Avatar of HowlsOfWinter
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 288 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. HowlsOfWinter 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current what if i die and people just think i'm offline
3 yrs ago
My sweetest boy crossed the rainbow bridge tonight 🐈🌈 Run free, my love. I'll miss your snuggles, my absolute precious furball.
4 yrs ago
Might slip into something more comfortable... like the void :') x
7 yrs ago
If my son becomes a priest, do I call him father?


Most Recent Posts

@Inertia It would only make sense! Haha
@BlackPanther Nature and light sounds interesting.

We have a really interesting set of characters so far. Looking forward to see the rest:)
@sakurasan@DeepestApology@McHaggis@Melo@Redrum@MiddleEarthRoze@RedDusk@Shadow Daedalus@Filthy Mudblood@HowlsOfWinter@13org@Sarcelle Renard

We are starting to be in slight need of female characters xD

no pressure, but can i just get a count of who's currently working on a female character?

I'm almost done with my CS. Will PM it to you in a bit :)
Great:) I already started working on my CS. It's just taking me really long to find an image for my character. (Very picky when it comes to the image I use) Also, i'm racking my brains out trying to come up with abilities.

But anyway, she's the goddess of the stars, rebirth, and the weaving of cosmic time and fate. To put it simply, she's the weaver of fate. Not exactly sure how to go about it yet. -sigh-
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