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@imia so as the post originally reads: you could react to the move but its very unlikely that you could escape damage entirely. This is because I'm taking the hot and hitting you at the exact same time. So you are correct in your first assumption.

The reason your response would still have to come before mine is because you have that option to do something. I would need you to accept the hit in some way for it to be James's turn again, for him to pull them back out.

However, you don't have to worry about that because @Izurich just used an ability to restrain James's hands with blood manipulation. Meaning even if James fought through that he is restrained enough that Iava can now dodge entirely.

so if there were to be a timeline, liz's ability would have come before james's own move?

okok i have two things here that i want yalls perspectives on:

1. the way im reading it there could be a chance for iava to react to his movements, and that would raise a question of where exactly james' strike lands. would that be correct? cause id be able to flesh that idea out and make a post for it since that question would impact his response

2. if im mistaken with 1 then i feel like it would make more sense for james' response to come first? cause james would to move his bone spiky thingies (with how im visualizing everything atleast)

@RoseKnightJason @shylarah @Izurich just in case
okok i have two things here that i want yalls perspectives on:

1. the way im reading it there could be a chance for iava to react to his movements, and that would raise a question of where exactly james' strike lands. would that be correct? cause id be able to flesh that idea out and make a post for it since that question would impact his response

2. if im mistaken with 1 then i feel like it would make more sense for james' response to come first? cause james would to move his bone spiky thingies (with how im visualizing everything atleast)

@imia Hey, do you plan on letting Bone Chime skewer Iava? I figure yes but I wanna be sure before I post my post.

yeah go crazy

<Snipped quote by imia>

I never responded to this! I've never had a player describe one of my characters as inspiring, so this is an accomplishment in my book. Thankyou.

Likewise, since your in character posts I've been impressed by Iava's detailed personality. I've always felt I'm much better at writing in character than I am writing out a character bio/sheet. I feel we may be kindred spirits in that sense.

The line "not usually, no, but do as you will," was mint.

youre welcome & agreed!! i personally think i do best whenever im working with others so that definitely has alot to do with it. and thank you^^ but it only happened bc of james, like i said hes inspiring!!
Iava Mehta

Another clash, and this time she felt herself grow familiar with the weight behind the pirate's weapon. The fervor of battle flowed through her like a current, guiding her downstream to him. Iava raised her sword to strike, though this time the knife whizzing past caught her eye and made her falter.

She hummed. An inadequate swordsman would have blundered by now. Combined with the fact that it had been three-on-one, it took a true fighter to treat the situation as he was. He'd known his limits well and didn't let a single bit of knowledge go to waste. It was safe to say that Iava would remain impressed by him regardless of how the battle went. She kept her sword as the ready as he spoke,

"Better not get too reckless, mercenary. If you pass out from blood loss you're no help to these two."

"So you'd think," Iava replied, shrugging off the judge of character. It'd been nothing more than a superficial comment. For if the man's words held any merit behind them, he'd not have been judging the girl's power so lightly. Or perhaps he simply hadn't caught on yet. Regardless, after what she'd seen, she held no doubts of the witch's abilities. Thankfully, because the englishman made sure there would be no time for doubts.

Iava would have caught a mouthful of whatever he spit at her had she not been so terse. She used both hands to bring up her sword, protecting her face whilst she crouched off to the side. The projectile bought enough time to stall Iava as the summoner began her own assault. She found her teammate beginning her own retreat as she began a move of her own.

Still crouched, she propelled forward with a burst of speed, darting towards the captain's right flank. Omen slicing through the air in a precise arc aimed towards Bone Chime's knee. The energy behind it was fierce, almost explosive, her blade's edge gleaming as it sought to break his defenses.
In ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 3 mos ago Forum: Test Forum

Row 1, col 1Row 1, col 2Row 1, col 3
Row 2, col 1Row 2, col 2Row 2, col 3
Row 3, col 1Row 3, col 2Row 3, col 3

Row 1, cols 1 & 2Row 3, col 3
Row 2, col 1Row 2, col 2Row 2, col 3
Row 3, col 1Row 3, cols 2 & 3
Row 4, cols 1, 2 & 3

whys it called cell and not column??? no genuinely dont piss me off
In ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 3 mos ago Forum: Test Forum

hooray kos-mos
not centering the data within this COLUMN
makes it look kinda ugly in this context
but could easily work in others
ex: could center the image overtop of this
and have that be a char img
then this part where im typing rn
would be like notes, or even
a tl;dr for the post which
is on the right ->
filling in more space here will push the other cell over and squish it up. <-- thats deadass a lie?? it dont matter???


hooray kos-mos
where the hell is that long ass line coming from ^ it was the rows. WHY IS THE LINE UP THERE NOW?? GG
well either way filling up the space makes it easier on the eyes

the greatest scientists in the world could not tell u wtf row is eveen doing. im looking up documentation fk this

Iava Mehta

The clash lit Iava's spirit ablaze. Heavy, was what she'd thought of her adversary's spikes. Hard, too, since they're bone, and they couldn't go anywhere since they grew out of him. A true extension of the body. She could be colored impressed.

Not impressed enough to be blind to a direct strike. She would have done something like bring her sword up to reflect... if she could have died. Being without risk, she decided to press her luck. Iava's momentum carried her off-balance after the clash. She grounded herself firmly with her heel and turned on it, shifting her stance in the face of the thrust.

Though the captain's strike was true. Bone sliced through Iava halfway through her rotation to her right, driving through her leather cuirass with relative ease. The edge bit into her side and drew blood. Blood came with a sharp intake of breath, being more than welcomed by the warrior knowing who she was with. The threat of impalement subsiding allowed her to get a fuller view of the pirate's magic on display, the large tentacle shooting out, and she'd caught a flash - knives and the young woman from before, primed to close the distance. She was grounded now, thusshe must occupy the man some more.

With a twisting motion she'd whipped the sword through the air, a vicious glint of steel poised straight for the Chime's neck.
I would just like to say I am incredibly impressed with everyone's writing and thrilled the roleplay is already starting off at this caliber.

AGREED!!!! also james is cool and inspiring as hell
Iava Mehta

Iava knew she stood with two others. All three of them shared the mission of taking him down. Therefore must do her best to enable her partners. She was to preoccupy Bone Chime in this fight. Nothing more, nothing less. The less of his attention he could pay to the witch and the summoner, the more opportunities for them to place the nail in his coffin.

"Surely you would allow a man to draw his weapons?" The captain's tone prompted the ghost of a smile from Iava.

"Not usually," the warrior replied, not dropping her weapon, "But, do as you will."

Clearly the man wouldn't have signed himself up for this had he not been capable. Iava's eyes widened slightly at the sight of his "weapons," the poles growing from his wrist in a grueling manner. She'd been wondering what he was to pull from his sleeve, though she didn't think he'd do it so... literally. Surely that hurt, no?

She'd been shocked out of her thoughts by the abnormal - his blood, no longer trickling down naturally, but moving on its' own. It clicked then and there. It had been the magic of the little witch. A thought flashed through her mind. Any blood spilled simply meant more power on their side. And right now she couldn't die. It didn't matter how she fought, just that she was fighting and occupying the space. Turning into a fountain would still aid her teammate.

That thought made her lose any intentions of matching Bone Chime's dual wielding with her sheath. She'd block with her arm - if it gets cut off, oh well. If the reanimation spell doesn't reattach body parts? She'd have to be stopped from taking the captain's in return.

Now, how to preoccupy a man?

Iava had a variety of styles in a fight. One she frequently used, as it worked best against the less experienced, was to take control. Stepping back, determining the range of battle, checking any foolhardy advances, and stomping out each and every option her opponent would take until they had nothing left. It was satisfying, but not effective; she would sacrifice many openings in the process.

In the current moment, she matched his fighting stance with one of her own. She did step back, as if to circle him again, though only for a split second. She weighed down on her rear foot before she unleashed her blade in a dramatic sweep. Though it was a feint; she quickly adjusted her blade as it arced through the air and pivoted sharply, fully committed to follow through in spite of the dangers. The adjustment would lead to her true goal as she went for a second, decisive strike.
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