My ears are still ringing from being blasted by that sonic weapon as I swing through the snowflakes trying to catch up to the getaway van. Whatever that weapon is, it's potent. While it may not have killed anyone tonight, thank god, it could, if the person wielding it really wanted it to. The question is who that person is, and where he got it from.
"Gwen," Dad's voice comes floating through the comms system in my mask. It sounds faint, however, like it's filtering through a few feet of water. Thanks, super-weapon-wielding robber. I'll probably have a crazy amount of tinnitus after this.
"Are you okay? I assume you were in that blast?""Yea, I was," I respond, trying to make my ears pop and maybe get back some of my senses.
"So you know how you always worried the drums would hurt my hearing? Well, it seems like super-heroics are going to be the thing that finally finishes them off. Hooray.""Well we can worry about that later," he chuckles softly.
"Do you have a beat on the van? We have to get this guy off the streets.""Uhhh gimme a minute or two and I'll get back to you," I respond sheepishly.
"You let him go?" he asks with a sarcastic tone.
"That's so unlike you.""Hey, I got shot with some weird sonic blast," I grumble as I continue to swing.
"Even Godzilla gets knocked down by Rodan now and again.""That Parker boy has been a bad influence on you.""I'll let you know when I find him."Following the last trajectory I saw the van on, I swing as fast as I can. If there's one thing I know I can do well is move through the city with ease. The swinging has become a second nature to me, and the city is my playground. It's helped the few times I've come in contact with the Goblin patrols as well. Those things are strong, but they can't catch me. I'm better than they are, Norman Osborn's genius be damned.
A few blocks from where the guy put me down, I spot the van, speeding through the empty streets of New York. Thanks to the Holiday as well as the warning for citizens to stay inside, the gang has free reign of the roads, aiding their escape attempt. Unlucky for them, they have Spider-Woman on their tail.
I swing in low towards the van, the snow flying by me like I'm jumping into hyperspace. Before I can hop onto the back of the van and take a ride to where ever these guys are hanging out, the guy in the costume and the fancy gloves flings open the van's back doors. Warning bells go off in my head before he fires, allowing me to pull up and get out of the way. He lets loose with the gauntlets, and I feel the wave rippled through the air, even though it doesn't hit me. What it does hit is the building next to me, shattering the windows and showering me with shards of glass.
The blast may not have hit me, but it does send me off course. I flail wildly in the air before finally securing another webline to another building face. Looking up, I see that the van has put some ground between me and it. The other thing that catches my eye is that the guy in the quilt is about to fire at me again. Instead, he turns and fires at a cop car that skids around the corner towards the van. The blast hits the hood of the car, crumpling it like the hand of God slammed down on it.
Before it can land on its hood, I swing underneath it and catch the car. My knees scream under the stress of the weight of the car, but I'm able to put the car down gently on its side. Peering inside, I can see that the officers are okay. They may not be my biggest fan, but I'm still not gonna let anyone get killed on my watch. That's not what Spider-Woman does.
I turn and give chase once again. This guy is not going to be stopping any time soon. If I can get him off the streets tonight, maybe I can at least guarantee that he doesn't strike when the streets are full of people and more likely to lead to a casualty.
As I soar through the air, however, a beep rings through my ear piece, and I know that I'm in trouble.
"Goblin patrol approaching."My Spider Sense explodes with warning, but too late. Either the snow has interfered with WEB's ability to track the Goblins at a long range, or the showdown with the bank robbers kept me too distracted to hear them coming. But the whir of the glider's engine fills my ears, and I know I don't have the time to escape them this time.
The hard, metal body of the Goblin robot slams into me, its glider going nearly its full speed. I can't manage to break free of the grip, which is like a vice around my waste. The snow and wind rush around us as we make an abrupt turn upwards towards the skyline. We crest over the roof, and I manage to fire a wad of webbing into its viewfinder. In order to clean itself off, it lets me go, and I drop to the rooftop.
I go to try and run, but instead find myself staring down two of the orange ones. The green one that captured me is the leader. The computer nexus for its group. Usually there are two to three orange ones for every green one, and at least this time I got lucky and this is only a group of three.
The sound of their weapons charging up fills the air, so maybe "lucky" isn't the optimal word.
Whatever the situation can be called, one thing is for sure. Norman Osborn has me cornered on Christmas night.
And he's out for my blood.