Avatar of GubGar


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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Most Recent Posts

Just got finished playing D&D, so I might be a while. You can go ahead and put together a post for Rayne if you want.

- @RyoRyoRyoken

Ahh D&D I used to play it often, then my group of friends who also played it either got over it, or moved away, and then, because I have the attention span of a goldfish, I forgot most of the rules, I should form a new group, and y'know re-learn the rules, but as we all know, procrastination makes perfect! (I'm a lazy bastard, ain't I?)
In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@KatherinWinter sounds good to me.
@dragonmancer You made a lot of interesting prisoner interaction, I give it five cheerios out of Ozzy Osbourne.
Mr.Dragon and...Explosion man are the same person. Can't the past be the past, why not be Rock Solid buddies?

- @LokiLeo789

But wait a minute, didn't you want to blow Anaru up? I guess Rayne'o Payne Xerxes, has some issues expressing his true feelings.
By one guy...if Mr. Dragon escapes, Anaru gonna have a mental breakdown.

- @LokiLeo789

Uh, he hates Explosion-guy a lot more, seeing as how he blew up two ships full of his soldiers, and also because he's a meany bobeany.
Anaru has been having a rough time, what with the whole mass destruction of his navy crew, and also he held that child that fell infront of him that one time, and everyone got mad- AGH! @Hillan 's memes are contagious!
still doesn't know how to make his words bigger

Marine Ship, just outside Drum Island.
@Ira @CannedBread

Anaru sweat as he struck the punching bag over and over again, he needed to do this to distract himself, ever since he left the Conomi Islands, he couldn't stop thinking about his ships exploding, about his men fighting that dragon, and the look of confusion and horror on Ex-Captain Freya's face. he should have known better, as a marine it was his duty to do justice, but throwing away so many lives for a c-list crew, and then being offered a promotion, it was more than he could handle.

While in deep thought, Anaru wasn't restraining his punches, and with one blow, knocked the punching bag off its chain, through a wooden wall, and into the ocean. "Oh, that was, the third one this week." Anaru said with a sigh, before shouting through the hole. "Sorry about that, again!" Anaru sat down on the bench, drinking down a large bottle of water, before setting off to find the Vice Admiral.

Anaru rolled his neck, and exhaled peacefully, it was stupid of him to worry so much, after this execution, it would be behind him, he'd keep his vow of course, any self respecting gorilla-man would. "Haaahahahaha!" Anaru let out a booming laugh, as he stomped across the ship, to find the Vice Admiral, and the Captain that was on board as well.

Going to start working on a post, I've got an electro-shock collar on, to stop my procrastination, wait hold on, this was a bad idea.
In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@KatherinWinter Well, another school day seems a bit uneventful, unless you or the teacher have plans, what would the Mission be? because depending, it'd be my pick, hunting would be for a kishin egg soul, right?
Oh boy, Anaru's rock solid justice returns, but now I have to really brainstorm this post, Anaru had to have developed (mentally) somewhat during a month of his really stupid vow.
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