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Being in the action so quickly had Lyra's blood pumping. Granted, she was more equipped for a direct fight than stealth, but infiltration was just as vital. She was motivated to do well and to hold her weight, even if she was putting her memory skills to the test. Not that she had a bad memory--the faces of the people that needed rescue and the layout of the place had been scratched into her brain the entire way here--but working with people she had never met before was just a little unnerving. She recognized some and had never met others, but for some reason she was expecting to work with an entirely familiar group. She was a little surprised that there would only be two vampires joining them, but the assortment of magic and abilities between them meant that they should accomplish their task successfully.

Whether that meant doing it stealthily was another question entirely.

Confidence in an outright brawl aside, she tapped her chin as she let herself think of a possible plan. Five of them, three people to find, and a lot of bad guys all too happy to kill them. She almost wished she was a sound mage, if only to try to hear for potential conversations that could maybe give a clue on where they should go first. But she'd make do with what she knew. Splitting up would cover more ground, but it'd turn into a disaster if anyone alone needed help. She didn't think they'd be so lucky to encounter who they were looking for in the first place they looked, but it was also possible the three were split up. So all they had to do was pick one and go for it.

"I don't think they'd still be interrogating them three months in," Lyra offered her guesswork quietly. "But the holding cells would take the longest to search. I think our safest bet would be to check the execution room first. If that area's clear, we can go upwards from there."

It'd be easier to search from bottom up, anyway, even if they were already on the middle floor. At least, that was Lyra's logic in all this. She looked to the duo of vampires, a little wary; as she didn't know how either would respond to her giving them orders, but she figured they knew what they were in for.

"I think focusing on listening around us would help, since you guys can hear if anyone's approaching, or if anyone's...being tortured," She didn't mean to hesitate on that point, but she quickly recovered and continued with, "I know it's harder to move as a group, but I also think we should stick together as much as possible. Just in case. The vampires can also quiet their footsteps, and we can have--"

Shoot, what was his name again? She looked at the purple haired guy, hoping his face would match a name. "--Quintus try to make us less heavy so our footsteps are quieter, too," She gestured to herself and Caspian as well. And if all else failed, she figured setting the place on fire was a good backup plan. But she wasn't going to say that. She also looked at everyone expectantly--if there were any objections or suggestions, now was the time to speak up.

Hm, Eila was taking a lot for granted. She thought that having something for everyone would help morale, but she hadn't considered that she'd have to bring her own cooking tools. She had a knife and the like for preparation purposes at least, but she had dropped the ball on one of the most important elements. Holding back a sigh of frustration, she instead returned Ermes' smile with one of her own as she led him back to her bag. Alright, just because she was used to certain things didn't mean she had go walk around making assumptions of everything. She just needed to...stop and make a checklist. That would help!

Fortunately she had made this recipe before and instructed Ermes on what to do. Not that it was that difficult as it was mostly just chopping things and throwing them into the pot in a certain order, but soon everyone would be able to smell the stew cooking. She somehow remembered to bring everything else she needed, and after taking a taste, deemed it a job well done. It was actually a relief; for some reason, she thought she would've forgotten something or added too much of anything.

That said, that was only because she had been thinking about how they should divide themselves for the night. She was sure they wouldn't be able to rely on Cerric for help as this was their test, so that left four of them. Kyreth seemed too uneasy to be left alone, but maybe he would be more comfortable with someone else? That would make it five people, but it still left her with some hesitation. Kyreth, Liliann, and Ermes all seemed too green to be left alone. Not that Eila was some battle hardened archer herself, and anyone could argue that the only one qualified was likely Ceolfric. Putting Kyreth with Liliann could be alright as Liliann could maybe distract any enemies while Kyreth woke up the rest of the group. But what about Ermes? After giving it some thought, Elia figured someone was going to need to pull double duty. And as Ceolfric was unlikely to volunteer, she would have to. Just the thought of getting less sleep was enough to make her weary, but then again, if she framed it as punishment for arriving late and wanting to show a gesture of goodwill to both the group and the client, then it would be fine. Probably.

It needed just a little more time, but they were basically done. Once everything else was put away, she let herself relax. "A job well done, I would say," Eila told Ermes cheerfully. She did, however, also think now was as good a time as ever to ask something.

"As we cooked, I considered how we should divide up the night's watch," She noted, making sure to speak loud enough for everyone to hear her. "I will take the first watch and the last, with Ermes accompanying me in the second watch. Liliann and Kyreth can take second, and Ceolfric third. Any objections?"

@Bert Macklin You are approved! He's such a Good Boi :D


Kazuki wanted to leave.

He tried not to look too bored as he let everyone speak. Truthfully, he hadn't the slightest idea on what to do or where to go. Leadership was something usually thrusted onto him and he was all too glad to let Benkei and Alja ask what they needed. Though if other guilds didn't like them, then they would be in for a rough road. Half their crew was dealing with their own shit and the other half were lost. He was, to no one's surprise, probably on both sides. He previously got around needing to persuade anyone with a high charisma stat, but who knew if that ever applied anymore. He had already pissed Graves off as well as the townsfolk earlier, so he figured his stats wouldn't get him anywhere. Unfortunate, he used to like giving deadpan responses only for the game to sing his praises on how 'charismatic' he was.

He was brought of his thoughts once he saw Luci, though he didn't have any of Kazuma's guts to look at her for too long. He let the conversation take place and chose to remain silent. Honestly, he didn't have anything worth saying, anyway. Better to keep his mouth shut than utter some half-assed apology that'd probably just piss her off.

He made some noise of affirmation in response to Rael's question and didn't bother waiting as he turned around and made for the exit. No Alja to drag him back or Seele to guilt him into staying, so he was done here.


where the sheet at tho bruh @Trainerblue192
I'm a stud, I'm ballsy, I don't wait for dms that will make me rewrite my entire character, like you

but why you gotta call me out like this tho

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