Avatar of GubGar


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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


Check it!


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<Snipped quote by NachoBachoPacho>

My family has the best Thanksgiving dinners. Always ends in a gladiatorial game show scenario. Winner takes home all the leftover mashed potatoes and stuffing.

I love stuffing.

Yeah that's my entire comment, I hope you weren't expecting anything witty.
Looks like Kalla showed up.

Thu-mmmok's gonna need more ambrosia to get through the meeting. In fact, I just realized this is basically a thanksgiving with an extended family, that is almost guaranteed to end in a fight.
<Snipped quote by SepticGentleman>

We wanted big damn heroes. We got em.

As a frequenter of Tvtropes (and a fan of firefly), I appreciate that reference.
So for heroes, we've got a dragonblood-infused human fuck, a slaver turned ocean warrior, a sick-spreading mob boss lady, a shitbig lizard who wields the one and immutable Truth, a shadow-woman, Mother Nature's absolute destroyer of litterers, a garden variety vampire, the sergal lord regent of tree houses, aaaaand a camel.

Yeah, I can see that bunch going on a dungeon dive.

Can't tell if its an amazing rough tough rowdy bunch, or a horrible amalgamation that will destroy everything.

My guess is a bit from both piles.

@SepticGentleman I just wanted to say that because I was dropped out of a RP because I wasn't online for two days. ( I didn't rp on it... )

Well that seems unnecessarily strict.

Were a bunch of softy goobers here, so no need to worry about that.

On a totally different note, I now consider Thu-mmmok to be Yiggzavath's "bro" that he doesn't actually want to talk to.
Thu-mmmok noticed the gods and goddesses slowly trickling in, it'd only be a matter of time before she showed up, and she would almost definitely make it her duty to state loudly, and convincingly, that an endless desert was a horrid idea. Thu-mmmok needed a drink, ambrosia, not too much, he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the other gods, just a small glass, enough to steady his nerves. He waved to an angel, the angel quickly walked over to his side. "A glass of ambrosia, a small one though, I don't want to get too festive, yet." Thu-mmmok said with a charming smile, that betrayed the anxiety welling up within.

Thu-mmmok's eyes scanned the room, as he waited for his drink to be served, Dormammus seemed to be both hostile and friendly to the mad god at the same time, and of course the mad god showing up was far from expected. What caught the desert god's eye in particular though, was the building frustration coming from Yiggzavath, he could at least attempt to lighten his mood, couldn't he? Thu-mmmok's shoulder began to create sand, that wove itself over to the Filthmonger's location, and began to spoke, as if it had a mouth. "Yiggzavath, you seem more frustrated than usual, the waiting pains me too, but this horrid meeting will not last too much longer, perhaps we could discuss collaborations afterwards?" Thu-mmmok said in a calm tone, he knew that any cheerful excitement would have an incredible negative effect on Yiggzavath, and mentioning a collaboration would hopefully get his mind off of waiting. Yiggzavath did love to create.

The sand stayed by the Filthmonger, in case he went to reply, as Thu-mmmok waited for his drink, he smiled slightly at seeing Del Sombra, and Nahash's friendly nature, he was glad at least some could be cheerful today, and he was found of Del Sombra, she was one of the few who appreciated his deserts after all. At last, the glass arrived, Thu-mmmok knew he had to pace himself, but it was so very tantalizing, just a sip, at first. He thought to himself, as he took a small sip. The drink was as powerful as he remembered, and such an excellent taste. While he enjoyed the drink, he attempted to let his mind wander, perhaps that trial he placed had been won by now, perhaps he would have a champion to return to.


In the great deserts of K'num, there was a single creature, walking through the desert, followed by, as if they were guarding the creature, two large scorpions. This great creature was to lead the deserts all around the world to salvation, a great champion picked by the wisest Djinn in the lands, Al Sabbath. This creature was so great, it only went by one name: Louis, a fearsome camel, and the only creature to pass Al Sabbath's tests, set up by the desert god before the gods vanished, surely this camel was more than an average one. The camel stopped, and began to eat a small patch of grass, before making one of those weird camel noises, and walking in a totally different direction from before. Clearly, this creature was a genius.
To the lovecraftian fans...

Ak'abs are a lovecraftian creature, described by a narrator "A creature who I can not recall, and must not."

likely some sort of demonic vampire moth thing that our favorite filth mongerer came up with with collab of the mad man.

Oh man oh man, I sure do love me some Lovecraft. In fact i'm currently attempting to make some sort of horrible desert monster that isn't a giant sand worm, because I don't want to keep bugging Yiggzavath for collabs..hahaha HAHAHA AAAAHAHAH.

Kill me.
I wonder if any heroes will Join the crew of Francis Drake to Pillage, rob, and burn Travel the high seas and spit at fate!

Camel pirate? sign me up.

The fact that I have accepted the joke character sheet as my legitimate hero is kind of sad.
<Snipped quote by Klomster>

Pft :P At least his hero isn't mostly mortal :P.

The camel is the most mortal of em all followed by Reeva.

But to be fair... in Sombra's defense, if a single woman can go through an island full of puzzles and monsters, and deal with a f*cking annoying lepricon (irish halfling) without loosing her damned mind, and THEN kill the Island's Master - a wizard riding a Wyvern -...

...you might not need god powers. You're basically a level 20+ DnD hero.

She's probably min-maxed.
I know they don't exactly know each other yet, but I kinda wanna see every hero's first impression of every other hero.

Everyone's gonna love Louis, he's really popular.
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