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but can they beat goku
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Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
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Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
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Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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What Dead Eye, Capra, and Abigail look like right now.

@jynmi88 @blumenk @hozan

Capra frowned at the short woman's response. " Hunter? As in the Crimson Demon? That's no good. The rumors are too over the top. Flashier the rumors the more mundane the truth, I learned that early on in the business. Dead Eye's the one I want to meet." He scratched his chin. Something about these people being here seemed strange to him, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He was about to respond to the goggle wearing man that they would have noticed if he had a harpoon gun or a large projectile on him, but the short woman responded to him quickly. Not asking a stranger coming out of a bush for help, huh? Was he really that creepy? Capra looked a little self conscious as he thought this over, but was quickly distracted by the demonstration of the small woman's powers. A devil fruit? It had to be. Nothing else could do something as strange as that. Only after he was done thinking that over, did he notice that a newcomer had arrived.

The short woman said something about it being nice to meet him. Obviously a lie, but that they had to get many things done. And then, it dawned on him. Were they trying to break into the prison? That wouldn't do. That wouldn't do at all. If they were trying to break into the prison, he would have to stop them. But he really needed to find Dead Eye. He decided to let them go about their business, until he could confirm that they were up to no good. In the mean time, perhaps this new stranger knew where Dead Eye was. He turned to the newcomer, and in a tired voice, asked him a question. "I'm looking for a sharpshooter. A good one. I don't know much about the sharpshooter's appearance, but if you know any man or woman who's proficient with a gun, I would appreciate it if you told me where they were." Capra subtly shifted his stance. Ready to chase the three strangers if they tried anything funny. Or if he decided that they were in fact criminals. He crouched slightly, and his legs tensed. But every other part of him seemed completely relaxed. If they tried to flee, or if they went over the wall, he'd just leap after them.
Oops, forgot to mention who Capra's interacting with, so i'll do it here instead.

@jynmi88 @hozan
Capra's day was not going nearly as well as he had hoped. Scouring this island in search of Dead Eye hadn't been successful thus far, he was beginning to wonder if his information was false. If that weren't enough, the island was so dreary and depressing that Capra's excitement felt like it was being drained slowly, and painfully through a plastic straw. He likely only had a handful of hours left until the ship sailed without him, so he'd have to hurry up and find Dead Eye, if she was even on the damn island. After much consideration, Capra decided to check outside the prison. He had steered clear of it during his search, as he figured that a fair amount of the prisoners were put away by him and he figured they would not be happy to see him. He exhaled, and trudged off towards the large imposing prison. His poleaxe was still on his back, and as long as he had that, he would be fine. At least, that's what he told himself.


After a very boring trek across the island that Capra spent mostly psyching himself up, he saw the prison. A large imposing place, definitely not the type of prison he'd want to be put in. Which made the idea of him being the reason many prisoners were in this prison even more unsettling, they'd probably try and tear him to pieces if they managed to get their hands on him. His eyes trailed across the landscape, it seemed as though he was near the back of the prison. After trudging out of the bushes, he found himself face-to-face with two strangers, well, he was taller than the two strangers, so maybe not face-to-face. These two were strange, that was for sure. An incredibly short red haired woman, and a man with goggles on his head, who was also rather short. Neither were Dead Eye. But he had wasted enough time, maybe they knew where his target was? There was no chance of them telling him if he didn't ask. Oh god, that sounded like something his mom would say, he was glad he didn't say that out loud. Instead of breaking the ice like a normal person, right after stepping out of the bushes, and observing the two, Capra spoke. "I'm looking for Dead Eye. Do you know where she is?" No hello, just straight to the point. Capra berated himself for being so blunt, these people weren't frequenters of the Underworld like most people he was used to talking to, a simple "Hello." would have probably been a good way to start the conversation.

It didn't occur to Capra that it was rather strange that these two people, who were clearly not marines, were sneaking around the side of a prison, nor did it occur to him that he himself likely came off as incredibly strange. Not like it mattered to him if he did, he just wanted to find Dead Eye, and fight her.
@Eklispe Gotcha, i'll wait for a couple of the pirates to post before I do anything.
ASDAHGOUAE Crap! I can't believe I missed this interest check. I don't know if it means anything at this point, but you 100% have my interest. I consider the original One Piece Revolution to be the most enjoyable RP I've been part in when it comes to this website. And I would love to be part of the reboot, if it ever does happen.

Even if Anaru might not come back.
A shorter version of my (admittedly probably unnecessarily long) IC intro:

The gentle rocking of the ship had began to pick up. They must be near. That was good, Capra had always hated waiting, and he had waited enough. Who knew that finding a ship willing to head to Shipwreck Isle was so hard! Well okay, maybe the name was a little intimidating, but he had to head there, a little bird told him that the grotesquely garish ship that Dead Eye called her own had been spotted heading to this very island. Capra knew that this was his chance, finally, after so long, some action. When was the last time he had a good challenge? Was it the rookie pirate from the North Blue? No, now that he thought about it, the poor bastard wasn't much of a challenge at all. Once Capra's poleaxe heated up, it was like a hot knife through butter, or in this case, a hot axe. Man, Capra was sure glad he had his razor sharp wit, or else he'd be bored out of his mind with all the time alone he had.

Capra had been doing nothing inside a cargo ship for far too long, his mind wandered every other minute. The waiting was bad enough, but it had been hard enough convincing some "friends" in the underworld scene to give him information about Dead Eye (even he had to admit he was amazed and scared by how fast they caught wind of this tidbit of info), and then he had to procure a ship that was willing to sail towards one of the most dangerous islands around. And if that weren't enough, he was completely on his own when it came to reaching the island itself. Oh, and he couldn't forget the fact that there were marines near the island too. Avoiding them had been hard. They had to go around half the island before getting close to avoid being spotted and questioned. Dead Eye better be worth her salt, or Capra was going to be pissed. One of the sailors came down to inform Capra that they were as close as they were willing to get. That was fine, Capra could go it alone from here. He stumbled to his feet, and trudged out above deck. The ship was anchored as close to the jagged stone pillars as any sane man would be willing to, actually, scratch that. It was far too close for any sane man to anchor their ship here. That was why Capra liked this captain. Capra walked over to the side of the ship, and spoke to the captain. "My thanks for taking me this far, after i'm done with my fight against Dead Eye i'll be sure that Mister Anderson knows your debt is payed in full." The captain nodded in response, he didn't want to speak about Anderson, that was understandable. Despite how cheerful he seemed, he was a vicious businessman, often times he wouldn't ask for money when you bought something from him, only a favor. And if you didn't return the favor..his men would find you. Capra knew that from experience, he used to be one of his men after all.

Well, there was no need to delay the inevitable any further. Capra's body shifted, he was already taller than the captain, but he soon towered over the gruff man. He felt his body shift, and change. He felt horns grow from his head, a short layer of grey wool, covered by a shorter layer of grey fur covered his body. a thin layer of white fur grew on his face. His muscle mass grew, as did his legs. His feet change into goat hooves, but his hands stayed mostly the same. All of the crew looked shocked at Capra's transformation, except for the captain. That figured, he had known Mister Anderson, hanging around him too much made you used to odd things. After transforming, Capra crouched, his body tensed, and with a jolt, he leaped into the air. The force of his jump was so intense that the deck splintered. Capra briefly wondered if the captain was mad about the damage, but he quickly shifted focus to the fast approaching jagged pillar of stone. Using the force of his jump, and his knack for climbing, Capra latched onto the side of the pillar. Planting one foot on it, and holding on for dear life with one arm. He lowered his center of gravity, and lunged, kicking off of the pillar. With another mighty leap, he landed atop a nearby pillar, smaller than the first. Capra was starting to sweat. This was the worst idea he had thought of in a long time. Holy crap why would he ever think about doing this? He calmed himself down. crouched, and leaped through the air. He managed to grab onto another pillar. Again and again he lunged from pillar to pillar, using the island's greatest natural defense as his way to the shore. Perhaps someone with a keen eye could see him, but through the storm, he was likely no more than a blur.

After a while, he managed to make it to the shore, alas, unbeknownst to him, if he were to have gone in a different direction, he would have ended up encountering Dead Eye immediately, instead, he was about half of the island away from his rival who didn’t know she was his rival yet. "Okay. Okay, you're alive Capra. Keep it together." Capra patted himself down, as if checking to make sure all of him was there. "You're here. You made it, all you have to do is find Dead Eye." it didn't even occur to him that his information from the underworld information brokers could have been false. He was too caught up in the idea of finding a good fight.
@LostDestiny Something tells me most of their interactions will go something like: "DEADEYE! FIGHT ME!" "no." and then Capra gives up and tries again later, Deadeye still refuses.
@LostDestiny Sounds like a plan to me. That's a nice way of getting Capra to join, and it's pretty in character. The goat man really likes fighting. Thanks for helping me out, I was pulling a blank when it came to ways for Capra to get involved with the crew.
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