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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

Hopefully we can get this bank battle wrapped up in another couple of posting rounds.

I'll be posting after Sep does :D


Cole Cash Ex-Soldier and Freedom Fighter 31 Chicago
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I play with knives. I work with a gun."

Cole is a disgraced Army Ranger who was faced with a dishonorable discharge after he ended up fighting his superiors in the field, refusing orders and putting his squad in harms way to do what he thought was right. Including punching his commanding officer in the face. After the military spit him out he went back to his criminal ways, trading in pickpocketing for the art of grifting, becoming a fierce conman before his life took an even more unfortunate turn. Aliens.
The Daemonites gave him their psychic powers, making Cole a low-level telepath and telekinetic. But, more importantly it allowed him to sense them despite their shapeshifting abilities and it allowed him to mount a one man war against a unseen threat. Seven years ago, Cole Cash aka The Grifter was Interpol's most wanted for his world-wide killing spree. Including an attempteded hits on Green Arrow, Black Canary and Martian Manhunter. Cole surrendered after he killed the leader of the Daemonite invasion force, the one that had replaced his own brother, Max. He's spent five years in prison for 22 murders, no one believes that he did it to protect the planet.

A B I L I T I E S:

"The Most Dangerous Man Alive": Cole is a world-class gunslinger, demolitions expert and general military badass. There's very few things he can't figure out how to kill someone with if he so decides. The moniker 'world's most dangerous' was something he earned after the authorities that tried to stop his Alien murdering-spree ended up unsuccessful and he killed the alien that posed as a special agent with the FBI.

Conman: You can't bullshit a bullshitter, and there's few that can bullshit Cole Cash.

Psychic powers: Granted the psychic abilities of a race of evil dominators of societies seems like a bit of a burden to bear for anyone. It's not become much easier with time, especially not after Cole ended up being their most wanted and he managed to fight back the deamonite invasion with the help of some friends. Now he's stuck with being able to hear people's stray thoughts and lift small objects with his mind. He's no manhunter, but being able to sense someone's inclinations makes a standoff a lot less likely to turn to shit. The same shit that's gonna blow his psychic brains out also allows Waller to neutralize his powers whenever she or whoever's in charge at any given time to do so. A mind reader's no fun if your brain is classified.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I like Cole's story because he's a raving lunatic, or at least that's the way he ends up being percieved. He's fighting a bloody crusade against a threat only he can seem to perceive. He's classically not a villain, and frankly he's barely an anti-hero but that's because his story's rarely taken out of it's very narrow context. Cole's crusade leads to him killing senators, police chiefs and millionaires, it doesn't matter that he's right if he can't really prove it, and he'd end up in jail for that eventually. Putting him on the Suicide Squad gives him a chance to get back to his own personal roots of being a soldier and doing what he's told, and hopefully making the world a better place. Once he works off his multiple life sentences with the squad, he wishes to retire to a quiet hunting cabin in the mountains and just live as far away from anyone else and their thoughts as possible.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Weapon Caches: Cole went on a 14 month rampage across the U.S. And during which he setup multiple weapon caches inside of the country. He also used to be part of the black ops team 7, and therefor knows of their caches in areas where he did missions back in his army days. Guy'll be armed pretty much all of the time with anything from a .45 to a bazooka.

Cole has very little issue with Waller or Flag turning off his powers. He appreciates the peace and quiet. He doesn't appreciate the bomb that comes with the off-switch, though.

Cole's very excited to kill neo-nazis.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:

Just want to say that I'm still interested in this but I don't want to chop up the flow with a post from Johnny at the HQ so I've been refraining from posting!

You're good. :)

It cool to turn a obscure hero into a squaddie?

Edit: Nvm.

I know this is full but I would be interested in having my notifications blown up joining this if there's ever an open spot

You're added to the list.

how the fuck can a roleplay get so many posts in one month

Failing a lot and getting really lucky. For every RP that goes as well as this, I've had 20 games that end up with 11 OOC posts and 2 IC posts.

Nah, I'm joking, it's what Doc said. :P

Oh shit let's go chief.
Action, drama, animal abuse, cosmic horror, Dandyposting has it all.

Dandy's horrifying.


Julian was checked into reality by Vincent's comments about his acts of violence - It chocked Julian so much so that he failed to note how interesting it was that the only one of them who could essentially teleport was the one with the upset stomach. Julian had, without hesitated pulled the trigger to incapacitate the thug. Sure, he hadn't gone for center of mass or the head. But guns can kill, the human body is fragile. One wrong calculation and he would have fried this - upon looking on his face - kid's brain. The roided out robber he had just caused permanent nerve damage as if he had been struck with a lighting bolt was as old as Julian's teammates.

It didn't sit right with him. And he couldn't quite figure out what part about him that took this job so carelessly. He had always just moved people like pieces on a board. Even before when he was forced to violence - in self-defense. It had been a last resort. Now he pulled the gun like nothing. An alarming though reached his brain as his hand that wasn't covered in highly electrical leather went over to his other hand and felt the outline of the ring on his other hand through the glove.

Maybe it wasn't his powers that made him dangerous. Julian feared his thoughts were too loud, and he didn't care to share what he felt with Eilidh. He put his mental guard up, if only for his own sake. The team would fall apart if he lost his mind in his own insecurity.

He was hunched over the incapacitated thug, Red spouted ideas at him and Julian agreed, in part. Red was smart. And perceptive. But he lacked context. They didn't know what the vault was like, and they didn't know if Charity could do anything to the vault. Not to mention they still weren't sure what made these guys so strong, or why their strength left so quickly. Not to mention that Vincent had just spilled his guts - and was pissed and the man could barely handle his powers after a session of guided meditation. Something about it made Julian smirk.

"Red Hood uses titanium-tipped hollow points. I fired subsonic standard rounds." Julian's retort rang into the air, sure to only piss Vincent more off, but Julian didn't have time to justify his morality to Vincent, or himself. He had to turn that off. Red came to aid Hana as she was getting attacked by the remaining robbers and Conor followed shortly after, not exchanging any words at all. Julian looked up at Cece and Dandelion.

"Go." He told them, getting out his phone he began running a toxicology check-up on the knocked out thug, one of his bullet wounds oozed blood Julian could use for a sample. He turned to the Hustler still up here with him. His phone was running the tests, there was nothing Julian could do right now. But he knew Vincent had to help, anyway he could. Keeping Vincent calm had lead to mediocre results at best. Maybe a less delicate touch would be needed.

"You wanna be pissed? Throw a punch at me, Vinny. Or get down there and show everyone that you're not a fuck-up street urchin who I have to nanny."

That was 100% the gif I was looking for but couldn't remember where it was from.

God, JL:War is the best use of Hal Jordan ever.
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