Avatar of HereComesTheSnow


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25 days ago
Current think I got a postage mixup on my hands here. the fuck am i supposed to do with this live goat that was intended for a new orleans address?
2 mos ago
got thrown out the party for keeping it too real. saw that ball drop last year man who cares they just put that shit back up but nobody is ready for the truth when i say it.this country is under attac
2 mos ago
My new years resolution will be one of great intent and genteel manner. No more status bar tomfoolery. No more games of the mind. I will be a serious man of serious bearing, no longer in silly mishaps
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3 mos ago
so does anybody know what conditioners aren't too rough on chlorophyll
4 mos ago
trying to find the "golden ratio" of weed and ozempic to cause my appetite to stack overflow and reactivate the long-dormant photosynthesis gene from that 50% of DNA we share with plants. will update


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Amerigo Spadoni

At Sea, Nearing Hathforth's Harbor, Present Day

"On the wind? About that, amico." he grinned, jerking his head with a churlish leer back towards the foremast close by, sturdy square rig bulging outward as the breeze it had caught pushed them ever closer. His meaning was obvious. "We're in the wrong spot for me to tell you any more than 'salt', 'spray', maybe 'seaweed'. We'd have to be coming from the north for me to know more— we're windward of the city at present. They'd be smelling us coming."

He snickered, evidently satisfied with this moment of playing gadfly. Aubri was ostensibly his boss for their purposes on the expedition, but over the long months at sea the pair had naturally developed a more genuine friendship— swapping stories, drinks, and of course (for Amerigo anyway, he liked keeping himself occupied) whatever spare work needed doing around the boat. They still had their roles to fill, sure, but the Brother felt lax enough after so much time literally stuck on the same boat that he really felt no impulse not to needle in these ways, humorous, harmless.

In saying that, he didn't take much issue with the question raised— he was a swordsman first and tactician second, but both clades still more than recognized the value in the conversation at hand were they any good— any appraisal of a situation you could take from afar you could carry with you as you sailed into it. And for all Amerigo admittedly enjoyed those times where the wise man valued leaping above looking, this was not one such— it wasn't like they needed immediacy. The boat wasn't going any faster.

So, they'd put their silver heads together while they waited to even catch sight of port. The keen steel knives of his gaze returned out to the city ahead, and the cheek in his tone gave way to an undercurrent of anticipation.

"That said, by the time we get there I don't believe it will matter overmuch for our immediate purposes— it will have already spread enough, riding this wind we come in on, that the fire itself will be the point of opportunity. Look at the smoke." he continued, pointing with a black gloved finger towards the rolling cloud as he stalked forward and leaned over the rail to get the prow out of view. "See how white it is? That means it's mainly going to be burning wood, and wet wood at that— lot of steam buildup, and with this wind it's getting enough breath to not turn black and thick. Probably the closest spots to shore, getting the most spray from winds like ours. Heading takes us right into port, so that would mean it rolls up into..."

He paused, cupping his chin with thumb and forefinger as he consulted the memory of an old map of Hathfoth's layout, one he had made sure to pore over well before they had even set off from the Republic's port. His gaze narrowed as the connections built along his mind's eye. Supposing this was an attack, and his information wasn't too out of date...

"Hohohohoho, merda." he murmured, in that dark-humored way only a gruesome situation could really invoke. "I won't lie, we're looking at a lot of bodies, Aubri. In Hathforth, the merchant districts are just off port and pier: plenty of stalls of tinder and cloth to catch and jump between on both the North and South Pearls, alongside the quaint little shops and restaurants and inns— more wood, more food, even some booze to burn— plenty of fuel to build as the wind carries it north."

Bad enough on their own. A merchant district would likely always be bustling with activity, its regular flow of commerce the lifeblood of the city's economy. A lot of people would be down there at this hour getting food, let alone perusing the wares for whatever the hell they might— depending on the crowd that day, the disaster could already have a heavy human toll from those two alone. But a fire was never known to stay put to either of them, and with Amerigo's point regarding the breeze already well illustrated twice over...

"That takes it right into Upper Bristol. Historically the poorest district within the walls— a lot of tents, a lot of run-down buildings, and a lot of people on the city's lowest rungs, stuck trying to clear out of the tight and most likely messy streets. That's going to be a lot of people trapped, a lot of people burning, and a lot of panic at the castle's doorstep. Containment and rescue efforts ought to need all the help they can get. Even if it's burned-out by the time we moor, which..."

He squinted, then clicked his tongue.

"...I don't really see happening, all able bodies that can either battle the blaze or pull people out of it are going to be in high demand." he finished, before finally turning to face Aubri again. "One thing my father always taught me? There are few better ways to say 'hello' than with a favor already under your belt before you even meet."
And he came to life on New Years. Thematic!
the people demand the cyclops
Fire catalyzes change and with change comes opportunity and opportunity's what we diplomancers seize, now drive me closer so I can start handing out marshmallows I stole from the galley
i may have forgotten how to write for a second there

Amerigo Spadoni

At Sea, Nearing Hathforth's Harbor, Present Day

"Well, this is a fine start."

The journey, as so many of them were when one decided to cross the vast, untamed wilds of the open sea, had been an arduous one. Eclipsing two months and well on its way into the third when the Arrowfellian coastline rolled into view from behind the horizon, the lone galleon rode a steady northerly breeze towards Hathforth from that morning into the day, abuzz with the excited chatter of a crew and cargo pleased to see the finish line at long last. It was clear that, no matter how salty a man of the Republic might be, dry, solid land (likely at least a little less populated by monsters) was a sight for sore eyes.

An idle ear aboard would doubtless be able to leaf through the dozen different back-and-forth talks going on while the deckhands toiled, topics as numerous as you liked, and inane as all working men enjoyed— what some remembered of the local fare from the last time they had made this voyage for trade, rumors about the Wizard-Queen shouting apart the previous ruler with a devilish war cry cloaked in occult force, theories for how one might quickest adjust to their balance no longer needing to sway with the seas. Others still kept these contemplations to themselves, and simply willed the sails to hopefully catch just a little extra wind now that they were in the home stretch.

One such man as this stood upon the forecastle, just behind the prow, arms folded as his silver hair danced in the breeze pushing them towards that long-awaited destination. He was tall and strong, and in spite of his evident youth carried in his posture every ounce of the control you might expect from a seasoned hand at this protection detail he'd been assigned— Indeed, there was little doubt in his bearing that he had more than earned the right to wield the elegant swept-hilt blade at his hip, shaved just so by the most holy Keeper Of Light from the Bones of the Sea. It had been four years of this since he had received his blade that day— and if you looked upon him, things clearly still weren't getting old.

His sharp features had twisted into a crooked smirk, but steely eyes stayed pinned on the spots of angry scarlet that had appeared at the terminus of their heading, tracing the dark clouds pooling above and rolling on the same wind. The phantom of an acrid, bitter taste implied itself upon the tip of his tongue, as the rest of the crew (having long learned to make a habit of this after the first sea beast) caught up with the Brother's suddenly-captured attention.

Smoke. Their protection detail for the voyage had brought his attention to the unmistakable smoke on the very wind they rode, clouding over their destination and tinged brighter and brighter with red at its' base. They were, all of a sudden, now sailing into an ongoing crisis striking the capital to open this "diplomatic expedition".

While the excited chatter between the sailors took on a note of healthy concern around him, even worry for the fact that they were no doubt sailing directly towards its' source, the Brother kept that same glib, cavalier tone as he finally let his head loll over his shoulder to find his charge, the bearer of the Most Serene Republic's formal, notarized diplomatic overtures and mission statement— a Letter of Credit. Doubtlessly, now that the crew had grown restless on the day they were due to arrive, he wasn't going to be far.

Not that you could ever be very far from anyone on the same boat as you.

"Signore Aubri," he called, as though his voice were cutting through the dull roar of the crew to report that he'd seen a funny looking turtle off the portside bow. "The city's on fire."
Gerard Segremors


"Your elder sister." he repeated slowly. Like with many things, perhaps one of the most important details in this conversation had come from an offhand mention, a slip of the tongue rather than any direct probing on the Knights' end— they were indeed dealing with members of the Unseelie Court. He didn't have terribly exhaustive knowledge of them, but he was certain of one thing— ironically enough, the uncompromising uncertainty that threw into any attempt at diplomacy or reason. That, plus the idea of somebody more powerful than the presence before him was...

It was his turn to slightly narrow his eyes, as he searched, searched, asking earnest questions of the impenetrable sapphire set upon that splendid visage. She was hard to read or guess at already, even with them staring at eachother this way. What was her intent— with the cards so close to the chest, he was all but swimming biind.

"I would hate to drive a wedge between family, or have that disapproval fall onto such a gracious host as yourself. Given how you've described her, I should ask immediately: Would entreating your assistance in this endeavor be asking you to act against her wishes? And if so..."

His gaze held. He did not, and could not, wilt. If he let her pressure swallow him, the unknowable mind behind those lustrous eyes would surely carve him up like a birthday cake until he danced to her tune— and as far as he knew, such would be getting off easy. How very characteristic of him to take the hardest path possible, and start his foray into Talking To People like this.

"... Is there a way we may parlay with her directly, rather than cause you undue trouble?"

Even all that said, he still needed to be a gracious guest, and not ask her to move heaven and earth if that was what he was unwittingly pushing towards. Walking the edge of the knife or not, he would do what he could with the elements under his control— and right now, that was his clarity in communicating. He had no wish see his mission forge an ordeal or a punishment for another, especially if they were already returning a favor.

slapped in a couple basic relationships that hopefully don't read too deranged, should probably nap soon but we ball time to reading

(more to come eventually as the characters enter story)
"It's called a hyperfixation, boss. Don't worry, I haven't started talking about footwork yet."
<Snipped quote by HereComesTheSnow>

I think Aubri wasn't trained with this sword, but a more practical fencing weapon. It's a "gift" from his father, a show of power and prestige, but also a means of getting his son killed if a fight breaks out and earning the family "woe is them, they have lost a son for the glory of the Republic" pity points in the Assembly.

Sounds to me like the katana might be a more ceremonial holdover from earlier in the Republic's history— maybe kenjutsu still survives as a martial art, but the very maritime Brothers that Imre would have devoured years of fencing under now prefer the single-handed, swept-hilt Bilbao/Spada da lato/Espada Ropera genre since it's easier to use when you're keeping ahold of the rigging or something. Maybe a transition that came in when the Keepers of Light started shaping swords out of anti-magic coral instead of the tamahagane method for steel? That'd make sense since we're kind of in an archipelago situation by my read of things
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