Avatar of Genkai


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5 mos ago
Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
10 mos ago
Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
5 yrs ago
Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
5 yrs ago
In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
6 yrs ago
It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

Most Recent Posts

@codex I would say in Harry Potter, I'd prefer something during the trio's era as the Marauder's era doesn't quite interest me much. With the main trio and the surrounding characters (like Ginny, Luna, Draco etc) we could do something slightly AU like changing the Houses (ex: Harry in Slytherin, Hermione in Ravenclaw for example) or kill a major role like say Ron or Ginny. Or we could do something more traditional and pick things up between two books and take them in a new direction. Or even just pick things up when the trio return to school after defeating Voldemort. There are a lot of options depending on the characters and tone we wish to focus on. Personally I can play Hermione and probably Ron, Draco and maybe Luna?
@codex Do you think within Harry Potter or Hunger Games, you might be open to using a certain canon? I would also be using a canon as well, as I can't easily plot for OCs or get as invested in them as say, the canons I know and love which is why I ask.
@codex Quick question! For your fandoms, do you use OCs or canons?
@vietmyke Yeah son, get your post up in this jam! XP
Not well.

It seems I had a nasty upper respiratory infection which then triggered my asthma so I spent the past week in bed coughing with low oxygen levels. I'm finally coming out of the haze though! Sorry about vanishing, I had no idea whatever I had last week would continue to plague me.
@Silverink Get that post up whenever you can! :)

Sorry ya'll, I've been horrendously ill this past week, like so sick I'm surprised I'm not dead. >__> But I am somewhat improving so I thought I'd come on here and see how things look!
@71452K Thanks, I'll get to the PM tomorrow it looks like. I've lost my voice at this point but tomorrow I do plan on sitting down and doing some writing if my body cooperates. My mind is active but I'm at that point in this 'thing' that I lay down and end up napping without even meaning to. ^^; Coughing makes everything sore which is awesome.

I do have an orange or two laying around, I should have one of those before bed tonight. I had forgotten about that. XD

@Aristasy Aww thanks, I'll try. Usually I turn to miso soup to soothe my throat and soul but it looks like I can't get any of that.
Got your PM, I'm feeling a bit sick (to put it mildly and spare folks details) so I'll try to get to it when I'm feeling less shit.
Good posts so far guys! :)

Long read I know, sorry! >__<

But anyway I am off to bed, let me know if you have any questions or if I fucked up at some point during said intro, it was an all-day thing I tended to on and off, so it's possible I did make a mistake here or there...but yeah pay no mind to how freakishly long it was. I've got two characters and some info to dump. ^^;
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