Avatar of Hedgehawk


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
1 like
9 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
9 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
9 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
1 like
1 yr ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts


yes i made another one. don't look at me like that.

Accepted! Here we go again!
Hopefully I've toned down enough of the problematic spots Hedgehawk and I spoke about enough; started losing creative steam when I touched on the personality segment. Open to making more adjustments if need be. This is mostly just to get something up in good faith.

Oh my god I never clicked post

Double accept
It has been two weeks since we started, we already have drama, a bunch of charaters, with some extra players in the work to! We have already reached 24 IC posts too, which is great. It looks like everyone is having a great time! It means alot to see everyone enjoying what we have in the works. I hope this carries on for a long time!
Me reading the latest posts

Everything is coming together nicely xD

Let the drama begin

A Collab between @Soufflegirl123 & @Hedgehawk
Featuring: Miles Price & Carlisle Aston

With Special guest: Aurora Newman

Miles led the start of the procession of the coven’s cars, zipping down the streets, windows down, blaring heavy music. Miles screamed along at the top of his lungs as he swerved between cars and threw the car around turns. It gave Miles a moment of peace where he could at least lessen how much calming energy he had to transfer to Carlisle, also a distraction for how drained he had found himself becoming.

After exiting the car Miles followed Carlisle to where the barrier sat. He’d seen that barrier many times in his life but it had always been a consistent force. Now? It was meshed with light blue hues that looked like bandaids slapped on a bullet hole. ”Oof, that looks rough,” Miles comments half to himself, taking in the view from the forest. Man, he was tired. Although Miles was rather adept in his powers it was rare he had to keep someone calm for 10 minutes, let alone the near hour this had been. Not only that but he found it getting harder and harder by the minute, probably the curses’ doing.

As Carlisle talked half to himself Miles surveyed the scene. Many had come with them but so far the atmosphere was tame enough. He looked over at Erin and Serena Please don’t try anything he muttered under his breath. Hoping enough time had passed for Carlisle to cool off, Miles started to release his spell little by little. Like lowering a heavy weight the temptation to let go all at once was strong and eventually Miles fell victim. Almost instantly Carlisle cracked damnit. Miles quickly reinstated the spell with a whimper, not even a true moment of relief.

After Carlisle finished speaking Aurora made her way to him first to talk. Miles hung back, allowing them to have their conversation. When they finished up Miles strided up to Carlisle, putting on a goofy smile in an attempt to hide how drained he truly felt. ”We’re gonna need a new plan, bud. I can’t keep this up forever,”

Carlisle breathed slowly, trying his best to simmer things down. He could see the exhausted look on Miles's face. A dwang of regret and sadness hit his heart. He felt bad for putting the pressure on Miles. He didn't ask for this, and he just stepped up to the plate.

"It's okay. I need to fix the barrier again. So I need to focus on that. Should give you time to rest up" Carlisle then listened to Aurora. She was only trying to help. And he could empathize with her. On a normal day, this would be a moment where he could have a heart to heart with someone. However even with the diminished affects from Miles, her words were winding him up. The barrier began to flicker once more for a brief moment, but with a deep breath he would center himself and restore order.

"I appreciate the concern Aurora. And I will be fine. I just have to work through some things and figure out where I want to be in the world. Rejection hurts." Carlisle turned away, instead going to focus on his job at repairing the barrier. Then he stopped. A thought just hit him like a truck. He turned back around to Aurora. " You set curses yet? Well look, this behaviour isn't me, it's a curse that it is making me act up. But I don't know what it is. Just that it does exist. Think you can take a look and see if you can identify it?" Carlisle asked. He motioned to Miles to lower his enchantments. It wasn't fair to keep draining his friend dry.

Miles gave Carlisle a weary look, he wasn't sure how solid this plan felt especially after how the last attempt went. However, he did slowly lower the enchantment, waiting for Aurora to do her thing before dropping it completely.

Seemingly, she wasn’t the only one that decided to hang back. Seeing Miles was also there. Looking between the two Warlocks, as Miles tried to keep Carlisle calm. The elder female didn’t want to impose on things. But she was well aware that his mood was bouncing up and down like a yoyo; even with her words of empathy. “I am sure you’ll figure it out. The world is your oyster as they say.” she said encouragingly. Even if it’d take someone ages to figure things out, they’d get there eventually. As he mentioned getting rejected. Aurora sighed softly. “I am sorry about Lil.” Not sure how to help him in that instance. It’s not like she could change Lilith’s mind. The girl was stubborn, when her mind was set on something. But she did want the girl to be happy. Maybe Lil just needed some time to realize her feelings. Aurora wasn’t the best at relationship advice. And she was certain that neither of them would want it. It wasn’t her place to intervene.

At the mention of Carlisle being cursed. Aurora’s concerned look grew. “Well, that’d certainly explain a bit.” she muttered. It took her a few moments to regain her composure, from the shocking news. “I’ve worked on plenty of curses. I should be able to see what it is.” As she informed him; she waited for Miles to lower his enchantments, before she used her detection magic. Her brows furrowed in concentration and concern, after she got intel on what the curse actually was. A slight glow appeared around the younger male, as she used her magic. Allowing her to see what she needed, for a few moments. Aurora then dropped her magic.

It wasn’t good. “It’s a Lycan curse.” She spoke as she looked between the two males. “But I don’t know how long it’ll take, before it takes full control.” If she had set the curse herself. Not that she’d curse her own coven member, she’d be able to tell him more about the curse. So for the most part she was left in the dark. Meaning, she couldn’t be of much help.

Deep in thought. Aurora wondered if there was something that she might be able to do, in helping him tackle the curse. It’d certainly be a challenge. But she was willing to try. “I can look more into it, and see what I can do to take it away. But there’s no guarantee. I usually know how to remove curses that I place on targets.” It was the least she could do for him; try and help in any way she could. Just like Miles was.

"Hang on. Just hang on. I am under the effect of a Lycan curse? Who would want to do that to me. Why? What's the end game?" Carlisle asked, seemingly confused as to what was going on. This made no sense. A witches curse? Sure. A Magi curse? It's a stretch, but a Lycan curse? Nah. That was near impossible. But here we were. Carlisle let out a soft sigh. "Let's just hope I don't turn into one hey"

With that he would smile and then thank Aurora for her work. Gripping Miles by the shoulder he would pull him over to the barrier. "I am really scared dude. A Lycan curse. It explains why I am losing my temper. God I am going to start sprawling hair next!"

”Alright, alright, calm down,” Miles says coolly, attempting to cover the fact he, too, was left worried and clueless. Miles was stumped to say the least, curses weren’t his field of expertise ”I mean, no extra hair yet from what I’ve seen so you gotta be safe for a while… right?” he muses. Miles watched his friend’s every move, prepared to calm him again if he lost his temper but hoping for precious moments of recovery.

"I haven't encountered a werewolf. So how was I cursed? An object I must have touched was cursed. But I can't figure out what. Carlisle would run his hands through his hair, wondering what the heck was going on. "I don't think it could be anyone in the coven right? Why would anyone curse me?"

Miles remained silent as Carlisle had his panicked moment. Man, I deserve a stiff drink tonight he couldn’t help but think to himself. What a day of being responsible, on his day off. Regardless, Miles thought about Carlisle’s predicament for a moment until a lightning bolt idea hit him. His eyes widened. ”Brooo, the book,”

It was almost like lightning to Carlisle too. He cupped his head in his hands with a deep sigh. "No… you are right. Lilith told me not to fucking touch the book. Was that her vision was about? " He lifted his head back up. "Dude she is going to tear me a new one. She was angry before, now if she finds out I am cursed from the book… I will never hear the end of it. Shit. You know what tje weird thing is about that book? I am fairly sure that it wasn't a restricted section book. I kinda remember reading it before in the normal section" Carlisle questioned his thoughts. Could it be true?

”Well I can guess why it’s restricted now. You enjoy that earful you’re about to get from Lilith,” Miles replies. He tried to remember everything he knew of werewolf curses which was, unfortunately, very little. ”So… what do we do now?” he asks.

"We don't tell Lilith. That's for sure. I need to try and see if I can fix the barrier first and foremost. Keep me company?" With that, Carlisle moved forward to the barrier proper. And once more for the second time in the same day, began to fix the barrier. His hands would glow a bright blue as he focused on pushing his energy into the barrier. For the first few minutes Carlisle was deathly silence as he kept the pressure up onto the repairing and sealing wounds on the barrier. Then as he started to feel drained he began to talk to try and distract himself from the discomfort he was feeling.
”Yeah, of course, bud. Anytime,” Miles replies. As Carlisle gets to work on the barrier Miles sets himself up a couple of metres away, against one of the large pine trees. Part of him wanted to take a nap, the morning as whole seemed to knock a lot out of him. However, the other half of him was weary that if he fell asleep the curse might overtake his friend and he’d never wake up. Instead he settled for just soaking in the scenery. He couldn’t help but be reminded of his teen years, all the parties and the training. The long afternoons he and Lilith would sit among the trees just enjoying each other's company when her grandpa John gave Miles a few too many dirty looks to stay on the ranch. Miles always reckoned her best writing happened in nature… and their best make out sessions.

"So I need to ask you for a favour Miles. And don't take this the wrong way…" With a sigh, he hung his head. He felt ashamed about asking, but Miles was far better suited to the task at hand. "Can you talk to Lil? See if you can help patch things up, maybe do that confidence trick where you hype someone up? I could really do with someone in my corner for this. Lilith is amazing. Like truly amazing. I think… I think… And this might sound cheesy, so don't laugh.. I think I love her"

Miles was snapped out of his thoughts by Carlisle speaking up. Chances were his friend was starting to get drained also. When he asked for a favour, Miles gave a shrug. ”Sure, man. Wassup?” That was when the question came, and what a loaded question it was. Miles didn’t know where to start. Part of him wanted to tell him he’d already somewhat defended Carlisle but he wouldn’t get away with it without giving deeper context which Carlisle really didn’t need. Not to mention Miles was confused about where he stood with his feelings for Lilith. It had been 6 years, he thought he was far past over her yet their meeting ignited something in him he hadn’t felt in years- and part of him was convinced it did the same for Lilith too.

At Carlisle’s mentioning about loving Lilith he forces a smile, filling it with all of his non-magical charm, ”I know, Car. You didn’t exactly keep it a secret,” he replies with a small chuckle. Miles remained silent for a moment, still trying to decide how to approach this question. ”Look, Car, I’m happy to try and talk to her but I don't know if I’m the best choice. I mean, you know we have history…” Miles gives a sigh. ”Look, I can see what I can do, I just don’t know if I can,”.

”No, No. You are right. Asking you to do it is a little over the top. I just messed up really badly. I know I am not exactly the suave, confident, good looking guy that she deserves. But I can protect her. I can look after her. I can make her life an awful lot better.” Carlisle then slid into overdrive, heavily pushing his magical energy into the barrier. He managed to finally seal it properly. As he let go of his power, Carlisle fell onto his knees as they gave way from the pressure, his lungs losing all air as he panted and gasped to try and recover from the sudden extraction of his magical energy. ”I… shouldn’t have….asked”

”Hey,” Miles says gently, getting up to join his friend’s side. ”Car, don’t be sorry. In fact, I’m glad you asked. I’m… I’m sorry I’m not much use. You know if the situation was any different, if it was anyone else I would do it no questions.” He throws an arm over his friend’s shoulders, offering his own to help him get back up. ”You’re a good guy, Carlisle. I’m sure Lilith with come to see that,” Those words hurt. They shouldn’t have. He’d already talked positively to both Lilith and Carlisle about being together. ”Besides, you 2 are good friends. And you’re… cool,” he tried to sound convinced. ”And being confident isn’t that hard,”

Carlisle got up with the help of Miles, holding onto his arm a little too much, gripping onto Miles bicep and realising just how much muscle was there. Once he was back onto his feet, he would let go and nod. ”Well, I appreciate the thought. I will just have to work up the courage to charm Lilith myself. Might go speak to Ty. Apparently he was quite the charmer in his younger years” Carlisle began to laugh as he imagined the situation of asking Ty for help, and seeing the older mans reaction. Wiping the side of mouth revealed a small amount of blood on his mouth. Nothing to worry about surely?

”Anyway. I wonder how everyone else has gotten on?” Carlisle asked s he let go of MIles proper and turned around to see if everyone had regrouped.

Time: 12:30pm

It seemed that everyone had made up their mind as to whether or not they were coming or going. It seemed like a good chunk of the Coven were coming to investigate. That was good. Carlisle was doing his best to remain as calm as he could. After Miles had revealed that his current outbursts were not of his own, he wondered how much of his behavior as of late had been influenced by this curse. He still couldn't quite believe that someone would really want to curse him. He couldn't work out what someone would gain. He knew that he had his doubters, but he wouldn’t call them enemies. Even Serena and Kobly wouldn’t hate him that much.

Leading the coven out of the household, the group got into their cars and Carlisle led them out to the outskirts of Tanner. The roads out here had turned to dirt, and eventually stopped completely. At this point the towering pine trees had surrounded them, making Tanner feel a million miles away. Carlisle pointed out the direction they were due to travel. It was far easier for him to retrace his footsteps when it was daylight as opposed to the darkness from last night. He could even see some of the bootprints he and Ty had left behind.

Carlisle guided the group to the clearing he came from last night. With a deep breath he found himself once more facing the blue hued barrier. To everyone else, it was clear that the barrier had been mended in some way. Carlisle's own barriers had a slightly different shade of blue compared to the rest of the barrier so it looked like someone had simply plastered a band-aid over the barrier. Inspecting it, Carlisle sighed. It looked like something had clawed at the patchwork too. They hadn't gotten all the way through, but there were scratches. It seemed whatever it was lurking around it came back to the scene of the crime after they left last night.

"The job looked an awful lot better when I did it last night. Guess I am going to have to spend some time reinforcing the barrier. God I wish Lilith was here. Her projection barrier might just give this the reinforcement that it needs. Now I am bonded to the barrier, I can feel when it has been damaged. My best guess is that I didn’t feel it getting damaged last night, as the barrier hasn’t fully bonded." Carlisle spoke out loud. Fully aware he wasn’t speaking to anyone but himself, but everyone around him could hear him nonetheless.

Turning back around to face the group, he suddenly felt it. For some reason or another, maybe Miles was exhausted, but the calming effect had ended on him, and the rage began to build up once more. He tried to focus on Lilith like he had done last time, but this time it didn’t seem to work. It was almost as if it had been bottled up while Miles had been claiming it, and now it wanted to explode out of him.

"Not that you know anyone actually cares? Just casually all turn up and be like 'Hey look it’s that loser Carlisle from high school, they put him in charge!' Carlisle would continue to rant senseless nonsense about how people didn't truly care or understand how hard things were for him. But to everyone else something different was happening behind Carlisle, as he was raging, the entire barrier was flickering, almost to the rhythm of Carlisle’s rage. As soon as Miles calmed him down once more, the barrier would stabilise, and everything would be seemingly back to normal.

"Okay. It's okay. I got this" Carlisle would take a deep breath. " Okay so everyone spread around and have a look around, see if you find something, though no going anywhere without a partner please! I will stay here and strengthen the barrier. You can also stay here and keep me company if you like!"


Is there any way I can reasonably play into the reluctant hero trope on this one?

Honestly, It would be possible. My big issue is that reluctant heroes tend to come across as overly edgey. You can certainly put together a character, I won't stop you. But I would say that at the very least, they must have been a part of the Coven beforehand.

Everyone Returns to the Coven. Things have already kicked off.

Werewolves have breached the Tanner barrier, Carlisle gets cursed, and now a party is in full swing. Things can't get worse can they?
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