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The room was entirely cloaked in darkness when Celeste first stirred. It was nice and warm under the blankets and she was all too happy to hide away from the sun. Ah, to have a day where she could blissfully sleep in without concern was surely a time to be treasured. She closed her eyes, ready to let sleep lull her back to its embrace. Alas, like many a star-struck lover and endless protagonists of romance novels, she would soon be parted from that which she held most dear to her.

The door to her room opened and closed shortly after. The sound of a pair of footsteps was accompanied by something rolling, coming to a stop next to the bed. She let out a tiny sigh as she heard the footsteps approach the window, the curtains whipped back in one, swift motion. Sunlight poured in and illuminated the room in its entirety; quaint, homey, and above all, terribly small for her taste. She was forced to leave behind her ensemble and could only bring some of her essentials and had to choose her clothing the night before, like some kind of farmhand.

Her ever-faithful servant Kaitlyn stood at the window, walking back to the cart she had brought in. Celeste always thought that she was much too prompt, but she supposed there was no fighting it. "It is time to rise, my lady." Kaitlyn announced as she gave her a curtsy. "I have brought you your breakfast. You'll find it humble yet satisfying."

Forcing herself to sit up, Celeste untangled herself from the mess of blanket and red hair. Letting out a yawn as she stretched her arms above her head, she looked over to her servant. "So it would seem," She replied, still sleepy as she scooted backward until she hit the headboard. Once Kaitlyn lifted the tray and placed it on her lap, Celeste decided to eat quickly and quietly. Humble yet satisfying, indeed, but Kailtyn would never let her accept any less.

"What will be on the agenda on this day?" She asked, dabbing the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

"We could make an appearance at the Keller Estate, if it pleases you," Kaitlyn suggested, taking back the tray. "Alternatively, we could simply wander around until something catches your interest."

The Keller Estate, huh? That would be the responsible thing to do, but that didn't sound like a lot of fun. She didn't respond to Kaitlyn right away, choosing to clean and change out of her nightgown first. The process was quick as the water was terribly cold, but she wasn't looking to dawdle too much longer. The inn was adorably quaint but suffocating in how close all the walls were. Of course, going out in the cold wasn't appealing, either, but she was no stranger to the weather here.

Stepping outside, Celeste let out a breath, tapping her cheek with her fan. With bags in hand, Kaitlyn raised an eyebrow at her. "A bit chilly for a fan, isn't it?" She asked.

"It's an accessory, darling," Celeste replied.

"Of course. And have you decided on our course?"

"Take my bag to the encampment and then find me, I'll be sure to make up my mind by then," Celeste ordered.

With a small bow, Kaitlyn departed. Celeste watched her leave, waiting until the maid was out of sight before she gave the street a good look around. What she wanted was some mischief, but where was she to find it at this time of day? A nagging feeling told her that she really should consider the Keller Estate. Well, fun first, then responsibility. With that in mind, she began her stroll, quietly humming to herself as she hunted for her next target.

Fortunately for her, she locked onto someone.

"Good morning, Sanji~" She greeted the man with too much enthusiasm and an overly excited wave, immediately running up to him. "Look at you, out and about already! Do you never rest?"


Touga Aki [Homeroom & Japanese II (Literature)]
Yokoyama Iwoa [Mathematics]
Sugimoto Katsumi [Science]
Eto Mitsuo [Physical Education]
Inaba Kotone [Social Studies]
Shinsato Hisashi [History]

Takano Junko
One of the school's delinquents. Anytime she and Shiori run into one another, there ends up being a fight, though whether it's verbal or physical is a toss-up. Supposedly, the two were friends in middle school, though you wouldn't guess by how much they hate one another.

Akarino Kei
Junko's best friend and often one of the few people who can talk her down. He's a member of the boxing club, but he isn't a big fan of violence.

Ariyoshi Harumi - Advice Guru
A friendly, gentle girl whose father owns the Ariyoshi Cafe. She is one of the few members of the Tea Club, often inviting people to visit, though she is also a part of the volleyball team. She's always open to giving advice and is more than happy to help others when asked.

Student Council President Hatsu Orihime 3rd Year - Class 3-A
Quiet yet driven, Orihime is all business. Considering her goal is Tokyo U, it isn't strange to see why. That said, her focus is split between studying and preparing her Vice President before graduation.

Vice President Nakanishi Sakura 2nd Year - Class 2-B
A fashionable girl, Sakura often skirts the line when it comes to the dress code. Eager to gossip, she is all too happy to share information that she has learned.

Secretary Sayaka Umeko 1st Year - Class 1-C
One of the few first years on the council, she answers to her senpais all too eagerly. She is also a member of the Newspaper Club.

Boxing Captain Uemura Akihiko 3rd Year - 3-A
An incredibly popular athlete, Akihiko is a charismatic young man with ambition. His desire to leave behind a legacy is strong, as he already has plans to leave Utsubyo. That said, there has been the occasional rumor about him hanging around a less-than-desirable crowd, but few believe it.

Volleyball Captain Mizuno Tomoyo 3rd Year - 3-C
Class leader of 3-C and captain of the volleyball club. Tomoyo has been going through a streak of bad luck lately, though she keeps a chipper attitude.

Newspaper Club Member Imai Shoichi 2nd Year - Class 2-A
A member of the Newspaper Club. Generally conflict-avoidant, he finds himself bemoaning his strange luck of running into weird situations.

'Moneybags' was accurate, although Kazuki wasn't sure why it felt like an insult. He pushed the now-empty mug away from him, resting his chin on the palm of his hand as he watched everything unfold. He wasn't entirely sure why everyone was getting riled up again. All this talk of 'going forward' and 'time' and...other things that couldn't come to mind at the moment--goodness, his head was swimming. All he knew was that they were going in circles for no good reason.

"And when the denizens--who outnumber us a thousand to one--turn on us, it'll all be over," He said, straightening up. "It isn't an argument about priority, everyone is interpreting each other's words the wrong way. We do have a duty to fulfill, and that same duty is not just for the denizens, but for our own sake as well. The lore said that the denizens don't trust us in the first place and only tolerated us because we cleared dungeons. No wonder they're mistrusting us, we all just suddenly stopped from their perspective."

He let out the smallest of hiccups, shaking his head. "And they'll never understand our reason. They'll never understand the losses. No amount of explaining, crying, begging, or reasoning will make them understand. I bet there are some denizens in power who hate us and will likely take this chance to get rid of us," His tone dropped to something resembling somber. "But...if we return to clearing the dungeons, fulfilling quests, we can get back on track."

Looking over at Graves, Kazuki frowned. "What you said and what Alja said isn't wrong. But you have to alter your point of view; if you're dropped into a foreign city, you don't go against their customs. You blend in, adapt...do whatever you can to survive. 'Do as the Romans do', after all," He stood, swaying slightly. "I'm going to make sure to do that, too. If I have to clear dungeons, fine. If I have to do some stupid fetch quest to gain people's trust, fine. I'll do whatever it takes."

The brunet pushed his chair aside, standing still for a moment. "I refuse to die here," He muttered.

i forgot to put this in the CS but I want birthdays in your CS, can lump it with age
i finished my sheet @Supermaxx
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