Avatar of Hedgehawk


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
1 like
9 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
9 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
9 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
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1 yr ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts

Location: Coven Household

Time: 8:05PM

Tanner. Home. Kirstie had mixed feelings about returning to her hometown. On one hand Tanner was the one place that she felt the most special, University hadn't exactly been the best experience for her. Leaving Tanner had forced her to abandon her posse; her most elite group of friends. University had forced her to start all over again. Despite her best attempts at trying to create a brand new elite circle for herself Kirstie found it hard to adapt to the social circles of university. It seemed almost as if the social norms of high school didn't apply at university. As a result the normally social Queen bee was actually quite lonely during her college years.

Returning to Tanner was a perfect opportunity for Kirsty to start again. She wasn't entirely sure what happened to her entourage after they went to college. for the most parts they had all broken contact with her, or was it that she broke contact with them? Either way she was no longer in high school and therefore had to find new ways of making friends, at least in Tanner she knew some of the people. not that she really liked them, but she did know them. Regarding returning to the Coven Kirstie was rather indifferent to it. She never really enjoyed her witch training. She had always felt that she was mixed in with the common kids. And that was beneath her. All the while, Carlisle, Serena and Lilith got pulled away to do special training.

Her indifference caused her to entirely skip over the coven meeting that morning. She didn’t particularly care to listen to Carlisle and his words. She remembered what he was like from high school, and if he hadn’t changed, then she wasn’t interested. She was pretty confident that a lamppost had better charisma than he did. Having him run the coven was just a recipe for disaster. While she did blow off the coven meeting, she did find out about the party. Now that was more her style. Still. She needed to look perfect for this. As a result, while everyone was out making themselves useful, she was out picking outfits. Retinal therapy was the best kind of therapy. More so when you weren't paying, but daddy was. After going through the shops all day. She found it. A red jacket dress finished with a black minibelt. That was the look she wanted. It was perfect. The neckline was so low that it left exactly nothing to the imagination and it would draw eyes towards her with ease.

She knew the party was due to start at 7pm, or sometime around then. But in all honesty, she never planned to arrive until 8. At that point the party would have started. People would have started to get a little bored, and a little drunk. That meant when she walked in, all eyes would be on her. Driving into the driveway in her silver Mercedes SLK, she climbed out and locked it, taking a moment to adjust her minibelt. She then strutted towards the household and burst through the front door, opening it and sweeping through. She made sure to slam the door open, the sound of the impact hopefully getting people's attention. She then stood still for a moment, letting everyone get a good look at her. With her strut now complete, Kirstie made a beeline for the vodka at the table, grabbing a bottle and a cup and pouring herself a vodka and coke. Taking a stiff drink from it, her eyes wandered around the party. The vibe didn't quite feel right. Something was off with the way people were dancing. She took a deep breath and focused her mind, trying to look at people and see if she could read their auras. There was tension. So something had happened. With a soft sigh she leant back against the table, her eye wandering to the otherside of the room near the veranda entrance, seeing Aurora enter. She couldn't remember the woman's name in practice, but whoever she was, she didn't exactly look happy. Her Aura was off the chart. Something was about to happen, so Kirstie took a sip of her drink and stayed back, watching the movie unfold in front of her.

Location: Coven Household

Time: 8PM

Pain. Unbelievable pain.That was the first feeling that Hayden felt as she came too. How long had she been out for? How was that even important? She couldn’t even move her body at the moment. Priorities. Opening her eyes slowly; As best she could given the swelling, her senses were assaulted by the party. The low light, the noises and the scent of drink and sweat. Hayden was still slumped against the wall that she passed out on. She tried to scan her body and assess the damage. Her face was pulsating in pain and she was struggling to see clearly. Her left arm was broken. She couldn't assess the damage properly to her arm as she was scared to even attempt to move it.

She could feel The dried tears on her face. It made her face feel stiff, more so as the dried blood had also formed splotches over her mouth and swollen cheeks & eyes. Raising her unbroken arm, she attempted to wipe some of the freshest tears from her eyes. With a soft whimper, trying to not draw attention to herself, Hayden attempted to sit up against the wall. As she did she noticed the pools of blood that had formed on the floor. Was that all hers? While it wasn’t an awful lot, it was still disturbing for her to see it. Despite being a hard nut who was used to fighting in New York, this was different. She had never lost this badly before in her life. Admittedly, it was an unfair fight. She was fairly certain that if the other two girls had not got involved, Hayden would have that bitch Delaney right she wanted her.

Kolby was going to be pissed. She hadn’t thought about that before she started the fight. She hadn’t even been here a whole day and she had already caused problems. She knew the duo had their issues, but deep down, Hayden did care about Kobly. She just enjoyed the arguing and the fighting. Kolby gave as good as he got. But deep down she didn’t want to hurt him. And she couldn’t help but feel a sinking feeling in her stomach signalling that she may have fucked up. She couldn’t let him see her like this. Scanning the room from her lowered position. She didn’t seem to be able to see him. So that was something.

She then remembered that earlier that day Carlisle had seemed to get his nose fixed rather quickly. She began to wonder how he had done it. He left the room, and then came back almost fifteen minutes later perfectly fine. So it must have been magical. Hayden needed to investigate. But first she needed to get up. And that was going to be hard. No one seemed to be eager to try to help her, or check up on her. So she was going to have to do this on her own. Getting up with her arm mangled was going to be an issue. Her body wanted to use it, but attempting to move at all, caused throbs of protest and pain in her arm. With a small howl of pain, Hayden began to press her back up against the wall and use her legs to try and lift her body up. It was a slow process, and during the entire time, Hayden bit her bottom lip and tried her hardest to suppress her grunts of pain. But some still slipped through. It took her a near full minute to get back up on her feet, her back arched against the wall, as she pressed her good arm against her broken one to try and hold it in place so that it didn't move and cause her any more pain.

Scanning around the room, she spotted the door that Carlisle had gone through earlier in the day. Staggering across the party, trying not to hit anyone, or have anyone hit her arm. She stayed alert, keeping eyes out for Serena, Erin or Delaney. She wasn’t ready for round two yet. Reaching the veranda she scanned around. There was only one way that she could go, and at the end of the veranda she could see a set of double doors. Maybe that was it? She staggered forward, noticing more broken glass and blood on the floor. Perhaps Delaney went this way? Hayden stopped. If she had gone this way. Did she really want to carry on this path? The urge to feel better trumped that of the embarrassment of seeing Delaney. With a pained sigh, Hayden charged forward, reaching the double doors and going through them. She found herself inside an Alchemy lab. Hayden smiled. They must have kept healing potions in here somewhere. Walking over to one of the cabinets, she used her good arm to start searching. She found herself a healing potion, and stumbled over to a nearby chair. She carefully sat down, before attempting to remove the cork from the bottle with her one hand, using her knees to hold the bottle in place. Without any hesitation she necked the drink back, feeling its warm liquid rush down her throat. Her face began to feel better almost right away, and she could feel it working on her arm. It was going to take a while though. For now, Hayden sunk into the chair, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation as her body began to heal itself.

"Damn that tall bitch knows how to throw a fucking punch. Fuck." She remarked, chuckling to herself, before breaking out into a laugh. Despite the beating, she had to admit that it was fun, now she was looking back on it. It was a challenge. "Maybe next time, rip her sister from her and just get her on her own though."

Location: Coven Household

Time: 8PM

Carlisle had been laying on the veranda longer than he perhaps would like to have admitted, Mostly thanks to concussion he had endured. Lilith knew how to throw, and the accuracy of her shot was scary. He could feel blood and glass mixing at the back of his head, as well as blood oozing from his once more shattered nose.

”If I had a nickel for every broken nose I had today, I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice” Carlisle muttered to himself as he stumbled back up onto his feet. It took him a few good moments to get his bearings. He felt like shit. Both physically and mentally. Carlisle took the time to try and stabilise himself but ended up staggering forward, grabbing onto the railing for support. His body clearly wasn’t ready for this. With a deep breath, Carlisle guided himself across the railing and towards the garden, making sure to avoid people as best he could.

After taking the slow and deliberate movements required for Carlisle to stay standing, He had found himself over at the benches at the end of the veranda. Taking a moment to sit himself down on one of them, Carlisle could finally take a moment to go over everything that had just happened. ”Fuck… I went and fucked that one up royally. Well done Carlisle, literally just told your only friend to fuck off”. He let out a heavy sigh, blood finally reaching past his lips and now dripping off his chin. He really should do something about that. But at the same time he felt like he deserved this. This was his punishment. To take a healie would be too easy a way out. There was no consequence.

Had he been too hasty? He had assumed that Miles was the threat to him and that nothing was his fault. But maybe it was. Miles hadn’t done anything to Lilith, and yet here Carlilse was blaming him for taking the one good thing he had in his life. He wasn’t too far off though he believed. Miles had taken girl after girl from him. So in his mind, this was justifiable paranoia. He had become so overprotective of the things close to him. Scared of losing them and proving his mother right. Was it selfish to protect what you loved? Maybe it was. He didn’t think he was being possessive, even if others might have seen it that way.

A long drawn out sigh once more escaped his lips. What was he to do? Could he even recover from this? Feelings of shame and sadness began to overwhelm him, streams of tears began to fall from his eyes, mixing with the blood on his lowerface. Whimpers escaped his lips in between breaths. The realisation of what he had been saying to Lilith was finally setting in. His heart rate elevated, as his breaths and whimpers sped up. Whimpers began to turn to wails as he lost control of his composure entirely.

”God I give up, I wish I could just disappear”

It was at that moment he felt his body and soul give up and surrender. His body began to feel heavy and stiff. He felt his body undergo a slow but painless nonetheless rigour mortis as his muscles froze in their place. All the while, he could feel his soul and presence drain from his body. The darkness began to claw at the edges of his vision, slowly seeping into the centre. After a few more extra moments, Carlisle completely froze, his eyes permanently locked in a sad expression, the last of the tears falling from his eyes.

If anyone was outside and hadn't seen Carlisle freeze, they would be treated to a different sight. With Carlisle now passing on, he wasn't there to maintain his connection to the Tanner Barrier. The lovely blue dome of energy that normally was invisible unless close, suddenly became very visible, at least to those who knew magic. From all angles the barrier itself began to fade away, leaving nothing but the starry sky in its wake. For the first time in a very long time, Tanner was no longer protected from the outside world.



Can I has one more hiding please?

More than happy to pitch in!

Location: Coven Household

Time: 7:40PM

A Colab between Hayden @Hedgehawk & Delaney @Sailorsadie & Erin & Serena @HaleyTheRandom

Hayden was fairly certain this party sucked. Okay, maybe that was a little harsh on her part. The party didn’t suck perse. But it was certainly no party that she was used to. Normally the drinks would be alot more potent, the room darker, and you would always be at least 10 meters away from several illegal acts. This felt tame in comparison, a bit like a middle school disco or dance. Given that she was already in the Household when the party started, she had quickly nabbed one of the bottles of whiskey that Carlisle had put out earlier. She had already managed to burn a third the way through, and could feel the intoxication pulling at her mind. She had lost track of Kolby; he seemed to be avoiding her for some reason or another. Fuck him. She didn’t need him to have a good time. She surveyed out into the crowd to try and see if she could spot anyone to have a good time with.

Having gotten to the party with it fully in session, Delaney huffed out a breath and fixed her hair. There was one person she was particularly interested in seeing tonight, especially since they hadn’t been at the meeting. She pulled her leather jacket tighter around her as she looked around. Not spotting her friends, she quickly made her way to the liquor. Nourishment for the soul. The young woman filled up a solo cup with about three shots worth. She didn’t care in the slightest that she had to work later that night. Sipping at her neat whiskey, Delaney made her way back into the crowd.

Taking a hard swig of her whiskey bottle, Hayden walked into the crowd, scouting around for someone, anyone who she could possibly spend the night with, or maybe make friends with. If she was going to go after Serena and knock her ego down a peg, then she needed some kind of ally. Seeing how that Lilith girl from before ran across the table to attack Serena she was a good choice. But Hayden couldn't make her out in the crowd. That was when she ended up brushing shoulders with the blondette. Not that Hayden cared, she simply refused to budge, ignoring the woman and pushing forward as normal.

She continued to move throughout the crowd until she was brushed against. Normally she’d just ignore it and let it go, but then the brush turned into an outright shove. The whiskey in Delaney’s cup sloshed over the edge and spilled onto her brand new leather jacket. Swearing under her breath, she looked up and caught sight of the shover. It was that new girl the group had brought back from New York. With a low growl from her chest, Delaney scoffed. ”Guess Kolby’s new hag doesn’t know any manners.”

Hearing the words, Hayden turned around and looked at her. It seemed that her jacket had gotten some whiskey on it. Shame. "Hag huh? Well at least I don't come from some huck place out in the middle of nowhere, where you probably get kicks out of fucking pine trees." With a smirk, Hayden would pop the lid off her ¾ full bottle of Whiskey and simple pour the bottle over Delaney's head, letting the liquid gush and flown over her. It was a waste not to drink it. But hey, it still served a very useful purpose.

She didn’t have time to respond to that comment before she was drowning in whiskey. With a loud, shocked gasp, she screeched out and pushed her hair away from her face. Her fingers gripped her own cup as she growled and threw the contents into the opposing woman’s face. ”You fucking nasty ass bitch!”

Hayden got splashed by the drink and let out a huff as she brushed the whiskey from her eyes. Okay. That's how she wanted to do it. Hayden didn't say anything. A scowl plastered all over her face said it all as the crowd around them moved back, sensing something was about to go down. Hayden slipped her hand up the now empty whiskey bottle she was holding, now gripping it at the neck. With a long upswing, Hayden swung the side of the bottle right towards the side of Delaney's face.

Her eyes caught sight of the woman’s intent and her eyes widened before she quickly ducked away from the bottle’s path. Delaney shook her head and tossed her empty solo cup at the woman’s feet as she growled. ”Seriously? That’s the way you want to do this? Trying to fucking knock me out with a bottle? She rolled her eyes. ”Honey, I work in a bar. Going to have to try a lot harder than that.”

Before Delaney could try and speak anymore words, Hayden raised her left leg up and attempted to thrust her foot forward in a simple but usually effective kick towards the woman's stomach. The kick wasn't exactly bristling with power, there was not room to build momentum, but it was normally enough to wind her opponent and give Hayden time to do something more tangible.

She didn’t have time to react to what had come next. ”Oomph!” Doubling over from the kick, she wrapped an arm around her stomach protectively. Delaney huffed out a breath and glanced back up at the woman, her eyes narrowed and dark. ”What the hell is your problem?!” Her knees threatened to buckle under her before she straightened. She shouldn’t have had the pre-party cocktails.

With her opponent now hunched over, it was far easier for Hayden to repeat her first attack and bring the Whiskey bottle down right ontop of Delaney's head. "Little brats like you need to learn their place in the pecking order. Don't stand up to those that can flatten you bitch"

Delaney stumbled as the bottle met the side of her head and shattered. She huffed out a breath in anger and growled. She absolutely hated people thinking they were better than her. With a shake of her head, she stared back up at the woman and smirked. ”Oh, you have so fucked up. You’re in my town now, bitch.” With that, Delaney threw herself at the woman, trying to catch her around the waist to bring her down.

Hayden grunted as she was suddenly charged and found herself being knocked on the floor with the blonde woman ontop of her. She was shocked that she had been able to remain standing. Hayden had been in enough of these fights to know that she was not in a good place right now and needed to get away before Delaney could capitalise. With a huff, she would throw her right fist out, trying to impact the side of the woman's nose to try and convince her to back off.

With a loud gasp and a squeal, Delaney’s hand came up to find blood dripping from her nose. She growled as her eyes widened. ”You bitch! You broke my nose!” Shaking her head, she brought her own left fist down towards the woman’s face, hoping to even the odds a bit.

"That was the point you bi- Argh!" Hayden let out a groan being cut off midsentence but the sudden counter punch. Thankfully she came off it better as her own nose hadn't shattered. It seemed like this Delaney knew how to fight okay, but not to the level Hayden did. Still. Anyone could be a threat if they tried hard enough. Hayden planted her feet firmly on the ground and began raising her legs, trying to buck the woman off her and to the side, allowing Hayden to roll to the side and start getting back onto her feet.

It was successful. Delaney rolled off and hit her hip on the floor before she quickly scrambled to her feet. Her nose and under both eyes were already starting to bruise from the impact, blood still running down the front of her face. She knew she was in bad shape, but couldn’t let this thing get the upper hand. Not when the woman was the first to throw the punch. If her parents taught her anything, it was to always end the fight instead of starting it. With a breath, she brushed the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand before glaring at Hayden. ”This isn’t like where you’re from, sewer rat. You’re in Tanner now. First rule of fighting? Make sure you have people who’d back you up.”

Erin & Serena had spent the last few hours of their day discussing their findings at the barrier, resting and pre-gaming for the party at the Coven house.

Once they had arrived, the young women wasted no time walking right through the front door - seeing as how they were fashionably late as always. There was a much larger crowd gathered than either of them had expected, Erin’s jaw nearly dropping as she was reminded of the size of the Coven. As her dark haired cousin turned to her with a smirk and asked ”So what do you think we should do first?” Erin was busy scanning the room for a familiar blonde head of hair. Erin would have assumed that it was going to be an easy task - seeing as how she stood at 5’10’’ and was currently wearing four inch chunky heeled boots.

She assumed wrong.

With a disappointed expression, she looked down at Serena. ”I honestly really think that I should find Delaney. She’s been blowing up my phone and you know I’m going to need to catch up to her already wasted ass.”

Rolling her eyes, Serena sighed at the blonde's words and continued to take in the setting around her as they stood awkwardly by the entryway. Out of all of Erins friends, Delaney was the one that Serena definitely liked the most - but she still wished that she could have her cousin all to herself from time to time.

Just as Erin was about to suggest that they grab a drink, she heard a familiar sounding shriek coming from the dining room. Her head immediately snapping in that direction, she spoke a single word, her voice stern.


Both Serena and Erin began to move quickly through the crowd - Serena elbowing and stomping on the feet of people who refused to move fastly enough. Once they had made their way to the dining room, it didn’t take very long for Erin to spot her best friend - mostly thanks to the crowd that had surrounded her and Kolby’s newest human flesh-light.

Seeing Delaney bruised and battered sent a wave of anger so strong through Erin’s body that she was sure she would never be able to find the words in the English language to fully describe it.

”Oh, fuck no!” she shouted over all of the noise, unzipping her boots as she did so. Kicking them off, Erin pushed her way through the crowd as she called back to Serena ”Get D and hold my shoes!”

Speed walking right up to Hayden, Erin quickly drew back her right fist before it connected with the bridge of the other girl's nose.

”An eye for a fucking eye, you stupid cunt,” Erin shouted once more.

Watching the brunette’s reaction, Erin spat in her face. ”Come on! You really wanna fucking go,” she questioned, towering over Hayden’s smaller frame.

Hayden let out a yell of pain as Erin's fist collided into her nose, doing the one thing Delaney couldn't do and shattering it, thick streams of blood now oozing from her nostrils. Hayden took a cautious step back, eager to not stay within Erin's firing range. Now she had both Delaney and Erin to contend with, Hayden was doing her best to keep an eye on them both.

"Back off you porcelain doll. You don't want me to shatter that cute face of yours. Let me finish off the blonde bitch" She spat out as she eyed Erin.

As Erin faced Hayden, Serena circled around the back of the crowd - no stranger to how her cousin or her best friend fought. While Erin wanted Serena to get Delaney out of the way, Serena wouldn’t dare try and drag Delaney away from someone who had broken her nose. That would just be Serena begging to be hit at that point.
While she some-what ignored part of her cousin's request, she was carrying the boots with her in her left hand as she tried to stay out of Hayden or anyone else’s line of sight.

Breaking through the crowd, Serena decided to get a brief front row seat from behind Hayden - waiting to see if Erin or Delaney actually needed her to get involved in this.

Being close enough to hear them speaking, Serena fumed as Hayden dared to try and insult Erin. Heels clacking as she walked, the dark haired woman reached out to grab Hayden by the nape of her neck. Grabbing a fistful of hair, Serena yanked backwards and towards the floor, letting Hayden fall to the ground as she released her.

Now standing over Hayden, Serena leaned over, coming face to face with the stranger before her. Locking her eyes onto Hayden’s, she spoke slowly and deliberately. ”Are you one-hundred percent sure that that is what you’d like to do my love,” she questioned, her voice caught somewhere between poisonous and flirtatious.

If Hayden chose to strike right now, Serena would willfully take the blow. She knew that it was a potentially dumb move getting so close to the target - but no one disrespected Erin.

Hayden thought she had gotten control of the situation only to then suddenly be grabbed and pulled to the floor with surprising ease. This was getting bad. Hayden had fought against groups in New York, but she usually had a weapon to even the score. Here every waking second, a new person seemed to enter the fight.

Listening to her words, Hayden growled. No. She wasn't going to let these basic bitches get to her. She raised her leg and pulled it forward towards her head before kicking upwards and attempting to kick Serena in the chest. It was risky, as in order to launch it she had to essentially blind herself. There was no guarantee that Erin and Delaney would be where they were after this.

Delaney was about to throw another punch when she heard the most amazing voice ever screaming insults. Then came the punch. Even with blood dripping down her face, she smirked and kept her eyes on the raggedy ann. It was then that the insult flew out of the woman’s mouth, directed towards Delaney’s very best friend. Wrong fucking move. With another growl, she pushed past Erin only to notice Serena coming up behind Hayden. Then, the bitch was on the ground.

Seeing the girl’s leg move towards Serena, Delaney growled out and rushed forward to grab the woman’s hair. ”Wrong bitches to mess with, you twat face. Your maker really didn’t waste time to give you some sense, did he?”

Taking a kick to the chest, Serena caught herself on her hands before she could make full contact with the floor. Making brief eye contact with the wooden planks beneath her, a wild laugh escaped from her throat. While she had completely given Hayden the hit - partially out of stupidity, and partially because a crazy side of Serena liked to be hit - but that didn’t mean Serena was just going to stand there and willingly be hit any longer. Quickly standing up, Serena took the few short steps that it took to get back to Hayden before promptly bringing her foot down on the girls face. Thankfully for Hayden, only the toe part of Serena’s shoe connected with the first stomp. The second one, however, Serena aimed for the stomach and intended to cause any and all of the damage that she could. Raising her leg for the third time, Serena could feel that the crazy switch inside of her brain had been flipped. Only Erin could stop her from sending Hayden to the hospital at this point, and it didn’t seem as if the blonde vixen was making any moves to stop her cousin.

This was bad. Hayden felt her hair get pulled from Delaney, and now Serena seemed to be enjoying herself. Normally Hayden would be laughing too. She enjoyed a good old scrap. But right now, this three vs one was getting out of hand. Serena managed to lift her leg up, it was at that point that she noticed the heels she was wearing. Her eyes grew wide. This was bad. The shoe came down onto her face, breaking her nose further and smudging more blood across Hayden's lower face. She tried to raise her leg as a defence, but Serena had a superior position looming over her and Hayden let out a pained howl as the second one came down, the heel breaking her skin and digging into her stomach, a small trail of crimson blood trailing her stomach after she withdrew her heel.

On instinct, Hayden lifted her arms grabbing onto Delaney's wrists that were grabbing her hair. She needed to balance this out. Pulling forward with her arms, Hayden attempted to pull Delaney forward and have her trip over Hayden's body and hopefully right into Serena, knocking both girls down. That would allow Hayden to roll to the side and get up, and now just have Erin to deal with in a fairer one vs one situation.

Delaney barely had time to react when she was suddenly pulled forward, propelling herself into Serena. She huffed out a breath as she tried to scramble to her feet after the collision. Blood pulled onto her top lip and she quickly brushed it off with the sleeve of her jacket, cringing as the leather brushed against her swollen nose. She wobbled a bit as she regained her feet. She suddenly felt woozy from the trauma of the broken nose and broken bottle against her head. Bringing a hand up, she winced as she felt glass shards still in her hair. Delaney huffed out a breath and pushed the feelings aside before attempting to launch herself back at Hayden.

With Serena and Delaney now on the floor as well, it seemed as if it was up to Erin to do what she could to finish Hayden off. Closing the distance between her and the smaller woman, Erin came at Hayden with an uppercut from her right fist once more. There was no way she was going to allow Hayden to get any sort of upper hand on her or her girls.

Hayden just gotten up to her feet, and was right away assaulted with a nasty uppercut which smacked into her jaw and knocked her head backwards. She staggered back a step, struggling, but she was able to keep herself standing. With a small growl, Hayden charged forward, throwing a left hook of her own to try and hit Erin in the side of the face. If it worked, she would then follow up with a right punch, this time aiming for Erin's stomach. "You stupid bitches. Just back the fuck up. This ain't involving you!"

With Erin huffing as she took a hit to the stomach, Serena had now regained her footing and had her eyes locked on Hayden’s already bruised and battered head. Quickly recovering from Hayden’s blows, Erin reached out to grab either side of the other girls head, before raising a knee and having Haydens head collide with it. After Erin released Hayden, it didn’t take long for Serena to realize that they had nearly backed Hayden into a corner - and Serena did everything that she could to back Hayden further into the trap.

”Our town,” Serena retorted, her fist connecting with Haydens face once more as Erin walked up behind her.

”Our Coven,” Erin added, grabbing one of the empty glass bottles from the table as she spoke.

As Serena continued to beat on Hayden, Erin allowed the smaller women exchange a few while she let the bottle slide down into her hand. Grabbing the smaller end of the bottle, Erin raised it and swung with the force she still remembered from her softball years.

”And that’s my best friend you decided to hit.”

Hayden wasn't able to keep this up. Erin had a shocking amount of power and the knee to the face nearly knocked her out there and then. When Serena came in with her punches, Hayden couldn't mount a defence at all, Serena was just wailing on her face at this point. The damage was astronomical too. Blood would not stop dripping from her nose, barely every part of her face was bruised and swelling had already set in on her left cheek and eye.

Hayden was about to say something when her temple was impacted by a glass bottle, the glass shattered leaving shards in her head, a speckling of blood now there. At this point Hayden was spent. Her breathing was heavy, her guard lackadaisical, and her attempt punches were so off target it wasn't worth the effort. Her chest raised heavily, her breath wheezing lightly.

Delaney just stood back and watched as her friends took over the fight. Sure, the three on one wasn’t fair, but Hayden didn’t seem a fair fight type of person anyway. Staggering to her feet, she kept her eyes on the woman before grabbing at Erin’s hand. ”I think she’s learned her lesson. You’re going to beat her into a coma if we keep this up.”

She swayed as she held onto Erin’s arm and raised her free hand to her own head. Everything was catching up to her and she was starting to see stars. Not to mention the blood still free flowing from her nose. Delaney looked back at Hayden and sneered. ”The bitch isn’t worth any more of our energy.”

”Oh fuck you all.” Hayden said with slurred speech. ”This ain’t over. I will just wait until you bitches are on your own and I will pick you off like the cowards you are!” with a wheeze cough, Hayden tried to swing at Serena one more time, failing to hit the mark and overshooting it, causing her to stumble onto the ground while leaning against the wall. She was well and truly spent.

Delaney growled as her brows raised in frustration. ”Did you seriously just threaten us again, sewer rat? You haven’t learned your lesson, bitch?” She took a step towards the woman and lost her footing, slamming her shoulder into the wall opposite. Her breath came in shallow pants as her eyes darkened at the woman. Delaney moved closer to the woman to attack her once more.

Grabbing onto her friend with her free arm, Erin kept her eyes glued onto Hayden as she reached up to try and brush the hair stuck to Delaneys face out of the way. As Delaney moved closer to Hayden once more, Erin stayed close and did her best to keep the other blonde from falling.

Serena on the other hand wasn’t finished with this fight. Erin and Delaney might have been worried about killing Hayden - but Serena most certainly was not. Moving around Delaney and Erin so that she was between them and Hayden, Serena raised her fists as she recalled her training days with her father.

Striking first with her left hand at one side of Haydens head, and then doubling up for the swing with her right, she was all but ready to body slam the bitch before Erin tried to begin pulling her away.

Hayden was starting to struggle to focus, Her face was ruined, and it was hard to see any part of her face that wasn’t bloody, swollen or bruised. She waved her arms weakly to try and discourage Serena, but it was no good, Serena hit her once more and caused a heavy groan from Hayden. This was getting worse. It was time to seriously protect herself. Hayden would hold her hand out, a small ignition of embers appeared in her hand, before moments later a dagger made of pure fire formed in her hands. She swung her arm to the side, trying to catch the side of Erin’s exposed skin on her leg with it. ”Burn….bitch!”

Delaney was about to push forward to help Serena when the blade appeared. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes widened. ”You crazy bitch! We’re both covered in alcohol!” She took a staggering step back, nearly stumbling into Erin. ”The hell are you trying to do?!”

Erin managed to snatch her cousin out of the way just in time, the fiery blade in Hayden’s hand connecting with her calf. With a sharp inhale, Erin glanced over at her best friend as she struggled to hold back the smaller frame of Serena.

”Delaney,” Erin questioned. ”Help a sister out, would ya?” Many would have assumed that Erin would have meant for Delaney to grab Serena - but Erin was confident that her bestie would know what she meant.

Anyone looking at Serena from the crowd might have described her as ‘manic’ at that moment. Seeing Hayden use her powers gave Serena all the clearance that she needed to use her own. Palms raised, Serena laughed diabolically as she pulled energy from the sources that she could find around her. As the lights dimmed in the Coven House, the flames in Serena’s hands grew larger.

Eye’s locked on both her cousin and Hayden, Erin desperately hoped that Delaney would come through before Serena had anything to regret.

Sucking in a deeper breath, her eyes focused entirely on Serena now. Delaney shook her head and swore. ”Damnit, Ser! The bitch doused me in whiskey!” She glanced over at her best friend and gave a small nod of her head. Her hand grasped Erin’s elbow and she momentarily closed her eyes. When she reopened them, her body seemed to vibrate as her eyes brightened. She looked back over at Erin. ”End the bitch.”

Doing her best to ignore the pain in her leg, Erin focused on the boost of energy now coursing through her veins. Taking a deep breath, the young woman re-centered herself as she did her best to think about the pain that she wished to inflict upon Hayden - and well, now Serena too.

In her mind, Erin heard the sound of bones snapping. Images of people contorting inwardly on themselves filled her psyche as she imagined what it would feel like to have all of your bones breaking simultaneously. She could hear the faint screams of her imaginary victims in the back of her mind, now directing her energy and thoughts towards Hayden and Serena both. Once she could feel that she was inside of both the girls' heads, Erin quickly dumped her hell-ish thoughts and ran for metaphorical cover.

Watching as the flames disappeared from Serena’s hands, Erin almost felt bad as her cousin fell to the floor. Serena’s arms and legs moved at weird angles as her mind played tricks on her, howling in pain at her fake reality.

Hayden knew no different, in her mind, what she saw was Serena grabbing her and breaking her bones one by one, deliberately, carefully and most importantly carefully. The party continued around her in her mind as she screamed out, as one by one her body was broken beyond any kind of proportion. What she didn’t realize was that she was actually screaming in the real world too. As her mind played tricks on her, she ended up twisting her one arm harshly, breaking her own arm, shattering her left humerus. As the illusion ended, and her vision came back, the realization that it was an illusion hit, but that didn’t stop the tears falling from her eyes, the pain from her now damaged arm pulsating at full power, as the illusion had stopped her body from producing adrenaline to compensate. With a soft whimper, Hayden reached her pain threshold and passed out against the wall, her body, twisted in strange shapes.

At the sound of the screams, Delaney couldn’t help a little smirk. She couldn’t see the visions herself, but the sight of Hayden turning in on herself was the best thing that happened to her that day. As she kept a hold of her best friend, she felt her energy begin to wane. Her chest started to heave and her grip tightened on Erin’s arm. She wasn’t at full energy thanks to the fight. ”Stop, E…I need- you to- stop..”

Breaking eye contact with Hayden, Erin grabbed on to Delaney to keep her friend from falling over. After she had steadied the other young woman, she glanced back over to Serena lying on the floor and simply shook her head. Erin couldn’t help but think of how weirdly proud, but oddly disappointed her uncle Tiberius would be at her and her cousin's actions this evening.

Wrapping an arm around Delaney’s waist, Erin sighed and brushed some of the loose hair out of her besties face. ”Come on, love. Let’s go and get you cleaned up.”
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