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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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Merge Rate: 33%

Word Count: 290

Level 10 - (34/100) + 1

Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin

Frisk @Majoras End Albedo @Lugubrious, Papyrus @Dark Cloud

Linkle smiled at Frisk's enthusiasm. "Don't worry about going all out. I'm all healed up, remember? I can take it. Besides, I actually have a way to heal people if they get too hurt, but it takes something out of me to use it. So we'll be fine." She said, thumping herself on the chest as Albedo led the group slightly outside town. Pulling it away, she held up resulting bright pink in her hand before letting it pop. "Familiar, huh? That's one not my soul, though. It's actually...I'm not sure how they work, actually. I think they're powered by friendship."

The snow on the road here wasn't packed down from constant travelers, but it wasn't so deep that it could impair anyone's movement. "This looks alright." She said, holding up a hand to call everyone to a stop before walking forward a short distance from the child and the stalfoes. Turning on her heel, she pulled one crossbow out of her boot and twirled it before pointing it at the two. Frisk had that shield, and Papyrus was just bones. The bolts shouldn't be too hard on either of them. "You guys don't have to take turns. Just treat me like you would any evil villain! Muahahaha, and stuff like that!"

With that she started firing on both of them, alternating the crossbow between Frisk and Papyrus and fighting against muscle memory to not just hold down the trigger and spray bolts at them. The bolts were consistent, but they weren't the walls she usually put out. All she had to do was nick either of them, then the decision of whether or not they were going to fight in earnest would be out of their hands.
Same, welcome.
@Dark Cloud

Yeah, it's okay man. Now @Majoras End, come at me two on one!

Merge Rate: 33%

Word Count: 1003

Level 10 - (32/100) + 2

Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin

@Dark Cloud@Majoras End

Vandahm being a dead man came as something of a surprise to Linkle, but it wasn't as hard for her to rationalize as Nia and Albedo. After all, time was all weird here. If Galeem took people from hundreds or thousand of years apart and mashed them together there was nothing stopping it from grabbing people from weeks or months part either. You could even meet yourself, as she had seen with the two different versions of Bowser. Did that mean they could warn the man? If they did, would it mean anything? After all, he had already died. If that was his fate, then there wouldn't be any way to change that. Then what mean for the Guardian Bowser, they had killed him, when this was all over was he just going to be slotted back into history like nothing had happened? How did that jell with fate?

Linkle was as glad as the others that they moved on quickly from that topic, arresting her fall down a dangerous mental rabbit hole by asking after the Master's eye. Not surprisingly, the two didn't seem to know anything but Albedo did hypothesize that it would be in a dungeon somewhere guarded by something stupidly powerful. "Sounds like we'll come across it if we just keep doing what we've been doing so far. There are plenty of strong monsters left in the world to guard it."

Nia cottoned on that this was a "save the world" kind of mission and kindly offered her assistance, but Linkle added onto Albedo's point about focusing on the Stranger right now. "Thanks for the offer, though. Eventually the rest of them will make it up here, and we have teleporters so we can hook all kinds of places together. So if you're still interested, ask around then." Someone that could do healing was always a good get, double so if they were Tora's friend. For now, though, she should stay with Treat.

It wasn't long after getting the wolf girl settled in that Frisk and Papyrus returned, the kid looking much more prepared for the journey ahead. The two met Linkle outside, as she was holding the odd statue she she gotten from the Doll Master's sprit to he ear. She could swear she could faintly hear the thing saying something, something about the moon? Home? Eeriethrell? It seemed pretty important, if they ever found a place by that name. She stopped and looked up as the two came crunching through the snow. "Nice horn." She said, looking over the trombone Frisk now carried. "I didn't know you played an instrument." Music played an important role in the legends, the songs played on simple instruments sometimes having miraculous magic powers. She wondered if it worked the same way with Frisk. Maybe the horn was a weapon. "C'mon, lets say goodbye and then we'll head out."

Leading the pair back inside, the now quartet could say their goodbyes to Treat, Nia, Dromach, and the little dog. It wasn't surprising that it would be hanging around with Treat while hey were out, but it was kind of surprising that it didn't have a name. Albedo's confusion when asked told her that he hadn't even maned it in his own head. "Doge?" She suggested, but the word hadn't even made it all the way out of her mouth before the Alchemist decided of "Soil." Weird name, essentially calling the animal "dirt," but he knew Soil better than she did. With that he stepped out the door and, with a cheery goodbye to the animals and animal girls, Linkle followed him.

Once out, Albedo brought up another problem that that had been at the back of Linkle's mind. He was right, there was no way she would be able to meet her man in black tonight if they were going to be taking a trip as long as this. Crossing her arms and thinking about it, meeting with that black coat wasn't as important as finding the Stranger's weakness. He could potentially tell them about that, but that was also what they were setting out to do. The other reason was to get their help trying to contact the rest of the Seekers, and if that didn't work to give him and their group by extension a piece of her mind. It wasn't as vital, but it was still something she wanted to do.

She sighed. "I should have left a message with Mr. Grillby." She said, then an idea sparked in her head. She head shot up, back toward Nia's door. "OH! Just give me a second." She said, stepping back up to it and poking her head inside.

"Um, Nia?" She said, slightly apologetically. "Sorry to pop back in real quick, but there is something you could do to help. Could you give a message to the bartender at Grillby's to pass on for me? Could you ask him to tell the man in the black coat that that a Seeker of Light wants to speak with him and it's really important, so please meet her in Edinborugh Magipolis. Thanks!" Nodding, she stepped back and closed the door again. "Now he can come find me." She said. "Lead the way, Albedo!"

The matter of filling Frisk and Papyrus in about the details of their real mission had seemingly slipped her mind as they set off, until she said, "Now, it's going to be a pretty long way and there might be dangers on the trip. So once we get outside the town a little we're going to stop for a bit so you guys can show me what you can really do!" She turned to the pair as they went. "I saw a little in the basement, but I want you guys to spar with me so we can get a feel for one another's abilities. That way we can work together better if we're attacked. After that, I'll tell you everything I know about the world as we travel."

Word Count: 1801

Level 8 - (54/80) + 3

Location: Smash City Alcamoth ---> Kanzuki Beach

@Zoey Boey

Going through the teleporter, leaving the morbid atmosphere of the island behind and ending up back in the town Of Limsa, was like waking up from a nightmare. The town was dark, having a truly peaceful sleep for perhaps the first time since the residents had appeared here in the World of Light. Those that were still awake could be heard in distance, song and celebration drifting to their ears from down the empty thoroughfares and across the docks.

It was a simple matter to make their way through the city toward the Alcamoth Portal Junior had painted earlier on their trip, even with New Southern's armed and fully operational battle crab. They had the fortune to reunite with the Koopas as hey made their way through the city, joining the family back together before they departed for Alcamoth proper. Once there a few of the stronger looking mercenaries (including Mewtwo, a red eyed young man, and a grizzled looking veteran) who had been woken and put on watch thanks to the earlier influx of refugees took K.Rool and Moureu off their hands and lead the two away for what the grizzled one called "processing." The Koopas, including Rika, took their leave through one of the nearby portals to Peache's Castle and New Southern took an interest in the large class dome and wandered off up the escalator presumably to resume her appreciation of the night sky.

With all that done, with everyone "safe" until next morning at least, Link felt like he was about to collapse. He wandered off himself, eventually being directed toward an unused set of bedchambers by one of the young Alcamoth natives hanging out around the central staircase. He found it easily enough after taking a few of the teleporters and, upon seeing the clean white sheets of the bed inviting him in, felt extremely guilty about what he was about to do to them. He didn't need to even look at himself, the fact that he could still smell the stink of that island was all he needed to remind him of what kind of filth must be clinging to him. He couldn't wash it off, though. Not unless he wanted to sleep in the tub. There was one last thing, though. One last duty he still had the power to perform before passing out.

He took out Delsin's spirit. No one else had wanted to carry the man, so that left him Link's responsivity. He clumsily pressed the spirit into his chest and, before the light had even finished enveloping him, he collapsed onto the bed with a wet squelch.

Sleep had not been restful for Link. Throughput the night he was plagued by nightmares that forced his eyes open even even they so desperately needed to stay closed. He had been drowning, helplessly sinking amid the wreckages of ship that wailed and cried in agony as it's passengers were devoured around her by things that weren't much more than swimming mouths. He had been at the head of a grand feast, lumbering monsters gouging themselves on frog legs and turtle soup, resisting the roaring of his stomach until he could no longer and joined in with a gusto that appalled even his masked hostess. He saw faces, white and screaming and familiar, sinking forever into an ocean of black tar.

The old standby put in an appearance too, and that one finally forced his eyes open for good. He pushed himself up out of the sheets he'd ruined, his body sore from having stupidly slept with the ship girl gear on. He couldn't tell what time it was, as the room was enclosed. He hadn't even shut off the lights last night, and was thankful for that as he sat breathing heavily on the edge of the bed before getting up and heading for the bathroom. Before showering and washing the now crusty ocean gunk off of him he took a moment to appreciate that his tunic had been reincarnated thanks to Delsin's spirit, and bowed his head in thanks to the man. He had also somehow gotten even taller out the deal than he had when he'd fused with the Tidehunter, and for the first time got a look at his new teeth and the dark green/blue that now made up his eyes thanks to the mirror. He could still recognize himself, but for the first time wondered if Zelda would.

That was a problem for another day, though. Today's problem was delving back into The Maw to search for survivors. So, after a through washing and changing out his shorts for that pristine pair of purple trunks he had on him, he set out back through the main atrium toward the network of portals Junior had set up. First to Limsa, to get breakfast and keep his energy up. Or, lunch, it looked like. By the time he had woken up it was, frustratingly, the afternoon. He had lost a lot of time because of those constant wake ups. Maybe it would be better to skip food and go right to The Maw?

"Mr. Link?" came a chipper voice from down by his thigh. He looked down to spot a yellow dog walking on her hind legs, giving him a confused look as though she didn't know whether she were addressing the right person. Isabelle, the helpful Alcamoth secretary and inexplicably one of the warriors chosen for the group that had gone out and battled Galeem. In her paws she was holding a small envelope. "That is you, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's still me." He said quickly, lest she feel uncomfortable.

She looked relieved at that, before presenting him with the envelope. "I was asked to deliver these to the members of your team!"

He took and and gave the contents a quick read. A woman was throwing a celebration in their honor at her seaside home for everything they had done for Limsa Lomiscuttle town and, by extension, the Edge of Blue. It was a generous offer, but he wasn't exactly in a celebratory mood at the moment. Besides which, he had other plans. He handed the invite back to Isabelle and shook his head. "Sorry, there are things I still need to do today. Why don't you go in my place?" He gave the dog a and and started walking off.

"UM, what things?" Isabelle asked, the sound of her little feet padding across the street pulling up beside him. He looked down again, spotting her running along to keep up with his new stride. "There isn't anything new scheduled for you all, at least not yet. Are you planning to take all day?"

"I'm going back to The Maw to look for survivors." He said simply.

"Oh, I see. One of our newcomers talked about that place after we freed him." Isabelle said, looking slightly queasy at the thought, before looking back up in shock. "Wait, by yourself? Right now?"

"That was the plan." Link replied.

With that the dog put on a burst of speed, sprinting in front of him and spinning around, holding up the invitation as though it were a stop sigh. To he credit, it worked at bringing him to a halt before she even said. "Wait. Are you up to that?" She noted the deep black bags under his eyes. "You don't look like you've recovered completely from your last expedition."

"I'll be fine." Link replied, which prompted his stomach to let out a mighty protest that went on uncomfortably long.

Isabelle put her hands om her hips like a mother that had just caught her kids staying up way past their bedtime and decided to put her foot down. "Your first job is recuperating! Focus on relaxing until your fighting fit."

"I don't have the time. There could still be a bunch of kids in there." Link sharply protested, but she held out a finger.

"Leave that to us." She said. "Helping out is what the mercenaries are for."

"I can't let you risk that."

"Don't be selfish. How would your friends on Hero Team feel if you ran off and got hurt because your hungry and tired. How would you get the kids out if you got hurt? This is what the mercenaries are for." She said, before walking up to him and putting the invitation back in his hand. "You don't have to worry. You already defeated the worst monsters there."

He hesitantly took the invitation back. "You're sure?"

"Let me assemble a team. Everything will be fine. Go enjoy your day off." She assured him, giving him a reassuring on the leg to send him on his way, watching him like a mother hen to make sure he went into the Limsa portal. She didin't even tell about the important meeting Peach was in right now.

It was fortunate the this Ms. Kanzuki was well known to the residents of the Southern Shoreline District, who were able to point and hurry his along the beachfront until he spotted some familiar faces crowding around a long table laden with food, the smell of which caused his stomach to let out another battle cry as every worry save on was temporarily pushed out of his head. He ran down the beach, showing up to line up behind Junior and Kamek as they were greeted by a woman with some truly impressive hair curls and arms that would make an Gerudo warrior weep with envy. The way she held herself you could tell that she owned everything they could currently see.

"Thank you for the food." He said with a respectful bow, adding on the Kamek's thanks before he had even tasted it. "I'm Link. Forgive me if I eat you out of house and home, Miss Kanzuki. I've been very hungry for a while now."

Word Count: 643

Level 2 - (19/20) + 1

Location - Paved Wilderness ~ Rocket League Stadium


Yuri waved to the Master's as the pulled out of their parking space and drove off on the next leg of their family adventure. As they drew further and further away from her she, reticently, tilted her head to the side and called "Moogle?"

One of the white, fluffy creatures appeared to her in a heartbeat. Thankfully it was a more normal looking one than what she had gotten before. "Could you deliver a message for me? I've sent Mr. Ken Masters toward Lumbridge. Could someone find the man in the white Gi, or anyone who knows him, to greet Ken in the village and extend an invitation to Alcamoth? And please be tactful, his wife and child are with him."

Never in her life, even after awakening in this strange new world full of superpowers and living cartoons, did Yuri ever even consider that she might be involved in setting up a bushwhack like this. She felt guilty, but it had to be better than starting a fight with the man in a parking lot in front of his family and anyone else who might feel the need to get involved. The moogle nodded it's head and, with a "kupo," it teleported away, just in time for Yuri to turn and greet Pit, Banjo & Kazooie, and a much healthier looking Asbestos. She smiled faintly at that, both at her renewed health and the fact that she had agreed to return with them. A little bit of warmth went a long way.

"It's good to see you looking better." She said as the quartet approached, and explained what Ken had told her about the scenic route he had taken that went around the dead zone entirely and eventually made its way all the way to Esaka. There would still be dangers along the way once the got passed the Dead Zone, such as the creepy circus and the creature infested ruins around a city called Midgar, but all in all if it was an inroad to the next area they needed than Yuri was confident that was it. So far, despite a few small hiccups, this plan was working out splendidly.

Before the group could go inside and compare their notes, though, a low rumble came down over the parking lot. To Yuri it sounded like a roar of an airplane, but far louder. At first she thought it might be coming from the arena, but the rumble was indeed coming from above them. She looked and her mouth fell open as an airship began descending out of the clear blue sky, bigger than any naval vessel she had seen anywhere. It had sails, for goodness sake. It looked like it had come right out of a child's toybox, or the set of some old sci-fi movie. A toy or a prop. One that was at least 40 years old and had been left out in the rain for 30 of them.

The ship was weathered, sails thin and pockmarked with small holes. What must have once been pristine white paint was faded and botchy with patchy clumps of rust showing wherever any hadn't been applied. The engines pushed with all their might trying to keep the behemoth in the air as it soared over them and set down pretty roughly on the flat dry ground next to the parking lot, the roar dying as the twin engines slowly wound down. She could just make out a name emblazoned in faded blue letters across the hull. Virgin Victory.

Already the appearance of the ship was causing quite a stir among those that remained parked outside, people either making their way inside much more quickly or craning for a better look at the sudden visitors.

Yuri cleared her throat. "Before we go inside, I think we should investigate that."

Merge Rate: 33%

Word Count: 573

Level 10 - (31/100) + 1

Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin

"Your name was one of the first thing I heard when I woke up in this word. 'Nia, Nia!' Like the crowing of a cucco in the morning. Tora's been a good friend in a weird time. We fought a robot army and a gigantic dragon together!"

Linkle was ecstatic. She couldn't believe she had finally found somebody, and even more unbelievable was that it had been someone she hadn't been looking out for. Though Nia didn't seem particularly enthused about who Linkle had heard her name from. Linkle thought for a second that maybe she didn't like Tora, but soon the reality became apparent; she was far too worried about someone else.

"You must mean Rex Rex." She said. The way she had denied her worry was super cute, as though she hadn't made her real feelings on the boy madly apparent. It added an unpleasant weight to the bad news she had to deliver. The guy she liked, out there all alone in a strange and hostile world? Or worse, in the company of not one but two other girls!? Was this Rex guy some sort of playboy Casanova type? Linkle was glad she had never had to worry about things like that. "I'm sorry. Other than you, Poppi, and this buff guy named Vandahm we haven't run into anyone Tora knew." She said sympathetically. "You shouldn't worry about it though! It's a long story, but Tora, Poppi, and me have been travelling all over the place with a bunch of other people and our group is only getting bigger every day. Now that I know what he looks like, I'll keep an eye out." She added another one to the mental list.

"Speaking of eyes," she continued after taking a generous swallow of the Hot Cocoa Dromarch had placed in front of her. She looked over at Albedo as well, addressing this question to the room in general. Thinking about the list again had reminded her of the first thing penciled in right at the top. It was a long shot, but Nia had to have gotten adventurers in here all the time with her healing abilities and Albedo was, well, Albedo. "Has anyone here ever heard anything weird about an Eye? It's sort of one of the things we're looking all over the world for. It can see the future. The man who sent us on our journey says we need it."

After a few more minutes of casual conversation over drinks, Linkle stood up. "Right. I'm gonna bring Treat's stuff inside if she's going to be staying here. Do you have a guest room, or do you want me setting her up in the living room?" After gaining an answer Linkle took a few minutes to step outside and bring in Treat's few meager possessions, starting with the snack pack and the Nuka-cola that she had stacked on top to keep from getting smushed by everything else. At least if the wolf girl lost her nerve and found somewhere else it wouldn't be that hard of a move.

As she made her last trip out she took the spirit of the dollmaster out and, after picking up the last of Treat's things, crushed it in her hand hoping for something that one of her friends would like. Tossing the resulting item on the growing pile, she made her way back in and finished helping Treat get set up.
Picking The Carcass

Link's @Gentlemanvaultboy, Sakura's @Zoey Boey, Kamek's (and Rika’s) @DracoLunaris, Blazermate's @Archmage MC, & Bella (+4)

It was a fine thing to see a plan come together in such a commanding way. Anything with any sense had taken the opportunity to get out of the cave while the rest of them were either swept away under a wave of gunfire or decided to hang around and accept Kameks offer of answers and, shortly, sanctuary. Link had even managed to get a pair of flippers out of it, trading away another of his sulfur crystals to the big bury Zora that had offered them before the refugees were directed back towards Junior’s portal.

“Find a man named Vandham once you get there, he’ll help get you settled.” Link called after them, thankful that the city was situated over a large body of water where some of them might be more comfortable. He wasn’t unaware of the sour look Kamek was pointing his way, but all he could say was “I told her we would get her once we were done.” He was just as tired as the wizard was. “At least we aren't likely to be attacked on the way.”

Bella gave him a dubious side-eye glance. The sheer number of monsters that prostrated themselves throughout the Azure Weald when the team first came through had been vast, and even if many had already returned underground or underwater at this point, those who rushed headlong into a fight with Rika’s fleet -depleting some of her new force in the process- weren’t the only ones who might pose the group a threat. Decently far off but still too close for comfort, for instance, was the Squiffy Ghast whose eldritch violin melodies something deep within even her, an Abyssal product of the ocean deep. Around the damned minstrel stooped other creatures whose features were more difficult to discern in the gloom, and with the fatigue that hung on her limbs like leaden weights, Bella didn’t want any more fighting.

“I’m glad zat you brought ze little ones ‘round,” she told Rika. “Poor things. Zeirs is an awful existence, and zey need someone to give zem structure. Zat said, if we’re continuing onward, more numbers will attract more attention.” She cast a wary glance down the immense tunnel of lush alien vegetation, where every nook and cranny might hide another enemy. “We should stay more, how you say, low-key, non?”

“Yeah…” Rika said, not exactly sure if using them in the same way as the fleet had was a good idea or not now that the consequences of her actions were sitting and glowing in a pile of the dead.

Kamek gave her a reassuring pat on the arm ”It would have been a lot worse if we’d simply left this to fester on its own. It's good that you got us to come back” she told the young woman, before agreeing with Bella’s assessment, ”Yes, it would likely be best that we do anything more quickly and quietly. I’m fairly certain most of us do not have another fight in us” before stifling a yawn.

Sakura was sitting on a nearby rock, elbow on her knee, and holding her back that seemed to have a cramp that wouldn’t go away. Maybe it was psychosomatic. Or maybe she just needed a lie down. More fighting? She hadn’t expected it, but maybe that was her fault. Kamek’s stifled yawn was contagious, and Sakura didn’t bother hiding it. She stood up and stretched, raising her arms behind her head and bending them far backwards.

“Let’s just get this over with. A promise is a promise.” She said, voice strained as she stretched. She relaxed, sighing and rubbing her eyes. “I haven’t stayed up this late since Kei and I’s Godzilla movie marathon. And we don’t have any popcorn.”

A rumble issued from Link’s stomach. He didn't know what popped corn was, but it sounded fantastic. “Yeah, let’s try and do this fast.” He turned, crouched down, and started moving toward the far end of the cave keeping a lookout for anything unfortunate enough to be setting up an ambush. “Fast, but quiet.” His feet fell lightly on the cave floor as he took the lead, issuing not even a peep of sound as he stepped around pools of water and discarded piles of that red fruit.

Kamek took a sip from one of the mana potions she’d received from the dead. It was no replacement for food or sleep, but it at least gave her the power to take off on her broom and hover silently after the soft footed hero. Then behind her came a squelch and a whispered “oops, sorry” from Rika as she tried to be stealthy for the first time in her life and put her foot right in a bloopy froot while overthinking things.

Then she tried again only for a loud clunking to follow her as some of the abyssal minions instinctively followed her as an escort. She held them all up for a few moments as she got them all to stop following her, ordered them to take up a defensive position back on the Orphan’s beach where they should be safe, promising them she’d come back, and then brought up the rear of the group as their most amature sneaker.

Bella’s enormous metal tail did not lend itself to stealth, but with the stakes high she took every pain not to give her team away as the group pressed forward through the Azure Weald. The plentiful underbrush turned out to be both a help and a hazard at times, since while the plants could conceal the weary heroes from the monsters, some reacted to their proximity even without being stepped on. Whenever anyone got too close to the sail-like pink petals of an Orchey Shy, for instance, the five-foot flower would suddenly retract into its bud with an audible fwoop. Still, the going wasn’t too bad, and with a little patience and perseverance the team reached the rocky grotto tunnel that led back to the Parasite Farm through which they came.

“Almost there.” Sakura said quietly. “This place isn’t really scary anymore…now it’s just kinda gross.” With that, she brushed off her skirt and started scampering her way up the nets that lead upwards to the rocky grotto.

Link had to agree, looking around to see the farm hadn’t changed significantly from when they had come through the first time. The fish men in here still kept their wary distance and tended to the maggots or whatever it was that they were up to. South had moved on from here, though. He hoped she hadn’t left the island already as Sakura started up the nets to the next floor.

“Um- just let me know if any of you need a hand?” She said, briefly pausing on her way up to look at the others.

Link flexed his fingers. “I’m not too tired or a little light climbing.” He looked over at Bella and Rika. They might need a little help. “Ladies first. We can help carry your tail if you’re having trouble.”

“Oh? Ok yeah, thanks Link” Rika replied after a moment of hesitancy, before she started the climb up the nets. They’d done worse than this as little kids after all, though the sheer fatigue was taking its toll, enough that she lost her grip at one point, only for her wrist to be caught by a supervising Kamek

”I’ve got you” the mage said, letting go once the ship girl had re-grabbed her handhold on the net ”Just a little further, she can't have run off to far after this. I hope” she reassured the ship girl with what turned out to be an entirely false hope.

Though she did not want to trouble the young hero unduly, Bella ended up needing him to make good on his offer, after all. Her leviathan tail was heavier than the Abyssal herself, more suited for dragging her human portion along than the other way around. A net, however, lay well beyond its abilities to scale. Seaplanes could help make up the difference by buoying the blacksteel weight upward, but anyone could see it would take more than that. “Erm…if you don’t mind, too terribly?”

As Bella started up Link ascended close behind, straining to buoy the weight of it with his shoulders as they went. Sakura offered the pair a hand up, which Link was much obliged to accept after the ordeal.

The pelagic shamans below cast the climbers wary looks as they made their beleaguered ascent, but they kept to themselves rather than risk endangering their bountiful parasite farm. While the nets strained -and in the more rotted places, even tore- the heroes managed to triumph over the obstacle, which meant that all that lay between them and the violated fishing hamlet up above was the eggy grotto, with its encrusted ladder.

Kamek went first, angling her broom straight up and then shooting up the length of the well and up into the dreary skies, the real skies, of the island. ”Just as foul as I remember them” she complained while doing a quick circle looking for danger or the missing shipgirl, and finding neither.

”You're clear to come up, doesn't look like anyone’s here” She called down the well before wondering to herself ”where in the world has she gotten off to?” as the other’s began their accent, staring with Rika who popped her head out of the well and then hauled herself over the precipice. Then, knowing she wasn't going to have to do any more climbing, the girl leaned against the wall well (in a place where she did not obstruct others coming up) and slipped her gauntlet back on while asking “So…. Now what do we do? Do you think she’s in one of the buildings or something,” which Kamek responded to with a tired shrug.

Relieved that the rain had stopped and that no more murderous murlocs were around to cause problems (at least for now), Bella took a look around the village. It was every bit as gunky and infested as she remembered, and it was still the dead of night, but the storm around the island appeared to have calmed. All she felt was a slight seabreeze, still malodorous of course, but a lot better than before. Checking the shacks for New Southern would be an exhausting -not to mention risky- chore, but the disposition of their target might be a clue. “She prizes her own comfort, yes?” the Abyssal brought up. “If I were her, I would find somewhere high and dry.” With the dilapidated shanty town around the basin she couldn’t get a great read on the island’s terrain, but with the fog cleared she could make out bulbous dark shapes beyond the houses in one direction, back toward the shore. Rocks, most likely. “Perhaps zat way?”

“Good idea!” Sakura said, jogging off that way “A good thinking spot where she can come up with an apology to Rika-chan.” She said, only half-joking.

“You think so?” Rika asked, not picking up on the half of it that was joking, while following along after the street fighter, while Kamek hovered above them, weary eyes keeping watch for trouble.

“I should have taken her picture.” Link said as he hauled himself out of the well, sitting on the wall Rika had for a bit to catch his breath. He could have tracked her even if she had decided to shack up in one of these depressing houses. That gave him an idea, however. As he got up to follow Sakura he pulled out the Sheikah Slate and thumbs the Magnesis Rune. The magnetic grid he could see would highlight metal to him and allow him to see more clearly, for example, the big guns attached to New Southern’s crab if they got close enough.

Following Bella’s suggestion, the team either swam or skated across the basin and back the way they originally came. With no time or energy for further distractions they hustled by the jellyshrooms, sea maggots, and other spurious flotsam as best they could, until finally their weary splashing left the last barnacle-encrusted hovel behind them. The waterlogged path became a stream toward the left that split into rivulets across the mucky beach to empty out into the sea, but there was no sign of New Southern among the myriad sealife corpses and ghost-white corals that plagued the shoreline.

Hooking a right, however, brought the ragtag team away from the festering oceanic graveyard and up along the rocks. It was slick from rain and sea scum, with crabs and other critters lurking in the crevasses, but the higher they climbed, the more tolerable things got. The detestable odor of decay that hung heavy over the beach faded away beneath them, and fewer sea creatures troubled them. After a couple minutes of slow going, the team reached the top of the rocky-sided hill. There stood the pitiful remnants of an old lighthouse, little more than its lower third, with a suitably decrepit wooden fence along the ridge. As Link’s rune indicated early on, however, they weren’t alone. At the top of the ridge, where the wind blew as clean as it possibly could on Carcass Isle, rested three monstrous figures in silent commiseration. New Southern reclined on her crab mount as the newcomers expected, staring off into the calm night sky in search of stars, but next to her sat King K Rool, and on her other side stooped Moreau, the both of them having managed to extract themselves from the guts of the Maw. As the others arrived both K Rool and Moreau looked their way, the latter without any hint of recognition.

“Ohh…” the grotesque man moaned in fear, not nearly as big as he seemed while the Seekers were children.

K Rool affixed the heroes with a suspicious stare. “Huh!? Who’re you? Whaddya want?”

”Good morning, your majesty” Kamek said hastily, landing her broom a ways off front he trio and bowing to the crocodilian king from her world while saying ”I am Kamek, humble mage and advisor to lord Bowser. We were simply looking to meet back up with your companion there,” she nodded her head towards New Southern before adding ”and mean neither you nor her any harm.” while not so subtly leaving out Moreau from the equation so she could not be called a lier later.

The big croc crossed his arms, trying not to look pleased that his royal status was recognized on sight. “Oh yeah?”

“It’s as Kamek says.” Link said, stepping forward with a slight bow before raising his voice to the Abyssal Princess, who seemed transfixed with the night sky. “I told you we would be back when we were done. We have a way off this rock, and two of your sisters have already taken it. My offer still stands.” He turned his attention back to the crocodile king. “If we can rescue you while we’re at it, all the better.” He looked down at the last of them, a decrepit looking hunchback halfway through a far worse mutation than any fish plague, displaying as much recognition as K.Rool had shown him. He was reminded of Kilton, the monster obsessed man that shunned conventional society and chose to live in the wilds, and decided to leave the offer open.

Rika raised an eyebrow at the sudden defarence, but did not ask any questions as she assumed her friend knew what she was doing. Sakura hung back by Rika and Bella, not sure how to react to royalty she wasn’t in the mood for humoring. Or the previously loathsome Moreau, who now just seemed even more pathetic. She held her elbow awkwardly, mouth to the side.

Unable to see any stars through the clouds, New Southern allowed her gaze to fall upon the sea. Her expression was murky, as if what Link said bemused her. Maybe she didn’t believe him in the first place, or didn’t expect him or his friends to return from their ordeal beneath the island. With a sigh she ran her hand through her hair, then replied. “Anywhere’s better than here,” she observed. “I’m in no position to refuse, either. I’ve got nothing. No allies, no pride, and no purpose. Just a hollow puppet with no more war to fight. If you’d pity such a thing…very well.”

“Whoa, melodrama alert!” K Rool jeered. “Didn’t hear anyone askin’ for your life story. Got one thing right though–anywhere’s better than this dump!” The portly reptile heaved himself off the masonry he’d been using as a seat, then plodded over to the Seekers to stand over them imperiously. “Let’s blow this joint!”

At that point, Moreau was already on his feet. “W-w-wait, don’t go!” He practically threw himself on his knees in front of the heroes. “Pleasepleaseplease, take me with you! I’m sick, and, and alone, and everyone I knew is gone, and, and I can do whatever you need, believe me, I’ll prove I’m worthy, I swear!”

“It’s you?” Link said, taking a step back from the voice he recognized. The situation had suddenly become dangerous. Though they were adults now and the shoe seemed like it was on the other foot he wasn’t sure they were in any state to fight the monstrous side of this man. He couldn't let him know that, though, so he projected a strong front. “You looked a lot bigger when I was a kid.” He said coldly, snapping a picture of the man as he did so. “Did you see anyone else at all when you were crawling out of The Maw?”

“Bwuh?” Moreau looked baffled after trying to block the photo with his hands. “I…I didn’t see anyone in that place. I looked and I looked for the Lady, but I couldn’t find her anywhere…” The mutant hunchback sniffed. “B-but, that’s all over, now. I’m ready for a fresh start, please!”

Link sighed. “What do you think, Kamek?” He asked the Koopa witch. “It looks like he’s finally willing to take your advice.”

The mage scratch the back of her hood thoughtfully, and then let out a little sigh, shrugged finally said, simply ”Eh, better late than never, I suppose” because quite frankly she was in no mood or state to make a fuss about this. Besides, it would be quite hypocritical of her to refuse to collaborate with someone who had tried to kill them after all.

Sakura looked at Moreau. “Just- no more bad guy stuff. Good luck with finding your lady.” She said. She then walked over, closer to New Southern. ”It’s not impossible to start over.” She said. “Some really brave people have done it before, if you’d just open your eyes to it.”

The Abyssal averted her gaze. “Nowhere to go but up, I suppose.”

Blazermate, having been very wary of everything on this island, was almost relieved to see some familiar faces from the Maw. Unlike everyone else though, Mordeau had seen the medabot at her proper size, although her new abyssal kimono might’ve thrown him off. ”So… These are the last ones we need to get going? I really hate this island, it's gross, and nightmares are everywhere. Dead Zone was a bit more quaint in comparison.” Blazermate said. She then turned to K Rool, and gave him a thumbs up. ”I can see why they spoke so nice of you! King of the sumos, you must be a strong guy!”

Link looked solemnly across the beach at the massive wreck of the Maw in the distant gloom. “The last tonight, at least.” He said. “Let’s go get some rest.”

“Thank goodness,” Bella sighed. “Back down below, zen?”

“I can make a teleporter for everyone, it's why I stayed back.” Blazermate stated. With everyone in agreement that it was time to go back, Blazermate summoned her striker and instead of making a sentry nest, he was ordered to finally make a teleporter. He did make a dispenser either way, as it was just something the engineer was used to doing at this point.

With the teleporter being built and upgraded, people could teleport out one at a time every few seconds. Even the larger members like K.rool had no problem taking the teleporter, as even if it was a bit smaller than the big croc, it was made to teleport some quite large things.

“That’s a useful shortcut.” Link said. Smiling at the medabot, he took a step back from the group to keep a look out until everyone was safely through.
Hey everybody, ignore this post. I made a oopsie.


Merge Rate: 33%

Word Count: 599

Level 10 - (30/100) + 1

Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin

@Dark Cloud@Majoras End

Linkle tried to hide her disappointment that Treat had also implicitly refuse her own earlier offer of co-habitation, but maybe it was for the best. After all, as she looked over the astoundingly detailed drawing Aledo had shown her of the Edinburgh MagicaPolis she couldn't help but note how far away his description of it made it seem. If it was across the ocean then even if they left right now it could very well end up being an overnight trip, and at least with Nia Treat would have people to help her get settled in. A floating city did seem more advanced than a spooky hospital, even if the revelation of the dangers didn't phase her all that much, so they could probably have more luck there even if it would take longer. "Just give it the night, Treat. If it's too much, we can always find some place else."

Papyrus took the wolf girls rejection worse. It was strange how easy it was to read the face that his skull didn't have, the way it seemed to contort unnaturally to display his emotions seeming oddly familiar. She had seen a few Stalfoes that weren't exactly standard during Red Team's encounter with the previous Skullgirl. How funny would it be if one of them turned out to be his brother.

She was about to speak a few little words of comfort to him when Frisk also spoke up again, bringing to light a flaw in Linkle's strategy: she had no clue what an internet looked like. "Oh yeah, a computer. Father Guerra said something about those, like you could use them to find it? I wasn't too clear on the details."

The child surprised Linkle again by saying that they could help with that sort of thing once a computer was found, cluing Linkle in that the pair had decided to team up for a longer haul than just helping out a lonely wolf girl. "Oh, okay! That's be a big help, thanks a lot!" She said hastily as the pair made their way out the door. "If we're not here, meet us at Grillby's. We all know where that is."

As the pair set out into the snow Linkle turned back to Albedo and Nia, she smiled nostalgically. "Pure adventurer, that kid. Saw something scary but already planning on setting out again. Guess that settles it. If Mount Massive is as bad as you guys think, I'm not brining them in there. So, time to set sail for Edinborugh Magipolis!" She giggled excitedly. "I've never been on a boat before."

She turned her attention so something else first, though. Papyrus hadn't been the only thing she had found familiar in the part for minutes. As soon as Nia had introduced herself she had been reminded of something, a panicked little voice she had heard when she had first woken up a what felt like years ago now, but really was just a few says. A panicked voice calling for someone named Nia, because someone had driven a sword through the cute pink guy that had saved them. Truth be told she hadn't made that whole journey at first, but the way the cat girl used words like "blade" and "Ether" bridged the rest of the way to that memory. "Nia, this might sound like a strange question. Do you come from from a world where people live on giants? And have you ever met a energetic little furry guy named Tora? He's kind of onion shaped and he travels with this cute metal girl that he built?"
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