Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Constantine XI Shielder Lily

Constantine XI Shielder Lily had bought a proper motorcycle with a flag bearing the Palaiologos Coat of Arms waving from a pole at the rear of the vehicle - The boy Servant was not afraid to announce his presence, even as he, from a side rode, drove up to Jan and spoke in Greek, "Hey, hey, you must be a Rider, and one proud of your exploits in defense of Christendom, too! Let's drive to an abandoned lot, shall we? We do not want to endanger the local populace."

And without waiting for Jan's acknowledgement, Constantine XI Shielder Lily, who closely resembled a certain Marty Stu, Stock Light Novel Harem Protagonist from a popular series of media, drove off for the nearest abandoned lot or construction site, saying, "Last one to reach the battle site is a rotten Turk!"

He then winked at a nearby CCTV camera as he did so, daring anyone who used mundane surveillance to interfere. As he found a suitable construction site where the workers had all left for the night, using his Motorcycle's horn to warn off any security guards, Shielder looked for a suitable place to park his new and shiny motorcycle before looking around for Jan under the assumption the Rider had followed him. He then spoke, "Oh, hey, you're Sigismund of Bohemia, right? That guy from Nicopolis? Or are you Wladyslaw of Poland or John Hunyadi? Wait, I recognize your cockade - You must be Jan Sobeski!"

Constantine XI then shamelessly began fanboying, "You are so cool if you are! You already know who I am, right? I'm Constantine, Constantine XI! You don't deserve lies, so I won't say I'm a Rider too like I planned - No; I'm a Shielder and I don't think anyone here knows who a Shielder is and how to fight one... So I still have the advantage of secrecy."

He then drew his sword, which shone with black and white angelic flames and said, "So, want to have a good scrap?"

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Hidden 5 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Shou Iwata

"hmmmm" Shou was deep in thought either they sit around like ducks and don't do anything or go out and try to find other masters to attack. "I think..." Shou's response would determine how the holy grail war would go for them would they be sitting ducks or bloodthirsty attackers? "I think we should go out and attack." They wouldn't win the grail war by just sitting around.

And with the sword he had he could stave off using mana, "but the question is how" how would they find the other masters how would they draw them out to fight. "If we're going to fight we're going to need to use a bait to draw out the other masters." Who that bait would be Shou didn't know. He would say Hang should go since he's a servant and would draw more attention towards himself than Shou.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Randomguy


Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya and Gajah Mada
((Collab post with @Letter Bee.))

"Sure!" Lorenzo said as Saber requested that he teach her how to use computers, "We can start right now, once you've cleaned up."

One whacked Familiar later, and Lorenzo remarked, "Hmm, we may have Anasasi or Arachne as foes; probably as a Caster if their use of Spiders as Familiars are any indication."

There was no way to know for sure until they finally met Caster, Gajah Mada agreed with her master that a spider familiar would narrow their suspect quite a bit. Although...

"Assuming that it wasn't a work of one of the masters, of course," she reminded her Master. After all, they only found a familiar, it could very well be the master's.

Then upon viewing Jan and Constantine's fight, Lorenzo spoke to Gajah Mada, "All right, Saber, let's go; I'll take a smartphone with a live feed with me so that we don't get blindsided by any recent developments, while at the same time... There's an electric bicycle in one of the sheds. Let's take it while I strengthen the Bounded Fields against intrusion."

"Fair warning, Master, my riding skill is quite low. Comparatively, these two servants appear to be quite adept at it, don't expect us to win in a chase, should it come down to it. But aside from that...I agree that we should join the fray. Neither of them appeared to be making much effort to conceal their fight, there is a possibility that this fight would also draw other Servants, making it a good chance to gather intel on them. After all, there are certain things we can only ascertain by engaging our opponent in battle than mere surveillance."

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by ManyThings
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Member Seen 1 day ago

First Night

Boundary of the Church Grounds

"You're sweet, but I'm not here to socialize!" Assassin swished their tail as the orange stray on their left nudged a mangled pigeon in their direction, "It's all yours, really!"

Assassin was in their exceedingly adorable cat mode, relaxing near the church grounds with some of the most well-reputed members of the local stray cat community. It had been a busy day for the master cat, having been quickly forced to abandon their original contract in favor of another prospect. The end result was that they knew less than they might have liked about their current Master, and the schemes they had already set into motion with the Princess in mind were left half-finished, bereft of an end-goal, for now.

Nightfall in a Holy Grail War came with the promise of bloodshed, and Assassin's efforts to search Kyoto had already paid off. The space around the church grounds was unmistakably a bounded field, the man who had the run of the place was surely an enemy Master, and the woman who had suddenly arrived from within the property today was obviously a top-grade beauty. Also, a Servant.

As Lorenzo showed Saber around the base, Puss did their best to also enjoy the tour, as best as was possible through the protective magecrart on the area. The main point of interest seemed to be a place full of modern machinery--computer equipment, Puss knew, from memories that weren't their own.

With their limited view through the window, they couldn't tell what exactly was being done by Lorenzo on the computer, but they sussed out the gist of it. Something to help with war strategy, or information, probably. A magus who knew how to take advantage of all the latest tricks was sort of respectable! Assassin was endlessly curious what the Master of the Church was up to, but they refrained from advancing towards the base.

Although it would certainly have been possible for the feline Servant to sneak past the spells that guarded the outside, something else was amiss.

You're cleaning?

Assassin observed as their enemy truly lived up to the title of 'Servant', moving around the base and tidying it up. She didn't seem to have any deeper motive... Until she swept away some sort of little creature. A bug? For an Assassin, it was only natural to take note of subtle changes in behavior when observing a target. Saber had returned to her Master to tell him about something significant she had noticed while cleaning.

Had someone else been spying? Puss cursed silently. They couldn't stand their working process being disrupted by an amateur's operation. All the same, they made a mental note to check themselves over for little bugs shortly, and to avoid the gaze of that Saber.

Assassin decided to sneak a bite of pigeon after all. A Holy Grail War always brought blood. It was going to be a long night
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Hidden 5 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee

Jan's first thoughts, as someone finally accepted his call to action, were something along the lines of; Drat, my own vehicle seems a bit lacking now.. Perhaps I should have asked to see if my Master owned a car I could borrow.. Oh well! Jan shakes off the motorcycle envy easily enough, and listens to the words of the one who accepted his challenge. "Wahaha! Well-spoken, well-spoken! I have no intention of endangering those who walk in God's light. Lead the way, my young friend!"

As the Shielder lead Jan towards a less populated location to do battle, he may have been surprised to note.. That the Rider was not lagging behind. Despite riding an electric bicycle (a notably slower vehicle), he was keeping perfect pace with Constantine's motorcycle. Jan gives him a wide grin the moment his vehicle's unusual speed was noted, and comes to a skidding halt, Akira bike slide-style, as they arrive at their destination. Before Jan could get a word in, he was ambushed! Not by any sort of attack, but by rapid-fire dialogue. Goodness, this lad was excitable. If he hadn't noticed how well he held himself, he'd question why one so young had been summoned.

"My goodness! To list my name among such impressive company, you do me a great honor. I am impressed you were able to place me so quickly, so I shall not attempt to deceive you. I am Jan Sobieski. It is an honor to meet a fellow defender of Christendom such as yourself, Emperor Constantine! A pity it must be as foes, but such is the way of things." At that last statement, Jan gives a lax shrug. They would not war in life, this was true. But Jan couldn't help but wonder how he compared. What an exciting event, this Grail War was. To test his lance against the might of history!

Jan steps off of his Bicycle, leaving it propped up against a wall as he steps into the center of the area, slinging his duffle bag off of his back, and unzipping it to retrieve his lance. At six feet, it outdistanced his opponent's weapon, but Jan was not foolish enough to believe his advantage of reach would make this an easy victory. "To be spoken about so positively.. I feel myself on the back foot! Hoho! I shall return your politeness and honesty with some of my own. I am afraid I am more familiar with the concept of Shielder than you may believe."

Holding his lance in one hand, he aims the other skywards, pointing into the starry night. "My title as the defender of Christendom, and the constellation 'Scutum Sobiescianum' - The Shield of Sobieski - make me eligible for the Shielder class as well! Though, I must confess my parameters would be far lower than yours if I were summoned in that form." Irrelevant to the current conversation, but Jan also had the potential to be summoned as a Lancer, though Rider certainly suited him best of all classes. With his Shielder self truly only being a credible threat had he been summoned somewhere near his home of Poland.

Jan's posture changes, from relaxed to imposing. Slipping into a combat stance, one he clearly had much practice in. But his facial features did not harden, they remained soft, almost joyous. His second love, after his beautiful wife, would always be Battle. "Now.. as one famed for surprise cavalry charges, I am unused to waiting patiently. But as we are both men of God, it feels only right we treat this as an honorable duel. Are you ready, Emperor Constantine?"
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Constantine XI Shielder Lily

"As ready as I'll ever be!," Constantine XI Shielder Lily said as he got down from his motorcycle, carefully measuring Jan's posture and other indications of his stance as more flames ran down his sword. "On the count of One... Two... Three... En Guarde!"

Then, in a flash of speed, Shielder was upon Rider; Jan would find himself beset by a flurry of cuts, thrusts, and slashes made with the maximum economy of effort - Despite Shielder's defensive orientation, it was clear he knew the benefits of a good offense. Of course, Rider would have a longer reach due to his chosen weapon, but that was fair; the boy Servant had every intention of making this a fair fight!

The thrill of combat, mixed with catharsis, was the result of the clash of lance and sword, at least according to Constantine XI Shielder Lily. If he found a lull in the fight, a moment he can get a word in edgewise, he planned to tell Jan, "You know, this ritual is flawed; or some would say altered and broken - Otherwise, Rogue Servants wouldn't be a thing in this lovely metropolis..."


Oleg-Marie Animusphere

Oleg-Marie's voice suddenly broke into Puss' mind as he said telepathically, making use of their Servant bond, I see Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya is here - This means something must really be amiss.

He then mused, Keep following him and his servant, but be willing to return to my side at the first opportunity - I am meeting with another Master on neutral ground.

A rueful tone entered his thoughts, The fact that I know him is an advantage - I can sell information about him to Lord El-Melloi to gain leverage; any fondness I have for Emiya must take second place to stopping my father. I wonder if Kayneth - Lord El-Melloi - will be willing to help me stop him? After all, his plans to create CHALDEAS is a threat to the way things should be...

Yes, his father, Marisbury, must die. Not for his emotional neglect and abuse but rather because Humanity's dominance over the Universe must not come at the cost of its dignity and self-image as 'righteous'. That, and the sheer inhumanity his father was capable of went above and beyond what a Magus needed or wanted for reaching The Root.

He imagined everyone praising him once his father was exposed and dealt with; that was how he would gain others' love and affection, by saving them all.

Hidden 5 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee

Once the battle began, the only thing those near the abandoned lot would hear was a chorus of steel on steel. Jan springs into action, body rippling with aggression. The joviality he expressed in his words was simply not present in his actions. The way he attacked, with focused intensity, was much more fitting of the man who lead history's largest cavalry charge. His opponent had the advantage in speed, but Jan had two things he could capitalize on. One; his superior range, and two; his physical might. Where Constantine was faster, Jan was stronger. Each thrust and swing from him would feel like a mighty blow, forcing any opponent not wishing to get gored or smashed to respect his weapon's wingspan.

The fight, to a casual observer (or one not skilled in the art of warfare), appeared to be a vicious grudge match. But the truth was far from it, neither one of the opponents were giving it their all. They weren't half-assing things by a longshot, but it was clear neither were going for the jugular as of yet. Which was why Constantine found the time to make conversation. Jan bats away an attempted slash with enough force to shove Constantine back (though not enough force to disarm, unfortunately), giving them the spacing needed to have their brief chat. His opponent's words cause Jan to furrow his brow.

"Rogue Servants, you say? I suppose that explains your unusual Class. How strange.. Haha! Just my fortune to be summoned for such an odd Grail War! Tell me, Emperor Constantine. From one Defender of Christendom to another, do you have a working theory just yet?"

Jan was a multi-tasker, so as he responded, he also charged forward. Lunging towards his opponent and thrusting his lance forward with great force at the dead center of the Shielder's torso. Perfect aim, from someone who was more than a little familiar with jousting. What made this blow unusual (and much more dangerous), was that in the gap between the initial thrust and whatever Constantine chose to respond with, the length of the Lance abruptly increased from six feet, to eight. It didn't extend forward, it simply was six feet one moment, and eight feet the next.

This was Jan's favorite trick, by changing his Lance's length mid-attack, it threw off the entire rhythm of his opponent. Even a minor unexpected change could prove deadly. Now it was time to test Constantine's mettle, and see if he could recover quick enough to avoid being gored through the chest!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Randomguy


Member Seen 11 hrs ago

After quickly changing into a sister's habit, Gajah Mada hopped onto the electric bicycle, with her master on the passenger seat. While her skill in riding was only D she was still a servant, and that meant even a mere D-rank riding skill was still better than a normal human. With her being the driver, however, meant she could not be in the spirit form, and thus, in order to preserve the secrecy of the war, she opted to don the available clothing in the Church, a sister's habit. A sister riding an electric bicycle with a priest would probably still turn some heads, but it was still more inconspicuous than her normal attire, which would be very much out of place—and time!

Guided by Lorenzo, who was watching the live feed from his smartphone, Gajah Mada swiftly manoeuvres the electric bicycle, avoiding crowded places so she could speed up. It appeared that both servants had left their previous whereabouts to move to a more isolated location.

That was good, at least both of these servants were the type that would respect the rule of the Grail War. Her Master had mentioned that one of his objectives was to ensure innocent people were protected, at the very least that meant they did not have to worry about these two servants, at least for the time being. Beyond, that Gajah Mada while Gajah Mada was no stranger to schemes and such, at her core, she was an earnest and conscientious woman, so she had always preferred straightforward engagement if she could afford it, and it looked as if she could.

The two arrived at the abandoned parking lot finding the two servants in a deadlock. Gajah Mada disembarked from the electric bicycle, as she manifested her normal attire once more, the traditional Javanese dress manifested in place of her sister's habit.

Drawing her Kris, she took a step forward,

"Servant, Saber. Terribly sorry that I interrupted this duel between you two gentlemen, but I'm afraid it's not an opportunity my Master and I can afford to squander."

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by GOATPlumber
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GOATPlumber The GOAT

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

Interesting.. It seemed that the child of another Lord was interested in contacting him for certain affairs. Of course, he would be highly cautious. It was just his type that he was looking out for, yet from what he heard the boy wouldn’t be much of a threat to him. With some consideration, a familiar crow that was nearby flew to the location of the boy, and spoke: “I will entertain your musings, child, but do not waste my time.”

Behind the veil of his familiar, he was smiling. After all, he was about to get something valuable in this miserable war, even though he had only begun his preparations in the war. Truth be told, he was rather arrogant because of his position in his proverbial tower.

“It is quite obvious that this one is looking for an opportunity.” He said to himself, smugly smiling as he considered his options.

He was perfectly willing to help the boy, but it also meant that he had to give something in return. Of course, he would make sure that the trade was fair, as was honorable among mage society, even if he himself and many other mages did not truly follow those rules.

@Letter Bee
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


It was decided then; for this first night of the war they were to go on the offensive. That approach suited Hang Jebat just fine; even if he were not in his current form he would have approved of a direct approach over a more passive one and he appreciated the fact that his master could be decisive when presented with a division. But the Servant couldn’t help but wonder whether or not the young mage truly knew what he was getting himself into and whether he would hold up once the fighting began in earnest.

The sword that Shou carried at his side was a good sign, but carrying a sword did not necessary come with the attitude or the willingness to use it. Berserker’s knowledge of this era told him that it was a relatively peaceful one and there were many young men Shou’s age that had never experienced combat, never seen death, or dealt it themselves. Perhaps Shou was an exception, he had entered a war of his own accord after all, or perhaps he was just naïve and optimistic.

Time would tell.

“Let us get the lay of the land first; scouting can be useful even if it does not reveal the enemy.” Acquiring first-hand knowledge of landmarks and the terrain would be useful when it came to setting up or escape ambushes. If they were lucky, they would stumble across one of the more conspicuous Servants while they were at it. “Once we have our bearings, we can move with less subtlety and see if anyone notices.”

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya

Lorenzo got down from his motorbike, nodded, and said, "Forgive us for the interruption indeed, but alas, the Grail War calls us to a fight to the death; sad that such a ritual, developed from an even older rite meant to safeguard the Grand Order, has devolved into this."

As he looked around for more spiders and other potential familiars, the youth spoke to Gajah Mada through their servant bond, A Kris would give away part of your identity; while statues of St. Michael in my homeland have a Kris, it would be a stretch to claim that you are an Archanagel... Either way, I heard something one of these Servants being 'Rogue'; that might be something we need elaborated on. Before you engage, pump them for information -

Constantine XI Shielder Lily

Constantine XI Shielder Lily interrupted, "Milady, you came just in time to hear my theorizing, theorizing so important that even if you were a Turk, I'd be giving you the needed information because, well, let's just say that the people who repurposed the Fuyuki Grail Ritual without full knowledge of its contents, the oh-so-illustrious Fujiwara Clan, screwed up the ritual while in one of the most mystically-significant areas of Japan. Now there are an unknown number of Rogue Servants roaming around; Masterless Servants who subsist on Leylines and other Mana-rich areas to survive. The problem is, not only does this affect our mobility, as we mostly cannot sustain ourselves outside of Leylines, but some of us have taken to killing animals and humans - Or just seducing people for 'Mana Transfer', in order to get around that restriction."

He looked at Jan, then Lorenzo and Saber, before saying, "I'm no Ruler, but the Dead cannot lead the living. Not just that, but if the threat to innocent lives does not move any of you, there's the fact that Rogue Servants like me can form temporary contracts with a Master and thus aid them in battle in exchange for Mana after a strong-enough bond has been made."

A smile that widened, seemingly lighting up the night, such was the enthusiasm and joy in it, before he continued, "So here's the deal; the one who defeats me will have a bond strong enough to gain my allegiance. What do you say?"

@GubGar @randomguy

Oleg-Marie Animusphere

Oleg-Marie Animusphere bowed a little in deference as he faced Kayneth's familiar, saying, "Lord El-Melloi, my father, Marisbury, seeks the Grail in order to amass enough resources to create a system that will generate a simulation of Earth, which will then bleach itself and then use Displacement Magecraft to substitute the Real World's surface with its own bleached one, thus allowing this system, CHALDEAS, to send agents to plant 'Lostbelt Trees' that allow timelines pruned by Gaea to reconstruct themselves on the bleached world. This in turn are preparations for my father to make CHALDEAS the new foundation of the Human Order which will then be strengthened to the point where Humanity will be the dominant species of existence... But at the cost of being lower than cockroaches."

He then gives several documents to Kayneth's familiar, saying, "Here; documents that prove my case - I risked my life trying to get them from Father's files. I also know one of the Masters in this Grail War; Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya, a Half-Asian grandson of Sealing Designate Noritaka Emiya - He's fighting for the Holy Church separately from its Overseer for some reason..."

Through their telepathic bond, Oleg whispered to Puss, And... Done. Father should be sending assassins after me right now that I've betrayed him. And if Lord El-Melloi sides with them, well, it's going to be a fight for survival, not victory. You all right with that?

Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Unbeknownst to the trio of servants and one master who recently arrived, they are being watched, not by a sneaking Assassin looking for a prey to slay but an intrigued Caster waiting to see how the situation will unfold through the eyes of her spider.

“They just shouted their names for everyone to hear.” she commented with a look of disbelief as she watched the barbarian princess enter the fray.

“Emperor Constantine the IX and Jan Sobieski, not the strongest of servants but they definitely deserve their position.” she commented as she looked at the rogue servant, a chance to gain an ally is an opportunity they should take.

“We should intervene, Master, this might be your only chance to get a second servant.” she decided as she approached the loom.

“But not before taking advantage of their oversight.” she said she began weaving a tapestry.

Names rarely if ever was chosen, it is something that someone picked for you. Yet it will follow you and your deeds will be labeled with it. A servant with her name known would be like an open book but with Arachne here, it is also a pathway to face their most shameful moments.

Yes with the power of her Noble Phantasm and knowledge of the names of two servants, she began making a tapestry one that can be said equal to her masterpiece torn by Athena.

“Ταπισερί Αράχνης”

"Tapiserí Aráchnis"

For the rogue Shielder, was the story of a glorious empire ruled by monarchs both good and bad. An empire that is on its final legs yet still trying to live.

And who destroyed that wish, who destroyed that hope?

That’s right, stupid, moronic Emperor Constantine the IX did, if only he was a better statesman, a better warrior or a better leader his kingdom would still be standing to this day.

And he had the gall to come back? Go away you useless piece of shit.

For the stalwart Rider was tribute to his deeds, as a warrior and as a king he fought valiantly and became the shield of their nation she cannot deny that. She could speak of his missteps but his deeds had made it justified.

So she’s only going to ask, why did you leave your wife alone, in a court that hates her?

Why was it that when there’s no more battles to fight, he chose to just lay himself down and die? She thought he was a faithful man?

So much for a faithful husband.

With her pair of tapestries done, she turned to her master and had her spiders make her more strings for the upcoming battle.

“That was enough preparation, I hope you have formulated a course of action now.” she spoke between ragged breaths.

Using her Noble Phantasm, twice in the row took some wind off her sails.

@Randomguy @Letter Bee @GubGar @Double D
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by GubGar
Avatar of GubGar

GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee @Randomguy

Jan was barreling towards Constantine, his Lance ready to pierce right through him. The Rider-Class servant was eager to see how his foe would handle the step up in intensity, though he still was not going all out, neither was he letting his opponent lead. The size-changing Lance was on a crash course towards him. Would he try to defend? Dodge? Counter? Perhaps utilize some unique Servant ability!.. All that to say, the last thing Jan expected Constantine's move to be, was to turn to talk to the newcomer who arrived.

As Saber arrived with her master in tow and introduced herself, Constantine turned away from his foe to speak to her. Jan skids to a halt, a screech occurring similar to a car's breaks being abruptly pushed down. The Lance hangs in the air, an inch away from Constantine's chest. Jan exhales in a combination of relief and exasperation, shakes his head, and steps back. Pulling his weapon with him. It was at that moment that Jan truly realized how young his opponent was. This was the great Emperor, to be certain. But a youthful version of him.. Not yet fully battle hardened.

"A word of advice, Shielder.. You ought to be a bit less trusting in circumstances such as this. You had no guarantee I would be courteous enough to stop my lance, regardless of the new arrivals! Historical figures are not simply what are written, after all. I could have been an opportunist."

Despite implying he might have struck Constantine down, Jan turns to face the newcomers as well, Lance still at the ready, but not poised for immediate hostility. He takes in the newly arrived Servant and Master combo. What he saw made him grimace. After all, as a defender of Christendom, he really wasn't sure if he'd be able to attack a nun! Mercifully, the outfit vanished and was replaced with another. Just a disguise, then. What a relief. The new servant seemed quite capable, so it did not come as much surprise when she introduced herself as one of the Three Knight Classes.

"Servant, Rider. Well met, Saber! No apologies necessary, I was quite public in my open challenge, it would be rather silly of me to be irritated when further company arrives because of it."

That, and, crossing weapons with a capable foe from seemingly far off lands was an opportunity Jan did not want to miss. But before that, it seemed the Emperor was ready to address the question Jan had for him. The Polish King listens patiently as Constantine explained what he knew.. Tampering with the Grail, how shameful.. Jan did not like the sound nor feel of this, not one bit. And these Rogue Servants, if what the Emperor said were true, they were a threat to the safety of the people of this city. Starved Heroic Spirits who required mana at any cost..

"It seems to me that those of us who desire the Grail War to be an honorable battlefield have a second duty beyond defeating those intentionally summoned, then. I have no interest in a victory that tastes of innocent blood. Very well, Shielder! Your challenge is certainly unusual for a battlefield such as a Grail War, but that merely makes it all the more exciting! What say you, Saber?!"
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Shou Iwata

"Then if scouting is our best option" Shou pulled out his phone before clicking the map app "There's a town nearby but...we could risk dragging innocent civilians into our conflict." Shou started to think about where they should go, a town was off-limits as they could risk dragging in innocent civilians. He checked around his map seeing if he could find anything else.

"We could explore the forest outside of here" Shou said "I doubt it but there's a chance another servant might be here or we could set up a base of operations instead of this abandon building." choice choices Shou wondered when he last had the ability to make on that he liked...well it mattered not once he won or he supposed if he won he wouldn't need to fret over it again.

@King Cosmos
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Randomguy


Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Responding to her master through their telepathic link, Gajah Mada replied, 'True...but I am a Saber Class Servant there is no going around the fact that I have to expose my blade to fight any more than, say, King Arthur would have to expose his legendary sword to fight. Worry not, Master, there are far more heroes more known for their kris than I in my region of origin, why, I don't even hold a famous kris, like Kris Mpu Gandring wielded by Ken Arok. Mine is but a nameless one. That aside, I'm of one mind regarding prodding for more information,'

Gajah Mada then listened to Shielder explaining the possibility that something was wrong with the ritual, as proven by the presence of rogue servants, before proposing that he'd pledge his alliance to the winner of the fight, to which Rider enthusiastically agreed.

Gajah Mada replied, "Before I agree, there are some matters I wish to clarify," She turned to Shielder, as she continued, "You offered your allegiance too freely, that I can't help but wonder what exactly do you get out of it. You may not be summoned to fight for the grail, but it is hard to imagine anyone would not be interested in obtaining a wish-granter for themselves. Unless...something was wrong with the grail. You mentioned that 'the people who repurposed the Fuyuki Grail Ritual without full knowledge of its contents' What are these contents of the grail the Fujiwara Clan is not aware of? Ah but before you answer, one other matter..."

Gajah Mada walked over to the corner of the abandoned parking lot, where she had felt a similar sensation she had felt in the Church. It looked as if whoever was spying on them back then was also spying on the parking lot.

"As you have heard, mysterious stranger peeking in, there appears to be some crucial information regarding this ritual. I am not aware of how much you already know of the matter, but...I imagine that if you're not exactly aware of it, this would be something that you would be interested in. How fortunate that you have this spider familiar listening in, if someone were to...dispose of this spider familiar of yours, I'm afraid you have to attend our meeting in person."

She gave a smile at the spider, before killing it.

Gajah Mada did not know how inclined this individual was to appear in person, but now, she hoped she had given just enough incentive for them to come.

Though, of course, she did genuinely wanted to know if something was amiss with the grail, for example if it was not in fact omnipotent or if it had any defects that would be important for her to know.

She turned back to Shielder, "Now then...would you mind answering my question?"

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by ManyThings
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Member Seen 1 day ago

First Night

Kyoto Rooftops

"Don't be too pessimistic, Master. We can do much better than just surviving. Your Servant is Puss in Boots!" Assassin spoke into the magus' mind as they strayed from the group of street cats, slinking into the shadows. "Your wishes will come true, no matter what."

With Saber and Lorenzo leaving the church compound, there was little reason for Assassin to stick around and keep watch on the area. They were idly curious to know what was on Lorenzo's computer, but that was hardly a priority when the first moves of the war were being made. Tucked away amid the shadows and refuse of the alleyways, far from prying eyes and familiars, Puss' tiny body dissipated into nothing as they shifted into their spirit form, abandoning the guise of a cat for the time being.

Leaving the compound on an electric bicycle gave Saber ease of mobility, but it also meant that she and her Master were not difficult to follow in the slightest. Aside from the fact that Assassin on foot could certainly keep up with such a vehicle, there was the issue of her having to adhere to the roads while Puss could maneuver as they pleased. The invisible Assassin shot up to the rooftops, shadowing the pair from a distance. Even when they lost sight of the bike in traffic or behind taller buildings, the presence of a powerful hero like Saber and the energy of Lorenzo's command seals made tracking them down a simple matter. Puss, on the other hand, gave off no signal of their presence, the trace of magical energy from their spiritual body muted by the inherent ability of the Assassin class.

"Anyhoo, best of luck with your deal. Let me know if you find out what kind of Servant that aristocrat is paired with." The Assassin continued to chat with their Master as they pursued the enemy. "And if there's trouble, just use the Command Spell!"

In truth, Puss was eager for their Master to use up some of the tattoo that marked their contract. They weren't a fan of micromanagement, and found the whole idea of needing to be compelled to obey their Master to be a little insulting. Puss in Boots did their best work at the time and place of their choosing, not when a spell was put on their heart! All that aside, it was more practical to use the Command Spell for something like teleportation or strengthening in tough battle.

Soon enough, Assassin no longer needed to follow Lorenzo and Saber, as it became obvious where they were headed. The presence of multiple enemy Servants shone brightly, and Puss, concealed, took up a vantage point nearby to observe the proceedings in spirit form. Being just close enough for their sensitive ears to pick up the details of the situation, they would have plenty of entertainment if something went down!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Double D
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Double D Oregano

Member Seen 7 days ago

First Night, Kyoto Forest
Interacting With: @Digmata

"Yeah... I heard them too Caster. That Constantine fellow doesn't know how to keep his trap shut. I'd rather not have him as an ally."

She felt some secondhand resentment and anger on behalf of Rider's master. That one blunder had just hurt their odds of winning the war for no gain whatsoever. Just one teenager not treating this whole affair with respect. It made her huff and shake her head.

Her familiar sat on a nearby rooftop, watching the servants below converse... Only for a Saber to appear to join in on the mess. This was starting to get a bit ridiculous. Rider had been trying to draw attention, but she had expected at least some of the other servants to find other places to show up. Three of the seven were there, and the fourth was observing it.

As Caster used her Noble Phantasm to prepare their trump card against the two more physically powerful servants, she listened in on the conversation. The Familiar quietly grooms itself on the rooftop to try and blend in as just another random animal. Only to frown slightly as the Saber managed to catch Caster's own familiar out.

"I'm not sure it's a good idea while that Saber is around. They've seemed to catch your scent, as it were. You probably got a little too zealous with those spiders of yours..."

What went unsaid was that the three people down there were "honorable" types. Odds are they'd take an intrusion to their duel as an insult and attack if they had prepared the battleground perhaps. Yet they had to go to them and drag them into a proper battlefield. It wasn't worth the risk.

"Focus on information gathering for now. We know what the other two are, and I think I can formulate strategies to defeat either Shielder or Rider by their lonesome. Together's much more difficult. Not counting the Saber. We focus on gathering information about them for now, as well as see if we can figure out if there's anyone else watching this mess. If you want to try and interfere, go ahead, just try to not put yourself into harm."

With that, she'd direct her own Tanuki familiar to stand up from where it had groomed itself. Beginning to circle the area where they were going to fight. Trying to see if she could get eyes on anyone else that might be hanging around. Hopefully the servants were too busy with each other to pay it any mind. It'd be annoying to have to make another familiar so quickly.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by GOATPlumber
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GOATPlumber The GOAT

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

A bird landed on a nearby tree branch, opening its mouth as if it was about to speak, “Regardless of the nature of the Grail, all that matters is that we reach a consensus that allows us to reach it, to either destroy it if it is troublesome, or to exploit it if it is useful.”

Kayneth knew only the fact that the Grail was a wish-granting device based on the old Fuyuki model. Perhaps some form of corruption had taken place, though he had no concrete evidence to back up such a suspicion. Just as he said, all that truly mattered was that someone reached the Grail – which of course would be him – and found its true nature.

If it was something dangerous? Then he would contact the Mage’s Association and have them deal with it. The prestige of winning a Grail war of this magnitude and perhaps even saving the world was something that would be incredibly valuable. Kayneth pictured himself receiving accolade after accolade, being praised for his actions and prowess, and perhaps even his Fiance would be radiant for him.

That last thought was something that he pushed to the back of his mind, despite the fact that he fawned over Sola-Ui, as he had to focus on the battlefield that he was participating in, “Very well, let us form an alliance. It matters not what happens in the end, only that we accomplish things in the present.”

His voice was projected through the bird familiar, informing the people present.

@Letter Bee
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Constantine XI Shielder Lily

Constantine XI Shielder Lily leaned forwards a little conspiratorially, gave the smallest of grins, and said, "The Grail in Fuyuki is corrupted by a malign force anathema to Humanity that turns all wishes made with it into a mockery of the wisher's original intentions. This Grail, in Kyoto, contains fragments of this impurity, which we shall call Angra Manjyu, the utter force of evil in Iranian Zoroastrianism, though much less so than the Original Grail. Also, further modifications were made so that the Grail does not need to manifest in an Einzbern Homunculus as Servants die in the Kyoto Holy Grail War, but those destabilized the magical structure of the Grail and now it's spitting out Rogue Servants beyond the original Seven."

He straightened his posture, and his eyes glinted with reflected light as he continued, "So you're dealing with a flawed system and a broken creation that's sputtering at the seams. Does that test your resolve?"

Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya

Saber would feel it; Lorenzo was suppressing rage, disappointment, hatred... And a sense of validation as he wordlessly locked himself into a resolution.

The Grail was unnecessary at best and needed to be destroyed at worst. And woe betide those who stood in the way of that goal. Nevertheless, courtesy, friendliness, and the desire not to strike the first blow stayed his words and his hand - Looking at Gajah Mada, he waited for the Saber-class Servant to make her decision. Will she stake her wishes on such a flawed vessel, and disappoint him? Or would she give up this chance, and prove herself willing to choose a proven good and cast aside a proven evil?

@GubGar @randomguy@Double D

Oleg-Marie Animusphere

Oleg-Marie Animusphere nodded and bowed before Kayneth's familiar, even as several Animusphere Branch Family members, the very ones he had brought as his entourage on his father's orders, burst inside his room, shouting:

"Your father said you would betray us! How dare you?!" before launching a volley of curses, burning Starfire, and various combat magecraft which he easily countered with a shield powerful enough to parry a Servant's attack, then followed up with a burst of his own incendiary starlight. With Kayneth's Familiar as his witness, Oleg-Marie Animuspehere fought alone against the men and women who now sought to become his replacement, felling one, then three, then five of them, before the seven remaining rogue branch members attempted to flee.

They would not make it to the door before being melted down into fat and ashes. Turning towards Kayneth's familiar, Oleg-Marie said, "This is what I have to bring to our alliance, Lord El-Melloi. I hope you are honored with this humble offer of my skills."

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Randomguy


Member Seen 11 hrs ago

'An evil of Zoroastrianism having corrupted the grail? Gajah Mada thought, once Shielder finished speaking.

That was a cause of concern, if true. Gajah Mada could already feel her master's ire through their master-servant pact. Not surprising, given that her master had been upfront about how protecting innocent people was his main motivation in joining the war.

It was not as if Gajah Mada was entirely unsympathetic to Lorenzo's sentiment, after all, she was an incarnation of Vishnu. She might not be counted among the ten primary avatars of Vishnu, the Dashavatara. The divinity indwelled among her pales in comparison to those ten, such as Rama or Khrisna. But nevertheless, she was an aspect of Vishnu, the protector of good and virtue, who descended into the world when righteousness waned and unrighteousness increased.

If there was indeed an ancient evil existing in this age, as one of Vishnu's avatars, it was her sacred duty to annihilate that evil. However...

"That is quite the claim, Shielder. You'll excuse me if I did not take it merely at your words. In the first place, it is quite suspect that a rogue servant—Servants that are anomalies, their movement limited by the leylines—would be able to possess this information when masters joining this war do not. I am not saying you are lying, but such a claim demands to be substantiated further. The existence of rogue servants is a symptom of an anomaly in the war, yes, but it says nothing regarding the nature of the anomaly itself. Until we have further proof, I see no reason to change our course of actions."

Turning to Rider, she added, "At least that is where I stand at the moment. What say you, Rider? I would like to hear your thoughts."

Through her telepathic link, she then addressed her Master, 'Calm yourself, Master. While I agree that what Shielder said was a cause of concern, as I've said, we do not have proof of its veracity at this juncture. I suggest we continue doing what we've been doing. After all, if the grail truly is corrupted, all the more reason for us to ensure it does not fall to nefarious hands, no? Until we have concrete proof, I say we claim the grail for ourselves and then determine what we should do with it'

If she had determined for herself that the grail had been corrupted by evil, she would destroy it herself if needed, but until then, she would not simply renege on the very oath that had made her left indelible marks on history merely because someone claimed the grail to be corrupted.
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