Avatar of ineffable
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furiously looking for a slice of life rp...
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Whelp, here's where you learn a little bit about me whether you like it or not.

Hi! You can call me Effie or ineffable or basically whatever you'd like but welcome to my little corner of the guild! I've been here for about 5 years, starting on my adventure in roleplaying in a free roleplay and moving my way up towards more high casual roleplays, which is what I'm working on right now. You can find me a lot in Slice of Life roleplays and every so often in Fantasy or Sci-fi. As for a little bit about me: I love 80s era movies and music and play an inhumane amount of video games. I am also kind of low key addicted to Dungeons and Dragons and a total bookworm with a favoring towards contemporary fiction.

Hit me up to talk about everything and anything!

Not currently roleplaying, but if you have any interesting roleplays or 1x1s please do DM me! (I check back on the site a lot)


And welcome to where I store all of the stuff that I don't need but turn out to need anyway.

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Hi! I might join in on the fun but I'll have to see if I'm really free enough to do so and also if I can get the sheet in on this Sunday on time, if all that's okay?

Hunter's Hideaway

October 1st 12:00pm | Interactions w/ Hunter NPCs and a Dark Magic using Witch

Evren paced around the bar area of the farmhouse, her fingers reaching out and touching a bottle lightly before she grabbed it fully and downed it, not that that would do her any favors in training later, but oh well. Her hair hung in sweaty strands on either side of her face and she brushed them back impatiently. Why was he taking so god damn long? Evren placed the liquor bottle on the counter gently but contradicted this action by her slamming her palm on the wooden surface. Evren Arthur needed answers...and she'd better get them now. As she moved over to the couch and slowly lowered herself onto it she heard the farm door slamming closed and immediately got back up again, her body tense as she awaited an answer.

Everett appeared before her, coolly calm as she reached down and pulled out one of her more inferior daggers out of her boot, flipping it by the hilt so she had a proper hold on it as she advanced towards the lazy little brute.

"Well? Do you have an answer?" She faced Everett head on as he looked back down at her, his eyes unreadable.

"Why ask Everett when you can ask me?" Augustus appeared beside Everett and leaned a toned arm against the doorway, raising an eyebrow at the dagger she was gripping in her hand. "What're you planning to do with that, angel?"

Evren gave the dagger one last cycle around her spinning fingers before she rapidly turned and chucked it in the direction of the two hunters. They barely moved as the dagger embedded itself securely a mere centimetre away from Everett's head. Augustus chuckled and saluted at her.

"Don't keep me waiting. Spit it out."

"We hunted down the witch, and you're right. She confirmed that there has been something wrong around these parts...but she just doesn't know what." Everett spoke the words that Evren had been dreading, her furrowed brow an indication of just exactly how worried she was about the recent development.

Evren had noticed something wrong for a couple of days now. The lone supernaturals were behaving strangely when they were hunted down, believing that the hunters brigade had something to do with whatever was going on even though they didn't. She'd heard the whisperings of the dark magic using witches and warlocks they've caught and picked up on it pretty quickly. The problem had been in her head for days and she'd been frantically reading up on as many journals and hunter history books as she could find to see if anything of the sort had happened before. She had found nothing. Was it going to make the supernaturals stronger? What exactly was the meaning of this feeling? And lastly, the question that she hadn't allowed herself to ask: Would it affect her dad? Evren shook off the worrying thoughts as she brushed past the two hunters to reach the door. She was going to go and check up on the witch that Everett and Augustus were taking care of, that at least seemed like the best she could do for now.
"You didn't kill her yet, did you?" Evren pulled on her coat and tossed back her strawberry blonde locks from the confines of the jacket.

"Nope, we left her all to your highness."Augustus mock bowed and poured himself a drink from the bottle she'd left on the counter, offering one glass to Everett who eyed her cautiously before taking a sip.

"I'm going to go get more info. Hold down the fort and if you can...I'd like a werewolf here by tonight. God knows I need the fun." She gave instructions, shouting them over her shoulder as she crossed the threshold and headed out to the shed, some ways away from the main farmhouse.

Evren pulled the door open and peered into the room, grabbing another knife from the pile on the shelf. She glanced down at the dried blood on the blade and gave it a quick sniff. It seemed to have been the killer of a witch or warlock, the smell averagely mundane. She hadn't killed any magic users this week so it must've been one of the others. There was no reason to kill them, not if they could come in useful one day, but if one of her hunters had a problem with their kind then she really wasn't one to argue. She creeped closer to the edge of the room and spotted the unconscious witch tied up in the corner, her long black hair hanging matted and dirty over the edge of the screwed in metal chair and her lips fully covered with a tight cloth.

Evren moved quickly to edge the knife next to her neck, giving her a kick to the shins with her metal tipped boot to wake the other girl up. The witch woke, her eyes growing wide at the sight of a new kidnapper.

"Hello there, sweetie. My name's Evren and you are?" The witch opened her mouth, the beginnings of a spell making their way to Evren's ears before she moved the tip of the blade deeper into the girl's upper neck, a small trail of blood making its way down her delicate skin.

"Nuh uh, baby. You see, I don't really like all your dark magic. I just want information. So if you pull whatever you're going to pull...I won't hesitate to kill you." Evren gave the other girl a smile and winked, conspiratorially as if they were friends.

"Amy is my name. What do you want with me?" Amy spat the words rudely out in Evren's face, provoking only a sight widening of eyes as the knife blade slipped dangerously close to her cartoid artery. "Whoops"

"I want some information on what is going on around here. You say you don't know but I have a feeling you do. There's something wrong and I like planning, so I'd favor it if you pointed out to me exactly what the hell is causing the problem so I know what to do. Help a girl out?"

"Look, all I can say is that something is up in the air. My coven's been talking about it but whatever it is I really don't know. We have a suspicion that it might be the doing of something, someone but there's no guarantee we're right. There are people working towards finding out though, so maybe take them instead." Amy's voice was innocent but firm. Her eyes looked Evren up and down and Evren could just about see the girl plotting her demise. She was a dark magic user after all, it wouldn't have cost her much.

Evren took the time to regard Amy again before she pulled the cloth back over her lips, removing the knife from it's position and tossing it onto the floor.
"You'll not be spared the mercy of a killing just yet. Hang around for a bit, honey. We might need you...or not." And with that the door to the shed slammed closed, Evren walking out into the cold breeze and hearing, like a sweet lullaby, the girl's muffled screams behind her.
Also can I just say how taken I am by all these great face claims? Like we have zac and milo and the whole party here :P

~whoops sorry~
@spooner@Dirty Pretty Lies

And we're done!

EDIT: Sorry, edited and lengthened some bits real quick

Adding myself to the mix! Here's my draft (that I will update and tag you in once I'm done):

Location: Salvador's
Interacting with: Mackenzie Davenport, Oliver and Stella Lambert
Indirectly Interacting with: Max Wallenberg

Georgie parted ways with Carter, giving him a quick small wave as she threaded through the crowds towards the liquor table on the other side. The room was just about heavy with sweat as people danced their way around her, bodies rubbing unpleasantly against each other as Georgie gave herself time to pull a disgusted face. While she did like dancing, she never liked the sweat and exertion that came with it. Finally, she managed to make her way to the table lined with discarded red solo cups and a couple of tall glass bottles of alcohol, along with a small cooler of beer. She poured herself some whiskey and downed some of it before she glanced down at her phone, pulling up Chrysler's name on the screen and quickly sending him a text.

GEORGIA F: chrys, where in hell are you? do u have any idea who i had to come w/ to the party???

CHRYSLER T: calm down, i know all about your antics. too bad im still stuck at home nursing a 101 degree fever.

GEORGIA F: are u actually kidding me? i'm here because i thought that sometime around hell or nothing you'd show up

CHRYSLER T: whoops, guess i didnt get the message then 🤷‍♂️

"Honestly?" Georgie scoffed and pocketed her phone. Guess she'd just have to find another person to encourage her partying then. Chrysler had always been such a flake, she should really learn to expect this but yet Georgie always had an optimistic view when it came towards her beloved friends. As she walked through the crowd Georgie managed to pick up a few faces and waved towards them, her fingers itching just to touch her camera and take a few shots of the gorgeous, privileged faces in such a typical high school fashion (i.e: drunk and partying way too hard) not that she had an issue with that.

Georgie pushed her way through a couple of witches before she saw him. Max looked hot. Of course he did. She let her eyes sweep over him once, thinking of their day at the lake together and just how cute he was. But that was stupid, her thoughts shouldn't get out of control. She'd gone through her fair share of crushes before but up until Sawyer...well, let's just say she didn't expect that level of hurt again. And she wasn't even able to face it herself if she'd had a crush on Sawyer or not, or if anything had ever happened between them on the romantic spectrum, that was just how weak she was. God, she was hopeless wasn't she?

Georgie adjusted her hat, running a hand over the velvet rim before she turned away from the alluring boy god and focused her attention instead on Mackenzie Davenport, standing with Stella some paces away. She hadn't talked to Mac in a long time and Georgie was looking for a fun time so this seemed like the absolute perfect signal. Her shined loafers instantly tapped their way over to the two girls, hoping she wasn't interrupting them as Georgie looped an arm around Mac's shoulders and whispered teasingly:
"Missed me, Mac?"

God knows she needed all the distraction she could get.

Location: The Island (meeting hall) ♡
Interacting with: @Tootsiepop@GhostMami@Hoekage@QueenNugget

Irene slowly looked at the faces around her, her eyes darting from one familiar face to another and trying to piece together that information with what she remembered from the reading that she had done on them the couple of nights before she'd reached the Island. She knew that the person speaking to her was Kasania, of course and that she'd certainly done something wrong by looking at the man radiating evil over there. She quickly averted her glance and settled her large doe eyed gaze on Kasania instead who had blocked her view of the man, stretching her lips into a genuine smile.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't place the face of him. I'm Irene. Uhm...Irene Artois. It's nice to meet you, Kasania, truly."
As she spoke and continued to listen to the others talk she noticed the small warning that Octavius seemed to be telling her. She was right, he radiated something that she did not feel any remotely drawn to and she'd noticed that. Even looking at him had been a mistake, she knew that now.

How was she ever going to survive in such a group if some of them may turn out evil like this? Irene fretted to herself silently as she bit her lip. She certainly wasn't cut out for this. She was so young compared to the others and she knew that she was insanely weak. Her father had always told her that her heart would be the death of her (very funny, dad) and she knew it, even though she tried hard to keep to her morals. It was going to ruin her in this game, that was for sure. More than anything Irene just wanted to call her parents and talk to them about this but that was impossible at the moment. Her parents had wanted her to handle whatever came next alone, she had already been so protected and her parents knew that. They wanted her out and for that she was equal parts annoyed and grateful. At least she could grow but at the expense of being exploited. And this place, this time was the best moment in history that she could ever be used. It was just her luck.

“Niklaus Tepes, pleased to meet you both. Could I get you anything to drink? I would most love to hear the tales that brought you here today.” Irene was knocked out of her thoughts by the smooth sounding voice from the lips of Niklaus and she quickly stroked a piece of hair from her face all the while giving him another one of her trademark happy smiles.
"I'm pleased to meet you as well, Niklaus. You don't have to get me anything. My drink is just on my table over there." Irene moved with vampire speed towards the table that she'd been sitting at, picking up her champagne glass of iced water before she made her way back to the others, the water barely spilling a drop over the side of the crystal clear glass as she lifted it to her lips, tipping it slightly in his direction as a small sign of respect before she drew out another of her sweet smiles.
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