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Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

B-boyfriend Kaiga didn't act like it but he had his insecurities too, he may be loud and boisterous but there were times when he quieted down, now was one of them. Ria had called him her boyfriend, yes there was a time when they dated, and yes he still...liked her. B-but their breakup had been his fault he had focused more on Endeavor than her.

He was pathetic.

He didn't deserve to date Ria, "S-sure I'll come" Kaiga said tripping on his words "Ria you shouldn't...be dragged down by someone like me" Kaiga ran out of the room before anyone could stop him from coming over here was a mistake he had ruined everything again. Just when they were starting to be friends he ran away again.

B-but he wasn't wrong Ria shouldn't date him. He was down in the slumps simply because Endeavor retired, he hadn't changed at all. Ria could be grumpy at times but she was an extremely kind person someone like him was out of her league. He went into his dorms forcing a smile on his face "Sorry something came up I have to go to Le'Nombril" Not knowing that was where Yusuke was heading.

He shouldn't head there he had just blown Ria off potentially ruining their friendship but as stupid as it sounded he still wanted to go and see Ria and that's why he found himself standing in front of Le'Nombril in a suit it was one of those fancy places, right?

Shou Iwata

Shou saw Hang's look and couldn't even blame him he hadn't taken time to sufficiently prepare he didn't have a big enough base of operation nor did he have any scouting magic he had spent the majority of his time researching offensive magic he had focused on the fighting aspect of war instead of focusing on the defensive aspect. If he had asked he knew the Iwata clan would have provided him with a safe house but he didn't want to rely on them.

All that led to their current situation wandering around in the forest and sighing when Hang talked about their base of operation but then Hang asked him about his skills the one thing he was confident in "Well I have a phone" Shou said pulling it out before putting it back in his pocket "As long as it's charged we can ask it anything" Shou had made sure that the wifi was mobile losing internet would be a huge detriment to their war effort.

"I have some cash and some clothes left over from where I summoned you" Shou realized that Berserker probably wasn't talking about utility but it would be nice to at least inform him of such "If we're talking about combat skills I can use wind,fire, and healing magic along with reinforcement magic." Shou showed Hang his katana and black blade before swinging his katana a little and generating lighting.

"Then there's the grasscutter sword which generates lighting and a black blade that doesn't have much use" Shou still didn't know why he chose the black blade he just felt it was calling out to him, Shou had talked so much that they were in front of a temple before he knew it "Kiyomizu-dera temple..."

"There was a temple nearby but I didn't think to note it" Shou pondered for a moment before talking "If there's no one using it which is unlikely we could use it as a base of operations but if there are people we could at least procure some supplies" and just like that Shou was going to meet a rouge servant
Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

"Ah sorry...for lashing out" Jaku city was always a sore spot around Kaiga he had only told one other person he was from there Ria, he never wanted to talk about it and he was prone to getting quite aggressive when it was mentioned but this misplaced aggression had hurt someone that wasn't what a hero did so he would apologize and agree to help Yusuke.

Not only because Zealous was there but because making amends with others was the right thing to do. "Sure I would like to help out, I guess I am kind of curious." Kaiga calmed down and went to his dorm closing it quietly instead of hard and then he had his realization he had to smile no matter what happened he would keep on smiling, but then his hawk pad got a beep.

Someone new had moved to class 1-B probably another person from 1-A, ugh he at least hoped they weren't that bad most of 1A were assholes the person moving to class 1-B is Ria Himura...RIA was coming to 1-B his luck couldn't get any better and it said, she'd be paired up with Mawatari-San.

Hmmm, he knew where her dorm was located so he should visit her they were the best of friends after all, and he needed to change out of his uniform clothes opening his closet he got out his casual clothes.

If anyone saw Kaiga's casual outfit they would say it was unsuited for him considering his quirk, they would hold heat and steam without being able to effectively discharge it, and this could result in burns or overheating so there would be no logical reason for him to wear it. They would be right he didn't wear it for any logical reason.

It was his older brother's clothing the only one he could save from disintegration wearing it made him feel safe...he quickly changed out of his hero costume into casual clothing, he dressed before leaving the dorm but yelled to Yusuke "I'll be heading off for a while call me when we're going after Zealous message" he called out before quickly leaving the dorm.

Dashing through the halls swerving between students who were yelling at him the only thing on his mind was greeting Ria eventually he reached her door panting and filled his hair filled with sweat, he wouldn't have ran around the dorms like this for anyone but her


As the door opened he gave a smile before greeting "Nice to see you again Ria-San" forgoing the last name tradition they were extremely close after all.

Shou Iwata

"Then if scouting is our best option" Shou pulled out his phone before clicking the map app "There's a town nearby but...we could risk dragging innocent civilians into our conflict." Shou started to think about where they should go, a town was off-limits as they could risk dragging in innocent civilians. He checked around his map seeing if he could find anything else.

"We could explore the forest outside of here" Shou said "I doubt it but there's a chance another servant might be here or we could set up a base of operations instead of this abandon building." choice choices Shou wondered when he last had the ability to make on that he liked...well it mattered not once he won or he supposed if he won he wouldn't need to fret over it again.

@King Cosmos
Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga noticed Yusuke entering the dorm room and sighed to himself "Great." It wasn't born out of any hatred or animosity towards Yusuke. It's just that considering Yusuke's previous outburst he would be a troublesome roommate even if he tried to befriend him, but he had to at least speak to him to show him some respect. "Hello...Yusuke" Kaiga thought that was the end of their conversation and he could go back to sulking in his room about Endeavor's retirement but then Yusuke had to mention Jaku city.

Kaiga turned around to avoid him his lips quaked and he remembered their smiles how they told him to leave them behind how they were decayed right in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it Kaiga's entire body quaked before he turned around to Yusuke "Don't mention Jaku CIty around me...ever" Kaiga unchartalisticly growled out towards him before running to his room and slamming the door.

As Kaiga reached his room he felt himself start to reach deep inside himself, Yusuke had mentioned Jaku city...That horrible incident led him to meet Endeavor which caused him to become a hero for his recognition, but perhaps he had it wrong this whole time he shouldn't have become a hero for Endeavor's recognition. He should have become one to reach out and drag others from their despair as Endeavor did for him.

He couldn't give up on being a hero because Endeavor retired even if it struck him hard he couldn't give up he had to keep on smiling cause if he didn't then who would? If he wanted to be like Endeavor he needed to uplift others with a smile even if it was a fake smile, after all, that would still be better than no smile at all right?

Kaiga's hawk pad beeped, he looked down only to find his Endeavor streaming app getting a notification (Of course he had an app tracking Endeavor streams.) He was still streaming even if he retired. That was nice almost enough to put a real smile on his face, Endeavor wasn't gone perhaps he would still stream from time to time. What a relief.

As he watched the stream come to Endeavor part he got more and more surprised, he couldn't be talking about him, could he? No way but he mentioned Eirei, it had to be him right unless...there was another self-proclaimed number-one fan. Tsk he's been battling Tameda Hiroshi for that spot no way was he going to lose to another student.

But Endeavor's words inspired him...set your heart ablaze, Kaiga caught himself with a real smile. Endeavors words had fired up his spirit even more don't try to become like Endeavor, he had been told that multiple times but now he think he understood why. He was still sad that Endeavor was parting but his parting words lessened that sadness.

Shou Iwata

"hmmmm" Shou was deep in thought either they sit around like ducks and don't do anything or go out and try to find other masters to attack. "I think..." Shou's response would determine how the holy grail war would go for them would they be sitting ducks or bloodthirsty attackers? "I think we should go out and attack." They wouldn't win the grail war by just sitting around.

And with the sword he had he could stave off using mana, "but the question is how" how would they find the other masters how would they draw them out to fight. "If we're going to fight we're going to need to use a bait to draw out the other masters." Who that bait would be Shou didn't know. He would say Hang should go since he's a servant and would draw more attention towards himself than Shou.
Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga was currently scratching his head in his dorm professor Shimura was...nice ABSOLUTELY NOT. Kaiga liked to pride himself off the fact that he liked to try and understand people but Shimura-sensei...he hated him he knew the smart and heroic thing to do was to understand that Shimura-sensei was an asshole for a reason but he just couldn't forgive him.

Tsk, he wasn't any different from those heroes who let their emotions rule them how pathetic. Fortunately or well unfortunely as some would say he had Yusuke as his roommate, he hoped he could befriend or at least help Yusuke tame down his other um...less than loved personality quirks. He believed that Yusuke did want to help 1B but his ego got in the way.

He would talk to him later as now was time for an Endeavor stream...even though he had retired.

All Kaiga would see was videos about retirement...he knew Endeavor would retire one day he knew he knew one day Endeavor would give his agency to Zealous that Endeavor wouldn't be out and about as public much and he knew Endeavor wouldn't always be the number one hero but he wanted to cope for as long as he could ignore all the signs of retirement.

But time waits for no one, all he could do was move on. After all in hero society, people come and go heroes retire and new ones take their place a new generation rises to take the place of the old one, Heroes don't stay in hero society forever they can't after all, but seeing Endeavor leave it struck a cord with him. He was who he was because he was given his second wind by him.

He couldn't help but drown in his sorrows.
Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Nurse office, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga thought of complaining but decided that wouldn't do much nurse chisaki was strict he never even let him watch his Endeavor streams here the saddest thing of all. Kaiga gave a wave and a smile to Yuzuki "You must be Yuzuki-San nice to meet you" Kaiga started walking out of the nurse's office "Well you have to take me to mention don't you Yaoyorozu-Senpai" Kaiga gave him a look pleading for him not to cause trouble.

Kaiga felt it was best to respect authority figures, Chisaki-Sensei might be gruff occasionally he needs a cure and not let him watch an endeavor stream in his office he was sure he was a nice person Endeavor wouldn't have hired him if deep inside he wasn't a good person, and plus there was really only one teacher he hated his old one in 1A.

Shimura Danzo

Well it was a good thing he would only see him in passing he couldn't believe endeavor would make someone like him a professor when he's nothing but a spoonfed racist. Kaiga would deal with detention later but would first talk to his classmates he heard Rai had been demoted down to 1B which was unfortunate but it would be nice to see her again with Shimura-senpai.

Unfortunately, the world hates him and when he got to class 1B look who he saw sitting down.

"Shimura-senpai" Kaiga said gritting his teeth and spitting out poison but managing a smile "It's nice to see you but what are you doing here" He could guess, of course, class 1B had to get the worst professor in the school he always went late to his class...by one minute at least it was the thought that counted. Whenever Shimura talked all that came out of his mouth was things about blood.

Kaiga always tried his best to get the lowest grade in his class just enough to pass but not enough to bump up the grades of 1A it's unfortunate that it looks like he'll have to do that in class 1B.

Shou Iwata

"So none of us have any that can help with lookout" Shou sighed "Tsk" Shou was racking his brain for what to do but found no answer other than "The best thing we have is going straight to fighting" Shou put his hand on his hips "But the other masters are most likely already on lookout, charging in to fight them without a plan is suicidal" he should have learnt lookout skill back in training.

"Then if our only option is to fight we should do it carefully" Shou has to save up mana so they can't just recklessly fight "The question is What plan do we make" no lookout skills maybe he has a tracking plan the holy grail war is being such a pain.
Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Nurse office, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga smiled before shaking Matsuru's hand "It's fine Yaoyorozu-senpai" Kaiga understood perfectly why he had thrown the book at Yusuke "Yuhi-Senpai was being a bother" Kaiga continued on "And no one was hurt...well other than Yuhi-Senpai" Kaiga went silent for a moment before continuing on "You and Himura-Senpai know each other right seeing as your in the same year" Kaiga fiddled his fingers

"I-I don't think she's a bad person" Before Endeavor's retirement Kaiga would have just gone and said whatever he wanted willy nilly but now his confidence has taken a big hit "But that form of her's was scary, did she ever use that form before" Kaiga realized what he said and tried to wave it off "Well I'm not saying Himura-Senpai is prone to whatever that form was"

Kaiga eventually stop talking before sighing "I talk to much sometimes that was one of the reasons my ex-girlfriend broke up with me" Kaiga gave an even more deprecating sigh "Sorry if I'm acting different it's just that Endeavor's retirement hit me hard" Kaiga weakily smiled "hope I'm not being to weird."
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