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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Most Recent Posts

"I don't have any money!" Bartholomew shouts out to mysterious stranger, continuing to burrow into the bear related merchandise. "Don't shoot me!" he says before his hands shoot out of the pile, in a surrendering fashion.
In Fairy Tail 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
An explosion shakes the guild, the source being Nendo, who somehow made his clay pot explode. he is currently rolling on the floor, trying to put out the fire that has spread across his outfit. "This all according to plan!" he shouts, before continuing. "Nobody panic! oh god the fire isn't going out!"
In Fairy Tail 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
In Fairy Tail 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Fullmine Cross

Whoa huh? I was approved? I was stalking this page trying to see if I was approved or not, how did I manage to miss that? that's pretty embarrassing.
Bartholomew snores in an alleyway, a system of cardboard boxes set up to resemble a house, yet he wasn't sleeping in it. he was sprawled out in the very back of the alleyway, passed out, snoring as loudly as humanly possible. he had somehow buried himself partially in bear themed clothing, something unusual, but not uncommon for him at least. he was known for good reason as the local loony hobo, because quite frankly, he was. Bartholomew was sleeping peacefully, until a gunshot echoes, being a heroic and smart person, he hides deeper in his bear-themed items. until he hears a child scream, and then proceeds to hide even DEEPER.
Looks interesting, i'll post a sheet soon but i'ma knock around some ideas first.
In Fairy Tail 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Name: Nendo Masutā

Age: 20

Power: Clay make. (Molding magic, allows the user to mold with dry or wet clay, the wet clay acting like mud.) Golem Pact. ( Allows the user to animate golems, using a bit of blood, and a bit of magic, on a suitable target.)

Appearance: (No picture because i'm a plebe.) Tanned skin, Tussled brown hair with a significent cowlick on the right, lean but muscled body, 6'4 but has a bad habit of slouching, Brown eyes so dark they look black from afar, long arms not unnaturally so, but certainly big. A pale orange backpack slung lazily over one shoulder, incredibly pale brown shirt, hazelnut gloves, baggy grey pants, and clearly well-worn sandals (aka they are falling apart). Overpriced Star-shaped shades that a dealer sold him, claiming it was magic, its not.

Guild: Fairy tail (Chosen because they don't get AS mad when he makes a huge mess.)

Color and location of symbol: Green, and on the right side of his forehead

Bio: If its okay with you, i'd like to tell this as the RP goes on.
Hey diddly ho, looks like i'm in now, i'm sorry that you all have to deal with me.
EDIT: didn't even realize that the roleplay was full sorry, please disregard this because I cannot find the delete button. (yes, that is depressing.)

Name: Siegfried Zimmerman

Age: Unknown, appears 16.

Gender: Male

Species: Alchemical Being / Alchemist

Powers/Abilities: Zimmerman is an excellent alchemist, and has made his body similar to that of a homunculus, giving him impressive regeneration, slightly above human reflexes, and strength, and the ability to change his body via alchemical potions, or other means. (if that's too vague an example is: he takes a potion, and his skin becomes as durable as stone. or he begins to inject odd formulas into him, as his body grows, and then promptly returns to normal, the odd fluctuation changing his body structure, allowing him to extend his limbs.)

Appearance: Siegfried has black hair, going down to his upper back, glassy blue eyes like a dead fish's, and incredibly pale skin. his body well muscled, though fairly lean. because of Siegfried's apprentice title, he wasn't good enough to create a proper body, because of this the body's arms are too long, another glaring imperfection is that, while the body seems normal at first glance, his back has a large spider-like scar, from whatever horrible events occurred when Siegfried attempted a transfer. he originally wore something akin to a hospital gown, pure white and robe-esque, though it covered all of him. now he wears a primarily white plaid shirt, and a brown vest, along with black pants, and brown loafers.

Backstory: Siegfried was formerly an apprentice amongst an order of alchemists, specifically under the tutelage of a cruel alchemist, by the name of Dias. He was often used as an experiment by Dias, being fed potions, or testing different formulas. It was torture, but Siegfried had to endure, until eventually he found papers Dias had been working on for ages, the papers detailed how to turn oneself into an alchemic being. Siegfried knew this was his way out, so one day when Dias left to talk to one of his colleagues, Siegfried got to work, gathering the parts needed and assembling the new body. Alchemy was of cold hard science though, and miracles? that had no place in science, so when the formula was completed, Siegfried felt a shock, and then for the gods know how long he slept, so late in fact that when he awoke a school was built near where he was now buried. it took him awhile to get used to his new body, and his new abilities, but eventually he came to the school looking for shelter, why shelter you may ask? because rumor has it, that a man named Dias has been digging up old land.

Personality: Siegfried is a mild-mannered person, who was often considered meek, this was far from inaccurate though a lot changes when you change bodies, and now Siegfried has attempted to be more outgoing. fitting in is a challenge as he finds most things foreign and confusing, from his time asleep. he has a short temper, from holding in all the hate from his apprenticeship with Dias, which to him is still fresh in his mind. he tends to be considered "odd" no exactly crazy, but not exactly sane either. though despite all this Siegfried, at his core is just a scared teenager, who is afraid of just about everything, he's simply good at hiding it because of his incredibly durable body.

Friends/Family: None (that are alive)

Crush/Relationships: None (Yet)

Other: If the whole ability thing with alchemy is too vague please let me know, and i'll try and made it more descriptive and detailed.
Name: Bartholomew Grimm
Nickname(optional): That one guy who should just go away
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Berserker Physiology, Shamanism (Focuses on nothing but the Bear)
Species: Of a clan of berserkers blessed by Móði, who fused Trollbear blood with their own. (Note: trollbear is a giant bear, they are native to Jötunheimr)
Crush: None
Relationship: None
Appearance(s): Blonde messy hair, Dull brown eyes. Pale skin, 6'0, And fairly bulky physique. Various bear-themed apparel. (Such as: a shirt that has a picture of a bear holding a cup of coffee, that says "Bearly Awake") When in full on berserk/shaman mode: (as opposed to either/or) grey cracking skin, blood red eyes. much larger frame, with bearskin draped over his back. beast-like features including, Claw-like fingernails, Razor sharp teeth, and impressive senses. The upper body of a white bear, made entire out of spiritual energy.
Personality: Typically friendly, he does however have a bad habit of constantly asking for money, causing most people to avoid him like the plague. he acts cheerful enough, however his true nature is nothing more than a primal force, wanting to do nothing but break things. (like people)
Bio/history(optional): Alas not even Bartholomew himself knows of his past, he knows that he was abandoned by his family at a young age. Roughly five as he recalls it, and that he learned to enter berserk states not a month after, when he was attacked by wolves as he recalls. and when he was twelve he became the resident bum begging for change, and using whatever change he got he checked out books on shamanism, and eventually learned that he had an insane talent. (because of his blood)
Likes: Freedom. Bashing skulls (When a berserker). Eating. Hanging out in alleyways.
Dislikes: Restrictions. Vegan food. Heights. Stuck-up people.
Other: Uh..Avocado?
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