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It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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I understand, life has been real tough on my end too. I hope we can catch each other another time.
I do see Raven as selfish though, while she values Laura's freedom and wishes to help her and the others escape Transigen, I can still see Raven wanting to confront Transigen now that Laura is finally without restraint. Raven isn't who she once was, phsycailly, I think she'd want to use the strength behind Laura to tip the scales. I also see Raven as having been able to snag a few vials of serum to help those like Charles and Logan, it wouldn't be a permanent solution but I think Raven has been preparing for this juncture for a while. Logan wouldn't want to fight the large scale fight Raven may lean toward, Laura would have her own reservations but I don't see Raven's choices fueled solely on kindness. Laura as an ally gives Raven a chance to bring down a few Transigen lab. That would be another source of conflict for the group. Head to the border, go on a detour, etc. If you're not on board with the idea I understand but I do see this RP as an opportunity to change some things and explore different tactics on each individual's desires.
As he found himself suddenly bound, he fell to his knees as his body settled into a heap on the arena. His limbs twitched as he tried to break free, knowing he had to help Korra. Somehow. Moments ago he and Korra had been in a heated argument. While he had stood by most of what he said to her, he knew some of his words had been sorely out of line. Bolin was disgusted that he had let his own personal anger get in the way of helping Korra, someone who was precious to him. While he wasn't sure where he and Korra would go from this point on, he knew he had to get to her side to help her. Current personal feelings aside, he had to do something. He wouldn't let her face Amon alone. With his arms and legs bound, he wiggled slightly as he tried to earth bend something, anything but it seemed futile.

A light grunt left his lips as he looked over his shoulder to see Korra crossing the pathway he had crafted. His gaze turned back ahead of him to where Amon was with the other pro-benders. Fear was threatening to seize Bolin's very core. It was as though a heavy chill had fallen over his body. Breathing became harder as he tried to push away the words he and Korra slung at one another. Now they were stuck in this battle, so much was at stake and he was unable to help her. Bolin groaned as he finally pushed himself to his knees. His entire being wanted to tell Korra to flee, to get out while she could, that saving face wasn't nearly as important as saving her life, that the world needed the Avatar and now wasn't the time to play Amon's game.

But no words came.

He was frozen.

He was pulled up to his feet as he was pulled towards the other hostages. He flailed his legs but they did little to stop what was happening. "Korra!" He called out, trying to find some sort of optimism to spur her on. Usually he was a fountain of confidence but he too was feeling the pressure. He couldn't fathom what Korra was feeling. It had to be ten times worse than what was torturing him. There was so many things he needed to say to her but now was not the time. She had to be ready for one hell of a fight. "You can do it Korra, you have more to fight for than he does!" Amon wanted to extinguish Korra and the hope she provided many people, including him. Despite having disagreements about her motives and their personal feelings for one another, he knew the greatness she was capable of.

Withering against the metal restraints, he could feel the metal bending slightly but not nearly enough to allow the earth bender to break free. 'I gotta learn to bend metal, damnit!' He thought angrily to himself. When Korra aimed a fiery punch toward Amon, the heat could be felt from where Bolin and the others were positioned. His heart raced as he watched Korra and Amon begin their duel. Bolin clenched his jaw as he felt his nails dig into his palms, almost deep enough to draw blood. He felt so useless and knew because of him her mind was probably not in the best of places. "I believe in you Korra, so does everyone here!" He exclaimed, not wanting her to feel alone. She had to know that he would do anything he could to help her as he went back to trying to somehow manipulate the metal binds, every fiber of his being needing to join Korra, needing to fight alongside her.

- - - -

As the dark haired woman observed those at the park, she continued to reflect upon her friendship with Korra. Asami had thought they were friends but now she really wasn't sure Korra held her in the same regard. 'Friends don't kiss their friend's boyfriend.' She thought. In her mind it was such an obvious conclusion to come to but since Korra had done that, Asami was left to consider that she and Korra were not friends. 'If she was my friend and had genuine concerns about my relationship with Mako she should have talked to me. Korra's actions were selfish and I don't think I want to see her for a while.' While she knew the blame didn't fall entirely on Korra's shoulders, Asami took great offense to Korra's impulsive behavior and had to eventually confront the girl.

For now Asami wished to focus on her and Mako.

Asami stood up and walked out of the gazebo and made her way back toward her car. While she was repulsed by Mako and Korra's betrayal, she did not wish to just cast Mako aside and try to move on with her life. While that would be the sensible thing to do, her heart was incapable of simply moving on. The memories she and Mako created continued to resurface to the top of her mind as she finally reached her car. Ever since Mako broke the news to her, a dull ache began to torment her heart. Asami knew that pain would linger for a while as she learned to trust Mako slowly. But still, when she heard Mako's voice call out to her, the pain went away for a moment. Worry and doubt lessened as she turned to Mako. "Mako..." While he seemed happy to see her, the same joy was more difficult to summon as her mind once again thought back to him and Korra together.

While he had been correct in noting their meeting time hadn't been very precises, they had managed to find one another well enough. When Mako presented her with the red rose, a smile finally found its way back to her polished crimson lips. "Thank you, Mako. This is very thoughtful of you." She took the offered rose from him. She studied the flower before she leaned back against her car, her hips settled against the sleek exterior. She let out a heavy sigh, knowing they would need to discuss their relationship. "So you spoke to Bolin?" She asked him. Before she and Mako had parted ways last night, she had asked him to tell Bolin the truth as he had a right to know if he had personal interest in Korra.

"I didn't sleep very well last night." She mentioned as she pressed her fingers together and spun the rose around between them. First counterclockwise and then clockwise. "I don't know how to move forward from where we are...I want us to stay together and make this work but...it's not going to be easy." She told Mako, raising her head to look to him. "I never had doubts when it came to your friendship with Korra but now I have them and they won't stop haunting me. I want to trust you both but right now it's gone. It's going to take a while before I feel comfortable again. When you're training with Korra I'm going to worry. When the Fire Ferrets go out to celebrate after a match, I'm going to worry. I wish I didn't have to but I'm going to worry, I wish there wasn't a reason because believe me, I was never worried before last night. I trusted you completely."

"I don't want to give you conditions like not being alone with Korra. I want you two to remain friends, I think you're good for one another but you need to understand I won't feel comfortable for a while and it'll take time for us to get back to where we were. But I do care about you and I would like us to find a way past this somehow." Asami knew time would be the best healer and she was fairly certain Mako understood her need to be cautious. Reaching over, she placed her right hand over his left, squeezing it lightly. "I think it's only fair the one who broke my heart should be the one to help put it back together." She smiled lightly. She wanted to try, unwilling to walk away. Even though she was hurting, she knew Mako was hurting too and that someday they would both be able to overcome this moment of hardship.
Thanks guys. :)
No problem.

I'd say ALTA had better character development, so many instances in LoK where I wanted to pull my hair out, I still haven't returned to the series finale. But I'd say the bending in LoK was pretty neat in how it applied bending to professions like metal benders being cops.

Modern works for me, I've got no real preference myself.

If you'd like air, I'll take earth and water if you'd like air and fire? I'm thinking my earth might be female and my fire bender male.

I could cook us up an OOC so we can figure out the roles in one place. And I think with the CS we'll be able to list what fabrics they use where. And our characters being the top in their class works for me. Maybe the evil force is spreading disease or some kind of other effect? Maybe it attacks benders somehow?
Alright, thanks for the heads up!
Intro is up, we won't arrive at the shine yet so it'll be mostly conversation and observation for your intro posts. If you have any questions, let me know. :)
Chapter One:

Death Lurks in the Shadows

A warm gentle breeze blew through the trees. A few wooden wind chimes clunked together as the group of five students lingered near the dirt path that snaked into the dark unwelcoming forest in the hills of Tamashini Town. The five students had all agreed to meet near the edge of The Forest of Silence. In Tamashini, many myths revolved around the forest that surrounded the seaside mountain town that only few called home. Tamashini residents honor the forest for its fertile soil and active wildlife. The forest being so dense, it is nearly impossible to find one's way if they stray from the dirt path. A few people have gone missing in the forest and while it is where festivals are held, there is a deep-seated respect as well as fear for the forest. The people of Tamashini pay their respects open at the shrine which is kept clean by the elderly Genkai.

Not much is known about the woman except she is known for her spiritual prowess. She moved into the shrine two years ago, in 1995, to manage its upkeep and the town does not see her often except during festivals. She is a recluse and viewed as highly mysterious. Due to her private life, many children consider her to be some kind of witch, able to commune with the dead or other spirits. The who idea of venturing into the eerily quiet forest had been that of Era Tsukino. While young for a high school senior, Era was well known for having bold ideas, wanting to enjoy as much of her life as possible. Sometimes her impulsive nature got her into trouble. Sometimes she'd have to climb to the top of a tree to get the right photograph which would result in a sprained ankle or fractures wrist but Era was never one shy away from an idea and often enough once the idea had been planted in her head, there was little to deter her.

The Forest of Silence was not forbidden to anyone but it was a place no one often went into come nightfall.

As the five lingered near the forest's only entrance, Era took a few steps back down the slope that lead to the town's row of homes and shops. No lights were on behind them but the moon, in its waning gibbous stage, provided her enough natural light to snap a picture of them preparing to go on a small quest. Era's camera was her most prized possession and she never left home without it, not wanting to miss out on a great photo here or there. The teenager's long flowing light brown hair gave her some warmth as the spring air was kept cool due to Tamashini's proximity to the ocean. She had on cream colored sweater and blue jeans, not wanting to get too dressed up for their outing. It was a little after midnight as the five stared into the quiet depths of the forest. "Okay looks like we're here. Let's go!" She pumped her right fist into the air.

When she had voiced her idea after class hours ago, Era had been surprised to see who had shown interest. There was Hime Masami who was rather quiet and an A student. That said, Hime wasn't often the kind to break rules as she enjoyed having such a polite and proper image. That said, Era was happy to welcome the older student to their little romp in the woods. There was Isami Hironaka who was Era's age but like Hime, rather reserved and stuck to himself. There was Rikyu Kiyabu who was also her age who she wasn't surprised to see at the meeting spot. And lastly there was Matsuri Yanagi who was nice enough but still also a surprise. In all honesty Era expected to see someone like Bunko who was the class clown. Or even Sachi who was always the center of attention. That said, Era was hoping they could still have a fun night in the woods and maybe become better friends.

"There is no need to yell. People are sleeping." Hime said quietly, her arms folded over her chest. Hime's presence surprised even herself. While they had all grown up with one another, they weren't necessarily close. Era had her own friends just as the others had their own niches in the town. Hime has promised herself as well as her parents that during her final year of school, she would do her best to branch out and become more social with her peers. That said, Hime had her doubts about going into the forest so late. Since she was a cautious soul, she did leave a note in her room if she happened to not come home in the morning, so that a search party could be formed and directed accordingly. Hime looked at the other four, hoping her note would be unnecessary but she did like to take precautions as needed.

With everyone feeling tense, doubtful, or worried, it was time to get moving before one of them changed their mind. "Come on, the sooner we depart the sooner we'll be back home safe in our beds." Hime said as she began to walk into the forest.

"Aw don't be in such a rush. There's no fun in that." Era whined lightly.

Hime glanced to the younger classmate, "This being your idea, makes you somewhat responsible for our safety. You should take that seriously and make sure we all make it back."

"Whaaat? I am not your babysitter! Guys, I am not liable for any harm that may befall you. We're all adults here," Somewhat. "so we all need to be careful. So watch your step and don't blame me if you fall and break your nose or something." Era laughed lightly as they walked along the dirt path, the moonlight that once gave the group light and guidance now became somewhat muddled due to the high trees. Hime looked around as she turned on her flashlight. She had the common sense to bring it along though it looked like Era had not. Hime had on a dark red long sleeve shirt. She had over that, a black vest and matching black linen pants to deal with the slightly warm but windy evening. Hime alternated her flashlight from left to right front of their path, making sure they followed it and did not somehow stray. Her choppy brown hair was tied back in a loose ponytail and she stuck to the middle of the pack while Era took the lead.

"I think the shrine isn't far." Hime spoke up. While she had been to the shrine several times during holidays and festivals to pay her respects, it was harder to consider time and distance in the dark. Even though her focus was on the narrow path in front of them, her eyes couldn't help but catch glimpses of the various wildflowers that littered the forest. It seemed that even in darkness, they held such immense beauty. "Hold on guys." She couldn't help but call out to the others as she slowed down and turned her flashlight towards a collection of pink azaleas. "They look so different at night." She crouched down and brushed a finger along one of the silky flower petals. It was no secret that Hime had a passion in flowers and plants.

Era stepped back and snapped a picture of Hime by the pool of flowers. Though she didn't think it would turn out well given the lack of lighting, she hoped it could be a nice memento for older girl. The group continued to walk, their pace slow. From time to time there would be the sound of cicadas or crickets. There seemed to be a wave of peace settling over the intimidating forest. The more she spent in the forest amoung the others, the less nervous Hime found herself. Perhaps there was something soothing about being surrounded by trees and flowers that made the brown haired teenager accept the moment for what it is, as opposed to what her worries were fabricating in her head. Hime focused on where she was and who she was with, not wanting to miss out on this spur of the moment adventure. "So...we've got break coming up. Any plans?" Hime asked the others. They would soon have three weeks off from school and she had to wonder if anyone was already planning how to spend their days of freedom.
I don't think we'd have to worry about that. We are posing a new plot so we can develop Logan and Raven a little differently. Given the new change in dynamics with Raven now along for the ride, some events may change. I think along the way Raven may try to target and bring down a few small Transigen labs if possible. She sees the big picture of Transigen as a threat and with Logan and Laura she's got a lot more strength on her side.
Getting started on this intro, it should be up in a few hours, there won't be a posting order so everyone feel free to post whenever you're able.
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