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@Crimson RavenSame logic can apply to you as well. 99,999,9999 berrie bounty? Zoro's bounty after the time skip is 120,000,0000. Your character is on the same level as a supernova from canon? Probably not. Boa Hancock, a shichibukai, had a bounty of 80,000,0000. Even though it has been frozen, I doubt your character has a higher bounty than a current Shichibukai back in her rookie days. Also, I don't think anyone has that fruit in the story currently? Enel was the last person to have it and he died if I remembered correctly. While we're still on the topic of devil fruits, mythical zoans were said to be even more rare than logias. Your fruit is the epitome of a mythical zoan. There has been exactly two ancient zoan to surface in the entire canon so far. 1st division commander for Whitebeard, Marco, and Snegoku of the Marine.

However, I will leave all of this to the GM/Co-GM's discretion. As of right now, my CS will stand.

@McHaggis*Raises hand*

Name: Robert Delaware


Blue/Sea: East Blue

Crew/Base: -

Bounty/Rank: -

Age: 18


Personality: Although he appears to be reserved and calculating, he is quite the opposite. He generally has no care for the well-being of others outside of his crew, preferring to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. A true pirate's pirate. He does have a sense of humor, but he prefers to play the jokes, and not receive them.

Devil Fruit (if any): Bashi Bashi no Mi (Zap Zap Fruit). Taking the same logic of mera mera and magu magu, this fruit is the 'lesser' version of Enel's Goro Goro no Mi.

Skills & Talent: Expert swordsman. Adept at other simple weaponry. Above average cook.

Weapons (if any): A pair of katanas

Transportation: A simple boat, not meant for many as he is searching for a crew or people to form a crew with.

Dream/Goal: Become the best swordsman in the world, surpassing Mihawk.

Origins: Born into a merchant family in the East Blue, Robert grew up well educated and well fed. He never worried about his next meal. This carried on while the family was well enough off. However, as time passed and business declined due to an outward migration, his family's stores fell with it. Within a few years, he was sent off to a boarding school with what his family can spare and he never heard from them again.

Upon arrival, he knew that this was not the same crowd he grew up with. These kids were essentially street thugs. He has never had to fend for himself, until now. After the first few months where he got involved in nearly every fight that broke out. He had earned a reputation. He had a small group of kids following him, with him at the top as "Baron" Delaware. Although not the most infamous in the school, he was quickly asserting himself as such. Using his childhood training in swordsmanship, he quickly discovered that he has a natural talent with the sword. Now his preferred weapon, he carries two with him wherever he goes.

By age eighteen when he 'finished' school, his crew was the most infamous. The teachers, the disciplinarians, the students most of all, were all keeping their distance from them. For the most part, his crew is well-behaved. However, when things get out of hand, there isn't very many people that can stop them. On his graduation trip into the forest, Robert found a strange fruit. No one he knew had a clue as to what it was. Being the hotheaded teenage boy he was, he was urged on to eat it by his friends. Never backing down from a challenge, he took one bite and his life changed forever...

He did not remember what happened after he bit into the fruit. When he woke up, his friends had scattered and there were char makes all around him. To him, they look like marks that have been made with thunder. Approaching the nearby lake to wake himself up, he reached his hand into the standing water and nearly fainted instantly. Tumbling backwards, he gathered himself and tried again. Same effect. He then started remembering a whisper he heard through the grapevine. There are these mysterious fruits in the world that, once eaten, grants the consumer strange powers. However, the sea will forever reject them and if they come into contact with standing water, they become like hammers... One more thing of note he heard about these fruits is that they taste absolutely horrible. The taste of the fruit he bit into is something he will never forget. It tasted like...electricity, if such a thing was possible...

Scrapping up whatever berrie he can find and using a bit of coercion, he got himself a small boat, meant for a crew of no more than five, and set sail. His purpose is solely to find out what actually happened to him, and his friends, for now...
Such nonsense, Kyoichi thought. How did this monk receive two of his attack, one at an close range, and remain unscathed? "However, your fire does not burn hot enough." The monk said as he launched himself forward, kicking off his back foot.From what Kyoichi could see, the monk held his staff in front of him with his right hand. Anticipating a forward thrust, Kyoichi stepped to his right and thus the monk's left to put some distance between the two of them horizontally. However, as he was about to react and swing his mace, he was essentially bashed on the right side of his head with a staff swing coming from the same direction. Quickly after the swing, the staff had moved to Kyoichi's left. With his momentum shifted because of the previous attack, Kyoichi could not defend himself and thus was sent tumbling into the ground by a low sweeping swing of the monk's staff. The movement that had just taken place was like a dance, much too fast and far too intricate for Kyoichi to fully observe.

"Flow like water. One must flow like water to temper the flames..." The monk said, cryptically.

Still not quite grasping the situation, Kyoichi rolled backwards and gathered himself, putting himself out of the monk's range completely. He did pick up one thing from the previous exchange, however. His mace, even though he has more or less mastered it, was still far too heavy. If the monk is that fast, he needs to at least give himself a chance to react. Thus, he sheathed his sword and redrew it. This time, in the sealed state. "Come, this battle is not yet over." Kyoichi said, his reiatsu now flowing freely.

With the slightest grin, the monk approached. Holding his staff in the left hand, the monk seemingly tried another low sweep with it as soon as he got within striking distance of Kyoichi. Not falling for it, Kyoichi jumped upwards and backwards, attempting to add distance between the two of them. However, before he reached maximum height from his jump, the staff swung down hard from above him, now held in the monk's right hand, onto Kyoichi's left shoulder, causing his entire body to tremble from the force.

"Child, you heard but was not listening... Flow like water."

Kyoichi looked at the monk, bewildered. What did he mean by flow like water....?
The monk peered at the young man in front of him. Unfazed, it seemed as if the monk knew all along that this day would come. Without another word, the monk entered his stance, asking Kyoichi to attack first. Through his training, he had come to the conclusion that the one that attack first must strike hard lest they put themselves in a disadvantage. Steadying his breathe, Kyoichi dashed forward towards the monk.

Raising his staff slightly, the monk stopped his footwork and braced for the incoming attack. While dashing, Kyoichi held his sword with both hands and to his right. Upon reaching striking distance, he swung his sword upwards at an diagonal. Using his staff, the monk received the strike and was pushed back slightly. Flicking his wrist, the monk parried the strike and stopped Kyoichi's movement. Using the momentum from the wrist flick, the monk swung the staff down a little bit more and when the staff is perpendicular to Kyoichi, he thrusts it forward with his left hand. Using his sword, Kyoichi pushed the staff to his left and evade the thrust. When the staff is fully extended, the monk lifted it quickly and swung it down just as fast. Turning his sword upwards about 45 degrees, Kyoichi received the overhead strike. When the strike has stopped, Kyoichi dropped his sword and took a step to his right while pivoting his body so his right shoulder is pointed towards the monk. While he turned, Kyoichi swung his sword, held a a parallel to the ground, towards the upper body of the monk. Unable to move his staff in time, the monk tucked his left arm towards his body and received the strike from the sheathed sword.

The monk and Kyoichi disengaged after that first exchange. Steadying their breathes, the monk said "Not bad, your forefathers has trained you well..." The reiatsu ripples are even more visible now. "Now that the warm up is over, please release your shikai." The monk continued. "Without it, you will not last the next exchange." Stretching slightly, the monk let the upper portion of his clothing fall from his shoulders. As it fell, it revealed that he had a dragon tattooed to his chest. Even though it was in black ink, it seemed like the dragon was glowing gold. "Now, speak the words the show me the shikai you earned."

".........Bring to life the essence of the Living Flame! The Furnace." Kyoichi said as his bluish reiatsu rippled and flowed into his sword. "I'm ending this quickly..." He said as the golden mace that is his shikai appeared in his hands. "A fire type...Interesting..." The monk replied. He said it with such confidence it seemed as if he has known that sword for ages. "The name..It's got a nice ring to it..." Before the monk fully finished his sentence, Kyoichi had shunpo'ed from where he stood to behind the monk. He moved so close to the monk that when he executed Vicious Strikes, both hits connected and thus he fired a burning orb after the second hit. Thinking that the monk has to have taken some damage, Kyoichi took a few steps back and observed as the smoke from his attacks cleared...

"Nice, heavy swings...Nice fire orb as well..." The monk said as the smoke slowly cleared. "A kobu of reiatsu, fired at close range...good design..." The monk continued as he appeared from the smoke, completely unscathed...
@AbigailTenshiProfessional office with that proverbial casting couch
You're damn right I run the street corners.
@AbigailTenshiWorking...at a specific street corner?
As he paced about in the temple room, another monk appeared. He was sweeping off in the corner as well. At first glance, Kyoichi paid him no mind. He walked a few more steps and took another curious glance at the monk. Just then, he noticed it. The silent monk was an exact replica of the one he had greeted not ten minutes ago.

Turning his head slightly, he kept his own silence. Walking over to the alter, he clasped his hands together to offer prayer and respect to the patron deity of the temple. As he looked up, he noticed that the patron deity was Guhyapada. How did he not notice the massive statue when he stepped into the temple was beyond him.

"Child, your quest is dangerous. It is foolish. Turn back and live, or proceed and die." A voice that resonated through the hall said. At first, Kyoichi peered over to the monk. To his surprise, the monk had disappeared once again. Now, the room was filled with the light fragrance of lotus flowers and other incense. Taking his backpack off and setting it on the ground next to the alter table, he took a few steps back and stood in the middle of the floor. "I mean the great Guhyapada no disrespect. However, my quest is to lead me to the man that cut down my superior in cold blood. I must succeed. Therefore if a god is to stand in my way, I must cut him down..."

As soon as he finished his words, he looked up to the Guhyapada statue and noticed that while its expression has not changed, there was a visible ripple that seemed like reiatsu to him that was emanating from it. Taking in a deep breath, he unsashed his sword while keeping it sheathed and prepared for battle.

"Then, child, you must go through me."
The monk from before emerged from the left side of the statue. Instead of a broom, he is not carrying a wooden staff that had a golden tinge to it. "Then lets get it on the way." Kyoichi said as he bowed slightly to the monk as a sign of respect. His reiatus rippled from his back as well. For someone standing on the outside looking in, it would seem as if Asura was about to do battle with Deva...

The first of many battles he must undertake is about to begin...
@AbigailTenshiI'm going to...lol.
No one is looking to play that character?
Name: The Nameless monk


Actual unknown, appears to be in his late 20s. early 30s

Gender: Male

Height: Approximately 6'0" However, is constantly hunched over from sweeping.

Retired Shinigami


Spiritual Energy Colour: Clear with blue outlines

Power Level: Captain level

Fights using all available hakuda techniques to near-master levels. Also can use a staff.
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