"You are way too happy about that, you twerp..." Takeshi grumbled with a narrowed stare in Shu's direction. He was always the one that was on the receiving end of Yumi's smacks regardless of who was at fault, it always seemed to come back to him. Sticking out his tongue at Shu the older boy huffed before folding his arms again, a faint blush crossing his cheeks as he looked back towards the door indignantly. "I don't have to practice a stinkin' apology, you make it sound like I do this all the time!" Which maybe he did, he did something to earn those smacks he so frequently got. Shu made a turnaround then and brought up a fair point, they had to get back to the others and let them know what had happened. And show up with no food, which was really going to suck. It was a good idea to head back but Takeshi had one slight problem with it. "Why don't I just head back? You hang here, stay with Viral and... I don't know, maybe see if these guys got something to eat? I can fly faster than you and that gives Viral a chance to relax, you know?"
"Not regular, no. Live further away but migrate, when food becomes low they migrate. Dangerous beasts." If that wasn't obvious enough by what they had gone through to kill it. To think it was one of the larger ones too and they had still managed to defeat it largely unharmed, who would have thought someone like that was here? It was a little intimidating and yet the healer felt no reason to worry, figuring if they were to be attacked they would have been by now. These people were clearly travelers from elsewhere and weren't here to cause trouble. "Our scouts help, if we can. Know the land well and can fly quick, we'll help. Least we can do." When Viral mentioned they were chasing beasts the healer had to notify the guard, having a hunch that could very well work out well for both parties. Returning then to finish mending the man's wounds he nodded once the descriptions were given, the alien sighing before speaking unintelligibly in their own tongue for a brief moment. "Yes, the Dark Ones. They appear recently and usually stay away from our towns, but dangerous. Many warriors die already and we worry why they may be here. They sound like the ones you seek. Let us help you, if you help us. Rid us of these things and we provide all food you need, and shelter, whatever you ask of us."
Takeshi had overheard a bit of the conversation and came over, leaning in and poking Viral on the shoulder for his attention. "Hey... if we gotta tell the others I can get them? I mean, if we're going to be fighting these things, you know? May as well bring everyone back here. I can fly and I can get there and back with everyone fast enough, you and Shu can stay here and relax."
"Oh, so the timid one speaks! You speak of your friends, yes? If you help with Dark Ones we provide food, and we heal wounded. Understand it is not your home, do not need risk yourselves for our sake. But we do all we can to show gratitude if you help." the healer spoke, a bit oblivious to what Takeshi's growing red in the face meant. The sound of the doors parting again drew the healer's attention to the front of the building where two guards, and a far larger member of their tribe entered. He was about Viral's size and was quite clearly older, his skin harder and dull and several scars across his body. "Chieftain! These people, they seek the Dark Ones. Help if we provide food!"
The chieftain glanced between Viral, Takeshi and Shu silently as he tried to decide on their proposal. Or rather his healer's proposal, he wasn't aware anyone was making a deal to give away their food. What the scouts said was true however and the beast was dead, food shouldn't be an issue for very long now that animals would be returning. "Odd people... Never seen any like you before, not for many cycles," he muttered, reaching up and itching at a scar over his right eye, "But you slay the beast, and for that we are grateful. If you need food we will give food, but it is as you were told, the Dark Ones are a threat as well. If you seek them then let us help each other. I'll send scouts with you, then you rest, and tomorrow you slay Dark Ones. Do we have a deal?"
"Not regular, no. Live further away but migrate, when food becomes low they migrate. Dangerous beasts." If that wasn't obvious enough by what they had gone through to kill it. To think it was one of the larger ones too and they had still managed to defeat it largely unharmed, who would have thought someone like that was here? It was a little intimidating and yet the healer felt no reason to worry, figuring if they were to be attacked they would have been by now. These people were clearly travelers from elsewhere and weren't here to cause trouble. "Our scouts help, if we can. Know the land well and can fly quick, we'll help. Least we can do." When Viral mentioned they were chasing beasts the healer had to notify the guard, having a hunch that could very well work out well for both parties. Returning then to finish mending the man's wounds he nodded once the descriptions were given, the alien sighing before speaking unintelligibly in their own tongue for a brief moment. "Yes, the Dark Ones. They appear recently and usually stay away from our towns, but dangerous. Many warriors die already and we worry why they may be here. They sound like the ones you seek. Let us help you, if you help us. Rid us of these things and we provide all food you need, and shelter, whatever you ask of us."
Takeshi had overheard a bit of the conversation and came over, leaning in and poking Viral on the shoulder for his attention. "Hey... if we gotta tell the others I can get them? I mean, if we're going to be fighting these things, you know? May as well bring everyone back here. I can fly and I can get there and back with everyone fast enough, you and Shu can stay here and relax."
"Oh, so the timid one speaks! You speak of your friends, yes? If you help with Dark Ones we provide food, and we heal wounded. Understand it is not your home, do not need risk yourselves for our sake. But we do all we can to show gratitude if you help." the healer spoke, a bit oblivious to what Takeshi's growing red in the face meant. The sound of the doors parting again drew the healer's attention to the front of the building where two guards, and a far larger member of their tribe entered. He was about Viral's size and was quite clearly older, his skin harder and dull and several scars across his body. "Chieftain! These people, they seek the Dark Ones. Help if we provide food!"
The chieftain glanced between Viral, Takeshi and Shu silently as he tried to decide on their proposal. Or rather his healer's proposal, he wasn't aware anyone was making a deal to give away their food. What the scouts said was true however and the beast was dead, food shouldn't be an issue for very long now that animals would be returning. "Odd people... Never seen any like you before, not for many cycles," he muttered, reaching up and itching at a scar over his right eye, "But you slay the beast, and for that we are grateful. If you need food we will give food, but it is as you were told, the Dark Ones are a threat as well. If you seek them then let us help each other. I'll send scouts with you, then you rest, and tomorrow you slay Dark Ones. Do we have a deal?"