Avatar of Hedgehawk


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9 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
1 like
9 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
9 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
9 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
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1 yr ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

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Location: Coven Household

Time: 7:20PM

A Colab between Carlisle @Hedgehawk & Miles @SouffleGirl123

A few hours had passed and now the Party was ready to go. People were arriving, the music was as Carlisle tried to explain to everyone 'Lit' and the drink seemed to be flowing. It felt nice to have a brief distraction from the thoughts of the barrier and the things they had discovered in the forest. Carlisle had taken to drinking out on the veranda. While he was happy to blast out music for others. He wasn't quite the fan of it himself. Out here, he could feel the evening air press against his skin, enjoy a nice refreshing drink and watch as the sun began its descent.

What he didn't tell anyone was that he wasn't drinking alcohol at the moment. While he was certainly holding a wine glass, he had poured apple and blackcurrant squash in there and used some red food colouring to give it a darker appearance. After college parties with Miles he certainly couldn't be doing with another keg incident, Death by drowning in college beer wasn't exactly how Carlisle had planned to go.

He was keeping an eye out, looking into the party crowd to see who was around. He was looking for a couple of people in particular. He needed to get some things off his chest before he really let himself down and party. His session of introspection earlier had meant that he had a set of apologies he needed to do.

Miles rocked up to the Coven house a little after 7:15 sporting a clean set of casual black clothes. He couldn't help but chuckle at the somewhat orderly squares of drinks and snacks. Knowing Carlisle, they were probably perfect squares before people started piling in. He picked up a beer and made some small talk around the room.

Once Miles had downed his first beer he poured himself an eyeballed double shot of whiskey and coke into a red solo cup. Miles was so ready for shots, maybe even a keg stand like the good old days, but he came to the conclusion he should probably check in with his friend real quick before the other temptations of the night took him.

As he meandered to the veranda he couldn't help the wave of nostalgia rushing over him. It felt just like college all over again; Miles would take Carlisle to a party he didn't really want to go to, the man would find a quiet, lonesome place after an hour or two then disappear to their dorm room. Only day one and this veranda seemed to already be forming many memories for Miles.

"Man, didn't even make an hour, you're slipping," he jokes, standing at the rails. He takes a swig of his drink. "Guessing that's juice in that glass too, then?" he asks, trying the best he can not to come across as mocking. Although Miles didn't really get why someone would go to a party and willingly not drink Carlisle could do whatever he wanted.

"I was planning on going in later. I just wanted time to myself. To think. Mostly. Trying to stay calm, having alcohol might make that a little bit too hard" While Miles might not have attempted to be mocking, the comment did sting Carlisle somewhat. Lest Miles forget that it was him who had subjugated Carlisle to those ordeals. It felt a little bit rich. Still. Maybe Carlisle deserved it. "Look while I got you here, and before you go and get more drunk, I want to say something" Oh boy. This was it. Carlisle took a deep breath before he began to get things off his chest.

"I am really sorry for being a douche over the years. Today made me realise just how much I have taken what you have done for me for granted. You were friends with me, even when others mocked you for it. And all I did was berate you for going to parties and all the girls and moaning about having to make sure you got home okay." Carlisle shook his head. Even saying it out loud made him want to scream. How had he not seen this before. "And then today. You spend most of your day spending your time following me to try and keep my calm. And then I go and say 'Hey, thanks for helping me, fancy fixing more of my problems' dude. I just suck at being a good friend"

Miles looked at his friend incredulously for a moment as he processed what Carlisle had to say. His brows furrowed as he took another swig of his drink. Sure, Carlisle was far from the perfect friend but in all honesty, who wasn't? And of course he knew about what people said to Miles about him. All the same though, Miles knew just as many people had begged Car to drop him. "Bro, it's fine, no better way to assert dominance than handing out punches to those putting down your best friend," he half jokes, taking another sip from his solo cup.

Miles stays silent for a moment, looking into the sunset. He was never really one for introspection but even Miles knew that he had done wrong to Carlisle before also. "Look, Car, you're fine. Really. I suppose I haven't been the best of friends either. I mean, who makes their friend sit out in the hallway almost weekly? You still stuck around, when I was drunk, when I brought girls into the dorm, when your family tried to separate us, you stuck around. That is already more than almost anyone else was ever willing to do for me,"

"Nah, I deserved that. I should have been looking after you instead of babying you. Thanks for understanding me. I hope that going forward I can be a somewhat better friend" Carlisle said, taking a stiff drink from his 'wine'

Miles gave a small chuckle "I think we'll be fine," he says, eyes not leaving the sunset for a while. The pair sat in silence for a while before Miles spoke up again. "Hey, I'm sorry about Lil, man. Rejection sucks,"

"Officially, I never actually asked her. So I guess I haven't been rejected yet" While the words he muttered were hopeful, his tone was not. "To be honest, I deserve it. I have been a terrible friend and why would she even want to contemplate me as a boyfriend when I can't even be a decent best friend" A deep sigh escaped his lips.

"Carlisle," Miles sighs, turning to his friend. "You can't keep pitying yourself like this, you're begging for bad outcomes this way. You messed up, that sucks but if you keep pitying yourself you're screaming to keep failing." Miles went quiet for a while more, debating what he was going to say next. He inhaled sharply, he had no claim to Lilith, she could be with whoever she wanted and if that was Carlisle, good for them. "She likes black dahlias," he says simply. Miles was never a big buyer of flowers, all the same Lilith wasn't one to really care for them a lot but he was sure that flowers was Carlisle's style. He surprised himself with how much he remembered of Lilith's preferences after all this time, as if that knowledge was just waiting for a time like this.

"Thanks for that. I will have to remember. I thought she liked roses. But hey. Shows how badly I actually know her." Carlisle gave a nervous chuckle before he continued "I am not pitying myself. Just being a little more honest with myself. Forcing myself to be calm has made me think a little bit about my actions. I am not saying I can change everything. But I at least have some awareness of what my actions cause. Though if I have to be honest with myself, getting cursed because you ignored your best friends advice"

Miles shrugged "She's not big on flowers anyway, there's a lot of more important things to know about her that I'm sure you do," He finishes his drink with a long gulp. "Well, I'm gonna head back in and enjoy the party but I guess I'll see you when you join us," he says. And with that he leaves Carlisle on his lonesome on the veranda.

Location: Coven Household

Time: 3:30PM

After the trip to the forest, Carlisle had an awful lot to process. The barrier had been damaged once more, which meant that whatever had caused this had returned to the scene after Carlisle left. Part of him wanted to cancel the party and instead do a lookout mission on the barrier. Hoping to strike gold and figure out exactly what was trying to breach the barrier. Not that it required much thinking. Clearly there was a werewolf on the loose. Whether it was just one, or perhaps an entire pack, remained to be seen.

Then there was the curse. That was going to be the big problem. He could feel his body changing ever so slightly. Changing might not be the right not be the right word, but his body was at times starting to feel stiff. It felt almost like an odd sensation of joint pain. His legs would struggle to bend fully when he was walking, causing him to hobble slightly as he walked on occasion. Still, there was no point in trying to panic too much. By the time he had gotten back to the coven, Carlisle had managed to somewhat master his attempts at remaining calm. After seeing how the calming magic had drained Miles, Carlisle was more determined to protect his friend and ensure that he didn’t exhaust himself. Carlisle was a grown up after all, and a leader. He needed to stand on his own two feet to support the coven, not the other way round.

After dismissing everyone at the forest, Carlisle had a list of things he needed to do to get ready for the party. The biggest task was alcohol. He knew his fellow coven members were partial to a little of the sweet stuff every now and again. And by partial, Carlisle meant alot. It was hard for him to judge exactly how much he was going to need so he spent his afternoon using the coven's flatbed truck to go collect alcohol by the crate. It took him a good solid thirty to forty minutes to load the crates filled with various bottles or differing sizes and colours. He had been debating using the coven funds, more so when the bill came in at just under $750 dollars. The crate of the 12 whiskey bottles came in at a little under $200 alone. Still. He pulled out his own card and used it to pay for the drink. It was his idea after all. Not that anyone would find out. On the way back he also picked up an assortment of snacks. He was unsure what to get for a party. He never really stayed at the parties back at college long enough to gather what the 'snackage' options were.

After he had loaded the truck with everything he needed he began to make his way back to the Coven. By the time he had finished unloading everything, it was already 3.30pm. He then began the process of silently unpacking and arranging everything. Pushed the dining table up against the wall. Given that it was nearly 20 seats wide, it required immense effort, and constantly going backwards and forward to move either corner. He could have asked for help. He was sure that someone was in the coven household. But he wanted to do this on his own. This party was his way of saying he was sorry to the coven. Sorry for what though? He wasn't quite sure himself. The past 24 hours were such a whirlwind that Carlisle hadn't really stopped to process everything.

He started the process of unloading the drink and placing it onto the table. Everything had a place on the table. He unpacked each crate of beer and placed every can in a line to form nice and neat squares. Carlisle took the time to make sure each square was perfect and neat. The same was true of the bottles. And the mixers too. By the time he was done everything was neatly laid out and properly organised. Even when it came to the snacks, Carlisle went to somewhat extreme measures to make sure that everything was balanced. He counted each bowl to make sure there were exactly 50 chips in each one, the same with the rest of the snacks too. It was just a Carlisle thing. He preferred order. And right now his life was totally disordered. At least he could make his table organised.

That was it though? Wasn't it? The reason Carlisle was being so anal about the placement of bottles. He had no control over his life, and therefore he was trying to exert control in whatever way he could. The silence had given him time to reflect and look back on his actions. The guilt had begun to set in. Being forced to stay calm or go into a fit of rage, was a good way to force Carlisle to look in on himself for some introspective. He had drawn up several conclusions:

1. He had been a terrible friend to Lilith.
2. He had been a let down to Miles.

Both hurt. Each stung the male in a little bit of a different flavour, but he would be lying to himself if he didn't agree that the first one hurt an awful lot more. After returning to Tanner, Lilith was the lifeline that kept Carlisle afloat in the single most depressive episode he had ever faced. He owed the woman a huge debt. The two years they had hung together had been a blast, enjoying each other's company. The most recent summer however had been like a dream for Carlisle. They had grown closer as friends, surpassing the broship of Carlisle and Miles. But Carlisle had to be honest. Upon reflection, he hasn't exactly been the best person to get along with. He had on multiple occasions breached her trust and went up against her word. In Carlisle's mind he was just doing it to help her. But that wasn't exactly the point was it? It was the fact she had told him not to do things, and he broke it. Carlisle had been so laser focused on trying to be helpful, he had abused the trust of the person he adored the most.

That hurt. A small frown flickered onto the edges of Carlisle's mouth. How had he been so stupid? Well it was simple really. Carlisle had been Carlisle. And then he had the stupid idea to try and profess his love for her, while he was being admonished for once again breaking her trust. What exactly did she see in Carlisle? Because he couldn't see it, and he was Carlisle! The frown turned to a sigh. He had been an idiot. How could he expect people to like him when he was so insufferable?

And that brought him to the subject of Miles. The guy had spent all morning pumping his magical energy into trying to protect him, and for what? Cause once again Carlisle hadn't really been the bestest of friends. While Miles had tried to hide it from Carlisle, he had heard some of the shit others had put Miles through for hanging with Carlisle. Zach being usually the most vocal. Carlisle was never invited to those college parties; he was always the plus one. And Miles over the years had gotten into plenty of fights defending Carlisle from bullies or people who didn't want him there. And what did Carlisle give in return? Nothing. If anything he was worse. He berated Miles for bringing girls back to the dorm in college, and spent his waking moments of college babysitting and mothering Miles. After everything he had put Miles through, the least he could have done was sit out in the corridor and let him have his fun without bitching about it. Carlisle never even stood up for Miles. There was a queue of people demanding that Carlisle leave Miles due to who he was. His parents were the most vocal. They viewed Miles as the street urchin from around the corner. And the sole reason the Aston family built the gated community they lived in. But never once did he say anything to defend him. Sure he continued to be friends with Miles, but he never said anything good about him. And yet there he was today, using him once more to protect himself.

The sudden feelings of guilt were beginning to overwhelm Carlisle. By this point he had finished arranging the whiskey bottles in a nice set of 4 x 3. First the sniffle came, and then the whimper. Tears began to rush to the corners of his eyes as they threatened to overflow and trigger a full on wave of sadness. He was suddenly snapped out of it by a loud *crunch* coming from his side. Turning his head to investigate he saw Hayden staring back at him, slowly biting down on a crisp she had taken from one of the bowls.

"You back from orbit yet spaceman?" Hayden chimed as she finished off the chip. Carlisle meanwhile had fully snapped back, wiping his eyes quickly while moving his head away to disguise what had just been happening.

"You were out of it. You looked like you were about to lose control and go on a crying rampage.” Carlisle would recompose himself, pulling on his shirt to help straighten his neck.

”Yeah well. I am in control. Though I would appreciate it if we kept this between ourselves.” Carlisle muttered with a low breath, taking a chip from one of the bags and then placing it in the bowl that Hayden had taken it from.

”Don’t worry ‘bout it. I won’t tell anyone. I owe you one since you let me join the Coven.” Carlisle would begin the process of grabbing the chairs and stacking on the opposite side of the room. Hayden decided to help as well, grabbing a second chair.

”Well I couldn't exactly leave anyone out in the cold could i? Even if they are in tow of Kolby ” Placing the chair down, Carlisle sighed. Damn. He hadn’t even processed the return of Kolby. That was yet another part of his life he wanted to forget.

”I was going to ask before. What exactly is your issue with Kolby? I appreciate he can be a dick at times, but he means well’ Hayden asked, walking over to her second chair, keeping a close eye on Carlise’s response.

”Honestly?” Carlisle let out a softer sigh ”Look, It is silly. Honest. When we were in senior year, we got into a fight. Things got aggressive fast, and Kolby kinda wiped the floor with me. Sent me right to the ER. Stayed there for nearly a week with the damage. While everyone else would have let it go… I didn’t. I have kinda used it to fuel my hatred for him”

”Damn, so geeky can hold a grudge. I get it. I can’t complain, I have been that petty too. But dude, maybe you need to let go. You will probably find that Kolby has even forgotten about the whole thing.” Hayden tossed the next chair up against the wall.

”I know that’s true. I really should stop being so petty. Turns out actually that by having to stay calm, it's helping me see a bit more clearly.” Carlisle quoted as he walked back over to the otherside of the room. "I guess I was furious at myself for losing you know. I mean Kolby was fierce, but my parents had always pressed me into thinking I was always destined to win. And well. Kolby was the first guy to show me that wasn't the case."

"Well it sounds like you are pretty sore over it. If it bugs you that much, next time Kolby comes back, take him out into the garden and have round two. If you win that time, respect. If not, ya tried. Either way you can bury the hatchet and move on with your life" As much as Carlisle didn't want to admit it, Hayden did speak some sense. In a really twisted kind of way.

"Thanks for the advice, but after already having my nose shattered for one day, I really don't want to have it rearranged again" Carlisle could only let out a chuckle at the situation he had found himself in now. This was certainly not what he had planned for the first day officially in charge.

"Yeah that was pretty savage. What was up with that? Like you got beef with Serena too?" This was a more loaded question this time. Hayden knew she was looking for a particular answer.

"Well again. That was a mistake. I don't hate Serena. We grew up together. As part of three families we were always together at functions and training. I have nothing against her. She is a powerful witch. Stopping her takes some serious work. More so if she gets in your head. She can cause you to act against your own survival instinct, and it's horrifying in a twisted way." Well that certainly wasn't the reaction that Hayden was after. She furrowed her brow lightly as Carlisle continued. "In a way, I feel threatened by her. The coven leadership is between Me, Serena and Lilith. And Serena is certainly a dangerous threat. Plus she is extremely good at getting people to side with her. When she is in a bad mood, you wanna stay away. Her fire powers can well. Burn. Harshly" It seemed that for Hayden there wasn't an awful lot she could push. Carlisle seemed well aware of his limitations and the strengths of Serena. She had secretly hoped to hire him in a scheme to piss the girl off, but he didn't seem to be screaming 'Revenge'

"Fair. Fair. I am just used to solving my problems head on. Mano el Mano you know. Someone has a problem with me, they can come speak to me and we can settle it." While this philosophy was certainly true for Hayden, what she neglected to tell anyone was that it was that mentality that forced her to flee New York.

" Please try your best not to start fights with the Coven members. We aren't exactly the most tight night bunch in the first place. And well. I don't want to be the one in charge when the coven falls apart. We might be dysfunctional, but if anyone in this coven was threatened. Even me… I hope so. Then the rest of the Coven would rise up to protect them."

"ight, don't worry, I won't start anything. Now go be a good boy and arrange all the party flowers in the right order. I'm out" Carlisle let out a bit of a huff. Hayden sure was a bit of an enigma. He couldn't quite work out what her intentions were. Or if any of them were good. Still. She was part of the witches family, so he would look after her. With the table now set, Carlisle just had to set up the sound system and things were ready to go. Although he did have to go get changed into some more comfortable clothes.

Location: Tanner Forest

Time: 12:02PM

It didn't seem to take long for everyone to regroup and inform Carlisle and the rest of the group what they found. Carlisle seemed to have lost most of the colour from his face as his brain began processing everything. Something was going on. He wasn't quite sure exactly, but a lycan curse, Werewolves appearing in the neighborhood, and the ruined shield. It almost felt like an invasion. But still Carlisle couldn't quite put the final pieces of information together. It was like he was missing something.

"So we have a dead Magi? That's going to complicate things. I suppose I had better inform Ty of that. I am sure the wonderful Guild will have questions they want answering…. And more paperwork." Scratching his head he began to try and muse the rest of it. " The barrier keeps getting torn to shreds, and I don't understand how they are doing it. I didn't know that Werewolves possessed the abilities to break down barriers? Well not barriers of this strength anyway. So how are they doing it? And thanks to Serena's and Erin's handy detective work, we now know that there are multiple of them. So we are dealing with a pack. Who apparently seem to have no issue camping close to the scene of the crime."

He took a moment to scan the surroundings, just making sure that they weren't being watched in any shape or form. "And also why curse me? What's the endgame with that one? I don't understand what you gain by cursing me? Serena or Lilith. That I understand. Either way you either remove the coven's most powerful evocater or diviner. Knocking out an Abjurer? You don't gain anything from that. I can't fight back in any way." Carlisle couldn't figure it out. And there was no point in trying to force it. He would eventually settle, remembering to try and stay calm otherwise the curse would take control of him once again.

”Alright everyone. Good job. Really good job. It is nice to see everyone come together and work on this. Even if it was very last minute. For now everyone can go and get ready for tonight. After what we have discovered, we all need a stiff drink and to loosen our hair somewhat” with a nervous smile and a bit of a nod, He watched as everyone began to file back towards the cars. Looking behind to the barrier, A concerned look overcame his face. Something was going on, He just needed to get to the bottom of this, before someone else got hurt. He whipped out his phone, texting Ty and also arranging for the body to be collected from the forest. Once he was done he would walk over to the rest of the group, getting a ride back to Tanner.
No dying lol

No promises.... *dramatic music*
@Hedgehawk@HaleyTheRandom Got inspired to make a second character.


Time: 12:20pm
Location: Coven Household

One by one the Coven began to filter out of the household. Even Kolby came up with an excuse to leave and 'do things', which usually signaled she was in the shit with him. Before she could try and stoke an argument out of him, he was gone too. For a moment, it seemed like Hayden was the only person in the entire coven household. Well, it would be rude not to have a look around wouldn't it. The first place she discovered was a door underneath one of the stairs in the hallway, looking like it leads into a basement. The door it seemed was doubly reinforced, fitted with several locks. Attached to the door was a note.

Please do not enter the basement. The last person who went in there is still missing and I don't want to have to endanger another search party

How could someone possibly get lost in the basement? They weren't exactly massive? Still, she had only met Carlisle for a few moments, but if he had reasons to put a padlock on a door, she was inclined to believe him. She was a rebel. She wasn't reckless. Well. Much. Moving around the ground floor corridors, she found an Alchemy lab, with evidence of liquids being spilled over the floor recently. The Coven kitchen was next: a sprawling room with a full breakfast bar, a normal sized dining table, and an array of countertops, complete with the black and white diamond grid tile flooring. She knew that the coven spared no expense. But this was something. She found two reception rooms on the ground floor too, both somehow having fireplaces, and elegantly long sofas.

She began to climb the main staircase, eager to see what else was around. On the second floor she found mostly bedrooms. Several of them were small pokey box rooms that simply held a bed and a drawer, designed for an overnight stay and nothing more. On the otherside of the house she found some larger bedroom, these ones looked more 'normal' with double beds and some extra living space. She eventually found what she could only assume was the master bedroom, which must have technically belonged to Carlisle now. It was a sweet room, with a large king-sized poster bed and more pillows than a pillow fort. It even had it's own en-suite. Carlisle clearly was living the high life.

Going back into the hallway, she was about to climb up the third floor, hoping to find more treasures, but was disturbed by the fact that she heard the front door open. Peering over the banister to see who it was, it was new people she didn't recognise. Must be some stragglers. Walking back down the stairs, Hayden would greet them.

"Hate to break it to you loves, but ya bit late. Carlisle and his posse has already gone and start doing some snooping shit or whateves. He did say there was a party later or something, so you can let him know you are back then" Before anyone could say anything, Hayden was half way back up the stairs. "Now if you excuse me, I have way more of this house to explore"
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