Avatar of GubGar


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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Been super busy and might be for a good while, don't want to keep everyone waiting. I might drop this one, i hope you all have fun!! your characters all seem really interesting ^^

Brutal! Sorry to hear that. Maybe you'll be able to jump in later.
Looks like Discord is the move unless Double is firmly against it.
@InnerFlame Beau is Accepted But that shouldn’t be a surprise anyone.

If you thought one André was bad, now you have to deal with two.

Once @CrispyCryptid gets their character up, I’ll start the RP.

In the meantime, how do you all feel about Discord?

I think group discords are fun but don't find them necessary, so I'll be content with or without one. It would probably be more convenient but not to the point of being game changing I feel.
I'd imagine, he'd probably take a week to get tickets and send notice?
A date that works well for @Crimson Flame Andre & @GubGar Gabriel

Since Gabriel is already based in Kalos at this point in the story I'd imagine his schedule is (for a change) not super strict in terms of the date.
@GubGar Gabriel is Accepted

Although I wonder how he’ll feel about flamboyant André


In my head Gabriel has been keeping up with any news of his friends when he's able, so he probably is already familiar with how Andre acts to a degree, given that he's famous.

I definitely anticipate the very cautious Gabriel getting some grey hairs from Andre's adventurous spirit though.
Think it's ready to ship, if it seems like I missed anything, let me know and I'll be happy to change it!

Lol fully go for it!
I've been hoping to kidnap add someone into that lol.

Hell if you wanted to visit in Hoeen or like and subscribe! would be fine mixing that it... and or knowing / being related to Morine.

Ooooo would be funny if you helped scout / find scary places (and then help research a bit / legal stuff).
"So here's the three options please pick the least spooky one."

Right on! I planned on having my character staying a Kalos local, but given that I planned on having him work as part of the League itself (not as a battler, but as the poor guy who has to file all the correct paperwork to get someone's trainer license validated and/or revoked), I could see him having done an internship overseas for a different League to get his foot in the door.

Maybe during that timeframe he got roped up in some of Siloh's videos/stunts, much to his anguish. "I can reconnect with an old friend while I'm in the region- oh no, he's gotten even more into ghosts."

How's your bureaucrat?

Just glad to hear from ya!
Though it is pokemon so don't think ye have to worry about things being zany.

The backgrounds are a bit intertwined, but whatcha got brewing?

Oh I'm aware that zaniness is all allowed, I just find dichotomy to be a very fun tool for character dynamics, and wanted to make my character a bit more low-key.

My character is coming along well, mostly all I'm hung up on is deciding how he got along with the other characters during their school years together. I'm thinking since he's both; easily frightened and a pushover, it'd be fun if he ended up getting dragged on ghost hunts with Siloh (to the former's comical horror). Wanted to run that by you before I went for it, though.

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: A Luxurious Manor, somewhere in Kyoto.
Interacting with:@GOATPlumber as Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

In another timeline, or 'route', Jan Sobieski had been summoned in a cheap hotel room by a freelance Magus with German heritage. Perhaps they would have done great work together, or perhaps they would have fallen tragically short of their goals. Whether they were met with success or failure will, of course, not be revealed.

Because in this timeline, a by-the-books Magus of great renown was the one who summoned the Rider-Class Jan Sobieski. Chosen not for his worldwide fame- for there were many servants far better known -but for his natural ties to the core of the Rider Class, cavalry. In history, the name Jan Sobieski is synonymous with the Cavalry Charge, even if it may not be true vice-versa.

This allowed him to be manifested as a decently powerful servant despite lacking in fame, and was the reason that the Lord El-Melloi tracked down a relic to summon him with. As for the duo's first interaction.. well, it certainly could have gone worse. Jan had behaved in a rather embarrassed manner, apparently quite flattered that he had been summoned by someone with the pull and wealth to surely find a rarer relic to summon a more famous hero.

This behavior did not impress the Lord El-Melloi, but a quick look at Jan's parameters eased the irritation- though it did not extinguish it. They managed to fall into a halfway decent rhythm. Jan, unbefitting of his title as King, seemed fine taking orders provided he was not shown disrespect. So when his master ordered him to seek out an opponent, Jan was happy to oblige. Before he left, he raided the manor's wardrobe for some clothing that would not draw the attention of the city's mundane night life, and a duffle bag for his lance, Once he was ready to depart, he managed to negotiate for a big of pocket money by claiming it was necessary to properly issue a challenge.

"Hoho! Hoping to draw first blood? A fine strategy, a fine strategy indeed! Few will expect such an aggressive play so early, but please be cautious, Lord El-Melloi! The classes of Servant that prefer indirect combat may attempt to hunt down a lone Master if they observe a Servant causing havoc by his lonesome!"

Jan had not waited for a reply after he said what he wished to, he was far too eager to stretch his legs and see this modern world with his own eyes.

Location Change: The streets of Kyoto.
Interacting With: Whomever is brave enough to accept the challenge.

That pocket money had gone to good use. Providing Jan with a mighty vessel to patrol the streets with, without breaking the masquerade and making himself and his Master a huge target. This vessel had been purchased by the powerful organization known as 'Fuune.' And the steed they provided him with? An Electric Bicycle. One that Jan now owned for the next 24 hours.. How magnificent.

The tall, muscular man had been riding through the streets of Kyoto with practiced ease. With his great skill as a Rider, even this 'Electric Bicycle' could easily be tamed and maneuvered as if it were an extension of his body. Jan was cycling for three reasons.. The first; to get a lay of the land. The second; to enjoy himself in the modern age (food was much better now, as was alcohol!). And the third; to draw the attention of those who may be watching.

For Jan had spent he last of his pocket money on two specific accessories. Each of the two was a field sign, an accessory to distinguish between combatant and civilian. Given the variety of cultures the grail could pull from, Jan was uncertain which field sign would be best to get a fellow warrior's attention. So he was wearing the two most common ones; A red sash, and a cockade atop his head (as he did not have a hat).

This, combined with the fact that he was over six feet tall, with a huge duffle bag on his back, riding around an Electric Bicycle at over 30 miles per hour in the dead of the night.. Well, hopefully it was a clear enough message that he was challenging a rival Servant to a fight!
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