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I’m about to play Spider-Man (PS4). See you all halfway through season two, fellas!
So I figure that I might as well add these to the pile in case someone wants to pick Ollie up and go along with what's been done so far (not much). So:

Green Arrow NPCs

Dinah Laurel Lance – Oliver’s ex. She’s changed.

Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn – Oliver’s best friend since diapers, now climbing the ranks of his father’s company, Merlyn Global.

Moira Queen – Oliver and Thea's mother, deceased.

Thea Queen – Oliver’s little sister, twenty years old. Sole resident of the Queen Family Mansion after Moira Queen’s passing one year ago.

John Diggle – Thea’s bodyguard, formerly Moira’s before her death. Ex-S.H.I.E.L.D., and before that, ex-Green Beret.

Walter Steele – CEO of Queen Industries, handed control of the conglomerate by Moira Queen in the late stages of her cancer. An honest man, good to Thea. Like a substitute father.

Sara Lance – Dinah’s little sister, twenty-one years old. Became close friends with Thea following their siblings' presumed death.

Malcolm Merlyn – Mayor of Star City, founder of Merlyn Global, and father of Tommy Merlyn.

The Glades – Ravaged by an earthquake some months before Oliver's return from the Island, the Glades' populace have been stuck without homes, food, or clean water for over half a year now.
@Master Bruce I've got to be honest, I've been kinda struggling with motivation lately. Ollie's a character I'll always have a soft spot for, but with a few posts in, and at least a week between each one, I've learned that I don't exactly have the same passion or influx of ideas for him anymore. I like most of what I've written out for him so far, but without the creative drive there, I don't want to burn myself out trying to force a story I'm not too keen on. That said, I want to let GA go in case someone else wants to pick him up (even though he should've been free a while ago, and I appreciate the leniency on that regard) and see if I can't go back to the drawing board, come up with a concept that engages me a bit more. I'd love to still be a part of the OOC in the meantime, if you'll have me. This is a great group, and I really enjoy the conversations we have here. It's not often that I get to debate about people in tights without my girlfriend telling me to get back in my box, lol.
I can’t wait for it. Just traded in Arkham Knight and the first Injustice to make the limited edition console a bit more affordable. The amount of money I’m sinking into this game is ridiculous, and yet I have absolutely no regrets. Yet. It better be as good as it looks.

Please be good.
<Snipped quote by GreenGrenade>

A good deal about what made Spider-Man such a hit was how relatable he was. Stan Lee said he created Peter Parker because he wanted a character for his young reader-base to identify with.

Obviously, Spidey is such a well written character with such a colorful supporting cast and rogues gallery that relatability isn't necessary to make his movies engaging and interesting. But him being a teenager is the core appeal. And modern day teenagers (most of them) don't live in a world with Raimi or even Webb's versions of Flash Thompson. They're caricatures of the often violent and insane bullies we saw in older films in the eighties and early nineties. It's hard to pull that off and expect a modern, young audience to be pulled in like your older viewers would be.

I'm not saying the reboot was necessarily successful- but the idea behind it isn't wholly without merit.

Yeah, I’m not gonna deny that. But there’s ways to do a more relatable Flash without turning him into something he’s not. The thing that never made sense to me about the guy is why, after seeing all the shit he’s put Peter through, and then watching Peter grieve for his uncle who got murdered, he insists on still being an asshole. That’s why I have to give points to Webb’s Flash – after Ben died, he showed remorse. That’s how you can update Flash, I think – show him as remorseful, realising that he treated Peter badly, and trying to make up for it in his own bullheaded way (all while Peter is, understandably, reluctant and abrasive). Bullies aren’t just bullies, y’know?
I dunno, I don’t think they’re dated if they work. Spider-Man (Peter, specifically) has probably the best supporting cast in comics, and I think the MCU kinda fudged themselves by trying to shove them aside and give us new, much lesser alternatives.
<Snipped quote by GreenGrenade>

Who has friends with beach houses? Can I swap friends?

You also have a girlfriend so can I swap my right hand for her? ;)

Let... let me get back to you on that one.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know how to block someone on here?
<Snipped quote by GreenGrenade>

Congrats. You're old enough to start pretending to be a man, but not old enough to drink like one.

Also I am not introducing Felicity, goddammit. I may be capable of writing multiple characters, but a shrieking harpy who only seems to exist to criticize every single thing the main character (stupidly) does is not one of them.

Even if her actress does got that badonk-a-donk.

Maybe not in America, but in the magical land down under? You bet.
@GreenGrenade What kinda money do you come from that your Birthday celebrations take a week?

It’s a bunch of separate celebrations, really. Dinner and camping with the girlfriend’s family, then a party with mates, then off to a beach house that another mate lives at. I’m a master freeloader, basically.
On the Island, Ollie would’ve been a definite contender for Green, if not Red. Right about now, I’d say he’s somewhere between Green and Indigo. And uh... @Master Bruce can have Felicity. Queen Industries had some layoffs recently and she’s also been evicted and banned from entering California. Dunno why, she must be pretty shady.

Also, switching to the topic my deadline real quick, my birthday’s coming up real soon and celebrations are taking up pretty much the majority of the next week, starting with tomorrow, so I dunno how I’ll go with meeting it. I’ll see if I can write something up before hitting the sack. Apparently, eighteenths are a big thing around here. Who knew?
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