Avatar of Hedgehawk


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9 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
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9 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
9 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
9 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
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1 yr ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts

Feat. Hayden Kersey

His mother had always told him that being a leader sometimes had tough choices. Life would never give you a good outcome, and you just had to pick the one that sucked the least. It seemed like his first day as leader, that mantra was coming to haunt him big time. Just as he managed to slump down into the old fashioned button cushioned dining chair, an entire posse decided to enter the room, led by the worst person of all: Serena. Serena was the whole reason that he had the word ‘Acting’ in his new job description. Okay, so Lilith could also be a contender technically, but mostly any kind of competition had been between him and Serena. Listening to her declaration, Carlisle wanted to go over the table and strangle her. But that wouldn’t exactly be a good look. So instead he would begin to slow clap, as sarcastically as he could.

”Well done, You made it back in one piece. Congratulations for not getting overdosed on heroin and not ending up in a gutter somewhere. You defied all expectations. Do you want a medal?” Carlisle looked around, seeing Erin as well. It was nice to see the calming aura of the party at least. His eyes darted further across and saw Kolby as well. Well that ruined everything even more. What puzzled him even further was the fact he had some random stranger with him.

”Look what else you dragged with you.” Carlisle said as he looked Kolby up and down. ”And what’s worse is that you bought someone else who I don’t know. Well they must be magical otherwise they won’t make it through the door.”

”Name’s Hayden. I am Kolby’s girlfriend. When he came back to Tanner, I wanted to be with him, so we decided to see if you would let me join the Coven. So that me and Kolby would be happy together.” Hayden interjected with a small, twisted smile. She knew all she needed to about Carlisle to be able to push his buttons just from this little outburst.

”Okay. Well normally, if it helps Kolby in anyway, then fuck no. However, I am supposed to help protect and nurture witches wherever I can. So I suppose you can at least stay in the interim. We will have to get the initiation done at some point.”

Carlisle would leave it at that and then wait for everyone else to arrive. Once he saw everyone he thought he needed to see, he would stand up and clear his throat, indicating that he was ready to talk.

"Thank you for coming so quickly everybody. I know that it was most likely a bit of a shock to suddenly be recalled here so quickly, also with the end of college and what not only just happening. Just as many of us thought we had escaped we get pulled back in again right" Carlisle let out a little chuckle, disguising the fact he had been here all along and glossing over the fact he dropped out of college.

"Still, we all knew that this day would eventually come, and we would be called back to Tanner to see to the coven. None of us expected it to be this fast. But our parents all seemed to want to retire early, and we just have to roll with the cards we have been dealt." A lump began to form on the insides of Carlisle's throat. He had been speaking to people publicly for too long and now his anxiety was starting to take hold and dig its claws into the edges of his mind. If he had ever hoped to become leader he had to dig deep and push through. With a soft cough and a little stuttering of words, Carlisle eventually continued.

"Given the sudden turn around of events, the council did not have time to select a replacement for my mother to lead the coven. So in the interim, they have asked if I would be willing to step in and be interim leader until the council have made their final choice. I know that being a Warlock means that me becoming a leader is a bit… unconventional, and many of you probably expected Serena to be standing here in my place, myself included. I do hope however that this arrangement isn't a problem for anyone?" Carlisle took a moment to gather his words while he let that question hang in the air. He decided to omit the fact that the council had wanted Serena to be in his place right now, and it was only through his mother's insistence that he was here instead.

"Okay, normally we would spend a few days getting to know each other and resettling back into Tanner, but sadly, we have to get to business. As something is going on in Tanner. I am not sure from memory if any of you are Abjurers, if you are, you have probably been feeling the same sensation I have been feeling. For the uninitiated, Tanner is protected by a magical ward that is designed to keep most of the more… feral members of our supernatural family away from Tanner. However, recently, that barrier appears to have been weakened and there appears to have been a breach. I don't know exactly what might have caused it, or what might have come through, but if it is a threat to us, or a threat to Tanner in general, we need to deal with it." Carlisle pulled the chair out from the dining room table and decided to sit down as he continued to speak.

"I appreciate that for some of you, you may need to settle in as you may have only arrived in Tanner. That is perfectly fine. You are more than welcome to stay at your family homes, or move in here to some the bedrooms here. Please take some time aclimiatise if you need to. However, I do intend to go out into the outskirts of Tanner and see if I can find this breach. I could use some people to come with me if they would like to volunteer." This was the moment for Carlisle, if no one did agree to come with him, then he might as well just quit now. To say he was nervous was an understatement.
Interested >.>

Feel free to put a sheet together!

Also for anyone browsing, we are still looking for peeps!

Carlisle was naturally a nervous sort. With how big today was, his stomach was knotting around and around. Seeing Victor enter only made that knot tighter. It seemed that he was trying to diffuse the tension by making a joke, but the joke instead only made Carlisle slightly more tense. It only highlighted the awkward position Carlisle was in. He was in charge, but actually ‘in charge’. Carlisle sighed and then lowered his hands onto his lap.

”Just Carlisle will do. And yeah it has been a while. Feels like only yesterday that we were all graduating from high school."

Carlsile had just begun to calm back down, taking a couple of slower breaths to try and tame that curling knot in his stomach. Little did he know it was about to turn into a whirlpool. Lilith had arrived. For a brief few moments, his stomach unknotted. His chest felt a bit warm as that school boy style crush feeling overcame him. Right now it was just what he needed, as terrible as it sounded. It didn't really last long as once his eyes had clocked onto her look, he knew he had done wrong. Well. That wasn't strictly true. It was the fact she addressed Victor and then not him. Then came the awkward bit. The fact she hadn't said anything meant that he must have done something. But what? He couldn't think what possible thing could be. The stress of trying to figure out only caused that stomach knot to get tighter, and as it got tighter Carlisle began to look more and more visibly anxious. Then there was the awkwardness about whether or not he talked first or not.

Lilith decided to interject. Carlisle couldn't tell if she was kind of enjoying watching him visibly suffer. He knew that when crossed, Lilith could be one of the fiercest witches in the Coven. Sadly, Carlisle always seemed to land himself in it more times than he would admit. The ingratiating tone she used to speak to him only confirmed that she was indeed pissed. It was now he was happy that Victor was here. If not, Victor might have walked in to Carlisle being put in a choke hold. Okay. Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, or maybe it wasn't. Carlisle couldn't decide.

”Of course we can. This shouldn't take long. Then you can have all the time you want with me" Carlisle would go back to sitting in silence for a moment. Aurora would arrive moments later, breaking the silence a bit more. Things were doing okay right now, but then suddenly the doorbell rang. That was strange. Everyone just let themselves in. Carlisle would let out a huff and get up and walk around the table and behind Lilith to reach the door. No one else was going to get up it seemed. What was the point in being Patriarch if you had to do all the work anyway?

Opening the door he would be greeted by a familiar but also unfamiliar figure. He remembered her at Highschool, they graduated together, but she moved to Tanner at some point. Again the exact time eluded him.

”Hello! Catherine…? It is Catherine right? My memory hasn't been all there while we were at College. No need to ring the doorbell, you are with us, just walk on in"

Carlisle would open the door long enough for Catherine to enter, closing the door behind and showing her to one of the seats in the dining room. He would then walk back around and slink into his own chair. Looking at the clock. If he made this meeting last forever, Lilith wouldn't be able to speak to him.

Double Accepted!

There we are, hope that's alright. Let me know if I need to change anything

First Post is up! I am not starting a two week countdown or anything just yet as people are still joining, but if you want to get on it and getting some early posting in (As I know Starters tend to be longer than normal posts!)

A dark damp mist descended onto the deep forests that surrounded Tanner. The swirling white clouds dancing between the trees. A full moon in the sky had reached its efflorescence along the blackened sky, using its reflected light to shine down through the thick mist, that somehow only made things harder to see. Suffice to say that the majority of the town was at this point asleep, and anyone who was awake in this hour was certainly upto no good.

Hurried footsteps moved through the forests, accompanied by hurried draws of deep breath. Panic rising in the air. Moments later another sound could be heard in the woods, giving chase, faint snarls mixed in with the sounds of running. Occasionally the prey would look behind them, hearing the snarling getting closer and closer. The mist was making it harder to see where they were supposed to be going or how close their pursuer was.

Suddenly, A single scream pierced the air. And then silence.

It was late at night, but somehow here Carlisle was. Sitting in the passenger seat of his mother's SUV as they drove out to the outskirts of Tanner. Opposite him was his mother: Amanda Aston; A blonde haired petite woman who had clearly dyed her hair and used many makeup products to disguise her true age. In the backseat sat a middle-aged male, with brown spikey hair. He was wearing a white collar shirt, deliberately unbuttoned to reveal the top of his chest, along with the sleeves rolled up to reveal the many tattoos that decorated his body.

"Remind me why I got woken up at midnight again?" Carlisle huffed, letting out a half stifled yawn while sitting back up straight in his seat"

"Because something doesn't feel right with the barrier. Don't tell me you can't feel it too" His mother snapped back, clearly not in the mood.

"Well yeah, I get that, I can feel it. But it's nearly 2am, why can't we look into it in the morning"

"Because who knows what could get in during that time. And before you ask I woke you up because as of midnight this is officially your problem. I asked Ty to come with because he was already with me at the party"

“Ah yes, the Retirement Party. I am guessing that Ty was the only one besides you that wasn’t drunk out of their head?” It seemed neither his mother, nor Ty decided to answer the question.

It wouldn't be much longer until the group made their way to the edge of the Tanner forest. Jumping out of the vehicle, Carlisle turned his phone flash on, while his mother bought out a flashlight. Ty elected to simply hold his hand up and conjure a bright burning flame in his palm. The trio made their way through the forest, heading towards the barrier: A magical field created by the coven to keep out any supernatural threats to the small town. Reaching the edge of the barrier it seemed their suspicions were confirmed. While invisible to the Mundane, anyone with magical sight could see a bright blue and purple swirling shield infront of them. A massive tear was visible, the newly created edges pulsating with a faint blue glow.

Carlisle got in closer to inspect the damage to the barrier. It seemed to be extensive. Not only had the magic been torn, but also destroyed. Ty would walk over to Carlisle, taking a look himself.

“Whatever broke this must have some serious power. It looks like it ripped the barrier apart rather than shattering it” Ty commented, running his non-inflamed hand along the gap where the barrier once was. “No latent magic even left here. Think you can repair it?” Carlisle nodded in acknowledgement and Ty took a step back. “Remember to focus your energy. The barrier is still up, so draw from its power to boost your own.”

Carlisle would hold both his hands out, taking a deep breath as he dove deep into his well of magical energy. His hands would glow blue as the barrier would begin to reform, the torn edges slowly filling in and making their way to the center of Carlisle’s hands. Both Ty and his mother watched as Carlisle finally finished fixing up the shield. After he was done, Carlisle could be seen breathing heavily, clearly exhausted.

“You did good kid. Repairing the barrier is normally a task reserved for a group. It takes real power to be able to repair it solo” Ty praised, helping Carlisle back onto his feet properly.

“Well, it should be expected of an Aston really” His mother spoke, rather dismissively. “Those claw marks make me think that potentially a werewolf has breached the barrier. Looks like you have your work cut out for you” His mother spoke, staring directly at Carlisle.

“I will don’t you worry”

6:15 AM

Carlisle’s sleep was punctuated by the sudden chime from his phone alarm on his bedside table. Grabbing it, he looked at the time before letting out a short sigh and dismissing the alarm: 6.15am. Rolling onto his side he would sit up running his hand through his hair. Today was the day. College was over, and everyone would be back from college. Carlisle was both excited and dreading the day ahead. It was going to be nice to see people he used to go to high school with, but at the same time, it was also quite scary. Have people changed? Would people even remember him? He had tried his best to keep in touch with people, but that wasn’t exactly easy for him.

Putting on a baggy tee and his morning shorts, Carlisle got out of bed and walked out of his room in his parents house. The Aston family lived in a nice Victroian style house in the more well to do area of Tanner. It was one of those ‘In our family for generations’ style of houses, where half of the furniture was most likely older than his parents' ages combined.

Reaching the kitchen he saw his mother sitting at the kitchen tabletop, a dark green leather bound book in her hands, clad in her half lace dressing gown. Amanda Aston was one of the premier witches in the Tanner Coven, making up one of the three council members. Normally she was always engrossed in coven matters, but at the moment she seemed to be rather relaxed.

”Enjoying your first day of retirement?” Carlisle asked. As he made his way to the toaster to put some bread in. Toast would make everything better.

”It isn’t exactly relaxing. I still have alot of Coven stuff to do, it just means I don’t have to spend every waking hour of every waking day dealing with things. That is your problem now.” The coven would certainly not be the same without Amanda walking around every day and calling the shots. As the Coven Matriarch, it was certainly going to be an adjustment to not seeing her every day. ”Besides, most of my life at the moment is trying to find a replacement for myself.” With the toast popping out of the toaster, Carlilse grabbed it and spun back around. Deciding to try and head his mother off as he knew the point she was about to make.

”Let me guess, the other council members are still reluctant to put me in charge like you want?” Carlisle retorted, the corner of a piece of toast now hanging from his teeth. Amanda on the other hand was somewhat casual with her body language.

”They are still uneasy about a warlock being in charge of the coven, and ontop of that, they still think Serena would be a better candidate. They have only agreed for you to be a caretaker Patriarch until the council has made its final decision. And that was a hard enough sell. Had to spend weeks essentially arguing that Serena had been away for too long to be deemed an immediate choice. It is only a matter of time.” Carlisle had been leaning against the kitchen counter, listening to his mothers words, eating the toast, forgetting to put any topping on it in the process.

”Have you ever considered that perhaps, I don’t deserve it? I mean let's be clear, I am a warlock. I know, before you start, you don’t like it. I am the first warlock of the bloodline, and father will go on and on about how I am either a disgrace to the bloodline, or omens of the future of the Aston family. But at the same time, maybe I don’t want it. I am not exactly a natural born leader.” Amanda sat up straight, finally her fuse had been set off, and the relaxed facade had finally crumbled.

”Carlisle, the Aston family have been Matriarchs of the coven seven out of the last ten times. It is within our nature to be the leaders of this town's fine witches and warlocks.

”Exactly, 7/10. That means you don’t win every time. This is just one of these times that you don’t. I guess we'll just have to focus on my child… If I ever have one.” Carlisle knew what he just did. Threatening not to have children infront of his mother was the equivalent of setting off a nuclear bomb in this household. Anything that would suggest that the Aston bloodline would end with him always elicited the same response. ”Also bear in mind you said Matriarch, not Patriarch. It is no secret that magical energy runs stronger in the female side of the Aston bloodline. I am not ashamed of that.”

”Not this again. Where is your ambition Carlisle? Your family has an amazing history that most witches would die for, and you sit here like it means nothing to you. I had really hoped with your friends coming back that maybe some fire would be ignited under you. I even got this book out that discusses rituals to turn warlocks into witches.”

”Mom. No. I am not taking part in any hokey cokey ritual that could potentially kill me, all for giving you some extra family credit. End of discussion.” With that, Carlisle finished the final bite of his toast and began to walk back upto his room, ignoring the protests of his mother to come back and listen to him.

A sigh escaped Carlisle’s lips as he reentered his room. This morning had gone exactly as he imagined it so far. Nothing new there. Picking up his phone, he at least noted that it had burnt about 20 minutes of his day. Opening his messenger app he would quickly find Lilith and send her a quick text:

Morning, So I have already had the ‘talk’ with my mother. It isn’t even the start of day one proper yet. How’s your morning?”

Sending the text he put the phone back in his pocket. He was used to Lilith responding whenever she was free and able to talk. There was no guarantee that she was even up yet. Carlisle then began the process of getting dressed and ready for the day. His mother had already informed everyone to let their children know that they needed to be at the Coven household by 11am that morning. She had of course instructed Carlise to be there fashionably earlier than that. She had also taken an immense amount of pride telling every parent who would listen about how ‘her boy’ was looking after the coven after they all decided to take retirement.

Retirement wasn’t exactly a new concept. It had been around for a few generations, but normally, the elders waited until their replacements were in their mid thirties before pulling their stunt, so doing it this young was a decision that he couldn’t quite comprehend. They clearly had their reasons, but they were keeping everyone in the dark about it.

With his clothes now on: A simple white shirt and black trouser pants, a la, smart casual, Carlisle decided to set off to the Coven household. That way his mother couldn’t try and sacrifice him to some sort of eldritch horror in a vein attempt to save the family's vanity. Carlisle decided to walk through the quiet morning streets of suburban Tanner to get to the household. Mostly because he knew that everyone was most likely to bring their car and cause a massive pile up at the house. And there was no way he was going to be stuck there because someone can’t park correctly.

The Coven Household was situated in the center of Tanner, and if you believe the history of the place, it was one of the first buildings that was built in Tanner and it was built by the coven for their exclusive use. It was called the Household because that was what it was. In order to avoid raising suspicions in older times, some witches and warlocks lived inside the house so that to the outside world it was just a popular residence. Nowadays most of the mortals believe it is some kind of membership only club.

Carlisle would enter the household through the front door, unlocking it with his mothers master key. Well, I suppose for now, his master key. The building had a wonderful entrance hall complete with a twin staircase that led upstairs. The home was filled with many bedrooms, drawing rooms, lounges, studies, libraries, and then there was the basement. That was something else entirely. Carlisle hadn’t exactly explored the entire house even with all the years he had been here. You never really went into a room unless you needed to. But in theory, this was his house now. So it would be rude not to take stock.

His adventurous streak was dashed however when he checked his watch. It had just turned 9am. He decided instead to go to the dining room adjacent to the entrance hallway and wait to see if anyone turned up early. He had to be the responsible one.
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