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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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This looks like my kind of RP! I'm really interested in joining, that's for sure. I really like the concept of instead of being from U.A, and being the best of the best, the player characters are for the most part the troubled students. Super cool subversion, in my opinion at least.
Hey hey hey. I might be interested in joining.
Oh god! I'm really sorry guys, I dropped the ball big time and forgot to check on this RP. I am still interested, and if we decide on continuing and not time skipping, I can get a post up pretty soon.

As for if I want to time skip or not, I really don't mind either way.
@Eklispe I meant more Ryteb seemed vague to me, not you. Sorry for not clarifying.
@LostDestiny Yeah, Eklispe moved us to a PM to work things out, i'm pretty sure he's fine with it now.

I think. He was sort of vague.
I'm still lurking. Figured i'd wait for somebody other than you or me to post before responding though, since we posted the most recently.
@LostDestiny @Ryteb Pymeroce

The silence was getting on his nerves. Dead Eye was just staring at him, he had always been an antsy fellow, and impatient too, so this was..not fun. And then, she said no. She just said no, nothing else. Capra had been in the business for a long time, he had fought a lot of people, rival bounty hunters, pirates, a few marines who didn't like the cut of his jib, and one time a very angry cake maker. And he challenged most of them too, excluding the cake maker. But none of them had ever responded with just a simple "no." It felt strange, was he not worth her time? Did she not find him threatening enough? And if that weren't enough, she was just walking away. He wasn't even enough of a threat for her to face him. Capra lowered his head, and slowly reverted back to his full human state.

Just in time for the red coated fellow to (at very high speeds, he had to admit) run behind him, and stick a knife towards his jugular. He started snarling threats, but Capra reacted quickly. He reflexively shoved the side of his arm at Red Coat's arm quite swiftly, the one holding the knife, obviously, in an attempt to push the sharp object away from his throat. Then, he took one large step diagonally forward with his long legs, and pivoted around on his heels, just in time to avoid a powerful and swift kick aimed at where his back had been. His dull eyes met the Red Coat's fierce ones. And he turned around once again, not giving him a second thought, and walked after Dead Eye. She had ignored him, and turned her back to him. It was time for desperate measures. Something his foster father told him to do only when absolutely necessary. His moral compass screamed at him not to do it, but he ignored it. "Please?" He asked Dead Eye.
@LostDestiny Alright, sounds good. I was waiting just in case someone else wanted to react to Capra jumping good, but i'm getting bored too, so i'll start typing.
@jynmi88 @Ryteb Pymeroce @hozan @LostDestiny @blumenk

Capra nodded as the short woman spoke. She made plenty of sense to him, a sharpshooter wouldn't be right there in front of a marine base. He decided to head back into the wilderness, and continue his hunt for Dead Eye. But just before he could, a new voice called down to him, or rather the people around him. He turned to look at where the voice came from, and right there, before his eyes, was Dead Eye. He had seen her before, briefly. But not enough to remember anything other than the mask. But the mask, oh he remembered the mask, it was pretty much the signature Dead Eye look. No one could replicate the mask either, the countless fake Dead Eyes he had by chance met (and on some occasions killed) had all tried to replicate the mask, but none could. It was unique to the real Dead Eye. So Capra knew that this woman was his target. He was so excited that he hadn't wasted all his time, that he nearly missed the tension radiating off of the short woman for a split second. Nearly. She called up to Dead Eye after she expertly hid her tension, that was impressive. Clearly she wasn't some random civilian if she was able to mask her emotions so skillfully. Did she call her Anna? Huh. He expected something more intimidating, like...Well okay. He didn't know any names that struck fear into the hearts of men women and children or anything, but Anna was okay, he guessed. It took him a moment to even register what Dead Eye had said. He really needed to get out of his own head and start listening more. She had asked if he was a potential crew mate..

He connected the dots at last. Strange people on a prison island, the stranger who came running said he had a vendetta against the marines, another called the short woman sir. And Dead Eye was here, and asked if he was a potential crew mate. These people were almost definitely pirates! And then yet another stranger showed up near Dead Eye. A fair-sized crew, too. If they were all skilled, this would be trouble. Crap, he really just wanted to fight Dead Eye. Not paying attention to the rest of what the short woman said. Capra scratched his chin, looked to the ground, and began to think. Then he remembered that thinking was never his strong suit. He decided to wing it instead.

Capra's body began to grow as the short woman headed up the rope using her strange power. His muscle mass expanded, wool, and then a thin layer of grey fur covered his body, an even thinner layer of white fur grew on his face. Two small horns appeared atop his head. His feet became hoof-like, his arms extended, they were only a little shorter than his legs. What still struck Capra as odd, was despite the drastic changes, his clothing was still a perfect fit. He had asked the various members of the Underworld if that was normal for Zoan-type devil fruit users, and apparently it was. It still seemed really strange though. Capra crouched down, his body filled with tension, and he transferred most of that tension to his legs. The ground under him cracked in response. Capra checked to make sure his poleaxe was still there, which totally wasn't a nervous habit. (he lied) And in one motion, he stretched his legs out, and jumped with all his might. The ground around him caved in after he took off, and he practically flew over the prison wall, high into the air, like a speeding bullet, before landing on the edge of the wall, just in front of Dead Eye. "Hey, I know this is sort of sudden, but fight me." He said straight to Dead Eye's face, it wasn't so much a request as it was a demand.

@LostDestiny Good question. I'll leave that up to interpretation.

But Capra's probably the puppet.
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