Avatar of Howilng Zinogre


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current thinking i might redo my profile
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3 mos ago
Been gone for a minute had a LOT going on but am back it seems
11 mos ago
ON MY OWN / LET IT ALL BURN by Fabvl on repeat
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5 yrs ago
kinda wanna do a ddlg RP
6 yrs ago
Replies will come this evening im getting hoed at work


Completely Random

The Name be Varin

I used to be a Graphic Design Major

I love animals specifically Wolves

I cook a shitload that's cause i love to eat

I draw a shitload cause i like writing stories for my characters

i tend to weird people out their loss

i am a practicing Wiccan Still in the extremely early stages so ALOT of reading is taking place right now

Chronic binge watcher of most recommended shows

Most Recent Posts


- What are some interesting ideas or themes you've played with in the past?
Slice of life, gifted superpowered academies, BDSM, Bounty Hunters, Buddy Cops

Are there any RP cliches that you've really enjoyed?
Bdsm because it went beyond sex its having to play out the exchange of power and helping these characters grow to a point when they can open up to one another to TRUST the other with submission and dominance.

slice of life Honestly i really loved this one because of its versatility, it can have any setting in any time period but no matter what it always offers so much room for growth and depending on the setting offers the ability to branch of into much more action oriented plots.

- What about RP cliches that you've hated?
Gifted- one phrase to me sums this up MY COCK IS MUCH BIGGER THAN YOURS but seriously it was all about i can do xy and z and it doesnt have a weakness it was like playing with a bunch of preschool kids.

- Do "we" want to have one person control storyline twists and turns or have a group of adventurers who decide what to do together/based on the environment we construct for one another?
if it hasnt been suggested i think it would be cool if we took turns gming and if you arent okay with gming or not comfortable with it then that person can just instead play a villain of there creation that fits the plot

- Should the world be entirely original? Based on something? Or based on the real world (like a fantasy taking place in a specific part of the world at a specific time)?
id be down if we did sort of a growing nexus kind of thing where we can have a few sprinkled fandoms but ultimately its primarily a world of our own creation thats always expanding.

- Any elements you love to have in your roleplays? (Magic, specific fantasy species, etc.)
Technology (Its a recent obsession.) i have no qualms with anything else and am very flexible.

- Is there anything else I should ask?
i am all for discord, i will state this now i do battle with depression and sometimes it gets pretty bad but if ever i cant post i will inform the group and will give permission to the current gm to pilot my character.
I am crazy interested but dead tired and if its cool id be down for answering all the question and throw my helm into the ring
Resident Tech genius at your service
is this still happening???
HEY HEY HEY I have returned lol nobody cares
Hive couldnt help but smile at the robot as it was such an old build. He looked at it and in the mere seconds it took him to analyze and break it down mentally he had already found thousands of improvements that could be made but that was none of his business. "You are correct my friends a story for another time why dont you head over to my room in a couple hours id very much like to have a chat with you two." Hive suggested after reading the paper and giving a very peculiar look at the robo.

"While i dont mind how you choose to speak in the company of yourself presuming its a crass as the displayin which you chose to address what you would do with my talenthad it been yours, You may wanna watch how you speak in a room that is filled with ladies as well as men especially since you havent gotten the pleasure of learning everyones personality what if one of these women were very sensitive to that kind of speak? then you may have had a problem on your hands that was unnecessary. on another note i do admire the female form but honored it in another way" Hive said as he closed up the book and put it away

@Scrambled Art
The knock was hard and the knock was loud and entered a taller gentleman and his littleone. This sight irritated but not for the reason any would think primarily becaus of the kids this didnt add up and
the hact that there is a damn Half unicorn in here with a kid meant that this place, which was once just a beacon of good energy had know become a shining obelisk of pure energy.

Hive looked around and wondered how noone else thought nothing of this. well precautions had to be made and with that though in mind hive stood. Left mihoshi with the location of his room and and vanished litteraly returning to his room door where he had entered his room and like anyone else that entered past his doorway he was shrunk to a microscopic size. "Good work everybody" Hive said to the nano machines that made this happen. Soon he rejoined the ranks and begun work on hundreds of new inventions with every other clone as he would start work on some kind of defense for the house other than his cameras.
sorry been gone for a few days mentally not doing to hot gonna get a post up

my apologies about the tail wrap portion i didnt know if you meant your leg or hives it just said wrapped around one of legs. i just assumed hive cause that was the last place it was LOL
Coming down off of cloud nine from having Mihoshi rub that impossibly soft and fluffy tail against his leg hive would take her up on her offer to rub her tail starting at the base and smiling at her. As his hand touched Mihohi’s tail his assumptions were confirmed she was in fact an arctic Kitsune. After loosing a Nano machine in her fur it transmitted all the basics about her just as it was doing with dagger and Excalibur.

“Yeah they are better off than they were still a bit rattled but I can hear a touch better.” He said as he went back to devouring his steak. He heard the Guy with glasses ask why they had come here and for the moment hives answer would have to be anything but the truth, however the best lies always carried a semblance of truth in them. “Well personally I came here to have a quiet place to work on my art” He said pulling out of his pocket a sketchbook with drawings of weapons and suits of armors and even people in it. The best part about the entire scenario was that he put this book on the table but knew thanks to Tor Viers shadow dancing no one would really pay it any mind.

Moments later A robot would come scurrying in speaking rather quickly and dropping itself on the table. Awesome, yet another distraction he thought to himself as he smiled at no one in particular.

Feeling Mihoshis tail wrap around his leg once more hive would place his hand on her back “Easy now kit its just a machine it cant hurt you” Hive said matter-of-factly. Having the complete understanding of machines hive turned to a blank page in his notebook and seemingly started writing gibberish to most but to any that understood programming it was written in a combination of C++ and Binary code to simply ask “How did this happen to you” Hive would ask in reference to his split personalities.

Hive Watched everyone in the kitchen and it seemed to be that they were all getting along. And with the addition of the two that had just arrived the scene had gotten that much warmer. This sight made hive think back to the time that he had friends it wasn’t that long ago but he does remember a particular friend getting sold off to slavery he knew there was nothing he could do at the time. Hive also understood that it would be naïve to think that we were all just bought here to play the real world, Dungeons and Dragon he thought to himself no no something was happening everyone else that had approached came in as though they owned the place but these two walked in in a very cautious manner.

Not wanting to call too much attention to himself he would walk over to Dagger “I could go for a nice medium well flank steak” he said giving him a lighthearted pat on the back leaving yet another damn near invisible Nano-machine on someone. If he tried to explain what he was doing most would see him as a villain but hive was no villain. He just wasn’t naïve enough to believe that they would all be happy in here this house was a beacon of good that would surely attract something or someone evil.

Walking over and taking a seat next to Mihoshi Hive smiled “hello there my dear arctic kit” He said flashing that beautiful Elven smile in her direction. It had been some time since hive used his Elven charms and this would be a nice time to see if they still worked.
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