Leon took the proffered length of metal, sliding it into his sword belt for now. The tool would be better than a dagger admittedly, the edge of it filed down like a chisel for working its way into a gap and the sturdier construction allowing him to use more force and leverage. He looked up the side of the building, eyes picking out several decent looking foot and handholds. Ascending the wall wouldn't be overly difficult, but they still needed to do it fairly quickly.
Checking his gear again to make sure nothing was loose enough to fall, he took one last look into the storm for signs of approaching lanterns or torches, then began climbing up. Thankfully the climb was short, barely enough to get the muscles warmed up as he reached the partial ledge of the roof. He planted his feet and released one hand from the wall to wave in a semi complex gesture as he called on Mask's blessing. Although he couldn't see it himself, shadows poured into his eyes, darkening them completely as Mask granted them the ability to sense magical energy. Slowly he peeked up over the edge, readying a ranged attack spell in case he was spotted. Luck was with them though, the crossbowmen weren't within sight.
Hauling himself over the edge he crouched down to lower his profile against the roof and looked around for any signs of activity. If his companion had been anyone other than Iliskra he might have offered a hand, but he knew that she probably would have made the ascent even quicker than he had if she had taken the lead. Once she was up onto the roof, he began advancing to the closest window keeping his feet spread and using his hands to support some of his weight in a manner which looked more like an animal than a man as he quieted his steps across the roof.
Reaching the window, his eyes showed no signs of magical energy on the window itself and he nodded to Iliskra, trusting her eyesight to look for traps while he watched the interior for signs of activity. Once everything was clear, he retrieved the tool and wedged it under the window, carefully increasing the pressure until the window began to give.
Checking his gear again to make sure nothing was loose enough to fall, he took one last look into the storm for signs of approaching lanterns or torches, then began climbing up. Thankfully the climb was short, barely enough to get the muscles warmed up as he reached the partial ledge of the roof. He planted his feet and released one hand from the wall to wave in a semi complex gesture as he called on Mask's blessing. Although he couldn't see it himself, shadows poured into his eyes, darkening them completely as Mask granted them the ability to sense magical energy. Slowly he peeked up over the edge, readying a ranged attack spell in case he was spotted. Luck was with them though, the crossbowmen weren't within sight.
Hauling himself over the edge he crouched down to lower his profile against the roof and looked around for any signs of activity. If his companion had been anyone other than Iliskra he might have offered a hand, but he knew that she probably would have made the ascent even quicker than he had if she had taken the lead. Once she was up onto the roof, he began advancing to the closest window keeping his feet spread and using his hands to support some of his weight in a manner which looked more like an animal than a man as he quieted his steps across the roof.
Reaching the window, his eyes showed no signs of magical energy on the window itself and he nodded to Iliskra, trusting her eyesight to look for traps while he watched the interior for signs of activity. Once everything was clear, he retrieved the tool and wedged it under the window, carefully increasing the pressure until the window began to give.