a fire off in the distance there were people here, though that didn't make sense. Hadn't they been told no one lived here? It was odd to think that they had been lied to so maybe they really just hadn't known? If the smoke up ahead really was a result of someone living there though they had to kill this thing, even if Takeshi would rather turn around and just pretend it didn't exist. He was drenched in sweat racing after it and not from exertion, it was like someone afraid of the dark rushing right into an unlit tunnel, he was literally diving headlong into his fear. It had tried to kill Shu though and at the moment his anger over that overrode his fear if only barely, enough to force his legs to comply and push him along after it. They seemed to be gaining on it too, having lost a leg must really screw with one's mobility. Before they could actually catch up to it however the beast burrowed into the dirt and vanished from sight, prompting everyone to come to a skidding stop as they wondered where it might be heading. "You're shitting me... It can dig too?! Oh come on!"

Surely it could spring a trap on those three if it struck from underground. None of them looked like they were capable of burrowing as it could, none of them would be able to defend themselves. First it would kill the one who took its arm and then it would kill the others, it wouldn't be denied any longer. Tearing through rock and soil it raced beneath the surface to where Viral stood and promptly reared up, forcing its body skyward through sheer raw power as it tried to surge forth and grab Viral, intending to drag him back down with it. As soon as it broke the surface however a bright sheen blinded it as the moon's rays reflected off of Viral's cleaver, blinding it briefly until a searing pain in its side caused it to screech loudly. The cleaver had managed to take off yet another limb on the same side, and furthermore it had buried itself into the beast's side, carving out a sizable chunk of its flesh in the process. Writhing on the blade to try and get free it lifted its hind, a sharp protrusion sticking out and tried to drive it into Viral, snarling as Takeshi had slammed both legs down on its back to prevent it from moving. With little other recourse the creature swelled slightly as a foul stench began escaping from its body, and slowly a yellowish liquid began seeping from its pores. As it came out it dripped onto the ground and hit the grass with a sizzle, burning anything it touched. Using that moment to get away it went back into the hole, retreating underground now and still heading towards the village.

How was this thing still not dead? They had stabbed it and kicked it around like it was a toy and it was still able to run away! And just what in the hell was with that stuff that just leaked out of it? Covering his nose as the liquid stung his eyes Takeshi watched it take off again underground, hardly in the most discreet fashion as it left a trail of debris and blood in its wake, the surface even becoming torn apart as it hadn't gone all that deep. Gritting his teeth in frustration he reached back and grabbed hold of Shu, pulling his brother off of his back before taking off, racing across the ground with Ki propelling them. "Shu, blow it out of the ground! Get it up here and Viral can kill it!"
Finding the herbalist's shop was simple, one only had to walk down the main road, hang a right at the corner where the roads intersected by the stables and there it was. For anyone but Ethan it would have been a simple walk and yet he'd somehow managed to turn it into quite the ordeal. Aside from going completely in the wrong direction initially he had somehow managed to double them back the way they had come, and only with Amuné's chastising did they finally get on the right path. Wandering aimlessly aside Warren was abuzz with activity as shops began to open and people went about their rounds, aggravating Ethan's hangover thoroughly. By the time they made it into the haven that was the shop ambient noise had been severely reduced and the lighting dimmer, it was a very welcome change.

Of course just because they had found the herbalist's didn't mean they were going to be out of there any time soon. The owner of the shop, an elderly woman by the name of Mae, was determined to fetch every single item that they wished to purchase on her own. Perfectly fine given it was her store and yet the fact she shuffled about at the speed of molasses made Ethan desperately wish to help. Politely offering a handful of times he was shot down each and every attempt, and he hadn't the heart to assert himself and get in her way. His hopes spiked briefly when a younger woman, presumably her daughter, came in with a basket of leaves and stems only to leave promptly after, abandoning them to the mercy of Mae's slow shuffle.

"Uh... Ma'am? Do you need some help getting that?" Ethan asked, watching timidly as Mae climbed up a ladder to fetch some herbs from a high shelf.

"No dearie, I'm quite capable of getting it myself, thank you though," Mae answered with a sweet smile, reaching the top rung and reached for a wooden box. Even as high as she was she barely could reach it, her fingertips just brushing the underside of the container as she attempted to grab hold of it. Unable to get a secure grasp she rose up on her toes to try and reach further, gasping as the ladder wobbled beneath her and she began to fall backwards.

Ethan moved swiftly across the way to catch Mae in time, easily doing so with how small her stature was. Relieved she was unharmed from the fall he let out a sigh and smiled at her, glancing up then when he heard the clatter of wood above. The box she had been attempting to grab had been moved a fair bit and had tipped out of its spot, the Magi hadn't time to react as it landed on his head with an audible "thwack" before spilling on the ground at his feet. Promptly setting down Mae he squatted, his hands shooting up and covering his head as tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. "Ow, ow ow ow ow..."

"Oh you poor thing! Oh let me see, I think I have something for that," Mae began, turning to go back up the ladder. Behind her Ethan paled a bit and frowned, promptly grabbing the woman and easing her down with an apologetic smile. It seemed like he wasn't having a repeat of that again.

"I'm fine, please... Can we get what we came for?" Ethan asked, still nursing the slight bump on his head.

"Of course sweetie, of course. I don't want to keep you children long," Mae answered with a wave of her hand, shuffling over to the box and collecting its contents. With the container in hand she headed back to the counter but not before stopping with Amuné, who she was nearly eye level with. "See these? If you break the stems of these leaves you get aloe, it's excellent for treating burns and soothing abrasions. You can find them everywhere in the wild, but the younger the plant the better."

On the other side of town things were proceeding just as smoothly: or they would be if the blacksmith weren't so difficult. The man had no issue selling them ores or the fact that a woman was claiming to be a blacksmith, he was fine with all of that. Realizing she was a Dimuran however he was keen on seeing what she might be able to do with a hammer and refused to complete the sale until Nymira had crafted something. He didn't care what that might be, it could be simple as a utensil or a blade, anything that she wished. Despite numerous protests on Nymira's behalf the man wouldn't budge on his stance and like it or not she needed the ore, meaning she would have to play his little games.

Forging was easy enough, easier still if she was able to use her magic. Yet with the blacksmith present as well as his two apprentices, not to mention the small crowd that had gathered, magic wasn't an option. Worse still was while Nymira was familiar with forges she had never used one such as this, having to ask the man numerous times what some of the tools were used for. After nearly half an hour of dawdling she finally got to work, using a bit of iron he had already been heating to repair a kettle. With hammer in hand she took the molten material to the anvil and pounded away, each strike powerful and yet delicate, shaping the material to her will. How foolish she must look garbed in one of his aprons and his gloves, both of which were far too large for her smaller frame. It beat being singed by embers with each strike she supposed.

The item didn't have to be finished or even terribly pleasing to the eye, just proof that Nymira would use the ores capably. Yet no self respecting smith would ever half-heartedly take on a project, even if it was a simple one such as this. As her face glistened with perspiration and her lungs burned from looming over the heat the Dimuran continued working, and almost an hour had passed since she had initially begun her work. Doubtless her companions were bored to tears by now yet it hardly concerned her, she had come to fetch ores to work with not keep them entertained. Besides her work was nearly complete, the metal shaped as she wished and the material now beginning to cool. Quench it in oil, let it sit and the item should be good to go.

"There's your proof, smith, now let me have my ore," Nymira said as she slipped off the heavy apron, wiping her brow with her arm tiredly.

The smith, a large man with an ember-singed grey beard loomed over Nymira, inspecting her work curiously. With arched eyebrows he reached down and lifted the piece in one meaty hand, holding it for a moment to inspect before turning to his apprentices and the crowd. "The lass tells the truth, she knows what she's doing!" he declared, presenting a dagger's blade, jagged teeth laced along the blade and a simple yet elegant design pressed into both sides of the blade. Just by holding it he could tell it was decorative in nature, the weight of the metal would snap in combat, yet it was a testament to her skill; crafting a weapon was easy, even his apprentices could do that, but to craft a work of art like this took experience and dedication. Displaying the piece to the crowd there were some jeers for the work, and a few men even exchanged bits of coin among one another, apparently having taken bets.

"Gregory, Hammond, go and get the lass the ores we promised! Load up a cart for them to take!" the blacksmith shouted, waving the two boys off before smiling as he handed the dagger back to Nymira, "I'll admit, I doubted you miss. Always been keen on seeing what your folk could craft, been too many years since I last had the pleasure of working with one of you. Perhaps come back sometime if you're passing through, I feel like there's a lot these boys could learn from you."

"I'm flattered. If I find myself in Warren again I'll be sure to stop by," Nymira replied, bowing politely with a hand over her chest. Looking past the smith to Cecil and Geoffrey she circled over to them, stopping at the former and showing the blade to him. "This is what I do, not what Norman does. I'll do what I can as promised but just so we're perfectly clear. And you'll have your arrowheads as well," she added with a glance to Geoffrey. Later she'd be able to use her magic and craft far quicker than she had just now, they would have whatever they needed before the day was done.
Then my turn again! :P I'll move us right to the shops.
I can certainly post if you've got nothing :3
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