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As was befitting a Knight of House Alistair, Rycherd arrived into the Great Hall wearing his full armor from the ride. His armored steps echoed down the hallway as he proceeded, a blue cloak billowing behind him as he passed through the huge doors of the Great Hall. Upon entering the Great Hall, Rycherd quickly took in the large chamber, his helmet turning as he noted every entrance, every guard, and possible vantage points for assailants. Only when this was done did Rycherd look to the Queen. In a few quick steps, though remaining at a respectful distance, Rycherd approached the Queen, bending his knee and bowing his head slightly.

"Your Majesty, it is my greatest pleasure to finally meet you. I am Sir Rycherd Alistair, Heir to House Alistair and the Province of Vrenal. I pledge my life, and the loyalty of my House to you, as we did your father. I have come to offer my council and support in these coming days. As he spoke, he let his eyes travel to the other figure of note in the room. From what he could tell, she wasn't a native. Her clothing was strange, though not entirely outlandish, though her hair was strikingly different from what was the norm in Vrenal, and the other Provinces from what he had seen. He noted the way the guards were on alert with her so near, and Rycherd had a mind to agree with them.

With the Queen's approval, Rycherd pushed himself back to his feet, before reaching up to remove his helmet. He locked eyes with the foreigner for a few seconds, before letting his left hand rest easily on the sword hanging at his hip. He walked over to the table set in the middle of the room, placing his helmet at the food of one of the chairs, claiming his seat. He was sure to place it towards the middle of the table, close enough to the Queen to offer protection if needed, and far enough close enough to the door that he could respond to any sudden threat. Years of constant warfare had taught him to always be vigilant, even in territory long since thought secured.

Oh we are starting, will get to it.
@Genni I mean, sure he doesn't have resources, but even with all their resources, what can said nobles do against him? Samael has priestly authority so when he talks, he speaks the truth 'by default'. And you can't go to war with the church lol.

And hey, the fun is to have adversity!

And as for Montisle, I meant that Corvinus is kinda similar to many characters with mercantile interests in mind, so I meant to replace him/that he never existed.

Adversity for sure, Rycherd and House Alistair probably won't be looking too favorably on a holy order of knights and paladins. Probably will think of them as rivals and upstarts.
<Snipped quote by ArisenMoon>
Carmella: "I take offense at that... ohh, wait. I mean, I have no idea what you're talking about."


<Snipped quote by ArisenMoon>
Would the Foronians count as 'barbarians' too? The have managed to form city-states and some level of government, but they do still spend a lot of time killing each other over petty spoils.


<Snipped quote by RoccanIronclad>
That would depend on the nature of the provinces from which they came. If one of them were a coalition of free farmers, then their representative would be the farmer who would best represent their ideals in the council. On the other hand, if they were a bunch of marsh dwelling fishermen, they'd probably have a lowborn fish tickler as their representative.

It's not necessarily about who would be best for the Queen, more who would be best for their province.
Carmella: "Or who managed to be tricked into taking the job because none of the rest of her family wanted to do it, and she didn't get a chance to trick someone else into taking on the responsibility in her place fast enough to avoid the responsibility herself."


<Snipped quote by Major Sharpe>@OfWindAndRain
Carmella: " ~note to self, get someone to stab the sorceress in the hands as soon as possible...~ "
sponsibility herself."[/sub][/color][/right]


@RoccanIronclad Added Kagrenan to the political map, on the mountain range to the south of the Crownlands, but north of Laurensia which is on the southernmost border of Viexmeur.


Yes I understand that, I know what I messed up on earlier.

For a sigil, I will be using this.

And now after that English lesson...I feel humbled and stupid. My apologies again for my ineptitude in the English language. Will strive for a much clearer voicing of my thoughts.
To be fair, your post confused me. Still not sure what you meant.

I will just shut up then. My apologies to all.
<Snipped quote by ArisenMoon>

I don't mean to misunderstand, it seemed you were saying that there were more positions needed than specifically merchant, warrior, and mage, I replied with those are background archetypes that would fill the queens advisory positions properly and that a true commoner in court has been a historic no-no, also that Milo's background is a craftsman and merchant, not thief.

I never said your character was a thief. And I am not saying they just choose some random kid off the street and decide "Hey want to advise the Queen?".

Yeah the merchants are the economic advisors, and most of the characters have some sort of political background, merchant, warrior and mages can all be politicians as well. A Queen wouldn't want to just have random commoners in her court they know next to nothing about the larger world around them, often times the merchants and craftsmen were chosen in their position because they were the closest.

Also, ouch, Milo stole exactly 0 coins to this day, very honest craftsman he is. lol

I don't think you got what I was trying to say, but it is close enough. Just trying to give you a bit of help mate.
@Major Sharpe
So with magic you said normaly they do hand movments and mutter unknown words. Would you be okay with the tribals useing like songs or poems with dance to cast spells. Maybe even have it so multiple priests can aid another priest in casting a spell, can see a big fire with many of his people danceing around and singing while one casts a spell.

Also was woundering if you would be okay with kamahl bringing about 25 of his people with him, about 10 priest and 15 Hunters so they can better learn the culture and expand the horizons of the Clan within the kingdom. Could also have it be that the hunters are also there to learn farming and to teach the Crown Land farmers how to grow the rare plants vegetables and fruits that come from their land. The priests are there to learn about the people and the different mechanics that comes with their economy they are not there to convert others. Maybe have the crown lands prepared for this and for the duration created a semi-permanent living area just outside the outer walls of the city, set up kind of like wooden walls and a few wooden buildings but mostly room for their tents they can have their own guards so no one stole their stuff. I'm sure the last thing the kingdom would want is a bunch of pissed-off Barbarians breaking down doors searching for their stuff LOL.

The only real barbarians are kept well in check by Vrenal. And if it becomes an issue, we know what to do.

Also, he brings up a good point, how large can our characters retinue be?
Yeha I can see that as an issue, the only thing is that what kingdom sends anyone but a merchant, warrior, or mage. Those are the things that a Queen will need.

A Queen also needs political advisors, economic advisors, people who have actually lived with the common folk of her realm, and not just stole every single gold coin they make.
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