Julian was checked into reality by Vincent's comments about his acts of violence - It chocked Julian so much so that he failed to note how interesting it was that the only one of them who could essentially teleport was the one with the upset stomach. Julian had, without hesitated pulled the trigger to incapacitate the thug. Sure, he hadn't gone for center of mass or the head. But guns can kill, the human body is fragile. One wrong calculation and he would have fried this - upon looking on his face - kid's brain. The roided out robber he had just caused permanent nerve damage as if he had been struck with a lighting bolt was as old as Julian's teammates.
It didn't sit right with him. And he couldn't quite figure out what part about him that took this job so carelessly. He had always just moved people like pieces on a board. Even before when he was forced to violence - in self-defense. It had been a last resort. Now he pulled the gun like nothing. An alarming though reached his brain as his hand that wasn't covered in highly electrical leather went over to his other hand and felt the outline of the ring on his other hand through the glove.
Maybe it wasn't his powers that made him dangerous. Julian feared his thoughts were too loud, and he didn't care to share what he felt with Eilidh. He put his mental guard up, if only for his own sake. The team would fall apart if he lost his mind in his own insecurity.
He was hunched over the incapacitated thug, Red spouted ideas at him and Julian agreed, in part. Red was smart. And perceptive. But he lacked context. They didn't know what the vault was like, and they didn't know if Charity could do anything to the vault. Not to mention they still weren't sure what made these guys so strong, or why their strength left so quickly. Not to mention that Vincent had just spilled his guts - and was pissed and the man could barely handle his powers after a session of guided meditation. Something about it made Julian smirk.
"Red Hood uses titanium-tipped hollow points. I fired subsonic standard rounds." Julian's retort rang into the air, sure to only piss Vincent more off, but Julian didn't have time to justify his morality to Vincent, or himself. He had to turn that off. Red came to aid Hana as she was getting attacked by the remaining robbers and Conor followed shortly after, not exchanging any words at all. Julian looked up at Cece and Dandelion.
"Go." He told them, getting out his phone he began running a toxicology check-up on the knocked out thug, one of his bullet wounds oozed blood Julian could use for a sample. He turned to the Hustler still up here with him. His phone was running the tests, there was nothing Julian could do right now. But he knew Vincent had to help, anyway he could. Keeping Vincent calm had lead to mediocre results at best. Maybe a less delicate touch would be needed.
"You wanna be pissed? Throw a punch at
me, Vinny. Or get down there and show
everyone that you're not a fuck-up street urchin who I have to nanny."