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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@NachoBachoPacho I personally think we should room together, just because it would make for more character interaction. and for the second one uh, meh, depends on how well off Griffin is, because Joseph doesn't have much in the way of cash moneys.
In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Joseph lays face first in his bed, it was pretty crappy, itchy sheets, stiff pillows. but it was what he had, so he made do. his alarm blares vigorously. "Uuugh, I think I spiked the punch a little TOO much." Joseph slams his hand down on his alarm clock, and flings it against the wall.
How many people till we start off m8y?


Name: Barbarous

Appearance: Barbarous takes the form of a middle aged, large man, of caucasian descent. He has a large red beard, that appears to move like fire, and grey hair, that appears to stay as stagnant as stone. He has a scar that goes down the middle of his head, and ends at the neck. He is very muscular, and has tanned skin, as if he were out in the sunlight constantly. He wears a blue and yellow (blue being the primary color) plaid shirt, and basic brown pants. not fitting the school's prestigious dressing at all. He also wears a white cap, that spells out 'Atrocious' in gold letters, with the O being replaced with a heart shape.

Age 155 And a half.

Race: Often confused with elementals, Barbarous is a race that doesn't truly have a name, but people have called them 'Emotionals' each Emotional has a different set of abilities, and a different appearance, depending on what emotion, or something similar, they are supposed to represent, Barbarous is considered a distant cousin to the Emotionals, as he isn't actually an emotion.

Role Teacher.

Magic/powers/abilities/skills: Fire magic mastery, Earth magic mastery. Emotional magic (Depending on his emotion he is more adept at certain forms of magic. I.E. Anger = fire.) Barbarous true form, an ability that allows him to enter his spiritual state, giving him access to amazing amounts of arcane power. Unnatural strength and endurance.

Personality: Barbarous is a very fitting name, as that tends to be how he acts. he is overbearing, quite loud and violent, and comes across as rude. however he is surprisingly enough a massive softy on the inside, his exterior is just a facade, to make sure students reach their full potential.

Equipment/items of importance,weapons, etc: A large lumberjack axe. A birdwatcher's book. A seemingly limitless supply of beef jerky.

Interests/dislikes: Likes beef jerky, what he considers manly, lumberjacking, and fire, lots of fire. Dislikes whiny people, mopey people, anything sour, and being kept indoors for too long.

In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I am the game.
In Fairy Tail 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@KatherinWinter Nendo is also chilling at the guild, except he's more, trying not to accidentally destroy it.
In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@KatherinWinter i'd be game for that.
In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Joseph grins tauntingly at his partner. "You're kinda bad with first impressions huh, Griffin?" Joseph slings his arm over Griffin's shoulder, acting as if he were already tipsy, despite no alcohol being consumed. "Not that I can talk, seeing as how I attacked you to 'see if you were strong enough' or something, when we first met." Joseph grabs a drink, it was fruity, and had barely any alcohol in it. "You wanna try and patch things up with her?, you seemed to take a fancy to her."

(Doing this for reference, if you wanna take a look at how Diogenes looks check him out in OOC.)

Name: Diogenes Dolorous (Real last name is Anderson.)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

personality: Diogenes is incredibly lazy, often wanting to do nothing more than rest. He is also incredibly Glum, some may call him depressed, as he occasionally makes a comment about life being too much effort. Despite that he is also laid back and relaxed, a good side effect of not worrying about anything, making him easy to talk to, and to vent to. he often comes off as cruel, but in reality its just disinterest, as he's disinterested in most things. He tends to be kinder than he lets on, but doesn't want anyone to know. (far from a stand-up guy though)

History: Born into a neglective family, Diogenes lived alone most times, and didn't have much to do other than rest. so he rested, and rested, until he didn't really care about the world around him all that much, he just wanted to do nothing.

Crest: Sloth

Digimon Partner: Syakomon

Crush/lover:TBA/None yet

Other: Loves the Sea, and reading.

Name: Syakomon

Nickname: Smiley

Personality: The red oni to Diogenes' blue, Syakomon tends to be incredible energetic, and incredibly demanding. Trying to make Diogenes do this and that all the time. Syakomon has a disarmingly cute appearance, but is often described as 'creepy' by others.

History: Being created in the Net Ocean, Syakomon was the runt of the group, in danger every day from larger sea-dwelling Digimon. until one day he realized he wouldn't get stronger here, so Syakomon made his way to a safer place, still in the Net Ocean. But not nearly as deep, and waited for a sign, a sign that he could get stronger.

Partner: Diogenes Dolorous

Evolution line: Bukamon, Syakomon, Gesomon, MarineDevimon, Leviamon.

Other: Syakomon wants to be a writer, and has a book idea called 'High tides, Higher Tempers.'
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