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Kazuki wanted to leave.

He tried not to look too bored as he let everyone speak. Truthfully, he hadn't the slightest idea on what to do or where to go. Leadership was something usually thrusted onto him and he was all too glad to let Benkei and Alja ask what they needed. Though if other guilds didn't like them, then they would be in for a rough road. Half their crew was dealing with their own shit and the other half were lost. He was, to no one's surprise, probably on both sides. He previously got around needing to persuade anyone with a high charisma stat, but who knew if that ever applied anymore. He had already pissed Graves off as well as the townsfolk earlier, so he figured his stats wouldn't get him anywhere. Unfortunate, he used to like giving deadpan responses only for the game to sing his praises on how 'charismatic' he was.

He was brought of his thoughts once he saw Luci, though he didn't have any of Kazuma's guts to look at her for too long. He let the conversation take place and chose to remain silent. Honestly, he didn't have anything worth saying, anyway. Better to keep his mouth shut than utter some half-assed apology that'd probably just piss her off.

He made some noise of affirmation in response to Rael's question and didn't bother waiting as he turned around and made for the exit. No Alja to drag him back or Seele to guilt him into staying, so he was done here.


where the sheet at tho bruh @Trainerblue192
I'm a stud, I'm ballsy, I don't wait for dms that will make me rewrite my entire character, like you

but why you gotta call me out like this tho

Walking was good exercise. Eila often walked around Buscon freely, finding the outside air good for her health. But the streets were paved and even and her shoes were always comfortable. She assumed her boots were far more comfortable than her usual heels, but she had not accounted for how rough a road could be on one's feet. The uneven earth had her hips aching, her lower back throb, and she was pretty sure her feet were pinched all over from her un-broken-in-boots.

The stop could not have come fast enough and Eila was tired. She did her best not to show it, but all she wanted to do was curl up by the fire and sleep. As the group moved around, however, she realized that she should probably help. Should she get wood for the campfire? That seemed like a good idea. Ceolfric announced that he and Liliann were going to scout the area. She leveled a look of displeasure that he clearly saw but chose to ignore, causing her to scoff. He irritated her to no end, but she supposed that it wasn't a terrible idea.

Instead, she put herself to work elsewhere, gathering whatever twigs and branches she could find. Back home, they always had logs for the fireplace, but she assumed any wood would do. She returned with an armful of everything she picked up, dumping it all into the pit. She knelt down, wincing a touch at the rough ground at her knees, though she had remembered the trick her auntie showed her, striking the rocks together a few times until she got something small going.

Eventually, the campfire lit up, and Eila sighed in relief. Alright, one less thing to worry about. She got up and dusted herself off, grimacing at how much dirt there was. Once she deemed herself alright enough, she decided to approach Ermes.

"I hope the walking found you well," She said cheerfully. "I've brought some ingredients for a stew that I think would do nicely for everyone, would you like to help me prepare it?"

Before Ermes would answer, Ceolfric's voice came once again. He had a penchant for making his whispers feel less like messages and more like violating threats. She sighed to herself, adding a possible betrayal to the list of things she should worry about. The pair emerged shortly after, and aside from casting them a weary look, Eila figured it was best to act normal.

Jorah and Kellen's arrows served to distract--where any of them missed and caused other bandits to flinch, the mark was then met with Euphemia's arrows. The woman didn't know the meaning of 'miss' as each one hit their target. She shot at an impressive speed, though as she heard the roar of the wyvern Michail was wrestling with, she knew exactly where her next one needed to be. She leapt backwards and brandished the bow, light gathering as she drew another arrow from her quiver.

"Move!" She yelled at her brother, though she gave him about two seconds before she fired. The arrow burst forth, covered in brilliant light. Michail hopped backwards from the wyvern, though he was unprepared for the arrow to continue through the wyvern. Isolde let out a small yelp as she barely dodged the arrow as it pierced through the bandit she was fighting, and it only stopped once it hit the larger bandit's leg.

On seeing the opening, Derec jumped to action without hesitation, lance cleaving cleanly through what was left of the massive man's leg. From the shadows, Lavender emerged, hand on her hilt as she came to a stop in front of the large bandit. With what looked like one slice, her katana sliced through his armor, his helmet, and through one side of his head.

Euphemia's knees buckled, and she slowly sank to the ground, exhausted. Celeste approached her, but she shook her head. "Auberon--help Auberon," She urged her.

Celeste nodded, turning towards the blonde axeman as a sigil of light formed in front of her. Despite the distance, her Physic found its way to him, surrounding him with a dim green light as the white magic attended to any surface-level wounds. At Kellen's words, Lavender took off, intent on providing backup to the rear group.

Meanwhile, the eyepatched bandit was less than amused at the arrows aimed at him, easily dispatching them. "Come now, no honor among thieves? We're having a grand ol' time over here!" He barked at Jorah, though he quickly returned his attention to Auberon. "You've got skill. Why waste it for a place that's willing to throw children in front of scary men like me? You're fighting for your life here while they sit back at that school all cushy and unbothered."

Michail scowled at his words, though he joined Auberon on the front. "We came to help the villagers you have so kindly threatened and you dare insult us?"

The man's eyebrows shot up. "Villagers? No one told yous that they all evacuated once we started pillaging?" He outright laughed. "Like a flock of sheep those knights led them out. We made to make this our new camp, but then a little bird told me the Church was sending people here. Never thought they'd send children."

The rest of the students were hastily ushered forward. Tomai's lightning spell had carved through a majority of the forces, his magic a rather impressive display. He was expending much more magic than he was used to, but it was clear his strikes weren't just attacking, they were also greatly discouraging any foes from approaching. One unfortunate pegasus got caught in a lightning strike and promptly threw off its rider as it flew away. The fiercest lightning was closest, but as they continued, a careful observer would notice the bolts getting weaker.

The green haired professor brought up the rear, making sure Rudolf was able to safely rejoin the group. She nearly jumped, however, as something fell off the building and landed in front of her. To her shock, however, it had been the very same staff they had seen back in Luin. She somehow hadn't realized Rudolf must've taken care of the head mage. But if so, that meant there was another mage casting the fog around them. She sighed in disappointment, but didn't linger, instead scooping up the staff and catching up to the group with sword in hand.

The distance between the two groups was closing. However, the bigger threat were still the flyers between them. Veronica followed at Kayden's command, but the other pegasus knights knew there was only one arrow flying at a time. Anyone that was too close got an arrow, but they quickly learned where Veronica was and worked to avoid her.

"They're onto me," She grumbled in annoyance as another arrow missed, clearly frustrated.

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