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30 days ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Oliver Raulot, AKA, Argyros


Anansi's words did little to calm Oliver down. The revelation that Doctor Connors seemed predestined for tragedy prevented Oliver from running up and attacking the Spider God, sure. But it didn't do anything to make him feel better. If anything, it was worse. This man had been his mentor, what on earth had he done to deserve being a victim on a universal scale? He was already intimately familiar with the unfairness of the universe, but this was on a cosmic level. It felt cruel. And poor Arachnid, the woman he loved(? Oliver was uncertain on the details) was a universal constant as well, but her tragedy wasn't. It must have been a vicious blow to his spirit.

(A selfish part of Oliver also wondered just why the Connors in his world seemed so much more dangerous than the other Anansi showed them. He couldn't imagine the Gar letting itself be drawn to such a public area, to give up the advantage like that..)

The multiverse, learning that there were many, many spiders out there, fighting similar fights to him. It should have felt reassuring, but with the other news, it felt crushing. They were the Spider God's pet project, but he didn't care a lick about the lives of those around them, just whether or not they could fight in his war. So Oliver fell back on a mantra that helped him get through the worst fight of his life, against the Human Fly.

Demetrius, Elizabeth, Caroline from Alaska..

Lilah, Narrows Michael and Tourist Michael..

He remembered the names of the people he had saved. It helped ease that crushing weight. Some of them he rescued from certain death, some he had helped get away from pushy guys outside of bars, some he'd just given directions to. But he'd helped them, big or small. He goes through more names, until eventually, he didn't feel so helpless.

"Phew, okay, okay.. I'm not saying any of what you did to us, or neglected to do for us, was at all alright. But I do this to help people, and I have to assume a Multiversal Grudge Match is gonna cause a lot of people to get stuck in the crossfire, so I'm- HEY WAIT A MINUTE!"

The Argyros Suit wasn't one for angry expressions, so Oliver looked a lot more bewildered than properly indignant. But trust in the tone of his voice, he was pissed. "WATCH THE SECRET IDENTITIES!"

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee @Randomguy

Jan's mustache droops as the discussion goes far over his head. He was quite embarrassed he hadn't managed to detect the familiar spying on them, and was rather concerned that it meant Constantine's eager introductions wherein he said his and Jan's true names got broadcasted. Not that there was anything he could do about it now that it had already happened. Furthermore, all of this talk of spying, corrupted grails. Zoroastrianism? Jan was feeling dumber by the minute. He knew his strengths and his weaknesses quite well, and he knew that unlike before, when he was doing battle, he was no longer in a strong position. He thought to himself one thing as a fair bit of the conversation went right over his head;

Ah.. I miss my wife.

Marie would know exactly what to make of all this. The politicking and decision making was so much harder when you didn't have a trusted advisor, or a beloved partner.. But to fall apart without her would be to shame her choice of husband. The warrior king may not be at his best in the battlefield of trading words, but he would endeavor to do his best. And as Saber called on him, he mustered the best response he could.

"Truth be told, I've never been the wisest of men. I cannot say for certain I understand the full context of what is said. But I understand well enough, I think. It speaks to your wisdom as a tactician not to so easily accept the words of a could-be foe, Saber. I understand your skepticism, and find myself suspicious of just how Shielder came about this knowledge. Knowledge that, from what I know, no servant properly summoned has been given access to."

That was the ticket. View this through the lens of a battlefield, and Rider's understanding became far better. He still felt a bit outpaced, but now at the very least he could keep up. He was certain Marie would find the tactic boorish, but charming. As she did the rest of Jan's behavior. He looks over at the Shielder who seemed to have all the answers, and finds himself conflicted.

"However, I know the True Name of this man, and as such I know his character quite well. He has been summoned young, perhaps not as wise as he would be in his prime.. But he is honorable to a fault. That is to say, he is no liar. I do not know if what he says is the truth of the matter, but I am certain that he has no intention of leading us astray."

Gabriel Agate

Location: Kalos Airport, Exterior.

Gabriel's question was met with an immediate answer. An immediate, unexpected answer. Without him realizing, Nikola had split from the horde of fans trapping Andre, and made their way to get a smooth. Which left her positioned right behind Gabriel. Wherein she scared the living daylight out of poor old Gabe. "Gieh!- Ah, Nikola! Don't sneak up on me like that, you scared the daylights out of me..- Err," He blinks blankly as he watches Nikola invade his personal space to fix his tie without a word. Though truthfully, he did appreciate it. The clothing made the person, and Gabriel always wanted to seem professional. "..Thanks. It's good to see you again, by the way. Even if you scared me half to death- GYAAAAHHH!" If Nikola made him flinch, Siloh's arrival lead to a full-body recoil.

Gabriel had, after all, always been easily susceptible to scares. And even after his trip to Hoenn, he never adjusted all that well to ghost type Pokemon. Siloh, having met up with Gabriel a few years back on said Hoenn trip, of course knew very easily how to mess with Gabriel. He pauses mid-recoil as he recognizes both the horribly mischievous Shuppet, and its horribly mischievous owner. "Siloh!!" Gabriel squawks in indignation. "I told you and Mober YEARS ago to stop with the fake head trick!" This wasn't even the third time that Gabriel had been scared by the Shuppet-For-A-Head routine. It's like he developed no tolerance via exposure to scares.

His Klefki, Helper, on the other hand, wasn't frightened or startled in the slightest. Instead, the keychain Pokemon started to float in lazy circles around the newcomers. Doing a loop first around Nikola, then Siloh, and lastly his Shuppet, Mober. Gabriel adjusts his now-crooked glasses, and lets out a huff. "Okay, now that we're done with the 'let's scare Gabriel' game, how about we actually collect our resident movie star?" Fortunately while Siloh was seemingly still the type to mess around, he did have the foresight to bring a sign with him. Which leads Gabriel to recall that he had also made a sign.. And left it at home. Ugh, he knew he forgot something..

While Gabriel stewed in his own irritation that he once again forgot something, Beau arrived and took ahold of Siloh's sign, holding it high to get Andre's attention. Hopefully that did the trick. Sensing his owner's comical frustration at his scatterbrained memory, Helper floats back over to offer Gabriel a second protein bar. He takes it, not because he was still hungry, but because Helper got upset when he didn't take the gifts that the keychain Pokemon saw fit to give out.

Oliver Raulot, AKA, Argyros

Between universes, having a real humdinger of an existential crisis.

Oliver would feel bad about not responding to Spider-Woman if his brain wasn't filled with static. The quite frankly overwhelming nature of this had left him unresponsive. He was taking in his surroundings, listening to what was said. But just barely, it was taking a lot of concentration to pay attention over the ringing in his ears. He couldn't help but be baffled, completely and totally baffled by all of this. The Multiverse was real, it was weirdly spider-themed, and he had been chosen by a Spider God to be a champion.

He couldn't help but wonder, why choose him, if there were plenty of Spiders to snag? Oliver was barely able to save the Narrows most days, much less one universe, much less all of them! And that wasn't some self-pity party attitude where Oliver was hoping someone would disagree, it was just being realistic! He was good.. within his weight class. Multiversal danger was way above his weight class! And the worst part was Anansi hit the nail on the head for Oliver. Even if he hated this (he did), even if he really did not want to (he didn't), if he really was needed to help save people, he'd do it. Maybe that was why he was chosen, not for his prowess, but for his extremely easy to guilt trip brain.

"-Hold on.."


"..You chose us? So, you're the reason we got these powers, right? Okay, okay, I'm following you so far.." Manic energy starts to slip into Oliver's voice. He was still slouched forward, head hung down, but now it was clear his body was filling up with tension. His hands balled into fists, his shoulders clearly extremely stiff.

"And- and I figure that means you decided we, specifically, would be your champions. So I guess- haha, oh man, I'm about to back talk a god. I'm so dead..- I guess what I'm wondering is, if we were hypothetically in an accident a little larger than a spider bite. What exactly does that mean for the other people caught up in it? Are they just-what, collateral? Not cosmically important enough?"

Oliver hadn't raised his voice, but he was clearly spitting venom with that last sentence. He felt uncomfortable airing this our in front of strangers, especially when there were more important things to talk about (how to save the Multiverse being #1), but he couldn't help it. That word was sitting like a rock in his stomach. Chosen. What a joke! He couldn't think of which possibility he hated worse, that him being chosen caused the lab explosion that ruined Doctor Connors' life, or that him being chosen prevented him from getting horrifically mutated just like Doctor Connors. This gift felt a lot more like a curse all of the sudden. And Oliver didn't even know where to put all of this sudden, smoldering anger.

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee @Randomguy

Jan was barreling towards Constantine, his Lance ready to pierce right through him. The Rider-Class servant was eager to see how his foe would handle the step up in intensity, though he still was not going all out, neither was he letting his opponent lead. The size-changing Lance was on a crash course towards him. Would he try to defend? Dodge? Counter? Perhaps utilize some unique Servant ability!.. All that to say, the last thing Jan expected Constantine's move to be, was to turn to talk to the newcomer who arrived.

As Saber arrived with her master in tow and introduced herself, Constantine turned away from his foe to speak to her. Jan skids to a halt, a screech occurring similar to a car's breaks being abruptly pushed down. The Lance hangs in the air, an inch away from Constantine's chest. Jan exhales in a combination of relief and exasperation, shakes his head, and steps back. Pulling his weapon with him. It was at that moment that Jan truly realized how young his opponent was. This was the great Emperor, to be certain. But a youthful version of him.. Not yet fully battle hardened.

"A word of advice, Shielder.. You ought to be a bit less trusting in circumstances such as this. You had no guarantee I would be courteous enough to stop my lance, regardless of the new arrivals! Historical figures are not simply what are written, after all. I could have been an opportunist."

Despite implying he might have struck Constantine down, Jan turns to face the newcomers as well, Lance still at the ready, but not poised for immediate hostility. He takes in the newly arrived Servant and Master combo. What he saw made him grimace. After all, as a defender of Christendom, he really wasn't sure if he'd be able to attack a nun! Mercifully, the outfit vanished and was replaced with another. Just a disguise, then. What a relief. The new servant seemed quite capable, so it did not come as much surprise when she introduced herself as one of the Three Knight Classes.

"Servant, Rider. Well met, Saber! No apologies necessary, I was quite public in my open challenge, it would be rather silly of me to be irritated when further company arrives because of it."

That, and, crossing weapons with a capable foe from seemingly far off lands was an opportunity Jan did not want to miss. But before that, it seemed the Emperor was ready to address the question Jan had for him. The Polish King listens patiently as Constantine explained what he knew.. Tampering with the Grail, how shameful.. Jan did not like the sound nor feel of this, not one bit. And these Rogue Servants, if what the Emperor said were true, they were a threat to the safety of the people of this city. Starved Heroic Spirits who required mana at any cost..

"It seems to me that those of us who desire the Grail War to be an honorable battlefield have a second duty beyond defeating those intentionally summoned, then. I have no interest in a victory that tastes of innocent blood. Very well, Shielder! Your challenge is certainly unusual for a battlefield such as a Grail War, but that merely makes it all the more exciting! What say you, Saber?!"

Gabriel Agate

Location: Kalos Airport, Exterior.

Gabriel Agate had arrived about forty five minutes earlier than necessary. It would have been a clean hour, except he spent a lot of time re-reading the messages exchanged between himself, Andre, and Nikola, (Or more accurately, the information Gabriel pried out of two of his flightier friends through sheer force of will) to make sure he had the arrival time correct, and the airport correct. One might think that getting to the airport so early would alleviate someone's stress. But Gabriel found himself Just as tense. After all, what if the plane had arrived unexpectedly early, and he had missed them already? Obviously this was why he looked so disheveled, he couldn't help but worry!

(Gabriel's 'disheveled' look was him still wearing a suit and dress pants, with extremely well-combed hair. The only thing that marked him as at all less professional than usual was that his tie was looser, and a single hair was out of place.)

His mood was spiraling fast by the time the plane was due to land soon, but was quickly saved by-


Helper, the Klefki, floated beside Gabriel. It unlatches its noodle-like arms to slide a protein bar (hung on the Klefki's limbs via the punch hole in its wrapper) into Gabriel's hands. He blinks, and something clicks. "Oh, you're right. I did forget to eat breakfast.. Good looking out, Helper." Once he got some food in him, he felt significantly less stressed. Almost as if basic self-care helped one's mind.

As was tradition, after Helper had passed Gabriel something that had slipped from the not-actually-a-trainer's mind, Gabriel passed Helper a Pokeblock as thanks. And while the two ate in silence, the plane touched down. As it turned out, Gabriel did not have to worry about failing to notice his old friend's arrival. Given the swarm of people here to see him.

"..How on earth am I supposed to get to Andre and Nikola through that barricade of fans..?"
so whats the airport/meetup situation for the gang?

Since Gabriel is super neurotic I'll probably have him waiting at the airport already. He's definitely the type of guy to show up thirty minutes early and still be concerned he's missed the arrival.

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee

Once the battle began, the only thing those near the abandoned lot would hear was a chorus of steel on steel. Jan springs into action, body rippling with aggression. The joviality he expressed in his words was simply not present in his actions. The way he attacked, with focused intensity, was much more fitting of the man who lead history's largest cavalry charge. His opponent had the advantage in speed, but Jan had two things he could capitalize on. One; his superior range, and two; his physical might. Where Constantine was faster, Jan was stronger. Each thrust and swing from him would feel like a mighty blow, forcing any opponent not wishing to get gored or smashed to respect his weapon's wingspan.

The fight, to a casual observer (or one not skilled in the art of warfare), appeared to be a vicious grudge match. But the truth was far from it, neither one of the opponents were giving it their all. They weren't half-assing things by a longshot, but it was clear neither were going for the jugular as of yet. Which was why Constantine found the time to make conversation. Jan bats away an attempted slash with enough force to shove Constantine back (though not enough force to disarm, unfortunately), giving them the spacing needed to have their brief chat. His opponent's words cause Jan to furrow his brow.

"Rogue Servants, you say? I suppose that explains your unusual Class. How strange.. Haha! Just my fortune to be summoned for such an odd Grail War! Tell me, Emperor Constantine. From one Defender of Christendom to another, do you have a working theory just yet?"

Jan was a multi-tasker, so as he responded, he also charged forward. Lunging towards his opponent and thrusting his lance forward with great force at the dead center of the Shielder's torso. Perfect aim, from someone who was more than a little familiar with jousting. What made this blow unusual (and much more dangerous), was that in the gap between the initial thrust and whatever Constantine chose to respond with, the length of the Lance abruptly increased from six feet, to eight. It didn't extend forward, it simply was six feet one moment, and eight feet the next.

This was Jan's favorite trick, by changing his Lance's length mid-attack, it threw off the entire rhythm of his opponent. Even a minor unexpected change could prove deadly. Now it was time to test Constantine's mettle, and see if he could recover quick enough to avoid being gored through the chest!

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee

Jan's first thoughts, as someone finally accepted his call to action, were something along the lines of; Drat, my own vehicle seems a bit lacking now.. Perhaps I should have asked to see if my Master owned a car I could borrow.. Oh well! Jan shakes off the motorcycle envy easily enough, and listens to the words of the one who accepted his challenge. "Wahaha! Well-spoken, well-spoken! I have no intention of endangering those who walk in God's light. Lead the way, my young friend!"

As the Shielder lead Jan towards a less populated location to do battle, he may have been surprised to note.. That the Rider was not lagging behind. Despite riding an electric bicycle (a notably slower vehicle), he was keeping perfect pace with Constantine's motorcycle. Jan gives him a wide grin the moment his vehicle's unusual speed was noted, and comes to a skidding halt, Akira bike slide-style, as they arrive at their destination. Before Jan could get a word in, he was ambushed! Not by any sort of attack, but by rapid-fire dialogue. Goodness, this lad was excitable. If he hadn't noticed how well he held himself, he'd question why one so young had been summoned.

"My goodness! To list my name among such impressive company, you do me a great honor. I am impressed you were able to place me so quickly, so I shall not attempt to deceive you. I am Jan Sobieski. It is an honor to meet a fellow defender of Christendom such as yourself, Emperor Constantine! A pity it must be as foes, but such is the way of things." At that last statement, Jan gives a lax shrug. They would not war in life, this was true. But Jan couldn't help but wonder how he compared. What an exciting event, this Grail War was. To test his lance against the might of history!

Jan steps off of his Bicycle, leaving it propped up against a wall as he steps into the center of the area, slinging his duffle bag off of his back, and unzipping it to retrieve his lance. At six feet, it outdistanced his opponent's weapon, but Jan was not foolish enough to believe his advantage of reach would make this an easy victory. "To be spoken about so positively.. I feel myself on the back foot! Hoho! I shall return your politeness and honesty with some of my own. I am afraid I am more familiar with the concept of Shielder than you may believe."

Holding his lance in one hand, he aims the other skywards, pointing into the starry night. "My title as the defender of Christendom, and the constellation 'Scutum Sobiescianum' - The Shield of Sobieski - make me eligible for the Shielder class as well! Though, I must confess my parameters would be far lower than yours if I were summoned in that form." Irrelevant to the current conversation, but Jan also had the potential to be summoned as a Lancer, though Rider certainly suited him best of all classes. With his Shielder self truly only being a credible threat had he been summoned somewhere near his home of Poland.

Jan's posture changes, from relaxed to imposing. Slipping into a combat stance, one he clearly had much practice in. But his facial features did not harden, they remained soft, almost joyous. His second love, after his beautiful wife, would always be Battle. "Now.. as one famed for surprise cavalry charges, I am unused to waiting patiently. But as we are both men of God, it feels only right we treat this as an honorable duel. Are you ready, Emperor Constantine?"
Oliver Raulot, AKA, Argyros

Uhhh.. UHHH!?

..And we're back.

Fortunately for Oliver, several of the other spiders got the same idea to harass their larger, stronger foe. They were arachnids, after all. Threatening things bigger than them was right up their alley. Granted, their ideas of harassing the Spider-Monkey were a bit more.. substantial. A giant ball of webbing and an army of spider drones were things that Oliver simply could not match. Seriously, did everyone win the Spider Lottery except him?! Oh well, that meant less weight on his shoulders. And speaking of things to be grateful for, it seemed that one of the other spiders had followed after him- presumably to make sure he didn't splatter if things went awry. Perhaps a more hot-headed Spider might be offended by the idea that they'd need the help, but Oliver? Nah, getting his ass beat was practically part of the job. He very much appreciated someone watching his back.

Fortunately, it didn't end up being necessary, as the Spider-Folk fell into a rhythm. Irritate, damage, and tranquilize. It brought their foe low, and lastly;


Spider-Woman.. sang it a lullaby. And it worked. Oliver detaches himself from his current web lines, and fires off another line to swing over to the nearest building, clinging one-handedly to the side. He stares at the slumbering beast that had given them all so much trouble, completely dumbfounded. "Hey, really not trying to be Mister Sour Spider, but.. Could you do that the whole tiiiIII-" The rest of Argyros' baffled question would not get to be asked, as the part of the building he was clung to abruptly turned into a portal, causing him to tumble right through. As he falls through, the only thing he could think was; I should've just stayed in the Narrows..

Picture this; you are not the first person to gain Spider-Like abilities. You aren't even the second. You certainly aren't the most famous, or most powerful. But hey, you've got super powers, better put them to use. And then one day, you find yourself going from fighting metahuman mobsters and an admittedly pretty traumatic encounter with a human fly, to Kaiju. And then without a moment to take a breather, you go from Kaiju to presumably the, formerly only theoretical, Multiverse.

If you are having trouble picturing this, imagine how Oliver felt. He was living it. The only small comfort was that at least he hadn't been the only one spirited away. That would have been really bad. Still, even with the other Spider-Folk finding themselves warped to this otherworldly web, Oliver found himself hung up on one thing. The multiverses he could see sprawled out in front of him, some familiar, some so alien they barely resembled his own.. Anansi, and his declaration of both creating(? or controlling..?) the Spider-Monkey, and naming the group gathered 'Spider-Totems.' Well, look. Oliver was listening, he took in this information. But all he could think about as he buried his head in his hands, realizing he was almost certainly about to be involved in something way above his (non-existant) paygrade, was this;

"..I can't remember if I locked my door this morning."

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