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At the back of the class Hikari simply enjoyed the show, her upper body resting on the desk and head barely high enough to see past her arms. The ongoing banter was in fact quite spectacular, Jun and Hebi arguing to just about anyone, it was understandable for Hebi, to go down like that after putting in that much effort… must suck.

Not like Hikari could fully relate, she realized it was futile trying just a couple minutes in the preliminaries.

Fuelling the fire was Yusuke, of course, that’s like his life passion, to spite everyone and make himself enemy number 1, but at least he makes things more entertaining. And now Yusuke is… sucking up to their teacher, if one can call her that, Rin did not seem like the type to be great at teaching, at least not in a classroom, but to find her here felt more like one of those weird, senseless dreams rather than reality.

Everyone here who worked in Hawks Agency should at least have heard of Rin, a weirdo, a curveball, and someone with insane potential, must be nice being sought after like that on top of her family name. Hikari turned to look at Kazuki, he was also in Hawks wasn’t he? Then why does he look like he doesn’t know Rin, or maybe it’s his first time seeing her in person and he’s trying to gauge her first impression.

Kazuki then turned to his hawkpad, probably looking at more important things than the ongoing banter, not a terrible idea.


The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 6:10 UTC+8

Nil was actually glad when Huo Ren showed up, for at least when he spoke it would attract most reporters to himself rather than the ASEAN delegation.

In truth they had to endure worse when they arrived by plane and now before entering the building for the meeting, Nil was clearly not made out to be a media personality, and by the time Task Force Obsidian was inside she was already slumping with a tired look on her face. The only voice she made an effort to understand was Noel quickly briefing everyone once again, the same things which Nil had to be told multiple times to ensure she did not cause any trouble.

The idea was simple: show up, stay in the back while people talk diplomacy, get out.

In the end Nil wouldn’t be a problem, since she harbored no hard feelings for their opponents in the Zodiac, of course the same can’t be said for the rest of the team.

Rather she was taking a better look at Huo Ren, the Chinese Dragon with so many stories being told about him, and despite the previous missions where Task Force Obsidian faced the Dragon, Nil never had the chance to observe him with more than a glance. But now he was just a pretty face in pretty clothing, for a few seconds Nil stared at him with hollow eyes, wondering if there was more she was overlooked about him, while completely missing the interaction between Makri and Suburov.

for the Noble Arm form I'd prefer if it was a solid object that can be held by the user, so pure "fire" doesn't really work. Loose gunpowder isn't a great weapon either but it may work better, especially if it's more of a powder horn or a charge/cartridge than loose gunpowder.
@Iamme nothing to complain about, approval one given
Mischief Reef/Đá Vành Khăn/Panganiban Reef - 11/09/2022 06:00 UTC+8

A number of things make Nil doze off, long briefings being one of them, fortunately she found it easier to follow Noel than the Admiral last time. Or at least make an attempt to follow, Nil had no idea what things like War hawks, US Congress or red flag all meant, but she didn’t question it.

Sounded important.
While trying to figure out the relevancy of that, Nil observed the pictures on screen, the riverside city being a welcoming change from the tiny atoll they are currently on.

As the Lieutenant finished his talk, Nil sat a bit more comfortably, as if finally understanding their assignment was mitigating risks and those were clear orders and needed no further discussion.

Nil put on her new earmuffs, she did consider keeping a collection given how easily they broke in the recent missions, but failed where or how to buy them so the idea got thrown out that same day. Slowly she started nodding with her head, obviously trying to imitate headbanging she might have seen these past days, but listening to blissful silence instead, surely no one would enjoy putting loud rock music on their ears.

Glancing around she recognised a few faces and some others were rather new, to this moment trying to figure out what Berto and Aoi are all about.
@Lewascan2looks good, approval two given
@Creative Chaos With the changes on ability descriptions you got my approval 2
Mischief Reef/Đá Vành Khăn/Panganiban Reef - 11/01/2022 08:50 UTC+8

Striding along, Nil found out the island had little to offer outside the QRS installations and the sandy beaches, even then space was at some points too stringent for long continuous sand-filled beaches. The shores best fit for relaxation are of course where everyone goes, even at a distance you can see people grouping and interacting.

Observing the beautiful Panganiban reef with a flat, obstacle-free view one thing occupied her mind, thirst, smart people would have brought water for their long walk but Nil’s name was Nil so she brought none. Outside the main area near the airplane runway and docks there were just more docks, unfinished projects, less people hanging around and a boring load of nothing.

Nil turned around and started to go back, satisfied but also in part defeated, after failing to get to the end point of the island.
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