Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Lilith
Age: Unknown(Looks to be in her twenties)
Gender: Female
Species: Demon Queen

Backstory: The original wife of Adam, the true first woman. She was created from the earth just as her husband, but while he was made of pure dust, she was made of the mud and soot. She was happy and content to live in the garden, but when Adam wanted to lie with her, she could not understand why she had to be under him. After all, were they not formed of the same earth by God? She fled from the garden and escaped to the Red Sea, an area filled with demons. Adam called upon god, and when Angels came to take her back she refused. The angels, in turn, attempted to drown her in the waters. As the waters filled her lungs, her soul was transformed and her body changed to match. She slew the demons and swore she would kill all those in Adam and Eve's blood line. She herself had produced monstrous creatures with the demons, and monstrous humans with the children of Adam.
After so many years of being alive, she has seemingly given up on wanting to kill all mortals, instead wishing her own blood line, the very supernaturals she has started the school for, to be closer to herself.
Friends/Family: All natural born supernaturals.
Crush/Relationships: Adam(Divorced/Deceased), Rebecca Valentine(Fling)
Other: She hates fast food, and considers it to be worst form of nutrition.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Rei Stone

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Reaper

Powers/Abilities: She can take the souls of the dead before they disappear. She can grasp onto the souls of the living for a few seconds. She can fly/hover. She can manipulate darkness. She is good with a scythe.


Backstory: She is the daughter of the grim reaper who was raised to become the next grim reaper. From what she had seen her father doing, she found the job quite... depressing. She was supposed to practice capturing souls like he did, but she just didn't want to. Not at that point at least, when she was still very young, especially for reaper standards. At that age, what she really wanted was to make friends with humans, and not their dead bodies. When she heard that the demon queen had created a school in the human world, she asked her father if she could attend, if only for a little while.

Personality: She is a cool-headed individual, and it would take a lot to upset her. She lives under a rock, so she is never caught up on the latest trends. When she is in a conversation, she will most likely respond with "hm"s, "Oh"s, or "Is that so"s unless the topic is interesting to her.

-The Grim Reaper(Father)
- Wilhelm Grimm (Brother)
- Jacob Grimm (Brother)
-anyone want to be her friend?

Crush/Relationships: none at the moment

- She loves dogs and sweets
- Sweets keep her calm.
- The word 'soul' triggers her.
- She will only enter her true reaper form when her life is in danger
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bec
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Moth Silver (aka "Mothman")
Age: young for their species
Gender: genderless
Species: not even they know
Powers/Abilities: flight, very good night vision, surprising streagnth
in human disguise:
out of human disguise:
Backstory: For as long as Moth can remember, they've been alone. They grew up in the Appalachian wilderness with only the the singing of the birds and the chirping of the crickets to keep them company. They expected it to always be this way until one night when they found a cemetery in the farthest part of the forest. Moth was fascinated with the strange sculptures and mysterious markings on them, so fascinated that they over time taught themself how to read them. Fearful by nature, Moth was for a long time to afraid to interact with the humans that frequented the sight. But one cold November night, a mix of loneliness and curiosity drove them to make contact. They lost their nerve after beginning seen for only a few seconds, but this would mark the first in a series of interactions that would end in tragedy. On December 15, 1967 Moth attempted to perch on a suspension chain of the Silver Bridge, but when they landed to hard the chain snapped. This caused the bridge collapsed, killing 46 people. Horrified at what they had done, Moth retreated home into their woods and swore to never interact with anyone again out of fear of hurting someone. Moth grew depressed, feeling nothing but intense guilt and crushing loneliness. Years pasted by like this, until one day another creature passed through their woods. Moth wanted to keep their vow to never make contact with anyone ever again, but it had been so long and they where so very lonely. For a moment their loneliness overwhelmed their guilt and they met the traveling creature. The traveler told them about a school for supernatural beings like Moth, a school where they could finally stop being alone in safety. Even though Moth felt they didn't deserve to, they decided to attend. They took the name of the Silver Bridge as their own as a constint reminder of the deaths they had caused and for first time in decades left the woods.

Personality: A life of isolation has made Moth very sociably awkward and gullible. They're easy to scare and easier to push around given that they loath confrontation and will avoid it at all cost. A kind soul, Moth hates to be the cause of anyone's suffering.

Friends/Family: no that they know of, no friends yet

Crush/Relationships: none yet

Other: Moth has a very low opinion of themself and doesn't expect to excel in school or in their personal life.

Character Theme: Snow Owl by the Mountain Goats
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Avarice 'Avary' Muse
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Species: Demon Spawn
Powers/Abilities: Can use the abilities of any of the Seven Sins
Appearance: Raven black hair, purple eyes, somewhat playful/mischievous expression, turquoise hoodie, black sweatpants, graphic t-shirts, black sneaker
Backstory: Was raised by his father, the Sin, Greed, the lieutenant to the Devil, didn't want anything to do with the Devil or his father, so he went and came to Madam Lillith's School.
Personality: Mischievous, playful, dark and reserved sometimes
Friends/Family: His Mother is dead and his Father is a demon. His best friend is a seer (someone that can see supernaturals) but lives in Chicago, her name is Ren Davis
Crush/Relationships: Not Ren, totally not her, she's just a friend, don't give me that look!
Other: His best frenemy is Azazel, used to be his black cat, Sabine, but is now showing his true form as a demon
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

NAME: Caeria Hawksong
AGE : 16
GENDER : Female
SPECIES : Inferno Witch / Possessed
Flame Manipulation

Immunity to Fire
Thermal Vision

BACKSTORY : Ria as she is called by friends was exposed as all witches of her clan at the age of 12 to the Hall of the Grand Phoenix where she was the first chosen in more than 300 years as the vessel of a Phoenix spirit.

The event was celebrated and greeted with dread because such a thing carries with it the promise of either new beginnings, destruction or both and because of the chaotic nature of the spirits impossible to predict.

It was decided by her Elders that Caeria be sent away from the Isle of Flames due to the different factions seeking to influence she who will become the High Witch of the Inferno. It is their opinion that her exposure to outside cultures may broaden her view.

PERSONALITY : Caeria is most often a very relaxed young woman who dislikes turmoil avoiding it whenever she can. This is because of her volatile temper which once awakened can slip beyond even her to manage or get under control.

She never thought of having a lover till she arrived at the school but worries that her passion just like her anger is a powerful and perhaps destructive force.

Caeria loves to dance and music can almost hypnotize her when she hears the right tune.
Plants wilt when she tries to touch them and paper or other easily flammable objects can spontaneously combust if left within 3 feet of her person
When she is angry anything flammable such as wood or even some metals (magnesium) can erupt into flames if within 30 feet of her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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kagethekiller NotADragon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Luscious' song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJoOA2vxwR4&ebc=ANyPxKpixhPuF4Ub2bh3W_p_FNxihVzmO7xg89gSWYSOG1rSTAfIMTUAnfb9MplN6wubfp9ZwyC4Dnms6s1ctGjx32hkXv5vwQ

Name: Luscious Cavon (Luke)
Age: 541 (appears 19)
Gender: Male
Powers/Abilities: Can travel through doorways to adjacent dimensions, has a vast knowledge of all histories and cultures, of all planes. Partially physic when that ability wants to work, which is rarely. Heals faster than a normal human with the downside of easily being addicted to most drugs. His people call him a Traveler, because he can just think of a point anywhere and travel there, while they must perform huge spells and incantations to even open doorways to another dimension. He does not age the same in Earth Realm. There are no more Planeslords.
Backstory:Lucious was born alone in 17th century England on the doorstep of a Church. The story goes a young woman looking deathly ill had dropped him off in the night telling one of the Nuns he was there then quickly leaving he looked 4 or 5. The first time he used his ability was when he was seven (or 23 earth years) and he accidently teleported back home after a terrible encounter at school. After that he would jump all around the world seeing every corner of it until one day the woman who had abandoned him had returned. He was a hermit in North America when she found him, he was only sixteen, she told him she was his Mother and that she had been away to take care of a problem but she was back now, to take him to his home. The older he got on Earth the longer it took him to age and by now he had lived almost 200 years alone as a child, no matter all that time he still didn't grow up, on the inside he was still a kid. For the next 300 earth years, and 500 dimensional ones, they traveled through the dimensions until one day they went home. The world his mother had talked so much about was dust. She said that they were the only family of Travelers left, and now we were probably the last Planeslords. When he returned to Earth after his Mother's eventual suicide into the Weave, the very fabrics of existence, he found the world to be entirely different than what he had left, as soon as he returned he felt the knowledge of his home flood his body and he was proud. He would sit up some days trying to find any information on his fellow Planeslords but that's the trick isn't it? If the history of any planes had any mention of a Planeslord it was as though that part of history never happened, or someone just didn't hit record. Whatever the case he's looking for a way, anyway to see that the fate of his people never falls to these ones.
Personality:Jokester, loves a good game or puzzle. He's often quite upbeat and rarely frowns, always has an idea to throw out there even in the gnarliest situations. He likes to hide his intelligence rather than flaunt it, though is known to use it when necessary. He hates Chinese food, loves Mexican. He doesn't talk about or show off his powers all that much in public though he does have a relatively good handle on the Traveling part of his powers he can barely read a mind or Astral project which would have come naturally had he grown up on his home plane. He is honest as Planeslords cannot lie while away from their home plane which is not to say that he's not good at avoiding conversations. Hates being alone.
Friends/Family:Dead/Dead As of coming to the school.
Crush/Relationships: None/None
Other: Loves royal purple always dresses up in vest jackets and nice garments, long sleeved. He's quite tall at around 6’4 with Iridescent blue tattoos all over his body and face. Almost always wears his trench coat over (his) era appropriate attire along with the purple silk scarf he has normally wrapped around his face with his black hair pulled back. His eyes are blue and red, there's a story behind it but I'd rather it get played out then just let it be known.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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kagethekiller NotADragon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name:Principium Mors
Age: Undetermined
Gender: None
Species:Fallen Angel
Powers/Abilities:Combat skills like no other. Literally an Angel of Death, specializing in silent killing. He's spent much of his time learning languages and science. Hes also a fan of art and hasn't actually killed a thing in the last century, not to say that he can't or won't. In his true form he has full use of his angelic powers. He can only acess these ones : Superhuman strength - The physical strength of an angel in a vessel is unknown, it's possible that their strength is unlimited as it doesn't come from the vessels muscles but instead their angelic power. They also have an extreme control on their strength as they have been shown to punch through walls but also non-fatally punch humans.Telekinesis - Angels have the ability to move and influence objects with their minds.Teleportation - Angels have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world as long as the area is not protected by Enochian sigils. They can teleport themselves and other beings.Sedation - angels have the ability to make humans unconscious by placing two fingers on their foreheads. Supernatural perception - Angels are able to see objects and beings that are invisible to humans, for e.g. reapers, hellhounds and Enochian sigils.Telepathy - Angels have the ability to communicate using their minds.Voice mimicry - Angels have the ability to sound like any human they choose

Backstory:Principium was cast out of Heaven when he refused to kill for God again. His wings were ripped off and his body was covered in runes stopping him from full on Angeling out. He lived a very solitary life up until recently when he heard about Lily’s school. After a few calls he was here teaching History and a few specialty classes. He often says he doesn't really miss being an Angel but who knows how true that actually is. In all his time banished to earth he had learned so much and all he wanted to do was pass it on now. So it seems.
Personality:He's rather… Jolly for a Fallen Angel, most find his presence inspiring and that's what makes him a great teacher and speaker. He's a smooth talker and has an accent most don't recognize which makes them listen to his every word, hard to kick that Angel charm. He doesn't make enemies easy but if he ever has to fight again it will be swift, with no mercy or malice.
Other:He loves to read and can often be found in the library talking to the Librarian.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathigyle Dieruynx

Age: ??? (Ancient)
Gender: M
Species: Undead (Lich)

Powers/Abilities: Mastery of alchemy and potion-crafting, knowledge of necromantic and dark energy casting, ability to manipulate his and other souls through destruction, storing, and renewal. Any who approach Mathigyle will feel the temperature of their bodies significantly decrease the closer they get.

Appearance: Mathigyle wears faded, earthen robes at all times that drag behind him, much like his bleach white beard. Besides the beard, he has a sad comb-over of hair atop his scalp. His gait is shuffling at its fastest. He wears glasses three sizes too large atop eyes with pupils lost long ago. The hunch of his back rises above the crown of his head. Mathigyle often brands a lingering, teeth-exposing smile that is genuine in nature but often terrifies the children. If not carrying something, Mathigyle's arms would bend outward and his wrists would drip as a Tyrannosaurus, almost as old as he. It's difficult to say what his body and legs look like, as he's often wearing so many layers that he appears to be a dirty pile of laundry moving about.

Backstory: From what the school has gathered in the bits and pieces they've managed to wrestle from him, Mathigyle was of the original alchemists in the golden age, where the philosopher's stone was greater than myth and disciples wandered the sandy wastes in order to discover the true secrets of alchemy. Mathigyle was of those disciples, yet he had no master, only a fellow disciple friend who shared the motivation and will to continue on without a teacher. Upon a fated day, a sandstorm overtook the pair and they were forced to take refuge within a cave. The cave, as it were, held a terrible secret inscribed on the walls: immortality.

Beyond his "death" and journeys in the Underworld, Mathigyle inherited the innate ability to control necrotic energy and the dead, for he was unliving, and so the ancient alchemical pact granted it to him.
To this day, Mathigyle appears to guard the secret to alchemical eternity. Yet he feels the drive to share other alchemical knowledge with any who will hear him, as to discover the infinite field that is alchemy, one must teach its ways. He cannot do it alone, nor would he like to. And Madam Lilith's has been the prime institution for his... eccentric teachings since it first opened.

Personality: Curious, odd, and potentially dangerous given his lack of attention to things. Mathigyle is a brilliant yet unfocused alchemist who sometimes spontaneously speaks to some sort of invisible entity only known as "Jeffrey". For some reason, speaking to "Jeffrey" is of the rare moments Mathigyle is shown to express true rage. At other times, he can be quite cordial and enjoyable to be around.

Friends/Family: Mostly dead, but often befriends new students, given they survive his course(s)
Crush/Relationships: Deceased; none current

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Unknown. Appears to be 18 Years Old


Earth Elemental

This ability allows Braelynn to seemingly disappear into the earth, she can then reappear at any place in the nearby vicinity as long as it isn't occupied.

*Elemental Manipulation*
Braelynn can manipulate the earth at will, either reshaping it, moving it or controlling it.

*Earth Golems*
Using the earth around her Braelynn can create sentient beings that can preform simplistic tasks.

*Giving Life*
When Braelynn is around, plants will bloom in seconds, or just naturally spring up out of the ground.

Braelynn has two forms, her usual one (as shown above) and her purest form. When she shows her true form her body becomes a different version of itself, this one entirely made of earth components. Her hair becomes long twisted vines, her body becomes clay that is immaculately shaped to look like skin, her eyes become emeralds, and her clothes are patches of flowers. She normally only reveals this form in front of other earth elementals, and back in the day seeing it was considered a great blessing.

Braelynn has always been a wanderer, as most of her people are. She has traveled in a sort of pack with them since her 'birth'. When she heard of the new school that accommodated for people like her she jumped at the chance of becoming a part of it. She would finally be able to settle down, and have friends and be somewhat normal. So that's where she ended up, in Madam Liliths School for the Supernatural.

Braelynn has always been an outgoing person. She was one of the elementals that was known for causing trouble in the villages of old. She would flirt with farm boys and lead them on goose chases through the woods. Ever since the modern times have come along though, she has become more and more shy and introverted. Hopefully with a little pressure her shell will crack and she'll be the same troublemaker as before.

Her only family is the other elementals. As for friends, well humans are very frail and they die too fast.

Braelynn seems to have a distinct interest in Luscious Cavon, though it may or may not develop into a crush

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character Sheet




Shirohebi (Subspecies of Lamia)

•Sword master
•Blue flames (Illusions)


Athena was one of a few lone survivors of a dragon attack on her home island. Years passed and Athena grew up. She was taught the way of the sword by her fellow survivors when she was only 6 years’ old. Weeks turned to months and she was soon taught the history of her people and the ability they share with water. She was always fascinated by how the other Shirohebi’s summon there blue flames. As Athena grew up, she assisted in rebuilding a village hidden away in a forest. Everything was beautiful for the village till the faithful day of destiny. Athena was out collecting food for the village and when she returned… Well it was no longer existent. She dropped the food and slithered off into the forest. She spent several years training with the way of the sword and her illusion magic.

Athena was becoming desperate for vengeance, she hunted down the Demon king of legend. After months upon years, when she arrived she begged with all her might. The demon king was fair, in return to give Athena what she needed to seek vengeance, she was to serve his daughter (Lilith) for the rest of her life. Athena has not completed her quest for vengeance for reasons.

She is kind and caring. But she has a dark side, which does not show if she isn’t provoked.

Both a mother and Father... They are dead
{Will update as we rp}

{Will update as we rp}

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 10 days ago

Name: Fafnir.
Age: Existence began at 204 AD.
Gender: Male
Species: Drakken (entity comprised of a merging between a dragon and human.)

Personality: Rude, tends to be greedy, very prideful and conceded, Jolly when not being Angry or self praising, short temper, honorable and chivalrous(well tries to be)

Has no friends or family to speak of in this era, the entirety of the school is new to him. So no crushes either.

Other: Carries his treasure hoard, very protective and secretive of it, doesn't trust anyone but himself with it. His past is something he left behind, only with a few materialistic keepsakes as a reminder, other than that he is over it. Very easily agitated especially when someone hurts his pride or honor. Enjoys combat though isnt exactly looking for a fight at this school, especially since he wishes to fit into it as a student. Envious of anyone who is better then him (at just about anything) needless to say this problem is common since he's really only good in combat. Accepts almost any challenge thrown at him. Tries to show honor even to those he despises or wishes dead. His conflicting personality is due to the opposite souls that make up is very existence. Due to his natural affinity with fire instead of smelling like filth he instead smells of charcoal or at times, burning oxygen. For most I imagine, these scents aren't very pleasing either. He is naturally cold blooded and finds temperatures below 90 to be uncomfortable, below 60 is unbearable. When he is in any discomfort whether it relates to being cold or not, Fafnir will heat up his body by use of spawning flames within himself, causing him to be hot enough upon touch to boil water. Doesn't like water unless it is a hot tub or something to drink, as to him the liquid is frigid cold. Usually if he is splashed the water will evaporate off him from his heating up response, which is an additional annoyance as it can be hard to see with steam in the way. An ideal best friend would be someone to either cross blades with or burn down things. He will frequently make up self praising titles for himself in conversations. Though he gloats about his draconic superiority he despises and mistrusts other dragons and related creatures.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Hailstorm
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Lord Hailstorm The King of the North

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Wilhelm Grimm
Age: Unknown. looks 17
Species: Reaper
  • Immortality
  • Death's sight
  • Reaper form
  • Pass through walls
  • Summon sycthe
  • Boost to strength, speed, and stamina


Backstory: Will is the younger adopted twin son of the King Reaper who adopted him upon death. Will died at the age of 10 by an angered spirit. For unknown reasons spirits would always flock to him. Will would like to find out why this happened. so far hes com to the conclusion that it was because his spirit energy was so strong that the spirits thought he was a portal to the next realm. This is the same reason Will was taken under the King's wing and turned to a reaper. after years of taking souls Will even tho quite and unspoken most time carved social interaction. (will continue later)

  • Quite
  • Lazy or tired
  • helpful
  • Confident in abilities
  • always reading and learning something

  • The Grim Reaper (Father)
  • Jacob Grimm (Brother)
  • Rei Stone (Sister)

Crush/Relationships:None (yet)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 31 min ago

EDIT: didn't even realize that the roleplay was full sorry, please disregard this because I cannot find the delete button. (yes, that is depressing.)

Name: Siegfried Zimmerman

Age: Unknown, appears 16.

Gender: Male

Species: Alchemical Being / Alchemist

Powers/Abilities: Zimmerman is an excellent alchemist, and has made his body similar to that of a homunculus, giving him impressive regeneration, slightly above human reflexes, and strength, and the ability to change his body via alchemical potions, or other means. (if that's too vague an example is: he takes a potion, and his skin becomes as durable as stone. or he begins to inject odd formulas into him, as his body grows, and then promptly returns to normal, the odd fluctuation changing his body structure, allowing him to extend his limbs.)

Appearance: Siegfried has black hair, going down to his upper back, glassy blue eyes like a dead fish's, and incredibly pale skin. his body well muscled, though fairly lean. because of Siegfried's apprentice title, he wasn't good enough to create a proper body, because of this the body's arms are too long, another glaring imperfection is that, while the body seems normal at first glance, his back has a large spider-like scar, from whatever horrible events occurred when Siegfried attempted a transfer. he originally wore something akin to a hospital gown, pure white and robe-esque, though it covered all of him. now he wears a primarily white plaid shirt, and a brown vest, along with black pants, and brown loafers.

Backstory: Siegfried was formerly an apprentice amongst an order of alchemists, specifically under the tutelage of a cruel alchemist, by the name of Dias. He was often used as an experiment by Dias, being fed potions, or testing different formulas. It was torture, but Siegfried had to endure, until eventually he found papers Dias had been working on for ages, the papers detailed how to turn oneself into an alchemic being. Siegfried knew this was his way out, so one day when Dias left to talk to one of his colleagues, Siegfried got to work, gathering the parts needed and assembling the new body. Alchemy was of cold hard science though, and miracles? that had no place in science, so when the formula was completed, Siegfried felt a shock, and then for the gods know how long he slept, so late in fact that when he awoke a school was built near where he was now buried. it took him awhile to get used to his new body, and his new abilities, but eventually he came to the school looking for shelter, why shelter you may ask? because rumor has it, that a man named Dias has been digging up old land.

Personality: Siegfried is a mild-mannered person, who was often considered meek, this was far from inaccurate though a lot changes when you change bodies, and now Siegfried has attempted to be more outgoing. fitting in is a challenge as he finds most things foreign and confusing, from his time asleep. he has a short temper, from holding in all the hate from his apprenticeship with Dias, which to him is still fresh in his mind. he tends to be considered "odd" no exactly crazy, but not exactly sane either. though despite all this Siegfried, at his core is just a scared teenager, who is afraid of just about everything, he's simply good at hiding it because of his incredibly durable body.

Friends/Family: None (that are alive)

Crush/Relationships: None (Yet)

Other: If the whole ability thing with alchemy is too vague please let me know, and i'll try and made it more descriptive and detailed.
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