Avatar of GubGar


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30 days ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Most Recent Posts

Vinny Verdana

Location: Beryl Town, Mid-Festival.
Interacting With:@Brose (as Noah Magnolia)

Vinny's lips twitch slightly as he notes the Professor seemed hesitant around his Trubbish, or at least hesitant to let his Pokemon near him. But he doesn't say anything about it just yet. As for Garamond, he seemed a bit disappointed that his potential playmate, Kit, had gotten taken away, but wasn't too broken up about it. Especially not after Vinny hands over some of the packaging his new Roto-Phone came in, which Garamond happily eats. As if he weren't already the sweetest thing (mileage may vary depending on personal taste), he doubled as a garbage disposal. Vinny shoots Garamond a grin, and then turns his attention back to his conversation partner.

"Not drop it, huh.. Okay, cool. So I should get a sturdy one! Thanks, Prof. That'll make things easier for me." That seemed like the wrong takeaway, but, hopefully the short time before hatching would prevent Vinny's general incompetence around people reliant on him from doing too much damage. Hopefully.

He was about to start schmoozing his way towards another interview, when an announcement blared throughout he festival. Traveling in groups, huh? It sure as Shiinotic sounded a lot safer than going it alone. Problem was, he was new in town! And also according to several blind dates that didn't go great, he naturally looked untrustworthy. Vinny chose to believe that second bit wasn't true, and they were just mad he asked them to take the check. Fortunately for him, though, the Professor spoke up and asked if Vinny wanted to pair up. And all he could say was..


Seriously! An interview with the CEO of Morpheus, and now this? He usually didn't have this much luck in a fiscal year! Cruising with a Pokemon Professor would iron out a ton of kinks in the journey! This would be a huge boon. And he didn't even have to beg or anything. "Ya'know what? That sounds like a good idea to me, pal. Not like I know anybody since I just flew in from Unova, so you're saving me the trouble of scouring for a traveling buddy!" He claps Noah on the shoulder in a friendly gesture, as if that would finalize the agreement.

"Just lemme grab myself a complimentary egg- a sturdy one -and I'll be ready to hit the road whenever you are, pal!" He says with a grin, already on the way to do just that. At this point the lines weren't as long since most people weren't stalling to grab the Pokemon egg last like Vinny had been, so it shouldn't take too much time. He was moving with the assumption that Noah was following behind, and figures if they were going to move as a group, he ought to clear something up. Looking over his shoulder but still in motion, Vinny speaks up.

"Oh uh, not to make a big deal, but if we're gonna be traveling together I gotta clear something up. When you picked your lil buddy up when they got close to Garamond, was that just 'cause he was a poison type? If so, we're kosher. No problems. I just wanna make sure.. Some people take issue with Trubbishes, and that's not gonna fly with me."

It was the most serious Vinny had seemed all night. Not intense, but firm. He had very few principles that involved self-respect, but you'd better respect his buddies. Noah seemed like he wouldn't be the type, being both a Pokemon Professor and seemingly a pretty easy going guy.. But it never hurt to be clear. "Not that you seem like you would be the kinda guy to do that, I just wanna put my cards on the table up front."

Oliver Raulot, AKA, Argyros

An alternate dimension. Through great detective prowess, located the enemy Totem.

Oliver gives Spider-Connors (he really needed to ask his Superhero name..) a 'kinda-sorta' gesture. Clearly not as convinced as he was that Anansi would keep things under control in their main timeline. After fighting the Human Fly, he was pretty confident there was no oversight in their main timeline. Seriously. That was.. traumatizing. He could stomach mobsters and mad scientists, but seeing the eating habits of a fly but, y'know, human-sized.. If it weren't for the feeling of responsibility that would have made him consider changing careers. "I'm not putting any money on it, but here's hoping he decides to be a merciful deity and keeps our New York from falling to pieces while we're gone."

Intending on picking Otto's brain about his Spider-Bots a little more, Oliver turns to find him.. totally missing. His Spidey-sense was blaring, but too late. Someone had already slammed right into him. And given he hadn't heard any mechanical wings- it probably wasn't this world's Vulture. Spider-Totem? Quickly, he was able to confirm that yep, it was. And he seemed pissed- and seemed to know Arachnid.. Or at least a version of Arachnid. "Oh boy.. Here we go." With a breath to steel himself, Oliver swings into action.

Chasing after the Spider who attacked Arachnid, Oliver lets loose a couple web shots, aiming to connect them with their enemy's feet to leave him glued up in place. Success or fail, he yanks on his swinging line to gain enough oomph to flip over and land in a crouch next to the Arachnid, to show his solidarity. To his discomfort, his Spidey Sense had yet to stop going off.. This guy was dangerous.

"See, these types of collisions are why we gotta start considering air traffic while swinging. It's just not safe in the Manhattan Skyline anymore. Anyways, how about we exchange numbers, call our insurance, and call it a day?" Was he using comedy to deflect from his nerves? Yeah. Did he expect it to actually reduce this spider's hostility? No. But he was gonna try anyway, juuust in case at some point in his life his luck went from terri-bad to decent. You never knew.
Post was good, no worries! It's good to try and smooth out the how/why the group ends up forming early in my opinion, so I thought it was a good move.
Sorry for a bit of slowdown on my end, Vinny's response to Noah is now up!

Vinny Verdana

Location: Beryl Town, Mid-Festival.
Interacting With:@Brose (as Noah Magnolia)

Garamond looked up at the approaching Noah- and his companion, Kit -with inquisitive eyes, before giving a cautious wave with his free hand, while Vinny's hair gel began to sink into the other hand to become one with the trash pile. As if he had developed a sixth sense, Vinny's hand shoots out to retrieve the hair gel just before it is consumed. Without looking up at the stranger, Vinny responds to their question; "Yeah, if you've got a time machine on hand I'd love to go tell my past self to pack a bigger bag, even if this one is super stylish." His response was a little sour, but it was clear the negativity was directed at himself in a joking manner- and not at the person who hadn't done him any wrong.

Having managed to finish sorting things out to the best of his ability, Vinny rises to his full height, and stuffs a hand in his pocket. He retrieves a candy bar wrapper- a Unova brand -which he feeds to his Trubbish, who eats it up gleefully. "Thanks for the extra pair of hands, Garamond. Anyways.. What can I do for ya, pal?" The tall-haired reporter asks as he turns to face the newcomer, only to stare right at one Professor Magnolia.

~Woah! Another big name! Looks like it's ol' Vinny's lucky day!~

Vinny hides his surprise as best as he can, and gives Noah a smile that was equal parts friendly and suspicious. Sort of exactly like how Vinny himself came across. He figured that this was an opportunity, cozying up to a Professor of the region could potentially give him a bunch of advantages going forward- plus, didn't he mention during that speech that he planned to travel too? Maybe Vinny could pick his brain for the best route. And furthermore, maybe he could figure out the least fragile kind of baby Pokemon by asking the Prof. "Hey there, you're Magnolia, right? Say, maybe there is something you can assist me with- if it ain't any trouble! Name's Vinny Verdana, and this is my buddy Garamond."

Garamond gives another wave, identical to the first. The Trubbish's cautious expression gradually thaws out as Garamond witnesses Vinny respond in a friendly manner to the strangers, but he still seemed more reserved than his owner by a large margin. For Vinny's part, he slings the now stuffed full bag over his shoulder, and performs a few emergency touch-ups to his hair to make sure it was still operating at peak style. "We're looking to take part in the League Season, but I ain't exactly what one would call.. Ya know.. The most responsible of guardians. With your Professor-y know-how, maybe you've got some tips for egg caring? I haven't nabbed one just yet."

Normally Vinny'd try for a bit of schmooze first, but he figured most smart science-y types liked to explain things they knew (from his limited interactions with them). Plus he really did need help. Another Pokemon on his team would be a huge boon for a guy who was not at all used to the Trainer life, but ensuring the Pokemon survived past the egg stage was easier said than done for a guy like Vinny. A guy who hadn't fixed his apartment's carbon monoxide detector so he could use the batteries for a video game controller instead.
I'm sorry everyone, but I'm going to have to put my involvement on hold. Got some health stuff that's going critical, and life isn't really slowing down. Do whatever you want with Alex.

No need to apologize, real life stuff takes precedence. I hope everything turns out alright on your end.

Vinny Verdana

Location: Beryl Town, Mid-Festival.
Interacting With:@Brose (as Cassandra Stern)

The questions weren't any massive news-breaking answers, but Vinny wasn't expecting any. CEOs like to keep stuff close to the chest even for big names in the field of journalism, much less functional nobodies like himself. The stuff he did get, limited though it may be, was already very generous. And let it never be said that Vinny Verdana was ungrateful! He maintains at least partial attention towards Ms. Stern as he scribbles down her answers in his notebook. Once she was finished speaking, and he was finished writing, he makes eye contact(? it was hard to tell with the sunglasses), and smiles.

"Well Ms. Stern, it's been fantastic meeting you. That was a very illuminating interview, and I feel as though I have a better understanding as to what Morpheus desires as a company! And again, I appreciate your patience in humoring me. While I'm sure I could pick your brain for hours, I won't overstay my welcome any further. So, I think I'm off to enjoy the festivities your company has so generously sponsored!"

Vinny slips his journal back into his bag, and slings said bag back over his shoulder. Already he was feeling a bit of that crushing pressure of his dead-end career lessen. Sure, this one interview wouldn't change his whole life- but it was a fantastic start. Especially given that he only arrived in Starre recently!

"If you want to see the interview published, or wish to contact me about said interview, you can contact me through the Castelia Crown's website!" The Castelia Crown only had a website. There was no official place where it was published, but what Vinny was saying was technically true. He had an email linked to the account- not his personal email, but a work one, which was freely available to be reached..

He got a lot of spam messages via that decision, but one day it might pay off.

If Cassandra had anything more to say to him, Vinny stuck around to listen. And once it concluded, he departed with a two-fingered salute, wading into the festival proper. If anyone were to look, it was easy to keep track of him given how his overly tall hairdo stuck out of the crowd. Like a blond Sharpedo fin cutting through the crowd.

First thing on the agenda had been getting ahold of a Roto-Phone. Those things were nice, and not something you had in Unova. Xtransceivers were perfectly serviceable, but Vinny had to confess he was a bit of a trendy guy. Plus a map and Pokedex app would both be invaluable. Fortunately, the line wasn't too long, and once he was there he didn't have to jump through too many hoops. So Vinny was whistling in satisfaction as he made his way over to the Morpheus Booth, in order to get what he inelegantly thought of as a 'goodie bag.'

This line was a bit longer, so Vinny tried to start some small talk. Speaking to the man in front of him, a surly looking older fellow with a bushy beard, he asked; "Enjoying the festivities?" Only to find himself met with an irritable grumble and no further attempts at conversation. Guess that meant no, or maybe he just didn't like Vinny's look. Either way the rest of the wait was done in awkward silence, up until Vinny finally made it to the front and got his paws on the goods. He gives a cheery thanks and an over-exaggerated wink (entirely concealed by his sunglasses), and then steps off to the side to pop a squat.

Vinny sets his fashionable bag on the ground, and rummages around in it before pulling out a Pokeball. With a click, he releases the creature inside, Garamond, his trusty Trubbish manifested beside him with a "Gwah!" Vinny gives him a less exaggerated, but very genuine looking smile. "Heya buddy. You're gonna have to play assistant here while I re-organize all this. Dunno how I'm gonna fit all this and an egg in here.." Thus began the process of handing Garamond items from the bag while he put things in order, only to patiently take them from the Trubbish' sticky grasp before said Trubbish accidentally (or intentionally) absorbed them.

It made quite the sideshow for those in line, especially with the threat of Vinny's hair almost hitting those nearby as he crouched over his inventory. Given he liked to keep the contents of his bag very orderly, he'd probably be at it a while. Though part of that might be hesitance at the idea of going to get a Pokemon egg next. He really wasn't sure he was cut out to raise one.
So Im gonna make a short little Professor Noah post sometime today so he can get his Morpheus bundle. Nothing too exciting.

But as we inch along to getting the group together, what direction would y'all like to go from Beryl Town? I recommend the Bug Gym or the Fairy Gym as people's first gym if you guys want to make the gym a loose goal/priority.

I planned on dropping a Vinny post of him getting his freebies too, so maybe that'll be where they bump into each other! As for which direction, either one of those gyms seem like a good first target. So if @c3p-0h has a preference for Tourmaline that's totally good for me.
<Snipped quote by GubGar>

I've got a loose idea for #3, but it's not my preference (more of a backup idea). So if you want Vinny to meet/cozy up to the professor, please do! Then we can figure out the rest from there.

I figure I'll have Vinny split off from Cassandra to grab his freebies, and either run into the Professor then or afterwards while he tries to sort his bag.
LMAO! Poor Noah got dropped like a sad ham. Cracks me up.

<Snipped quote by c3p-0h>

It's okay! Keeping me on my toes, I see! But yeah, they can reconvene later. Question is, how...hm...

I can either:
1.) Have him group up with Vinny + then join the bigger group (before or after leaving Beryl Town)
2.) He and Vinny can join the bigger group separately before leaving Beryl Town
3.) Or Vinny can join the bigger group separately before leaving Beryl Town and Noah can join the group after they left Beryl Town (gotta an idea on how that would work)

@GubGar I'm gonna leave the decision on how it rolls out up to you. Let me know whichever of the options suits you best!

If you've got specific plans for any of those options (or a strong preference), I'm totally flexible. But I could totally see Vinny trying to cozy up to the Professor. I actually mentioned as much in my first post!

Both in hopes of getting a scoop, and also in the "Holy hell please help I do not trust myself to take care of a baby creature" sense.
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