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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Oliver Raulot, AKA, Argyros.

Also near Times Square around the same time. Unfortunately.

Times Square was not on Oliver's usual route. He had carved out a nice chunk of the Narrows; Staten Island and Brooklyn were his haunts, not Manhattan. So of course, it was the one time he was nearby that everything went horribly, horribly awry.

It was that Christmas glumness that did him in. No money for a flight to see his folks, and the only other people he'd want to spend the Holiday with were on rocky terms with him. Combine that with the fact that Oliver was already the type of guy to feel glum around the winter holidays, and he felt in need of a pick-me-up. He made his rounds early today, and decided to go see the Rockefeller Center tree. Hoping it would inject some much-needed cheer into his spirit.

When Oliver made it to the center, though. He found himself looking at the large Christmas Tree with a feeling of 'yeah, that sure is a large Christmas Tree.' And little else. He was certain he'd love it if he were a tourist, though. But a tourist he was not, and the charm had worn off a few years into his life in New York. Oh well, time to head home. He'd buy himself something nice for Christmas, see if that did the trick.

Which was of course, when he turned around just in time to see a portal straight out of a sci-fi movie manifest above Times Square, and for what could only be called a monstrosity to emerge from it. With.. webbing.


Oliver presses his fists into his eyes in frustration, knowing full-well they would only exacerbate the dark circles he'd been rocking for a while now. "The one time I decide to head to another borough.. I'd ask if this was divine punishment, but I don't wanna risk a lightning bolt." He grumbles to himself, while working up as much energy as he could muster. Hurrying to the nearest alleyway, he scrambles with his backpack, luckily well isolated and hidden from view since folks were fleeing, not hiding. What good would hiding do when you were dealing with King Kong's half arachnid cousin?

Hidden from the chaos momentarily, Oliver hurriedly takes out his costume, which he ensured to keep with him a despite the risk to his identity. Ever since he had to confront the Human Fly costume-less with a makeshift web mask last month, he had become a lot more paranoid on ensuring he had the option to change available to him. So once he threw his costume overtop his civvies, and webbed his backpack to the wall for safekeeping, he was off to try and deal with..

..Whatever the hell was going on.

Twin ropes of web fire, one from each wrist, that cling to either side of the alleyway he was in. He proceeds to back-pedal in order to pull the webbing taut.. and then snap forward, slingshotting himself into the air, where he starts to swing off to the scene of the disaster. Fortunately for those in danger, and unfortunately for Oliver, he was seriously right there. Primed to arrive on the scene likely before anyone else. "On the job on Christmas Eve? Against something way bigger than my weight class too? Bah, humbug!"
Of all the fearsome things that we could have encountered, the Spy Kids 2 spider monkey is perhaps the most horrifying possibility. And I never even considered it.
Jun's introductory post has a flashback to almost-domestic terrorism and heavy metal screaming, so I feel pretty happy with how it came out.

Not as cool as being able to tackle a full-blown Machamp off his feet, though. Maybe someday..
Jun Aubert

..AKA, Exploder Baracle

The Pokemon World Contest really could not be compared to any prior contest Jun had participated in. Even one round in, he was feeling the high intensity wow that was usually reserved for quarter-finals onwards. He felt electrified still, even well after the first round had concluded. Maybe that was because of how close a call it had been, he'd been paired off against a skilled Coordinator. Matching his Slugma, Rummy, against their Ninetales seemed like a disaster at first, the latter seemed to outplay its rival fire type at every turn.

Effortless elegance combined with intense flames made it seem like the match was a no-brainer, up until Jun and Rummy turned it around at the last moment. Putting out a show-stopping finale where Rummy lit up the smog clouds she had sent into the air prior, using Flame Burst to detonate the shaped smog clouds into brilliant fireworks. Had Rummy put too much smog out, or let her flames run too hot, it would have probably crossed the line from impressive fireworks show to full-stop domestic terrorism. But if you weren't willing to risk being put on a watchlist, were you really giving it your all to win?

It was a well-earned win, and for the first time since he got his invitation, Jun felt like he really did belong here. Exploder Baracle was meant to be a criticism of contest culture, he hadn't expected the persona to grow so beloved, even if his fans were less mainstream and more cult following, but here he was. And he'd managed to prove on a stage as large as this, that unpopular Pokemon deserved better than the labels 'weird' and 'ugly.' Now he just had to keep that momentum going.

The post-match energy had carried him all the way to the Lucky Catch, where he had been celebrating with his Pokemon ever since. Well, actually just Norbert, who had not participated. Vivianne was insistent on getting a full eight hours of sleep, and Rummy was considered a fire hazard when near alcohol, or any time really, but especially when near alcohol. He had elected to celebrate with his other two Pokemon later in a more controlled environment. Which left him chilling with his Exeggutor, knocking back Aguav Berry juices - which were entirely non-alcoholic, but great on the throat. Something he needed, as Exploder Baracle yelled quite a lot during his performances. Every now and then someone would ask for a picture, or come by to congratulate him throughout the night, though not too many, most of Jun's fans weren't the type to take luxury cruises. By the time the adrenaline started to leave him, he figured he'd celebrated enough and it was time to call it a night and take off his face paint.

Which was of course when everything went awry.

The sudden jerk of the ship as its metal hull groaned coincided with Jun rising from his seat, which nearly sent him ass over teakettle. In the brief moment it took for him to steady himself, people had already begun a panicked evacuation of the restaurant. The pandemonium only escalated as one of the pillars- and wow! did Jun hope that was not a load-bearing pillar -began to topple over. Only halted by the quick action of a Machamp employed by the restaurant, who was not having a great time holding it in place.

Another party-goer that Jun felt as though he recognized came stumbling through, removing the Machamp and himself from harm's way, which was good. It was not the only danger, though, just the primary one. The secondary one was with all the pushing and jostling going on, some people were bound to get knocked over, and likely trampled. Jun had been in enough rowdy crowds to know how dangerous that was, so he draws from the power his face paint gave him, and bellows out a shout worthy of Exploder Baracle.

"HEYYYYY!! SHOW SOME CARE, CLEAR SOME ROOM FOR'EM TO STAND!" Jun's voice carries across the chaos with the volume of someone who has several times had to deal with a broken microphone and a crowd needing to hear him. It helped.. a little bit. But mostly Norbert's psychic abilities were doing the heavy lifting. Literally speaking, as the Exeggutor was levitating people up to their feet before releasing his telekinetic hold.
Hey, everyone! I'm sorry, today and this weekend unexpectedly got busy. But I'm free tomorrow so we'll get started then.

No sweat, this time of year tends to bring unexpected busy spikes
I know you mentioned being down with players adding plot beats, but I reckon I'd ask just for the sake of clarity; Is it cool if I add some detail to the first round of the contest?
So we've got three coordinators, a steward, a fasion designer, and one actual trainer.

Hopefully there's not much combat lol.

You're saying in an actual fight Pokemon Choreography may not be viable? Weird..
Decided to move my 'tentative' to a definite, 'cause this is looking like It'll be really fun, so, here's an incoming rival character! If any alterations are required, just let me know.

Not sure if I ought to be committing to a third roleplay, but I definitely like the looks of this. So put me down as a 'tentatively interested'.
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