___________________________________ •• ━━━━━━━ ☕︎ • ✉︎ ━━━━━━━ ••𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚋 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙴𝚛𝚒𝚗 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎 @Vicier • 𝙴𝚣𝚛𝚊 𝙶𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚖 • 𝚃𝚢𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚁𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚔•• ━━━━━━━ ☕︎ • ✉︎ ━━━━━━━ ••𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙴𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝙾𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 • 𝙴𝚣𝚛𝚊 𝙶𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚖•• ━━━━━━━ ☕︎ • ✉︎ ━━━━━━━ •• •• ━━━━━━━ ☕︎ • ✉︎ ━━━━━━━ ••𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙳𝚎𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚜 𝙲𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚗 • 𝙴𝚣𝚛𝚊'𝚜 𝚃𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚘𝚛 (𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝)•• ━━━━━━━ ☕︎ • ✉︎ ━━━━━━━ ••𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 ".. 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚎.. 𝙴𝚜𝚍𝚛𝚊.." • "..𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞.. 𝙴𝚣𝚛𝚊.." "𝙼𝚒𝚘" • "𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚎"•• ━━━━━━━ ☕︎ • ✉︎ ━━━━━━━ •• ___________________________________ |
•• ━━━━━━━━━━━ ☕︎ • ✉︎ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ••
After having made himself scarce and busied himself upstairs drawing up some new traditional tattoo draw-ups for his portfolio, he'd waited till he'd received an 'all-clear' message from Erin to even start on the bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich he had promised to make her. It was a good thing the walls of his tattoo parlor downstairs were soundproof; otherwise he'd demand that Erin pay for his therapy after gods only knew what went on down there while he was gone. With the reassurance that things had been kept to the tattoo chair where Tyler was promptly passed out in clothed, thank the gods, Ezra simply gave her a look before pulling all the supplies he needed to start on his si— no; his forearm tattoo.
Ezra hadn't bothered to wake Tyler from his deep slumber while he inked his arm, giving himself and Erin time to spill some metaphorical tea and discuss where things would be going for the two lovebirds from here. If the two had even discussed it, or had just... gotten down to business on finally cashing on all the ever-so obvious sexual tension that had been between the two of them for the last couple years. Once finished with the tattoo, Ezra sprayed down Tyler's forearm with the After Inked Ink Seal Spray before gently wiping it down to then wrap it up in some plastic wrap just as an added protection. Turning his gaze over to Erin as he sat back on his stool, Ezra quirked a brow at her with a little smirk.
"So.. you ready for yours, then? Figure he's got a lot of sleep to catch up on. He'll keep. You wanna climb up on the table here and lay on the side you're not getting it on, for me?"
Chewing, slowly, on the last bite of her second attempt at breakfast that morning; the daughter of Hades took her time in finishing what was in her mouth. Unable to bring herself to meet her best friends eyes for more than a few short seconds at a time as she rose from her perch. Having returned to it only when she was sure that herself and Tyler were decent enough for Ezra to return in the first place. Taking a moment to brush her palms down on her shorts, she crossed them over her stomach. Fingers curling around the hem as she made short work of removing the only article of clothing aside from her underwear and shorts, of course that she’d pulled back on after her and Tyler’s spicy little encounter.
Letting the stolen hoodie fall to the ground as she walked; Erin continued right past it. Arm lifting to wrap across her bare chest, giving herself at least a small bit of modesty not that she really cared about that stuff as she made to do as she was told. Lounging on her left side, with her right side facing up as she eventually managed to situate herself on the table.
“.. I, uhm.. I will pay to replace that chair.. promise..”
Ezra turned his back to her to allow her the time to get the hoodie off and situate herself properly while he set himself up with fresh supplies, filling his spray bottle with new cleanser and opening up a brand new needle out of a fresh package. It wasn't until he heard the creaking from the table stop, knowing that she'd settled in her spot, that he finally turned around to face her, setting up all of his supplies in front of her. A soft chuckle passed through his lips, shaking his head.
"Don't worry about it. You can keep it, though. I'll never look at it the same again." Another small chuckle left him as he pulled his stool up, sitting down at the edge of the table. Taking the spray bottle and some paper towels, he sprayed her side down and wiped it down firmly before picking up his tattoo gun to get to work.
"So.. you excited for the season's first game of Cap the Flag later..?" Ezra tried to hold back a laugh, knowing she definitely was not looking forward to it, but he couldn't hold the corners of his lips curling up in a slight smirk at his teasing her. It was just something they did. Much like a couple of siblings, they constantly teased one another. For all intents and purposes, Erin Chase was most definitely like a faux sister to him. He had to fulfill his 'brotherly duties' by giving her a good ribbing every now and again.
“.. like Tartarus, I am.”
An unmistakable smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, despite however small it might have been, Erin couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the very obvious attempt at poking fun in her direction. Capture the Flag, much like every other physical activity the camp planned out, was simply not her thing. She hated it. With a vehement passion. And thus, whenever had the choice, the one she made was to always sit out on the sidelines, silently cheering for those of her friends who were brave or stupid enough to participate. Either that or she simply hid away in her cabin. Working on her art.
It was a win-win in her book.
“But way to segue the subject.” Chuckling softly, the dark haired girl closed her eyes. A soft, and more than content, sigh passing through her lips as she settled in for her most recent ‘therapy session’.
"Thought I'd give it the old college try." Ezra smirked a bit, keeping his eyes on his work as he continued to ink her side, occasionally stopping to spray it down and wipe off the excess blood and ink. After just a little over an hour, Ezra had finished up free-handing the Deathly Hallows doe counterpart to Tyler's buck. While his was a blue gradient with the word 'protego', hers was a pink gradient with the word 'always'. Though he couldn't exactly wrap her side in plastic wrap, he did have large, clear, waterproof bandages to cover up her tattoo to keep it from getting dirty. She already knew the procedure. She'd let it breathe in a few hours as he reminded her every so often. Today wasn't one of those times, though. Instead, he sat back on his stool with a small smile.
"This is a good look on you, you know," motioning behind him to the boy who he could hear still sleeping behind him, his eyes remained focused on hers. "I know you know, but.. he's good for you. He barely got here this morning and already you feel so much more relaxed, and just your aura alone when he's around... It's cute as fuck, Er." Ezra chuckled softly, folding his arms over his chest with a slight head tilt at her as his smile grew a little bit wider.
"You wanna wake up your loverboy..? Wouldn't want him to oversleep.. and I gotta get a picture of your guys' tats together."
“.. I know it’s cheesy as all hell to say, but..” Hesitating a moment, Erin let her dark gaze drift over her, for the best of wording, brother’s shoulder. The warm Earthen hues settling upon Ty’s sleeping figure in the chair behind him a moment before she finally tore them away. Bringing her attention back to Ezra as she sat herself up over the table, “Ez.. I haven’t felt like this before. Ever. When he’s here, I feel.. complete, and when he’s not.. Well, you know firsthand how I get. But even when he’s not around I-.. sometimes, even for a moment, I consider chasing after him..”
Drawing her lower lip into her mouth, she trapped it between her teeth. The admission hanging between them in the comfortable silence, only broken by the gentle breathing of Tyler as he continued to catch up on the sleep that he’d been missing. It almost felt a shame to wake him up; but she knew she couldn’t let him stay like that. And if he was still tired by the time they’d returned to either of their cabins, well.. There was nothing stopping him from taking a nap if that’s what he wanted to do.
Finally breaking her eyes from Ezra’s; it was half a beat later that Erin slid herself down from the table she’d been posted on. Arm once more wrapping across her chest to cover it up as the balls of her feet hit the ground. Carrying her over to where she’d left the literal love of her life. And reaching out towards him, Erin ran her fingers gently through his hair. Pushing it back and off his face before switching to giving his shoulder a light shake, “.. Ty.. it’s time to wake up. Ezra’s finished..”
Inhaling deeply, Tyler’s eyes lazily fluttered open before he was taking in his surroundings, his eyes connecting with Erin’s soft hazels. A soft smile spread across his face as he shifted in his seat, stretching himself out with a soft groan that quickly got cut short when he found himself catching Ezra’s gaze. The slight chuckle from the son of Deimos had Tyler’s face burning bright red, averting his gaze from Ezra’s to meet back with Erin’s. A shy smile slowly pulled at the corner of his lips as he stared up into her eyes.
”How long have I been o-“ Catching the shine from the plastic wrap on his arm, he glanced down to look at the new ink on his forearm, smiling wide. ”Oh. Shit,” he chuckles softly, peeking over at Erin’s side to check hers out.
”Wow. I mean, as always, it looks great.” Tyler peeked around Erin again — this time on purpose — following Ezra’s movements as he started putting everything away. ”Thank you, man.”
“.. Come on. Ez wants to get a photo for his portfolio.” Touch having slipped from his shoulder, Erin instead let it linger against his chest. Her eyes holding onto his a few moments longer before she eventually let them fall away, a light blush coloring her cheeks. Motioning lightly for him to follow, she stepped away from the chair altogether. Taking a few steps back before turning around to glance over at Ezra. Watching on as he cleaned up his gear, “.. anywhere in particular that you want us..?”
Tyler nodded, quickly standing to his feet to follow her lead, stretching himself out with a soft little groan before glancing between the two. With Ezra's back still turned to them, and Erin's now facing him as well, Tyler stepped up just behind her to slip his hands over her hips tenderly. With his hands on her, he leaned in to nuzzle her at the crook of her neck with a shy little grin, lightly kissing her neck before pulling his eyes up to meet the back of Ezra's head to await his answer to her question so he could move accordingly.
Tossing away the last of the wrapper trash into his designated waste bin, he then made sure all his cabinets and drawers were closed before turning around to face the couple. Looking them both over for a minute, he turned his head and motioned towards his desk, already moving to get out of their way so they could then follow him.
"Over here, and uh.. stand just like that, but Tyler, if you could just extend your arm out so that your ink's together? I think this desk light will light it up nicely."
His touch was like fire. Heat rising under the surface of her skin, spreading through every inch of her body with each gentle caress setting her alight. Gods.. how was she going to survive this..? He was driving her insane. She’d dabbled, sure. On occasion. And while she’d never tried heroin, she was pretty fucking sure this was what it felt like. Tyler’s touch was just so inexplicably desirable, and by Dionysus, she was glad to be an addict.
Lips parting slightly as she felt his gentle kiss against her neck; Erin found herself reaching her free hand across her body. Fingers curling lightly against the back of his hand. Though at the sound of Ezra’s voice cutting through her current train of thought; she turned her head. Looking over to where he was motioning for them to stand. Over by the desk; tattoo’s together. Simple enough.
“.. you got it..”
Dark eyes drawing up to gaze towards the gorgeous blues, hand slipping into his, the daughter of Hades laced her fingers with Tyler’s. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze before she began leading him over to the desk. Turning around to face him completely only once they stood by it; Erin closed what little gap was left between them. The arm giving her even the smallest bit of modesty falling away as she pressed her body flush against his. Her bare chest resting against his chest as she lifted her hand, laying it gently over his shoulder, “.. hold your arm down by my side.. Mio..”
The dark-haired boy held Erin's eyes for what seemed like forever before he finally came back to life, smiling sheepishly at her as he nodded and complied with what she had asked him to do. Dropping his freshly inked arm down beside her, his other arm wrapping around her, fingers curling around her midsection hesitantly. It was almost immediate-- her correction of his hand position -- gently moving his hand up from her middle to instead cup over her breast, providing her with a bit more modesty than just pressing herself against him.
Tyler could feel the heat throughout his face, all the way out to his ears. He started to say something, almost a form of an objection -though what could he possibly object to..?- but Erin's voice and smile, soft and reassuring, stopped him dead in his tracks.
"..it's okay, Mio.."
He held her eyes for a few quiet moments before nodding, offering a soft smile of acceptance, readjusting his hold on her with a bit more confidence this time. The son of Hermes continued to hold her gaze, though he loved looking into her hazel eyes, it was primarily so he didn't have to meet Ezra's. Erin and Tyler had had plenty moments of closeness before, but never this close. Not like the kind they'd shared today. Gods only knew how much it was killing the both of them to be this close and have to restrain themselves.
Tyler didn't know a thing about drug use (Unless you're one of those who considers weed a 'drug'... you fuckin yuppie ) .. but hyperfixations..? ..boy he was fixated alright.
It didn't take long for Ezra to grab his camera off of his desk, readjusting the light as he saw fit to best cast it onto the couple and their respective tattoos. Taking a long moment to mentally kick himself in the ass look over their tattoos, he reached back to set his camera down with a shake of his head before returning back to the two demis before him.
"I'm not sure who's suffering more from lack of sleep. Tyler or myself," he joked as he gently pulled the tape from the coverings he'd placed over both of their tattoos. "Really should have waited on these until after I took the picture. Sorry guys."
Setting all of the coverings aside, he once again grabbed his camera up to take a photo of their tattoos together, counting down from 3.. 2.. 1.. snap..! •
"That's it. Alright guys, uhm.. don't move. Lemme just," Ezra cut himself off then, moving around the two to instead set his camera down on the padded table to grab out the Second Skin wrap once more to cover their tattoos back up. The son of Deimos grabbed up Tyler's Erin's hoodie before wandering back over to her and Tyler. Dropping the hoodie off on his desk, he turned back to the son of Hermes first and began to put a second round of Second Skin over his forearm to cover his tattoo before doing the same with Erin's side.
"Alright you two. You're all set.." With that, Ezra gave Erin a slight smirk just before wandering off back to his tattoo corner to finish getting a few things set back in order.
Ezra was speaking. She knew he was. She could hear the unmistakable sound of his voice, muffled, as though from a distance. But with her eyes locked so firmly like they were with those of the man holding her, it was like she was trying to listen to him through water. The words were there, sure, but they weren’t really breaking through. And when they finally did, it was only because she felt her friend's hands once more moving against her body. Reapplying another second skin in order to help protect her fresh ink.
The seam of her lips parting; it was with effort that Erin tore her gaze from Tyler’s. Her dark gaze falling first to her side before, after a moment, they flicked back up to meet with Ezra’s. Seemingly just in time as, with the wink aimed her way, she felt a warmth flood her cheeks. She was never going to hear the end of this one..
“.. grazie.. Esdra..”
Despite the fact that he’d seen them before for the love of Zeus; he’d seen them not even ten minutes ago; Erin remained where she was. Waiting until her friend had turned his back before she, reluctantly, pulled away from Tyler. Retrieving the hoodie from the desk so she could pull it on. Attention returning to her now boyfriend as she lifted her hand, tugging the hood back and off her head. Boyfriend.. Gods.. that was going to take a little getting used to, “.. you, uh.. you ready to go..?”
Tyler couldn't tell you what had him in such a daze. The lack of good sleep, or the events that happened in the last few hours since he'd gotten back home. Both..? Both? Both. Both is good. As Erin moved away from him to retrieve and put his hoodie back on, his arms dropped to his sides while his eyes were fixated on the lamp on Ezra's desk. Why was it so damn bright..?
It wasn't until Tyler heard Erin's voice ringing in his ears that he finally came to, zoning in on her hazel eyes as they stared back at him. To be completely honest, he hadn't heard what she said, though whatever it had been, it sounded like it had been in the form of a question. With a gentle nod, Tyler looked around and grabbed up his own shirt and hoodie, slipping them both on one at a time as a deep yawn hit him.
Looking between the son of Deimos and the daughter of Hades, Tyler chewed at his lower lip a moment before asking a quick question of "We good?" to which Ezra simply flashed the boy a smirk and nodded over his shoulder, throwing up a departing "peace" sign before turning back to his work and a quick "Get some sleep, Ty," called over the young man's shoulder. Tyler's eyes once again met with Erin's, holding his hand out to her as a sleepy little boyish grin pulled at the corners of his lips.
And that was all it took. One look at that gorgeous, gorgeous, lopsided grin of his, and Erin found herself melting faster than ice that had been left too close to the camp's forge. The corners of her own lips tugging up, if just slightly, into a bashful smile. By the Gods, this man.. His smirk - that broad, ear-to-ear smile that lit up his handsome features and the world around him.. it was pure perfection. Extending to his eyes, and reaching all the way down to his soul. She loved it.
Anytime he showed her that irresistible Cheshire grin.. all she wanted to do was be his Alice.
Hand reaching forward, palm smoothly sliding into place against his; Erin laced their fingers together. Her cheeks taking on a gentle shade of red, she gave his hand a gentle squeeze, “.. let’s get out of here..” |