Avatar of Hedgehawk


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
1 like
9 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
9 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
9 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
1 like
1 yr ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Hedgehawk>

Awesome. Working on a character now. Wondering though, if there's room for a character that comes into the coven as an outsider? Like no relation to anyone currently or previously in the fold? Someone who doesn't realize that things they've been able to do are because of magic?

We have had several character concepts like that floating around. The big issue with this is that while the character concept is neat, the players end up getting bored because of the fact they are a outsider and then as such aren't included as much. SO while you are more than welcome to try and make a character fit that profile, the acceptance bar is alot higher than someone who is already in the coven and returning from College.

As for the not knowing thing. Magic passes down, so at least one parent needs to be a witch, SO they would know something about it. And if the parent wasn't around the Covens would pick them up and adopt them. The risk of exposed Magic is too high. Either the witches or the magi would intervene.
You all still accepting characters? Or at least willing to take a submission for someone to jump in if someone drops out?

Still accepting if you wanna join!
@everyone Thank you so much for taking part in this! I honestly didn't think so many people would bite!

So we are getting towards the end of the first scene where we will split into those investigating the ward, and those who are staying behind to do whatever they want to do. Joining the investigation party is not mandatory, and if you would rather do other posts exploring your character or their life, or collabing with those who did not go also, then you certainly can!

For now, this is your soft warning to get all the posts that you want before we move on. If you have completed everything for your characters. Then please give me like reaction. That way I will know when to push the scence forward and new things will unfold.

FYI, I will be messaging your about your characters over the next couple of days. Don't tell what I have told you to anyone else 🤫

Also, submissions for characters are still open. So if have been lurking, feel free to hop on board!

A Collab between @Hedgehawk & @Soufflegirl123
Featuring: Carlisle Aston& Miles Price
Location: Alchemy Lab
Interactions: Mostly themselves.

Carlisle entered the Alchemy lab from the otherside of the verdana, Completely unawares of what was unfolding outside. Holding the edge of his nose to contain some of the blood falling from it, he walked over to a cupboard on the opposite side of the room, opening it haphazardly as he stared at the rows of vials inside. It was truly a rainbow cupboard, with many different colours and consistencies. Most of them haphazardly labeled. Someone thought mixing poisons and healing potions was a good idea.

With a soft groan, Carlisle fished out a small looking pink vial and popped it open taking a quick swig of the potion. He nearly wretched as he swallowed, it looked nice, but it tasted horrible. A few seconds later, the bleeding stopped and the nose would set back in place. With a sigh he would toss the empty vial across the room and into a bin, hearing a satisfying smash as it crashed onto the bin and shattered, the shards dropping into the bag. Carlisle then walked over to the pewter cauldron that rested in the middle of the room. Looking inside to see his own face reflecting back at him through the crystal water.

His insides were churning. He didn't know how he felt right now. Embarrassment, regret, rage, upset. Every kind of emotion one could feel was swirling around both his stomach and his mind. "Why am I so stupid?", "Did you really think she was going to fall for you?" At that thought, the rage in him boiled over. He would place his hands onto the sides of the cauldron and with an exhausted but also raged up yell, tossed the cauldron to the side, letting the liquid spill all over the floor. "Feel better?"

Placing his hands on his head, Carlisle began pacing the room, the occasional squelch to be heard as his shoes pressed on parts of the wet floor. He needed guidance. Normally that would be Lilith. "Fuck". With a sigh he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Settling on Lilith his hand hovered there for a second, the urge to say something. Anything. Was building up. He was able to suppress the urge and push further down until it stopped at Miles. This could work. His thumbs began to move as he wrote out a simple text:

"Dude, I fucked up"

Miles watched as Lilith walked back into the dining hall where everyone else remained. He could have sworn she almost reached for his hand but maybe that was all in his head. As she stepped further away from him and into the house. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, Miles was sure he had felt it buzz only moments after Lilith had released her embrace but waited until their conversation was over.

On seeing Carlisle’s name at the top of the notification Miles couldn’t help but feel a slight pit in his stomach, did he mess up? He shook the notion away, since when did he care about these things anyway? Sure, Carlisle was a good friend- it didn’t matter, Miles had decided, reconnecting with a friend was no slight at Carlisle. His eyes fluttered to the message. Obviously a rejection it seemed.

Where r u he messages back

Miles was normally quite fast to text back, at least in most of Carlisle's experiences. It seemed strange that he had to wait a few minutes for a response to come back. By this time Carlisle had worked himself even more, pacing more furiously as the weight of his expectations began weighing him down more and more. With a brief deep breath, Carlisle centered himself long enough to send a single text back:

Alchemy Lab

Miles replied with a simple coming and gave a sigh, slipping his phone into his pocket. No rest for the wicked it seemed. He branched off the straight path down the hallway to head toward the alchemy lab unable to help but smile at himself at the prospect that it almost seemed he was sparing the ‘question’ Lilith had mentioned prior.

He soon reached the Alchemy lab and pushed open the door while calling out ”It’s me, Car,” Before him was a sight to behold. Carlisle, although seemingly healed, looked rough. The cauldron had been overturned but the floor looked incredibly sticky much like the floor in a club by the end of the night. ”Damn, Car, are you alright?” he asks, entering the room and closing the door behind him.

Seeing Miles entering the room Carlisle almost wanted to scream. He pulled on his hair slightly as he carried on pacing up and down the room. "I fucked up Miles. I screwed up. Big time. Fucking big time. I pretty much confessed to Lilith. While being chastised by her. What the fuck was I thinking!" With that Carlisle kicked the cauldron. His foot regretted it almost immediately.

”Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, bud,” Miles says, putting an arm across Carlisle’s shoulders. ”I think both you- and the pot- have been through enough already today. Come on, sit down,” he chuckles, leading his friend to a chair in the room. He fought the urge to tell his friend he knew of the rejection already but even he knew that was the last thing Carlisle needed right now. ”I mean, if you end up dating Lilith you’ll get used to badly timed chastising anyway,” he half mumbles as he slips himself onto a counter. ”Tell me though, what happened?”

"A few weeks ago, Lilith told me about a vision she had. She warned me bout a book in the libraries restricted section that I shouldn't touch. So I went and had a look and it was about divination and spirits." Carilse would lean back into the chair. His left leg shaking as he was trying to compose the overflowing emotions in his body. " It's not my place to say, but Lilith has been going through shit, and I thought maybe the book could help. If I understood how her magic works, maybe I could help. Maybe I could make a dispel magic spell that fixes everything. So I read it. It was enlightening, but didn't really help. So I put it back. And well. Lilith being Lilith, found out. So she came over to have a go at me for doing it. And in the middle of it all. I kind of admitted that I did it because I like her and wanted to protect her." Carlisle leaned forward throwing his head into his hands as she took a deep sigh. " I am so fucking stupid"

”Oh, so you do like her?” Miles teases, a triumphant smile spreading on his face that screamed ‘I told you so’. He hid the part of him that felt a twinge of sadness that him and his best friend would likely have their friendship perturbed with how they both liked Lily. Miles didn’t intend for it all to get so messed up. He gave himself a moment to process all the information Carlisle had dumped on him.

”In all fairness, why does the library even have a restricted section? It’s like, just don’t house the book on display?” he gives a chuckle before his face falls to become more serious. ”I’m going to be honest, Car, may have not been your brightest idea but, hey, good on you for giving it a go. Girls rejecting you is part of life, her loss. Does… urr… reading the book have any consequences? You have been more… how do I put it… irritable? Angry? Whatever it is you’ve been a bit off recently,”

"Of course I like her. I wouldn't have said anything if I didn't. I don't know… When you stayed behind and I had to come back here alone, It was nice to have Lilith around. We were the only two from the same year kind of. And as we hung out more over the past couple of years, I felt myself get closer to her. She is such a calming influence. With all the shit about retirement and my mother… She guided me. I owe her more than she will ever know. So to see her angry at me. It hurts. It almost burns" Carlisle's voice dropped lower. His body language softened, everything was as calm as an gentle ocean. Even if he was nervous. However he snapped out of it the second Miles spoke once more.

"Most of the books are just garbage. It's mostlt old spells or things that while not dangerous on their own. When combined with other things could cause trouble. And I don't know about the book. Admittedly I didn't cast dispell magic on it before using it. And I can't cast detect magic on myself. So I couldn't tell you." Then Miles turned the subject over to his anger, and in a click of switch, that anger returned. " Oh really!? Angry? I wonder why that would be. I don't know, maybe the fucking pressure of dealing with taking over the coven, dealing with the morons that now work here. Then I have Serena parading around, and then Lilith rejects me. Don't event get me started on the pressure of rebuilding my social life after my best friend decides to stay behind!"

At Carlisle’s admission he liked Lilith, Miles gave a forced smile, ”It's just good to finally hear it in words rather than reading between the lines,” Miles replies. Suddenly Carlisle snapped. Miles pursed his lips. Truly, he did miss his friend when Carlisle returned to Tanner but no one made him go back. The man really had changed recently. Although Miles was tempted to blame it on passing time, he had been back in Tanner for 6 months and it was only really in the last one he had noticed these changes. Still, at the attack on Miles’ choice to stay he looked right up at his friend.

”Whoa, dude. No one made you leave Olympia, that was your choice. You know I had a job there. I invited you to live with me until you had an income. It’s not my-” Miles had noticed that the volume of his voice was escalating louder and louder. He stopped, took a breath and calmed himself before continuing. ”Look, I’m sorry you felt alone, I am. But you can’t blame me for the outcomes of your choices,”

Carlisle scoffed at his remark. So this was how he was going to be. Miles finally showed his true colours. "I couldn't stay in Olympia. The embarrassment of dropping out. Everyone saying things behind your back. It was toxic. Plus my parents wouldn't let me stay once I dropped. But no. You couldn't understand that. You had it easy. You don't know what it is like to have such overbearing parents. Constantly wanting you to do better, be better. Cause heaven forbid another person your age might, just might, be better than you at leading the coven." During the whole triade, Carlisle's voice got louder and louder, until it finally trailed back to silence. Carlisle's breath was heavy, slowing down and becoming more methodical, like he was trying to regain control. His mind was centering back to Lilith, and the thoughts of the past summer.

Miles was taken aback by Carlisle’s rage, usually in situations like this Carlisle would hide away like a scared puppy. It was rare for him to raise his voice, let alone have a long outburst like this. ”Everyone? Really, Car? Did I judge you? How about Chris or Trin? Your problem, Carlisle, is you care too much about what everyone thinks about you!” Miles argues, imbuing his words with calming magic, not enough to control his friend but just enough to avoid Carlisle exploding at his response. He hated using magic on his friends but with how… touchy his friend had become it felt like a necessary measure. ”You don’t think people judged me too? Don’t act like you don’t know. Here comes that bastard boy of Tanner to drink all our liquor and sleep with our daughters. Oh, he dropped out? Of course he did, not a sober thought between those ears, that boy. The difference between you and me, Car, doesn’t lie in the weight of others expectations but how much we care about what people think and you, buddy, simply care too much,”

"Look…" Carlisle spoke. His voice now much softer. "I don't expect anyone else to understand. The weight of expectations that roll on my shoulders, its enough to crush most people. Lilith was my escape. The catalyst that allowed me to center myself. And I am sure we will still be friends, but today… Today that has been tainted. There will always be that black spot there, a pool of sad emotion and anger. I am scared Miles. I don't think I am strong enough to be the person everyone wants or expects me to be." His voice trailed off at the end, as his skin began to go whiter than it already was.

”Car,” Miles starts before carefully picking the words he wanted to say, ”Bud, you are one of the strongest people I know. There’s a lot riding on you but, realistically, a lot of that burden you’re carrying is due to yourself. You just… you just need to let go sometimes. Not be concerned with how people see you. You’re a badass leader, you’ll do fine. Might be worth finding a new centre, maybe on something less fluid than a possible relationship. Or may-” Miles’ stream of words cut off mid-sentence. His friend wasn’t like this. Carlisle was somewhat of a wildcard, yes, but this anger, this irritability, it was never part of his emotional roster. ”Car, do you mind if I try something real quick?”

Carlisle looked over at Miles while he was talking. He wanted to get angry again. It was bubbling up inside, threatening to spill once more, only to then be magically soothed. It wasn't a fix, but it stopped Carlisle from flipping his lid again. He forgot that Miles was really adept at manipulating certain emotions. Maybe that was why no one really hated him? "Maybe you are right. But as a leader, I get judged by what I do. Regardless of how well it goes. But I digress. Try what you want?" Carlisle shrugged his shoulders real quick, confused and what Miles was going to try next.

”Just, gimme a sec, I haven’t done this in a while,” Miles replies, rolling up his sleeves. He lifts his arms in front of him and closes his eyes. In truth, Miles didn’t need all the pomp to cast the spell but it did make things more fun. He opens his eyes as he casts a spell toward the man in front of him; detect magic. A grey aura only Miles could see illuminated where Carlisle’s brain and heart lie. ”Welp, that’s not good,” Miles mutters.

"What's not good?" Carlisle responded right away. Only a second later for the penny to drop as he began to feel the spell. "Wait… Are you casting detect magic on me?" He could feel Miles' own energy interacting with his own. "I mean I have magic. So what possibly is there to detect?"

”I don’t know if you know this, bud, but you’re cursed. I would say it’s not that’s always bad, left a girl in Olympia hanging once and she cursed me so I couldn’t taste for a week, that sucked but the way you’ve been acting, I think it may not be that innocent,”

Carlisle almost jumped out of his seat. "Who the hell would want to curse me! ?" More rage began to build, though this was more explosive. Almost like a failsafe. His mind was telling him to attack Miles. But as soon as it exploded, it simmered down again, and Carlisle lowered his hands that were at that point starting to raised towards Miles. "Okay… So maybe something is up. But what do you gain by cursing me? And how?"

Not that there was ever a time Miles regretted using his charming abilities but there were few he was thankful for more than this. In his position Miles would have essentially been dead meat, unable to run. He made a note to be constantly keeping his friend in check. Since when was he the responsible one? ”I don’t know, man. That’s probably a better question for a witch or something. All I can tell you is you’re cursed in a not good way. And supposedly the curse hates me for some reason,” He replies with a shrug. ”I guess for now the best we can do is keep you calmed and try and regroup to figure it out later, hopefully with someone better at this stuff than me cus, damn, my brain is fried.”

"I don't think it hates you. It's probably some sort of self defense mechanism about being spotted. Mother was really good at them" Carilse then gave off a small smile. "You know when Lilith finds out I am never hearing the end of this right?" He would then grab the cauldron and rest it back where it belonged. "Okay, just gotta stay calm. Investigate what's going on, and hey, maybe see what this is all about." Carlisle then grasped onto Miles hands to half shake it, half hold it. "Thanks for looking after me. I couldn't ask for a better best friend"

With that, Carlisle began walking towards the exit, his hand resting on the handle. "Remember when we kept trying to find theme songs to our lives… and I could never find one. I think I got it now. Paramore - Pressure. Fits perfectly" He gave off a goofy grin, for a brief moment the old Carlisle was back. He pulled on the handle and opened the door for them to leave.

Carlisle walked out and headed back to the dining hall. Now with a flashy new, repaired nose. Hopefully Serena wouldn't break this one. He kept Lilith on his mind, just incase the calming aura from Miles suddenly wore off. He couldn't keep it up forever. "Okay everyone. I apologise for the delay. As you can see, I have fixed my nose." He would then look over at Serena "I Do apologise for suddenly snapping and being sassy. I know that coming back here is.. Tough, and I am here to help in anyway I can. Speaking of helping. He would then turn to face everyone.

" As a way of saying sorry for what just happened, and to reintroduce ourselves, I think we should have a party here tonight. 7pm start. I have control of the Coven budget, so I can buy the drinks. Just leave a list in the kitchen of the stuff you want buying" This was it. Carlisle was back. It felt good.

Time: 11:12am
Location: Coven Household Dining Hall
Interactions: Carlisle > Serena @HaleyTheRandom

It seemed that Carlisle did roll over pretty easily. Hayden had thought that she was going to have to threaten Carlisle with violence. But it seemed that he caved. She would shrug her shoulders and simply sit down in a chair. She was enjoying the little spectacle that was unfolding. She didn’t think that the little leader had it in him though to sass back at Serena. A small smirk tugged at her lips. Serena had it coming. Maybe she could use Carlisle to keep poking at Serena.

She carefully listened to Carlisle’s little introduction. It was clear that he was really nervous about leading the group. Even in his body language, he didn’t seem to have the confidence of a true leader. Hayden was just about to get bored when Carlisle finished his speech.

”Yeah, I am not really a school trip kind of person. So I will just stay here and get accustomed to the house. So you go ahead, and I will make myself comfortable!” Hayden was just about to put her feet on the table, when all of the sudden, out of nowhere, Carlisle seemed to headbutt the table for no reason whatsoever. Even quicker was the fact that Lilith suddenly dashed across the table and tried to claw her hand across Serena’s face.

”Finally things are starting to get interesting. I thought things were going to be really boring here” Sadly Kolby interjected and grabbed the small girl before she could spill any of Serena’s blood. Still. At least she got to see some of the show. ”Wow, Serena, You haven’t been here five minutes and you have already fucked things up. It is almost like New York all over again”

With a larger smirk she would finally place her boots on the table and looked over at little old Lilith and Carlisle moving outside. ”Wonder what they are getting upto?” Hayden would then rest her arms behind her head, taking in the energy and simply relaxing. She had an exhausting flight to get here, and now she just simply wanted to unwind.


In need of one more?

If you want submit a character then by all means feel free!
<Snipped quote by Hedgehawk>

Lemme formulate some ideas and get back to ya! 😇

No problem! Feel free to join the discord if you wanna bounce ideas off people. My advice would be to keep it simple. Everyone is from Tanner so will know everyone else.
Still accepting, you say? 👀🤔

Yep still accepting!
I might apply myself later, with a better character concept this time. IF or when you get openings.

You are more than welcome to apply, we have spots still open!
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