The engines bustled and the pair of boats moved along in a not so straight line, the river twisted and turned in a not so abrupt but still noticeable way, in the distance the city lights could be seen slowly coming closer.
Nil just had to sit idly and not think about, well anything, not the chinese finding them, not the boat bouncing around and not the water they were on. Nil took a moment of peace to cover her eyes with the neck cover. Of course now she didn’t see the river but could very well feel as the boat sailed.
”whirr whirr.” She said quietly, almost in a hum.
Not long after someone shook her to signal they were closing on an inspection post, the eye cover was now removed.
They were not even near the city before they made their first stop, Nil just sat in one of the back seats, fully covered in a drab chinese uniform complete with hat and headset. After a while the boats began their journey again and again they stopped, the PLA has various posts and Nil just repeated the process of just not panicking, which previously seemed to have worked.
Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Stang A simple rigid staff that has a bright blue glow which produces a faint light, Nil can move Stang via telekinesis.
Noble Arm Rank: C rank
Power B Speed C Range A Persistence C Precision C Potential D
Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: glowy hitty thing, Kinetic Projectile, Telekinesis, Short/Medium Range
Noble Arm Abilities:
Conjured Staffs, Stang can be create copies that are indistinguishable from the original, Nil can also control them just like the original and create more copies from said copies, maintaining a few copies has little affect on stamina but maintaining a huge amount has a much larger toll.
Telekinesis, Nil can control Stang and its copies telekinetically when doing so the staff has effectively 100 times of its original weight, which is around 1kg. Telekinetic movements are usually not particularly fast unless Nil launches the NA as a projectile in which case it can go up to 1000m/s and get ~10kms away and has equivalent power to a tank round, unfortunately unlike a tank Nil cannot shoot accurately at that range and has an effective range of 300m on a human sized target without taking impact shock into consideration.
Enhancement, Nil can boost her durability to be able to resist 1-2 additional blows or bullets but it also makes her especially resistant to shockwaves, when using this ability Nil glows blue, especially the hair, eyes and tearducts.
The target used was human sized, 200 rounds were shot for each range apart from the 270meters range where 50 rounds were shot.
Percentage of direct hits only takes into accounts hits that directly hit the target dismissing possible damage dealt through other means.
Percentage of lethal hits takes into account any shot that produced lethal damage either by a direct hit or as the effect of impact shockwave.
Misc Abilities: Nil can fluently speak Danish but can barely speak other languages such as English, Thai and Filipino. Nil can also eat many inedible materials without seemingly suffering from it, such as wrappers and paper.
Personality: Nil usually doesn't speak much but she can be direct and blunt, she usually seeks to be around people but doesn't do much when in company.
*Likes: food, people, smashing stuff
*Dislikes: too much noise, long conversations, being alone for long stretches of time
Fears: Drowning (she can swim but she panics when in deep water)
Description: Nil joined Thailand's military in 13th of May 2015, the day prior meeting with military personnel in Pattaya and being documented as an Arms Master for the first time. Nil has been unable to answer most questions about her past to the point where her age and nationality can only be assumed, the most commonly agreed theory is that she is from Denmark, as danish is the only language she can speak fluently, and that information about her was lost in the 2009 ransomware attack to the Danish government's databases where many citizen's personal data was erased. Nil displays some lack of understanding of human interactions and common knowledge, she has been a slow learner with things like learning a new language, monetary value and proper eating, despite this Nil seeks to be around other people and is uncomfortable when left alone for a long period of time. Medical scans have shown that Nil is human and the lines on her body are likely related to her Noble Arm and not some biological condition, this is exemplified when she uses her Noble Arm and the lines on her body begin to emit a stronger glow. In the last few years Nil has supported various field operations and displayed a level of obedience and calmness during tense situations, since the start of the ASEAN war she has been active in Vietnam and Thailand and joined the ASEAN joint military, she only recently arrived in the Philippines, arriving in Lingayen shortly after the fighting began.
*Current Goal: Being alive, eating
Military or Civilian Rank: Sergeant of the Thai Military and jointed ASEAN military
Name: Fūma Yumiya | previously Hyuna Kim Titles: none Gender: Female Age: 0 Affiliation: Fūma Clan | Konohagakure Physical Description: Black hair and green eyes.
Personality: Persistent and hardworking, with an inclination to throw herself under the bus to lift others up, if she does all that she does remember that in the end it’s for someone else’s good, most of the time. For likes? cigarettes and cute outfits (plus the occasional yaoi). Dislikes? cigarettes when YOU smoke them, they kill you, you know.
Short Biography: Short and clear? Got it. Was a nurse in the past life, typically worked in critical care units and extra shifts to keep her younger siblings floating with comfortable money. Even foregoing details of her passing, it’s apparent she still has the mental energy and vigor to continue her overtaxing habits even in a new life. Her knowledge of the Narutoverse is limited to knowing a guy is called Naruto and punches stuff with magic or something, fair to say in her meeting with Kami she failed to realize where she was being thrown into hand hardly believed the experience was real, and so ending up in a newborn body was quite the shock
Medical training, in her past life Yumiya has learnt much about the human body and is used to the sight of blood and infections much more than most people. Still it won’t be extremely useful at healing without the machinery she is used to, instead having to rely on herbs and magic.
Chakra Affinity:
Wind [Hereditary Affinity]
Earth [Personal Affinity]
Bloodline Limit:
Current Goals: Short Term: What is going on? Am I alive? Long Term: Find a way to be the most helpful as possible, and someone who deserves more.
Name: Fūma Yumiya Titles: none Gender: Female Age: 0 Affiliation: Fūma Clan | Konohagakure Physical Description: Black hair and green eyes.
Personality: Persistent and hardworking, with an inclination to throw herself under the bus to lift others up, if she does all that she does remember that in the end it’s for someone else’s good, most of the time. For likes? cigarettes and cute outfits. Dislikes? cigarettes when YOU smoke them, they kill you, you know.
Short Biography: Short and clear? Got it. Was a nurse in the past life, typically worked in critical care units and extra shifts to keep her younger siblings floating with comfortable money. Even foregoing details of her passing, it’s apparent she still has the mental energy and vigor to continue her overtaxing habits even in a new life. Her knowledge of the Narutoverse is limited to knowing a guy is called Naruto and punches stuff with magic or something, fair to say in her meeting with Kami she failed to realize where she was being thrown into hand hardly believed the experience was real, and so ending up in a newborn body was quite the shock
Medical training, in her past life Yumiya has learnt much about the human body and is used to the sight of blood and infections much more than most people. Still it won’t be extremely useful at healing without the machinery she is used to, instead having to rely on herbs and magic.
Chakra Affinity:
Wind [Hereditary Affinity]
Earth [Personal Affinity]
Bloodline Limit:
Current Goals: Short Term: What is going on? Am I alive? Long Term: Find a way to be the most helpful as possible, and someone who deserves more.
It had been two full weeks from the mission at Mischief Reef, a long deserved vacation for the Obsidian taskforce. Nil in particular had been doing little more than resting and her usual goofing, even when a zombie infection spread through the city Nil was to stay out of it, issues of collateral damage or something.
But in the middle of Abasolo’s speech she dozed off, lots of words and nothing that seemed directly relevant, to her anyway. At least they eventually showed images of their target, and the mention of its importance to Thailand kept her listening… even if at the end of the speech all she gathered was that there’s this wall of sorts, important to various countries and it was damn, or damned or something. Safe to say Nil gathered barely anything from Abasolo’s speech, and then Bautista took the stage.
Maybe it was Bautista’s more direct approach or hus different voice, but Nil found it much easier to understand the mission at hand, anti-aircraft around that needed to be removed, moreover they needed to do so quietly so the later airstrike can surprise the PLA, and not waking civilians at the late hour is a courtesy too.
Nil then slouched back as the rest of the room pelted the officers with questions, among them she recognised few like Henri from Lingayen and the vietnamese pilots, supposedly they will be the ones to take over once the AAA is disposed of.