Avatar of GubGar


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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


Check it!


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@Renny Eh, so far this one piece rp is the best made i've seen, I don't see too much harm in him being a warlord, so I ain't mad. (Now if he were the type of guy to run around using his Hao haki to knock people out, and then slit their throats, THAT'D be a different story, luckily he isn't.)
@LokiLeo789 Oh, sorry, I didn't want to arrive too quickly, I wanted to give you guys some time, my bad.
Anaru Kahurangi

Location: A Marine ship under his command, near the Conomi Islands.

Anaru roll his neck, a grin across his face, as the Conomi Islands appeared in the distance. "Men, and women of the marines, today we'll win back this place, for justice!" Anaru shouted, throwing his arm up in the air, some men cheered, the others rolled their eyes, and smiled at their commander's antics. two smaller ships floated behind Anaru, backup, in case the Sunny Massacre Pirates, ended up being more dangerous than originally expected.

"Lockjaw!" Anaru called to an old man, he was their navigator, but in his old age his eyes were still sharp. "What do you see on the island?" Lockjaw clicked his teeth together, like he often did. "Them pirates are causin' a ruckus, but that's to be expected." was the old man's response. Anaru's already wide grin grew even further. "Then we'll put an end to that ruckus, with our Rock Solid Justice!" he shouted again, the same people who cheered earlier cheered again.

Anaru had sent word to the 99th divison, if they were near they were welcome to come, but it was just reassurance, his fleet of three ships should be plenty, he thought. "Alright men, full speed ahead!" he shouted in his booming voice, before letting out a jolly laugh.
@Ira alrighty, then i'll post.
I'm waiting to make sure all of the Sunny Massacre Pirates to do actions before I do another post, who all has yet to post?
Do I have hipster credit now that i'm the first marine?, am I allowed to say "I was a marine BEFORE it was cool" yet?
In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Joseph's head lay flat on his desk, he was clearly very hungover from last night still. "Ohh man~ everyone's voices are like ear sandpaper." Joseph says with a groan. "How come you aren't in nearly as bad shape, Griffin? can you hold your liquor that well?" Joseph asked his partner, his eyes glittering with amazement, from behind his red shades.
Anaru Kahurangi

Marine Ship, somewhere near the archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands.

Anaru stood tall in his room on the ship, a mysterious voice, clearly disguised, coming out of a den den mushi. "Sunny Massacre Pirates in the Conomi Islands." the disguised voice rang out. "Roger, i'll bring my squad immediately. Over and out." Anaru's voice boomed out, before the line went silent.

Anaru slams the door open, accidentally flinging it off its hinges, into the ocean. "Men! set course to the Conomi Islands, our informers got us a tip on the Sunny Massacre Pirates!" Anaru cheered, his subordinates cheered as well, as the helmsman, turned the ship, towards the Conomi Islands. the ship was already close to the islands anyway, so it wouldn't take long at all. "When we get there, these are our targets." Anaru held up photos of the Sunny Massacre Pirates, even those who didn't have bounties were amongst the photos. "We want them alive, remember that. and above all else, uphold our morals, rock solid justice!" Anaru's voice boomed across the ship, his men cheered, even the more reserved ones. but how did a brute of a man like Anaru get an informer who knew where the pirates were, and how did he manage to get those photos?
So, where is everyone in RP right now?
@Ira Oh, okay, I thought it was for parts of the char sheet not all, my bad.
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