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Ah, but a Moon god seems especially powerful.

There can be more than one Moon god (or any god really)
Regardless of your choice, your character will be as powerful as all other PC deities.
@ActRaiserTheReturned Divine magic can basically be used for anything so long as you actually have enough magical power to perform the spell. Divine magic comes from prayer and worship. Arcane magic on the other hand is much more specialized, and comes from the inner self. It allows you to specialize in one or more areas of magic, and when combined with divine magic is extremely powerful.

Keep in mind that deities who focus on arcane magic, generally have less worshipers, and only use it to offset their lack of divine magic.
I'm interested in trying out a Moon "god" with great power over Arcane Magic.

Sounds good! If you have any questions feel free to ask.

I'd say 6 - 8 players would be nice, but a little more or less wouldn't be all that bad. (Preferably at least four players)

To return to the upper world (or one of the various pocket dimensions), you need to form a portal. However this may not be possible if you are extremely injured or are in the middle of combat as it takes a few moments to actually form a portal.

Deities do not have a "mortal form", as they have their own bodies which are made out of divine magic.

BC pretty much answered everything else I was going to say.
@Klomster I'd say it's more like exalted, but you should find it fairly easy to defeat a medium-sized army. A larger army might cause you to receive some strain, though you should still be able to win. For the most part it's only the exceptional mortals, other deities and "mysterious beings" that can really push you to your limits. A swarm of civilians would easily fall to you unless there were millions of them, and even then they wouldn't be able to harm you all that much.

Battles are turn based in the sense that you attempt to perform an action and I parse it. Only certain battles do not need to be parsed by me, mainly battles between two PC characters where both players have already predetermined the outcome, or battles between player made NPCs that are more part of a "sidequest".

The pantheon of gods will both have NPCs and PC characters. There will be far more NPC deities than PC deities, though most of them will be rather minor and/or unimportant to the actual story.

You may also choose to play as a mortal if you so wish. Mortals can be of any sentient humanoid race, and along with their own racial bonuses and skills, will be considered very powerful for their species.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
Imagine a world known as Altreni, a fantastical world filled with monsters, magic, and deities. Mortals would pray to their chosen god(s) and potentially receive blessings in exchange for the power boost the deities obtained. However, things weren't always like this, for you see, deities did not always exist. They started out as an idea that the mortals came up with to explain why they themselves were alive and living. Through prayer and faith the deities were born from a mysterious magical energy known as "Divine Magic". This was separate from "Arcane Magic" which came from a mortals inner self. Deities lived very well, praised and worshiped by the mortals. However, this was not always meant to be.

One day a deity known as "Jeno" betrayed the rest of the deities. While fights with deities were common, especially between minor ones, this was different. You see "Jeno" was revered as a saint, a deity who did no wrong and would always help those in need. He had a huge base of worshipers which sent him power, and while he wasn't the greatest he was still easily in the top five most known deities. Practically everyone knew of him, save for a few isolated tribes and such. Despite having one of the largest base of worshipers Jeno was not known for his combat expertise, and instead preached peace, love and nonviolence. However, Jeno was in reality power hungry. He was not always like this, and used to be all about peace and love, but as time progressed he wanted more and more power. To be the top god and rule over everything and everyone, and create a new kingdom and era. So continuing his charade he finally met with the strongest deity known as "Alithos" who trumped every other god in worshipers. Jeno set up a trap and caught Alithos off guard using artifacts to augment his fighting capabilities. During the fight Alithos was injured severely, however his raw magical power was enough to overcome Jeno, defeating him with a decisive blow before opening up a portal to the void, a pocket dimension with a huge size containing no matter or light. Jeno was imprisoned there, and soon enough his powers would fade as his worshipers energy would not be able to cross dimensions.

News spread throughout the Upper World, (heaven - home of the deities) and eventually reached the mortals. The mortals believing that Jeno was innocent and that this was simply propaganda began to renounce their faith leaving the vast majority of deities weakened. Mortals began to distrust the deities, and eventually wars were started over this incident. In the end the worshipers numbers were cut down by a large margin, to the point where humans (who were by far the largest species population wise) only made up two and a half times the total number of worshipers as the second largest minor species known as elves, with dwarves right behind them. Now that the deities have been weakened some prefer to stay in their own pocket dimension and hide away, some prefer to live on Altreni amongst the mortals and blend in, while a few have even sought to defend the mortals from creatures in exchange for worship.

In this RP you will be able to take on the role of either a mortal or deity. PC Deities are powerful beings and will start off 1.5x times stronger than the minor miscellaneous gods, whilst mortal PCs will start off at 0.75x as powerful as the weakest miscellaneous deities.

Is anyone interested?

BCTheEntity will be co-host of this RP.
Okay, so obviously this isn't really getting anywhere.

If you'd like we could just start like this, and I'd jump in as well. Hopefully there's a chance more people would join in later.

Either that or we try an wait a bit longer or something. Any suggestions?


@Minimum Also I'm still waiting on your edits, though it appears you're preoccupied with life.

Please go into more detail regarding your Appearance.

For Personality, just how different is your character than the rest of your species? Do all members of your species act the same way? (See Biology)

Biology - What is the personality of the average member of your species?

Regarding Specialized body parts - Please remove the "15 mph" flight speed and replace it with an adjective describing the speed relative to an insect of its "power level", as well as how much maneuverability your character has whilst flying. (Is it clumsy, barely able to turn in mid-air? Average? Above average?) Please move one of your body parts to the biology or appearance section. As it stands you have wings, glands, and a stinger. While you technically can have all three of these, only two of them can be specialized. The other body part will be considered part of your main body and will be usable regardless of how much damage you take. If they do sustain enough damage you will instead pass out.

Skills/Spells/Tactics -
Fire Spray: Is it a concentrated stream, a cloud that covers your body and the area around you? Also how does your species light the mist on fire?

Poison Spikes: Does the main source of damage stem from the poison itself, or the spikes? Is it mixed?

Combat Style - Please add a combat style to your character. I'd suggest looking at one of the other player's character sheet or my example character sheet for inspiration, though you don't have too. Also as a note, your combat style can have some form of magical or ranged attack if you wish. Please keep in mind to also list the weaknesses of your combat style if they aren't a given.

Is it a large advantage? Or a small one? Is this only counting the elite caste, or does it also count the workers as well?

Everything else is good, but for now you'll need to do the above to get accepted. Nice to have you join though.
@BCTheEntity Accepted, feel free to add your character to the Characters tab.
@Classpet Accepted, feel free to post your character sheet in the characters tab.

@Antarctic Termite Thank you, and no worries about not being able to join. If you ever do change your mind tell me though. :D
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