Avatar of GubGar


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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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@vancexentan ohshit yeah my bad. Alright sweet, I'll head right over to that board.
@vancexentan Seems like the Roleplay's already full though.

Oh well, that's alright.


I'm interested. I like the idea of a D&D style magic system, and the freedom to pick either servant, master, or both, as all three options have pros and cons. I do agree that it would be most efficient to have one RPer have a servant, and a master for that servant, but I like the fact that you're allowed to pick either or.

Huh, I rambled a little, didn't I? I guess a simple "Yeah sounds cool" would have worked.

Guiles Marmor

Guiles sputtered at what the small girl said to him. She would protect him? It was an appreciated gesture, but she was so..small! If anything, Guiles should have been offering to protect her. But, he figured that she had to be capable, she was taking part in this exam after all! So, he decided to offer a compromise. "That's awful kind of you, but I'd feel bad taking advantage of your kindness like that! All I did was bring you up here, there ain't no need to repay me, if that's why you're doin' this!" Guiles exclaimed cheerfully, before holding his hand towards the small girl, for a handshake. "But I'd love to form a team with ya!" He gave her a goofy grin after speaking.

After several minutes of awkward silence that Guiles would normally fill with conversation, if he weren't so nervous, he found himself once again scanning the room, he felt out of his league here, despite his large size. As if he were a rookie baseball player, playing in the most important game of the year. How could he compare to all of these other people? He shook his head to clear those thoughts, if he got too caught up in negative thoughts, he'd end up giving himself the yips!

The small girl suddenly spoke, and Guiles realized that he had not asked her what her name was. She told him to find the smartest looking person he could. He frowned, looking slightly pained, as he always did when he was trying to solve something in his head, as if thinking was painful. The smartest looking person? Guiles looked around the room, who seemed smart to him? That pretty girl from the lobby, maybe- That train of thought was very quickly interrupted, when Guiles saw that she had already formed a group. Oh well, there were sure to be other smart people. He glanced over several people that most would look at and say 'Oh, they look smart.' And finally, his eyes landed on a clearly foreign gentleman, who Guiles recalled had some strange ink jars on his person, until he willingly gave them to security. Guiles' mind works in mysterious ways, because the conclusion he drew from this..was that this stranger must have been a master of deception, to be able to smuggle in weapons, perhaps poison, in his ink jars, and then he also must have been a good person, because he turned around, and gave them to security anyway!

Clearly, Guiles was a moron. Regardless, he believed it would be an excellent idea to walk right up to this ‘mastermind,’ and begin a conversation. "Howdy! My name's Guiles. Y'wanna team up with me an' my friend?" He gestured to the small girl that was his partner, who looked like she didn't belong here at all. This was Guiles' idea of tact.
Guiles Marmor

As Guiles quickly found out, wearing his lumberjack shoes was a bad move. Before he even got into the elevator, he was stopped by bodyguards, and all of his weapons, or anything that could have been used as a weapon, was confiscated. His axe, and his climbing spikes. They wouldn't have taken the shoes, but Guiles cheerfully informed them that his shoes could be used as weapons too, as they were spiked, and used for kicking logs. So they took the shoes too, they considered taking his camera, as it could be used as a blunt weapon, but decided that if Guiles was going to use anything as a blunt weapon, it would likely be his fists, so they let him keep the camera.

So, Guiles spent the elevator ride up shifting from one foot to the other, because his socks were thin, and the floors were all marble, even inside the elevators. When he finally arrived at the 101st floor, he had no idea what a sight he was. An incredibly tall man with no shoes, who looked like he got into a street fight right outside the hotel, standing next to a small black haired girl who definitely did not look like she belonged in the exam. "Y'can come sit with me, if y'want to. Oh! I nearly forgot to introduce m'self. I'm Guiles, nice to meet you." Guiles made sure the small black haired girl he took up to the 101st floor felt welcome, partially because it was good manners, and partially because he would take any company right now just to distract him from how nervous he was.

He made his way to a nearby seat, so he could get his feet off of the cold floor. He made sure that he took a table with at least three chairs, so that if anyone wanted, they could sit right down. Guiles certainly wouldn't mind any company, no matter how many people, he enjoyed talking to people, and he hoped people enjoyed talking to him. He drummed idly on the table, while letting his eyes drift across the room. There certainly seemed to be many imposing looking contestants. Guiles spotted the pretty girl from before, a shirtless man with jars on his belt, and a woman with what appeared to be scales on parts of her body all caught his eye rather quickly. But there were many more strange contestants, far more contestants than Guiles expected there to be.

After a few minutes, a waiter came by to take Guiles' order. "A tall glass of apple juice, please! Gotta keep my vitamin C levels high, for the exam." To his credit, the waiter merely raised an eyebrow, nodded, and hurried off. After a few more minutes, the promised apple juice was delivered, ice cold, and sweeter than any apple juice Guiles had tasted before. He drank it slowly, to savor the taste.

Mere moments after he finished his drink, a tall woman made her way to the stage, and commanded everyone to return to their seats. Luckily, Guiles was already seated, but some people were not so lucky, and were too slow for the woman's liking, as she commanded them to leave. Guiles was already on edge, but this woman kicking people out because they took too long really got him nervous. He tried to make himself scarce by slouching more in his seat, but he was a really big guy, with a red plaid shirt, and bright blonde hair. So he was anything but scarce.

One of the contestants, number 105, stood his ground, and refused to leave. Guiles admired his courage, but was glad he didn't share his courage when the tall woman stated that whoever brought her his badge, would get a free pass to the next round. Within seconds, people were lunging at him from every angle. He fought back well, clearly he was well disciplined, and trained in the ways of martial arts, but he was still vastly outnumbered. Guiles thought this was incredibly unfair, this guy worked just as hard as everyone else to get here, and he had to leave because he wasn't fast enough to get to his seat? Fear and outrage warred in his head, until they came to an agreement.

So, Guiles scooched around in his seat, so the tall woman couldn't get angry at him, picked up a nearby table with one hand, and lobbed it between #105 and some of the people attacking him, momentarily catching their attention. "Now hold on! Don'tcha think that 105 here deserves just as much of a chance as the rest of us?" The answer, was a resounding no. They didn't even consider Guiles' words, and immediately returned to rushing #105. "Oh. Okay then."

Guiles stood up, holding his chair against him with one hand, and charged into the fray. Not attacking 105, or the other contestants, but instead just pushing people apart, to break up fights. Of course Guiles was one guy, and there were tons of incredibly competent examiners, so his efforts were in vain.


After the chaos died down, and 105 was sadly defeated. (Guiles had no idea who did it, he gave up the whole "peace keeper" thing when someone smashed him upside the head with a bottle of wine, and decided to save his strength for the actual exam.) The woman, who Guiles learned was named Aleksandra, explained the rules, And Guiles immediately realized that by defending 105, he had unintentionally painted a target on his back.

He considered asking the small black haired girl he brought up to the 101st floor to team up with him, but realized that if she teamed up with him, they'd likely target her too. So, Guiles, out of politeness, and respect for the other contestants, didn't ask a single person to be on his team.

That wasn't to say he wouldn't accept anyone if they offered to join up with him, but he didn't want to rope anyone into partnering up with him, what if someone did it just to be polite, and then they got taken out of the running because of him? He'd feel terrible! Guiles suddenly wished he had more apple juice to steady his nerves.
Guiles Marmor

"A rare question, but indeed, you may bring one other person," Guiles smiled at the receptionist's answer, which combined with the fact that he looked like a homeless person who just finished a street fight, made him look a little unnerving. "As it so happens, this customer here wanted to go up to the 101st floor. Perhaps—" The receptionist continued, while looking at the pretty girl that Guiles didn't realize he was so close to. To Guiles' surprise, the pretty girl interrupted the receptionist, while pulling out a VIP card. "As it happens, I remembered I picked up a card like that a while back," Guiles was not expecting that. She didn't seem like the type to enter the hunter's exam, and if the other ways of getting a VIP card were as hard as the way Guiles earned his, then she was definitely a lot stronger than she looked. The pretty girl with the card walked over to the elevator, before turning around, and asked Guiles a very strange question, well it was strange to him, at the very least. "I'm curious. The Hunter Exam is a competition. Why are you inclined to help potential competitors?" She asked. Guiles wasn't able to process the question immediately, because he heard someone else speaking to him at around the same time. "I'd like to go up to the 101st floor with you, if you'd take me mister." The stranger said. Despite both of them talking at about the same time, Guiles managed to filter out what they were saying.

He decided to respond to the pretty girl first, because his mother always told him it was rude to talk over people, so the stranger could wait a little. He quickly decided on an answer that best described how he felt, no thinking necessary. Which meant it was not a well thought-out sentence. "Well, I know that if I came all this way, and didn't end up gettin' a pass. I'd feel real frustrated, y'know? So I thought why not help someone who's probably feelin' that way out?" His answer was..really simple. And made no sense competitively, the person he brought with him could easily be the person who makes him lose. But he just didn't see it like that.

He quickly turned back around to the stranger, only to see..an incredibly small girl. He didn't feel comfortable taking someone so young into a dangerous exam. But he also didn't want to be rude. But wait, if she wanted to go up to the 101st floor, that meant she knew about the exam, and in order to get here, had to have made it past trials. At least that's how Guiles processed this information. He managed to somehow not realize that she could have just been some random kid who wanted to go up to the VIP floor, and had no idea there was an exam. Guiles shrugged. "I don't see why not." He looked to the receptionist once again. "I guess she's my guest, then." He stated to the receptionist. Clueless to the fact that people might see it as some idiot taking a small child as a guest into the most dangerous exam ever. He walked over to wait by the elevator, next to the pretty girl, expecting the small girl to follow him.

Guiles Marmor

Guiles staggered into the lobby of the Grand Hotel Mohad. He looked like a homeless person that had just finished a Hell in a Cell match. What appeared to be splintered bits of wood were stuck in his hair, and his outfit was a mess. His plaid jacket was torn in several places, but he seemed dazed more than injured. A couple of bruises and small cuts, but nothing too bad, all in all he was lucky to get to the hotel without serious injuries, considering how his experience on the bullet train went, and then what went down immediately after that. Guiles lumbered over to one of the plush chairs they had off to the side, and plopped down in one. He tried to collect his thoughts, they were all a mess right now. His father had told him that the exam was brutal, but he hadn't expected them to narrow down the selection in such a brutal fashion. No matter what he did, his thoughts kept drifting back to what happened.


Earlier That Day

It started soon after Guiles boarded the train, apparently, the small village near his home was one of the last stops. So there were only a few more stops on that terrifying, fast moving train, before the announcement was made. "Attention all passengers. While you are all bound for the exam, only a select few of you will be able to progress past this train. Until only one person in each train car remains conscious, this train will not stop moving. If you are feeling panicked, there are paper bags beneath your seats. We hope you have a wonderful ride." At first, there was nothing but panicked silence, until everyone heard the doors to other train cars lock. Then, total chaos erupted. Guiles was quickly smashed in the head with a blunt wooden object, that was likely a baseball bat, to the attacker's horror, this did not take Guiles out of commission, it had hurt, a lot, and a hurt Guiles was a pissed Guiles. What could have been hours went by, as Guiles moved on from one fight to the next, swinging punches blindly, connecting with people who's faces all blurred together, while people attacked with their fists, and knives, and if his memory wasn't playing tricks on him, one person even had a flail.

Eventually, Guiles was the last man standing, in his train car at least. He was so pumped up on adrenaline he didn't even notice the gash on his forehead that was currently bleeding. Or any of his other injuries. The doors all unlocked, and the train kept moving. Guiles thought it was the end of it, and took a seat..after shoving a prone body off of it. The people who managed to be the last men standing in the other cars..had different plans. Taking out competition here meant dealing with less when the actual exam started, so they all individually decided to take each other out. The first two people to enter Guiles' train car quickly exchanged glances at each other, and then decided to take out the big brute first. One held a combat knife, the other used a bo-staff. They came at Guiles from either end of the car. The man with the knife swung, and Guiles managed to get out of the way with only his jacket being cut, before the bo-staff struck a nasty blow right on his left shoulder. He spun around, swinging blindly. Luckily, due to how hard it was to fight with a large weapon in a small train car, his fist struck it's mark. And the assailant was sent to the ground. He didn't get back up. Guiles whirled around, and avoided being stabbed right in the back by the other assailant, instead getting a gash across his side. The knife came forward again, this time for his chest. Guiles reeled back, tripped over one of the many other prone people on the ground, and fell into a seat. He rolled off of it, just in time to avoid the knife being thrown right into it. Now without his knife, Guiles made short work of his foe, bull-rushing towards him, and knocking him into the wall of the train. He was out before he hit the ground. Guiles decided to head to the next train car, and came face-to-face with someone who was likely a martial artist, based on their outfit. They ran at Guiles, leaped onto the wall, ran across it, and then kicked off, to send a flying kick. Guiles responded by lobbing some poor sap who had been knocked out cold earlier into the martial artist. Both of them fell to the ground, and before the Martial Artist could get up. Guiles dropped down and hit him with his elbow.

The rest of the fighting was all fuzzy in Guiles' memory. He vaguely remembered headbutting someone as they tried to attack him, but mostly it was a blur of flying fists, and weapons, and a lot of shouting. But he managed to escape without severe injuries, which was incredibly lucky. Then, right after the fighting ended, the train screeched to a halt. The doors to the other cars once again locked, but the door leading out of the train opened. Guiles walked out. Expecting to find his destination, only to be met with a large forest. The door closed behind him, and the train took off. And as if that weren't bad enough, when Guiles began making his way through the forest, using the moss on the trees, and what he could see of the sky to navigate his way to his destination. He nearly stepped right into a bear trap. Then he narrowly avoided a tripwire, and was nearly shot with an arrow. Guiles managed to deduce that either the test was still going on, or someone wanted him dead. Either way, he was being hunted.

After what had to be at least two hours of playing cat and mouse, Guiles managed to lead his hunter into a trap, he made it appear as though he had been cornered, and when he was attacked, he felled a large tree, and as his foe moved to avoid being crushed. Guiles tackled him to the ground. Afterwards, it was revealed that this person was a Navigator, and after laughing at Guiles for about five minutes, for how panicked he looked during the entire ordeal, gave him his VIP Card. He lead him through the forest, into the city, and to the entrance of the hotel, before informing him that the 101st floor was where he needed to go. Then, he left.


So here he was, he somehow made it past the preliminaries, but the real exam hadn't even begun yet. Guiles was understandably, incredibly nervous. After some internal psyching up, Guiles stood, and observed the others in the lobby. Not too many people of interest, he figured most of them would probably already be at the 101st floor. But someone did catch Guiles' eye. Someone who seemed to radiate class, and beauty. She had to be the one of the prettiest girls Guiles had ever seen. Well, Guiles was pretty sure she was a girl. Guiles hadn't met many people, and was not able to properly discern the figure's gender, so he decided that the stranger was a girl. She appeared to be purchasing a regular room. So Guiles wrote her off as a regular guest, who had no intention of participating in the exam. He quickly turned his gaze to the receptionist, and hoped that he didn't stare long enough to be noticed, or come off as a creep. He was about to go over to the receptionist, before he noticed all of the artifacts up for display. He walked over to observe each artifact, one at a time. They were all beautiful. A jade sculpture of a lion caught Guiles' eye in particular.

After getting distracted by the rare artifacts, Guiles made his way to the reception desk with a big smile on his face. "Hello! I'd like access to the 101st floor, please! I have my pass right here!" Guiles said cheerfully, while producing his pass from a pocket, and likely far too loudly. He didn't really have an indoor voice. But it wasn't like anyone would take advantage of the fact that he just announced that he had a VIP pass...right? Guiles did not consider the fact that anyone would try and take advantage of him, and instead wondered if he could bring a guest with him using the VIP pass. Surely there was at least one would-be hunter here who didn't have a pass, and Guiles' mother always told him to treat others well if he wanted to be treated well. So he believed that he should help out the would-be hunters. "With the pass, could I bring someone else up with me to the 101st floor?" He asked the receptionist with a big dumb smile still present on his face. He thought only about how he could help others, and not about how if the receptionist responded with a yes, and he went through with bringing someone up with him, he would have even more competition.

Hopefully it's not trash. I tend not to be too self-aware with my own characters. But I'm fairly proud of this one.
Oh man. My reaction to browsing through casual roleplays on the site, seeing as Hunter x Hunter RP that looks really good was a sharp gasp, I really didn't expect to be so excited. but I do adore Hunter x Hunter, so I guess it makes sense. This RP seems pretty rad, and I am definitely interested in joining.
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