Avatar of Genkai


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5 mos ago
Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
10 mos ago
Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
5 yrs ago
Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
5 yrs ago
In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
6 yrs ago
It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

Most Recent Posts

Hello everyone.

I am here seeking a partner for a Game of Thrones 1x1 on Discord.

About Me:

I can play both genders and do prefer to double. I do have a preference for playing females but again, I do love to double as long as it's done fairly where both sets of pairs and all characters are given equal development, attention, and replies.

I can post about 2-5 paragraphs per role I take on. So if we double, expect each character to get the same lines/paragraphs.

Generally I post every couple of days, I've got a life and other RPs I tend to. That said, I'm usually around if you want to just talk or plot or gush about things. But if you prefer to not be chatty, that's okay too, provided we're still moving the RP forward and aren't confused about its general direction and pacing.

My Characters:

I am generally looking for canons, as I play canons. I don't know nearly enough about the lore to make a good OC so I'd like us not to use those.

I can play: Arya, Sansa, Cat, Theon, Tyrion, Margaery, Jorah, Dany, Bran, Petyr, Cersei, Brienne, Sam, Yara, Jon, and Davos.

I would love: Joffrey, Ned, Dany, Tyrion, Tommen, Jamie, Jaqen, Syrio, Theon, Yara, Petyr, Brienne, Gilly, Cersei, Tormund, and Sansa.

All characters will be 18 years of age. I know the tv show aged up the book ages but we will age them up again so no one is underage.

Last Notes:

I don't really have a plot. I am up-to-date on the tv show. I have not read the books.

I do like AU plots or changing up events that have happened, killing people, reviving others.

I wouldn't mind doing something stemming off of season one or maybe doing something between season 6 and 7 or 7 and 8 since those look to be good points of divergence. I'm not that great with political themes but with GoT, I will need to get better at thinking more strategically. Same with combat, it's not something I'm great at but I am looking to improve anyway.

If you'd like to discuss pairs, drop me a PM. After we chat, we can exchange discord handles.

Thank you.​
I haven't been active for a while so forgive me for the lackluster presentation at the moment.

I have been on a mega My Hero Academia kick this past week, gearing up for the season two final airing soon. And as such, I'd love to jump back into GMing in the fashion of this fandom. No, I don't read the manga because I have a job and don't have time for it so the inspiration will be mostly tied from the anime itself.

Generally we will play characters (playing canons is an option if you want to but I suspect we'll be doing OCs mostly) who are going to a hero academy in the kingdom capital. They learn carious subjects like horse riding, map reading/making, survival skills, economy, politics and of course how to control their quirk. Our students will be in their mid 20s because the academy in this fantasy setting will teach students from the age of 7 (or whenever their quirk manifests itself) and then for 15-20 years or until they pass their final exams which usually take at least 15 years for most.

Upon graduation, there will be an event that happens at random in the world: Eternal Darkness.

I know, lame name. Deal with it.

When Eternal Darkness falls, a full moon is the only offering of light. This can last days, weeks, months, even years. It is during this time that a magical well appears and grants whoever finds it, a wish. Our heroes with the use of their quirks set off to find it together. Along the way they'll run into other villainous foes and helpless townsfolk.

This is meant to be a cliche fantasy story, more charming and relaxed, than serious or dark in tone.

So if anyone is up, let me know. If not, that's cool too.

It's been a great time here, I've met someone cool people who pushed me to become a better writer.

I can't begin to recount all those I encountered but thank you Mahz, for so so much.
I didn't feel comfortable getting the IC post up until I felt we were both on the same page and for a bit it seemed like we weren't. But now it seems we've got things settled which makes me feel more at ease so I should get something up soon. Though if you wanted to get it up sooner I wouldn't have opposed. XD
Working on a post right now.

Just to clarify, can we also do two characters? I have no intention to add one right now, but maybe in the future?

Sure, no problem!
I don't think it's out of Raven's character to want to bring down Transigen and help the mutant children though. I think that's part of her motivations. I see Raven as a bit selfish and impulsive even at this point in her life. While she wants to reconnect with Charles and help Laura and Logan, I think she still would take the fight to Transigen if/when possible which I do expect to be met with resistance. If you're not sure about how I'm characterizing Raven, we can go with another plot though. I want us both to be comfortable with direction and intent.
I understand, school is picking up but just be sure to keep us in the loop. Any post is better than none IMO. :)
Aww Bolin can only do so much lol

And thanks. :)
Aww Bolin can only do so much lol

And thanks. :)
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