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25 days ago
Current Went to my first anime convention. Was Awesome.
2 mos ago
Might be better than me surviving on soda to be honest.
2 mos ago
Everyone who is at a bump in the road just know we're all here to support you and there's always good things just around the corner.
2 mos ago
You don't persay owe me money. But if you have money to spare I won't say no. ;)
1 like
2 mos ago
Please like if you hate heatwaves.


I'm here :)

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, that's no biggie my mom yells at me too. JK
You're just evil, Idk why. xD
If zi's aim is really bad it could be me. :(
I do. :) and posted
Richter waited as the cat only decided to continue to stare at him with its wide eyes in pure innocence. No.. Richter doubted himself briefly... Really bruh, you're questioning an animal... The other half of his head came into the conversation. Yeah man there's no way a cat has a thumb and index to get that flipping thing open.. As stupid as this looks that cat is strange...

He came up with a compromise, as he straightened and looked down at the animal still with wary eyes and no smile. "Here's the deal, I know you're not a normal cat, but if you stick with me we'll have no problems. You scramble through that window or in some way disappear and I swear an oath to the heavens above I will find you and when I do you won't like it."

@Midnight stars

lol Richter does he just wants a little his way. xD

Oh um was wondering if I could bring that flashback character into the story at some point?

Also was it bad or wrong for me to add that in? I just kinda did it to fill in the space because otherwise my post would have been like one sentence.
Richter was getting bored of twirling his dagger and resheathed it, as he wondered how he would kill the time. He decided to sit in the only chair the room had. The room itself didn't have a lot of funishings. Basically it consisted of: A double bed along one of the side walls, a basic nightstand, average dresser and obviously the chair Richter himself currently occupied. Oh yes and a small closet on the opposite wall from where the bed lay and the small square window of the perimeter exterior wall of the property. Richter heard a scritching sound by the window and crouched ready to take action. Something small and white hurtled into the room through the window-The Hell?!-
hee reached for his weapon he had just previously sheathed as it landed and he relaxed. It was just that cat from earlier. Then a thought occurred.
"You have some explaining to do cat. There's no way you could have jumped, and pulled that window open." His eyes narrowed and he leaned forward aggressively, "Who are you?"

@Midnight stars
Tried the mention thing in an edit since I forgot, but isn't really working for me.
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