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I am interested in joining this rp. I had an idea for a grumpy water, fire, or earth bender. I was just curious if you would allow my character any of the specialized bending techniques (i.e. blood bending, metal bending, lightning bending etc?)

Allo, the timeline's been altered so many of the specialized bending techniques have yet to be discovered by the public. The most plausible to be known pre-rp would be lightningbending with the pre-requisite of being of the royal family or nobility. Hope that answers the question!
<Snipped quote by Achronum>

Alright! Let me rework my thoughts a bit.

The new idea is a sort of mash up of 2 and 3. That’s mostly because I started to like the idea of a traveling performer the more I thought about it last night.

She was a fire bending traveling player (theatrical performer), trained from her youth in storytelling and acrobatic performance. However, she spent her life in the shadow of her brother, who became quite famous. It caused her to build up a resentment towards her family. When she saw the beams of light, she saw her chance to leave the nest and create a legend that would make her as famous as her brother.

Her goal would be to find the avatar, though there are several reasons for that. Firstly, finding the avatar means a sort of underdog story where the Fire and Water nations win the war. This alone would be a great legend to tell, but being one of the people who found the avatar would put her in a unique position. Not only would she be one of the people in that legend, but she’d have the unique role of having taken part in it.

Secondly, I might still grapple with that loath for a waste of life. I’m not quite sure how yet, but I think it’d be interesting for her to tackle that in conjunction with her need for an interesting story (especially since those often involve death). Though I’m not entirely sold on the idea yet.

Thirdly, she fears the Earth Nation’s takeover. She knows that it would result in her arrest. Even if it didn’t, there would be no way she’d be allowed to perform, especially with her fire bending. That would take away her life’s purpose.

Is this scenario with your character in their homeland of the Fire Nation? 'Cause you'd have to consider how they got from the Fire Nation to the Earth Kingdom, unless maybe she already lived in a Fire Nation settlement in the Earth Kingdom. And if she was already there, the Fire Nation was attacked a year ago and every non-Earthbender has essentially gone into hiding since as any non-Earthbenders have gotten arrested and shipped away. I also seemed to have missed your character's thoughts on the war affecting her homeland.

gettin exciteddd
Forgot to mention it in the OOC but please ensure your character is 18+, my cranky old self doesn't want to deal with minors :)
Has metalbending been invented in this timeline? Has the earth kingdom managed to take over the Si Wong tribes?

Metalbending isn't an art known to the public at this time. The Si Wong tribes have remained relatively neutral in regards to the current conflict; sending soldiers ill equipped to the desert to subjugate isn't a good use of resources.

Claiming the concept now while I work on CS. Airbender who never cared for peaceful ways and as such has not been considered a master despite his proficiency. Wanted to join the Fire Nation to help a year ago but was strong-armed by his fellow monks and only allowed to play messenger for the Water Tribes. Finally said, "Fuck That, I don't care if I get exiled and never earn my tattoos. Someone needs to find this Avatar," after the light beams.

I'll put my thoughts out on this once I get the full context in the CS. I will, however, put out a reminder that airbending is strongly tied to spirituality. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

🇳🇴🇹 🇲🇦🇳🇾 🇸🇹🇮🇱🇱 🇨🇱🇮🇳🇬 🇹🇴 🇹🇭🇪 🇦🇳🇨🇮🇪🇳🇹 🇼🇦🇾🇸
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🇼🇭🇴 🇰🇳🇴🇨🇰🇸 🇦🇹 🇹🇭🇪 🇬🇦🇷🇩🇪🇳 🇬🇦🇹🇪?
🇴🇳🇪 🇼🇭🇴 🇭🇦🇸 🇪🇦🇹🇪🇳 🇹🇭🇪 🇫🇷🇺🇮🇹 🇦🇳🇩 🇹🇦🇸🇹🇪🇩 🇮🇹🇸 🇲🇾🇸🇹🇪🇷🇮🇪🇸.

My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days--a time of peace, when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But all that changed when the Earth Kingdom attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop the ruthless earthbenders. But when the world needed her most, she vanished.

Eighteen years have passed, and each nation has had trouble within its borders. The Earth Kingdom has taken advantage of the turmoil and continues its conquest. Among the chaos, the spirits still residing in our world have turned to attack people, and the entire world is now unbalanced. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn and that the cycle is broken. Others believe that the Avatar has gone into hiding due to being born in the Earth Kingdom that's hunting them down.

But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow the Avatar will return to save the world. We just have to find them first.

The coup that placed King Wei as the Earth Monarch bode ill for the world at large. While many were concerned, few would speak out as the previous King Xiong was an ineffective leader who was more interested in riches than helping his people. But it was out of the pole caps and into the volcano as King Wei proved to be a threat not just to the Earth Kingdom, but to the rest of the world. It began with high taxes and an unfound arrogance against those who were not native to the Earth Kingdom, and over the years said arrogance turned to tyranny. What was once a continent of peace and harmony turned into war and strife as people were forced out of their homes. Benders who refused allegiance were arrested and vanished from the public eye, with rumors surrounded forced manual labor circling heavily.

In an attempt to subdue any that would challenge them, the Earth Kingdom cut food trades with the other nations. As a result, a famine has spread throughout the Fire Nation, and while the Air Nomads have tried to compensate, it is not enough. With the Fire Nation weakened, the Earth kingdom made their first attempt to conquer. Their only saving grace was the interference of the Water Tribes, who sent their own people forward to stop the Earth Kingdom ships from ever touching Fire Nation soil. Even so, things cannot remain this way as the citizens are starving to death, long separated from those that once resided in the Earth Kingdom. The Water Tribes struggle to communicate with one another as the Earth Kingdom has interfered with any attempts at every turn, and the Air Nomads have chosen to protest peacefully, much to the ire of the other nations.

Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could hope to defeat King Wei. With the hopes of all nations on her shoulders, Avatar Korra sought to negotiate with the King. The latter refused, and according to rumors, a fight broke out between the two before the Avatar was forced out of the palace. Before the Avatar could take proper judgment, however, she passed. After twenty years, however, a new Avatar has yet to emerge. What is known is that the Avatar was born in the Earth Kingdom, but many feared they had already fallen into the Earth Kingdom's hands. As the years passed and no new Avatar emerged, the masses began to lose hope. Three days ago, however, several beams of light emerged from the temples around the world, signaling that the new Avatar had awakened. That was when The Rebellion was formed and sprung into action. While their numbers were scarce, they gathered who they could and sent them to the Earth Kingdom. Now, it is a race between the Rebellion and the Earth Kingdom to find the Avatar. Will the Rebellion find the Avatar in time, or will the Earth Kingdom gain the upper hand?

This roleplay is firmly in AU territory. The Hundred Year War was successfully mitigated by Avatar Roku and an era of peace followed through Avatar Aang's time. His successor, Avatar Korra, passed twenty years ago, but her successor has yet to be located. In the meantime, the Earth Kingdom has been left unchecked, upsetting the balance between nations. While some things have stayed the same, others have changed. We're looking for active, driven players to make a small ragtag bunch of misfits--or if you're interested in other roles, there's no harm in asking! Players have the option to play whatever bender (or non-bender!) they please, but I'd like all characters to be in the 18 - 24 year range please. If there are any questions or interest, feel free to ask :)
[sub][color=darkgray]"Will you go penguin sledding with me?"[/color][/sub][/center]



[indent]one of the asir temples idr which one (southern? i wanna say southern)[/indent]

[indent]all of them cause avatar[/indent]

[color=darkgray][sub][u]APPEARANCE DETAILS[/u][/sub][/color]
got some arrows
likes yellow[/indent]

nice boi
tells you to bite the curb when in avatar state tho[/indent]

[indent]his history is in the history books cause reincarnation[/indent]

[indent]was left handed in a previous life[/indent]

result is

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You can have a little interest. As a treat.

It will help me through the harsh winters, thank you
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